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Not Missing - Changed - ABORT UNDOCK

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Stellar Production
#21 - 2013-05-16 14:51:17 UTC
Agreed, place the undock button back on the bottom of the neocom BUT keep the cool animation and abort/undock label. The entire scale of it will be reduced and manageable.
Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#22 - 2013-05-16 15:28:57 UTC
And what is that noise? Can i please turn it off? Or can it atleast be something even remotely related to ships or undocking?

Also, even after aborting it continues to play itself out....

Did any of you actually test this, or was it just put in and 'lets see how it goes'?    < Unified Inventory is NOT ready...

Nam Dnilb
Universal Frog
#23 - 2013-05-16 19:19:22 UTC
Button is too large, some of us do merge items and ships into the station services.
Interbus Universal
#24 - 2013-05-16 20:28:14 UTC
I don't mind the size of the button, but I'd like to have a smaller version of it back in my side panel.

More importantly, my client crashed every time I click the undock button Shocked I filed a bug report about it. Right-clicking my ship and click undock works, for which I am glad. Didn't even know you could undock that way until now...


Exploration Frontier inc
#25 - 2013-05-16 23:14:39 UTC
Why not keeping the button at its old place AND at the new one. Nothing wrong to have two of them, no ?

Signature Tanking Best Tanking

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Talleria Lange
Pheonix Light Industries
#26 - 2013-05-17 02:13:03 UTC
I hanvent used the undock button in years. Nither have I doen the right click to undock. I have set up a KB shortcut that is fast and simple to use. CCP did a nice job coding so that the KB shortcut also works as the abort, so this change wont affect me all that much. Just wish they would put the undock button back were it was. The new location and size is intrusive as i am one of them oldtimers that still merges the ships and items
#27 - 2013-05-17 10:51:17 UTC
Nam Dnilb wrote:
Button is too large, some of us do merge items and ships into the station services.

This ^

Give us the ability to resize it, move it, make it smaller - anything! Currently its just to big!
Maniacal Miners INC
The Legends In The Game
#28 - 2013-05-17 12:54:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Droidyk
Panhead4411 wrote:
And what is that noise? Can i please turn it off? Or can it atleast be something even remotely related to ships or undocking?

Also, even after aborting it continues to play itself out....

Did any of you actually test this, or was it just put in and 'lets see how it goes'?

Actually those sounds means that your ship is being started and all systems preparing for undock.
I want it to play even if you abort it, cause those sounds are awesome and immersive and still wanna listen to them when I still dont want to undock. Please CCP just let it like its now, would be weird to have those sounds go down when abort.. now it sounds realistic.

Now something totally different is the huge undocking button which doesent look good when its that big, would be better to leave it on the bottom of the neocom, smaller allways better.

Again undocking sounds are awesome, I like how they are different for every station depending on race.
Chloe Celeste
Net Effect
#29 - 2013-05-17 20:21:12 UTC
I understand everything on SiSi is not necessarly in final form and things could change but I just wanted to express another, somewhat minor, concern of mine. However, I would like to give my feedback and express my thoughts about the Undock Button, where it should be located at, and how it should look like.

The undock button has been moved over to the left and made incredibly huge with no sign of being able to adjust the size unless you adjust the entire UI display through scaling. Even though I do consider this a minor irratation it does not change the fact that I dislike the undock button as it is now on SiSi because it is so huge, takes up too much room, is not meaningful in any way, and, it makes the look of the station environment look tacky and cheesy.

I think it would have been better to leave the button at the bottom of the neocom and educate people that if you clicked on the undock button, as it was on the neocom on SiSi, then if you click it again it aborts the undock. Also, while in the undocking process the button text would change to something like Abort Undock. The text at the bottom center of the screen also stated the ship was about to undock which frankly I like better than the undock progress bar, as it is now in TQ. In my opinion there was no need to venture from this modified undock button on the neocom to the extremly and ridicously large undock button on the station services right side window that changes colors when undocking. I much rather have that room for Guests, Station Services, and Station Corp Hanger Buttons.

Basically, what I would like is to have the finished undock button back on the bottom of the neocom bar like it previously was on SiSi a few days ago or in it's current state on TQ with the progress bar. I strongly believe the majority of people would be happy with one of theese implementations over taking up so much space on the Station Services right side window. At the very least if there is a good reason/explanation why it was moved from the neocom to the right side window then at least make it smaller so it looks cooler and doesn't take up 10% of the total window. I'd like to hear what people have to say about the current size and appearance of the undock button as it is now on SiSi effective on 5/16/13 because I just don't see why it should so ridicously huge and silly looking.

Chloe Celeste
Net Effect
#30 - 2013-05-17 20:23:43 UTC
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
Not removed. Moved. Click the "Undock" button a second time.

