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API checker - Simple tool to do background checks. (No longer simple!)

Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#121 - 2013-05-03 19:53:12 UTC
New version, yay!
From the changelog:
- Added transactions. (as in market transactions)
- Added transaction filtering:
+ Search for anything in the station-, type or username. (buyer and seller)
+ Search for dates. (numerical representation only, or parts thereof)
+ Search for personal or corporation orders. ("personal" or "corporation" respectively)
+ Search for buy or sell orders. ("buy" or "sell" respectively)
- Changed the ListView control to make it more useful and consistent.
- Some minor textual changes.
- Fixed a pretty major bug where a contact with only one transaction wouldn't display, or transactions would go missing. They'll now stay nicely.

Download here.

Next up: Swapping everything to the zKillboard API and asset listing.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#122 - 2013-05-08 06:59:50 UTC
look like i have some problems whit gettings the mailing list doing the API checks. allmost every api i check i get a failure on the mail list and also the wallet journal is empty. have any ide what the problem can be ?

- Camly
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#123 - 2013-05-08 08:43:49 UTC
API server is a bit b0rked atm. (see here)
It seems to be better during the quiet hours, but that's about the only thing you can try right now.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#124 - 2013-05-10 20:18:25 UTC
Aaaand another update!
- Added assets. The new treeview will list any and all assets available through the API.
For solarsystems and stations it will try to calculate the total of all assets in that location.
- Added prices to the database. They will now update from Eve-Central at the interval specified in the settings window. (default 7 days)
- Changed the killmail provider from Eve-Kill to zKillboard. API is a little bit better, but responsetime is a lot worse, so expect to wait a little bit longer.
- Killboard crawling has been re-enabled. It was previously disabled because the Eve-Kill API couldn't do it, but zKillboard can.

Download here.
Note that the filesize has been dramatically increased (from 3 to 50mb) due to the asset listing. (images are big, m'kay?)
The Patriots
#125 - 2013-05-15 22:52:06 UTC
I demand that you have my babies this very instant.

This program saves me a ton of time. A TON of time. The next time I'm on I'll have to send you some iskies.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#126 - 2013-05-16 06:35:11 UTC
This program just keeps getting better and better. Good job, you have my gratitude!


Aldarr Mentakk
Pandemic Horde
#127 - 2013-05-19 23:21:24 UTC
Support. Awesome tool.
Arora Firesight
Twilight Imperial Trading Company
#128 - 2013-06-09 21:16:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Arora Firesight
*A wild dyslexic Arora appears!*

Just came up with 3 idea's that might or might not be possible...

1) Insta one click paste override... basically instead of having to right click paste all the time for the 2 fields you need to enter the information, how about it detects the ID and the code (separately of course, you would have to me a supercoder to get it to identify both at the same time) and one left click pastes the correct code in the right box... if it detects say you're pasting the ID in the code section is will give you an error tool tip or something and vice versa... and will automatically replace new paste entries over the old ones so you don't end up pasting over the end of one code or another.

2) Allow the program to log you in with your own API that can see your inbox and identify an API in your mailbox so you can then click it and check it.

3, but part of 2) as part of the log in thing, to help defend you from getting hacked by a major alliance, the log can have passworded API logins that encrypt your API cashe, so, when you run the proggy it asks for your ID, Code and user set password... this would also be good for when more than one eve user uses the same PC as you can separate API cashe's to different user accounts

If your looking for a bad ass, then look at my sister... Dex is the one with the leathers, beating up thugs in bar's... I'm the one who deals with her bail out forms! big sisters suck!

Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#129 - 2013-06-10 19:04:53 UTC
Arora Firesight wrote:
2) Allow the program to log you in with your own API that can see your inbox and identify an API in your mailbox so you can then click it and check it.

Theoretically quite possible, but there's so many variations in the way people send this stuff over...
I suppose I could add some common possibilities.

Arora Firesight wrote:
3, but part of 2) as part of the log in thing, to help defend you from getting hacked by a major alliance, the log can have passworded API logins that encrypt your API cashe, so, when you run the proggy it asks for your ID, Code and user set password... this would also be good for when more than one eve user uses the same PC as you can separate API cashe's to different user accounts

Well, the project file should be on your own computer, so it getting stolen isn't that big of a chance.
Same kinda goes for the second part; you could just put it in the documents folder of a specific user, thereby protecting it from other users.
I think adding another layer of stuff to do before you get to the useful part wouldn't do the whole process well.
Northern Coalition.
#130 - 2013-06-13 12:25:17 UTC
Love your tool mate best tool I ever had never stop making it better
Psicose Sexithiophene
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#131 - 2013-06-20 00:44:53 UTC
More isk thrown your way... thanks for the work on this program!
Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#132 - 2013-06-20 23:08:04 UTC
I tried running this on a fresh Win XP install with .Net installed (1.1, 3.5, 4.0).

