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Easy Multiboxing with new launcher

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-05-22 05:45:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Clansworth
I've created a batch file that allows the new launcher's verification/updating mechanism to work smoothly in a multi-client setup.

First, to make your multiple install locations (one location for each client you want to run):

  1. command prompt (press START-R, type in cmd and press enter)

  2. navigate to your CCP folder ( cd "\Program Files (x86)\CCP )

  3. create the junction: mklink /J EVE2 EVE

  4. create more junctions as necessary: mklink /J EVE3 EVE; mklink /J EVE4 EVE; etc. (the folders MUST start with "EVE")

  5. create the batch file: notepad Launch_Eve.bat (alternatively, you can download and extract the following file from

  6. copy and paste the following (between the lines) into notepad and close it, saving of course.

@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=1" %%a IN ( 'WMIC PROCESS get ^| find /c "exefile.exe"' ) DO (
if %%a==2 (
echo No instances currently running, starting Launcher to verify installation. Once verified, close launcher to continue...
start /WAIT "" "%~dp0EVE\Launcher\Launcher.exe"
echo Checking for Running Processes...
FOR /F "TOKENS=*" %%c IN ('DIR/A:D/B %~dp0EVE*') DO (
SET EveCommand="%~dp0%%c\bin\exefile.exe"
CALL :SUB_Launch_If_Closed


echo Checking if %EveCommand% is running...
FOR /F "delims=" %%a IN ( 'WMIC PROCESS get CommandLine ^| find /c %EveCommand%' ) DO (
IF %%a==2 (
echo Starting %EveCommand%.
START "" %EveCommand%
) ELSE (
echo %EveCommand% already running.


Then, you can make a shortcut to the Launch_EVE.bat file. when run, it will first run launcher to validate the install. Once Launcher has done any updating it feels necessary, you can simply close it, and the batch will carry on by launching a copy of the eve client for each path you created (including the original). Each client will have it's own configuration folder in %AppData%../Local/CCP/EVE, so each can be configured individually - including remembering window position, and last login name. If a client is closed, you can relaunch the batch file, and it will only re-run the clients that are not already running.

NOTE: Launcher, to prevent potential problems, will only be run if there are no client instances currently running.

Of course, if you find this useful for making your billions of isk multiboxing away, donations are always accepted to this character...

EDIT: 5/22/2013 - v1.1 fixed spaces in path problem in code and download.
Alexila Quant
Versatility Production Corporation' LLC
#2 - 2013-05-22 06:21:58 UTC
I'll bump this even though I have no idea what I'm looking at. It looks fancy so yeah. (I'm easy)
Lara Dantreb
Reisende des Schwarzschild Grenze
#3 - 2013-05-22 07:55:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Lara Dantreb
This makes me remind about config.sys and autoexec.bat under MSDOS 6.22... (+ batches + emm386 etc etc)

It wasn't easy to make a game run. it seems it's still not easy nowadays Lol

---   Buying T2 ship bpos since 2005  ---

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2013-05-22 08:02:54 UTC
Lara Dantreb wrote:
This makes me remind about config.sys and autoexec.bat under MSDOS 6.22... (+ batches + emm386 etc etc)

It wasn't easy to make a game run. it seems it's still not easy nowadays Lol

this does nothing you can't do by hand - but that's what scripting is for - automating tasks to make them simpler. Just because batch files are archaic and crude, doesn't mean they aren't the perfect fit for this particular task.

that - and they work without any 3rd party programs...
Thomas Logit
#5 - 2013-05-22 08:09:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Thomas Logit
this is nice and should be integrated into the launcher. set it up where we select how many installs we want and the launcher creates and launches (gasp)them as needed.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-05-22 08:19:33 UTC
Thomas Logit wrote:
this is nice and should be integrated into the launcher. set it up where we select how many installs we want and the launcher creates and launches (gasp)them as needed.

I was actually thinking of adding a menu of sorts to this batch file to allow creation of the junction points as well - but figured that's not all that important, since it really only needs to be done once.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2013-05-22 09:44:21 UTC
Hiya and a big thanks for helping out fixing a way around CCP's new terri- & horribad launcher.

Im getting a few execution error when trying this.

I've tried placing the .bat in a few different locations. In the \Program Files (x86)\CCP, in the \Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE folder and just for the heck of it on the desktop.
Desktop does not work (of course) and the other two locations gives me this;

C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP>Launch_EVE.bat
\CCP\EVE\Launcher\Launcher.exe was unexpected at this time.

C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE>Launch_EVE.bat
\CCP\EVE\EVE\Launcher\Launcher.exe was unexpected at this time.

I've tried creating the file using doing a c&p and I've tried downloading the file.

What am I doing wrong? :)

Bring EVE into the 21st century, add some basic chat features IRC-clients have had since the beginning of the 1990's. Get proper chat hilighting into EVE!

Airto TLA
Acorn's Wonder Bars
#8 - 2013-05-22 13:33:24 UTC
I would like to say that this new log in method is awful and who ever designed it should be fired, because:

The old one worked, so any effort doing this was wasted.