Also, if you were to use a keystroke to undock then if you hit that keystroke a second time while undocking it will immediatly abort the undocking process. I thought that was very efficient and streamlined.
Chloe Celeste
Net Effect
#31 - 2013-05-17 20:27:10 UTC
Talleria Lange wrote:
I hanvent used the undock button in years. Nither have I doen the right click to undock. I have set up a KB shortcut that is fast and simple to use. CCP did a nice job coding so that the KB shortcut also works as the abort, so this change wont affect me all that much. Just wish they would put the undock button back were it was. The new location and size is intrusive as i am one of them oldtimers that still merges the ships and items

Agreed.......100% !
Logan LaMort
Screaming Hayabusa
#32 - 2013-05-17 22:53:58 UTC
Yeah I'd say the Undock button needs to be at 75% its current scale, as it is a little distracting with its current size.

I'm also thinking having the 'Captain's Quarters' button above it might not be the best placement, because if you accidentally click on that instead of undocking, well, some people will experience a delay and some people's computers may explode Smile

Have you ever considered making the 'Captain's Quarters' button its own icon like the station services buttons and the undock button? If it was similar to the undock button but with its own unique icon (exiting a pod), you could place it between the station decal panel at the top and the station services panel... far away from the undock button.
Mohr Cowbell
KarmaFleet University
#33 - 2013-05-17 23:56:07 UTC
Panhead4411 wrote:
please please tell us this currently MASSIVE UNDOCK button is *NOT* the finished state....oh dear for the love of all that is good, please!!!!

Can't seem to move it anywhere, and it is awful looking.

Just b/c you took away a useful interface, does not mean you need to 'fix' the replacement by making it worse...

I like it big.
Stellar Production
#34 - 2013-05-18 00:02:02 UTC
Matthew97 wrote:
Nam Dnilb wrote:
Button is too large, some of us do merge items and ships into the station services.

This ^

Give us the ability to resize it, move it, make it smaller - anything! Currently its just to big!

I always use my merge ships and items window into station services window so for me I am losing space to see items. I would like to see them make a smaller verson of it and key that into the options item in the esc menu. At present you can choose if you want large or small station services icons, if you choose large you should also get the larger undock button; however, if you choose small you get get a smaller version of it :)
Regan Rotineque
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2013-05-18 01:48:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Regan Rotineque
must try to post constructively.....

yes....must try......

umm CCP.....NO !

There was practically nothing wrong with what it did before - then it was replaced and sorta its a big flashy button with some sorta weird music (yes EvE has sound) ....

Please go back to the drawing board on this one.

If we don't have an undock animation ready, and I am ready to wait to get it right - please go back to the old way. It was oddly enough simply - easy to understand....did not have this big shiny red button to hit....

(drinks a beer)

yeah in this case beer did not make this any better

One other thing....if you have your inventory windows open across the bottom you do not see the messaging either.

Maniacal Miners INC
The Legends In The Game
#36 - 2013-05-18 13:32:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Droidyk
Regan Rotineque wrote:
must try to post constructively.....

yes....must try......

umm CCP.....NO !

There was practically nothing wrong with what it did before - then it was replaced and sorta its a big flashy button with some sorta weird music (yes EvE has sound) ....

Please go back to the drawing board on this one.

If we don't have an undock animation ready, and I am ready to wait to get it right - please go back to the old way. It was oddly enough simply - easy to understand....did not have this big shiny red button to hit....

(drinks a beer)

yeah in this case beer did not make this any better

One other thing....if you have your inventory windows open across the bottom you do not see the messaging either.


Weird music? Listen closely you ll hear the sounds of ship being started.. Btw it sometimes seems to me that some people actually dont realise that they are playing a sci-fi game, its not just about texts and information its also about athmosphere, art and realism of this awesome universe we are playing in.
Lost Hamster
Hamster Holding Corp
#37 - 2013-05-18 18:34:24 UTC
It's big, it's on the wrong side, and it takes significant space away from my ship and item window. Along with the Captain Quarter.
Some of us is merging items and ships into the station services.
Major Templar
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#38 - 2013-05-18 21:49:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Templar
Me and a bunch of other pilots all agree CCP, the placement of the Undock button is horrible. If you use the Merge Items with Station panel then you have about an Inch of unusable space taken up by this giant ugly button. What's so wrong with the little neocom button? Not to mention the fact that it kept crashing people randomly while undocking from an NPC station. Come on CCP, don't add something worthless we didn't ask for and ignore the needed things we do.
Next Stage Initiative
#39 - 2013-05-18 21:54:05 UTC
I agree with making the icon reflect the abort option. I don't agree with moving it to the other side. At least give us the capability to choose where it's at.

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?

Gallente Federation
#40 - 2013-05-19 07:49:43 UTC  |  Edited by: bowlofmilk
This is the one change i like Big smile

i would prefer it to be in the old location but i like the button.

I do have a problem with it hiding who is docked in a station. Can you make it a bit smaller
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