I'm still getting a "API checker v2.exe is not a valid Win32 application." error message.

I can use it on Server 2008 Enterprise SP2 x32 install, but not WinXP SP3.

Any fix for this with the newer version?
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#133 - 2013-06-21 23:32:42 UTC
I believe that's because it's compiled as a 64-bit application.
I'll recompile one for 32-bit tomorrow, as it's way too late right now.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#134 - 2013-06-23 15:01:33 UTC  |  Edited by: ItsmeHcK1
Late recompile is late.
Figured I might as well do it right and release some new features:
- Updated the database to match the current Eve release.
- Tweaked the awox scan; you can now choose to ignore pods.
- Modified the log window a little bit.
- Added API key mass import. You can import from text files or simply a big list of stuffs.
+ Every key/vCode pair needs to be on a new line.
+ Possible splitters are:
> Any form of non-newline whitespace.
> A comma. (,)
> A colon (:) or semicolon. (;)
> A forward (/) or backward (\) slash.

Version 2.60 is available for download here.
32-bit version available here.
Images available here. (Be sure to download this!)

As of this release I'm splitting the archive up in two parts;
One with the actual software, (DLL's, Exe, etc.) and one with images.
As long as there are no changes in types in Eve, you won't need to download the images archive.
As it turns out, there were changes, so don't forget to download the new images!

@Lisara: Please let me know if the 32-bit version works.
Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#135 - 2013-06-23 23:28:20 UTC
ItsmeHcK1 wrote:
Late recompile is late.
Figured I might as well do it right and release some new features:


@Lisara: Please let me know if the 32-bit version works.

Used both the 64-bit compile and the 32-bit compile on the WinXP installation, neither worked.

Again, it runs just fine on my 32-BIT INSTALLATION of Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, but not on a fresh, fully-updated copy of Windows XP.
Dessa Bevari
#136 - 2013-06-24 21:10:16 UTC
yeah, current version crashes when clicking on "run api check".
the window opens but no images are loaded (the image not found "image" is displayed).
when moving the images folder out of the way it even crashes before opening the api check window for a char (which is probably expected, but im not sure if these two are related)
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#137 - 2013-06-24 22:52:58 UTC  |  Edited by: ItsmeHcK1
Lisara Khatam wrote:
Used both the 64-bit compile and the 32-bit compile on the WinXP installation, neither worked.

Again, it runs just fine on my 32-BIT INSTALLATION of Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, but not on a fresh, fully-updated copy of Windows XP.

Did some more research. Turns out VS2012 (which I am of course using) doesn't actually support WinXP binaries. How fun!
Appearantly an update added that feature, so I'm installing that right now. Let's see if that works out. vOv

Does this work?

Dessa Bevari wrote:
yeah, current version crashes when clicking on "run api check".
the window opens but no images are loaded (the image not found "image" is displayed).

It just opens and does nothing? Or does it actually crash? (If so, please copy the error log, you can find that by clicking on 'More information' when it crashes.)

Dessa Bevari wrote:
when moving the images folder out of the way it even crashes before opening the api check window for a char (which is probably expected, but im not sure if these two are related)

Honestly, I haven't even tested where it fails, but yes, it will fail without the images.
Dessa Bevari
#138 - 2013-06-24 23:59:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Dessa Bevari
oh damn you heisenbugs, now it doesn't crash anymore (and i wasn't able to find a log in the first place)

edit: actually, i stand corrected, i have made it crash, i lack debugging skills unfortunately (windbg is still a mystery for me :P)
i have however ninja'd the files from WER, i'll send you a link for it with mail, maybe it helps.
Lisara Khatam
Gallente Federation
#139 - 2013-06-25 14:14:19 UTC
Now we've narrowed it down.

Since this is a fresh install of Windows XP, VS Redistributable hasn't been installed. That might be the core of the problem. I will give it a try after Installing the VS Framework tonight and give you an update.

Server 2008 could support it as I also run a L4D2 server from the box and hldsupdater requires the VS redist to be installed for it to work properly.

For future reference, maybe include the requirements for new downloaders? Or maybe create an installer?
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#140 - 2013-06-25 18:30:36 UTC  |  Edited by: ItsmeHcK1
Lisara Khatam wrote:
For future reference, maybe include the requirements for new downloaders? Or maybe create an installer?

In my defense, as far as I was aware you only needed .Net. Cry
The last version for x86 should work anyway. (Heck, the normal version might work, it doesn't actually use anything that requires 64-bit.)