The new one does not work consistently and waste my time so it is making me close my two accounts.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#9 - 2013-05-22 13:35:15 UTC
Lara Dantreb wrote:
This makes me remind about config.sys and autoexec.bat under MSDOS 6.22... (+ batches + emm386 etc etc)

It wasn't easy to make a game run. it seems it's still not easy nowadays Lol

Nothing like 21th century newest tecnology used bed, to make 1980 technology look good!

At least, in the '80s, stuff worked!
Rordan D'Kherr
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2013-05-22 13:54:22 UTC
10 CLS
20 PRINT "Hello, OP"
30 PRINT "I have no idea what you did there."
40 PRINT "Anyways..."
50 CLS
70 END
90 PRINT "+1"

Don't be scared, because being afk is not a crime.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2013-05-22 13:57:27 UTC  |  Edited by: radix29
By creating NTFS junctions isn't that messing some cache/whatever files EVE is creating runtime?

Is EVE creating files run-time?

Otherwise is nice as it is saving space/update time having the files saved just once.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#12 - 2013-05-22 14:26:32 UTC
radix29 wrote:
By creating NTFS junctions isn't that messing some cache/whatever files EVE is creating runtime?

Is EVE creating files run-time?

Otherwise is nice as it is saving space/update time having the files saved just once.

eve does not create any runtime files in the program install location (as good programs should not). Instead, any runtime info (config settings, cache, etc) is stored in the user's appdata/local folder, and the junctions help to make sure that each instance uses a different settings/cache folder.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-05-22 14:28:49 UTC
Bumse wrote:
Hiya and a big thanks for helping out fixing a way around CCP's new terri- & horribad launcher.

Im getting a few execution error when trying this.

I've tried placing the .bat in a few different locations. In the \Program Files (x86)\CCP, in the \Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE folder and just for the heck of it on the desktop.
Desktop does not work (of course) and the other two locations gives me this;

C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP>Launch_EVE.bat
\CCP\EVE\Launcher\Launcher.exe was unexpected at this time.

C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE>Launch_EVE.bat
\CCP\EVE\EVE\Launcher\Launcher.exe was unexpected at this time.

I've tried creating the file using doing a c&p and I've tried downloading the file.

What am I doing wrong? :)

I'll try to look at this this-evening. If i had to guess, it's due to me not properly handling spaces in a path somewhere (my install location doesn't have any, and I forgot to test for that case in my hazy late-night work).
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#14 - 2013-05-23 03:04:03 UTC
Yep, as I thought, I had a problem running the launcher with spaced in the path. Changing the following line:

start /WAIT %~dp0EVE\Launcher\Launcher.exe


start /WAIT "" "%~dp0EVE\Launcher\Launcher.exe"

will fix it for you (and probably most everyone who installs in the default location - which I did not)
#15 - 2013-05-23 03:12:10 UTC
Clansworth - Not that I need to use your script .. but its exceptional when someone points out a problem and then solves it as well.

Bravo Clansworth, bravo.

CCP ... take notice
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#16 - 2013-05-23 03:27:36 UTC
Hallvardr wrote:
Clansworth - Not that I need to use your script .. but its exceptional when someone points out a problem and then solves it as well.

Bravo Clansworth, bravo.

CCP ... take notice

I've actually used a batch file for launching exefile for quite some time. It wasn't so much the new launcher that made me want to improve it, but the fact that previously i wasn't using the launcher (which meant a few more manual steps on patch days). I then figured out that if i wanted to switch characters on a single account, the batch wouldn't work for relaunching just that client - so that prompted more improvement. The launchgate raging did prompt me to clean it up and share it though...
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2013-05-23 03:48:39 UTC
Neat little script. This is not a negative but I do think there are still benefits to putting an install on a different set of spindles. But its been so long since I have played and hard drives have improved so much perhaps its not that important.

But your effort does bring to light a sorely lacking feature that CCP has neglected for so long. But hey they don't really want to make it easy to multibox because you might spend more cash. Just sayin... Big smile
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2013-05-23 05:11:59 UTC
Freakdevil wrote:
Neat little script. This is not a negative but I do think there are still benefits to putting an install on a different set of spindles. But its been so long since I have played and hard drives have improved so much perhaps its not that important.

But your effort does bring to light a sorely lacking feature that CCP has neglected for so long. But hey they don't really want to make it easy to multibox because you might spend more cash. Just sayin... Big smile

I can see absolutely no reason why accessing the exact same files from different drives would be better than accessing the exact same files from the same drive - especially in vista or later with it's much improved caching.
Thomas Logit
#19 - 2013-05-25 04:54:47 UTC
Clansworth wrote:
Thomas Logit wrote:
this is nice and should be integrated into the launcher. set it up where we select how many installs we want and the launcher creates and launches (gasp)them as needed.

I was actually thinking of adding a menu of sorts to this batch file to allow creation of the junction points as well - but figured that's not all that important, since it really only needs to be done once.

yep. I myself just changed the part where it looked for exefile to the steam links I have so I can get that chat overlay as well.
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#20 - 2013-05-25 06:56:47 UTC
Nice, thanks for sharing. Hey, CCP - better patch this out quick. It's far too easy.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

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