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general trading and hauling tips

Extraction and Exploration Ltd.
#1 - 2013-05-13 21:30:42 UTC
Returning pilot here... I want to try something new this time and thought about getting a foot into trading because I want something relaxing and possibility to play something else while i haul **** from A to B.

In general, is it possible to make some amount of money by hauling **** with a freighter? If possible some low risk trips by transporting low value high volume pieces? Very generally, how much can I expect per trip with such items? 20, 50, 100 mil per run depending on stuff, prices and area?

How dangerous is it to haul AFK in general? When I made a break I was under the impression that you can be pretty safe in empire as long as you dont fuel your freighter with expensive stuff and dont take the most obvious routes. I probably will keep clear off Jita and haul stuff to some low populated areas.

Some hints and/or guides for trader beginners would be nice as well. I dont have a lot of money, I guess i can scrap together a billion to invest on the market but I want to start slowly and get a feel for it. I have begun training up trading skills and will play around with market orders as well, however I don't want to play 0.01 isk games. I rather have some lower but less tedious income. I guess I will mix it up with some PI and an exploration or mission run or two.

My goal is to get enough money to buy me a year worth of plex because I play kinda irregularly and can activate them whenever I feel like playing Eve. I am a total noob as far as trading is concerned and made my money via missions and exploration runs until now so I'd be glad for every tip you have.
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-05-13 22:28:41 UTC
if you want some profit while afk'ing you should be mining ... If you intend to transport good while afk , thats a bad idea , and also the second rule of EVE afaik ? "never fly afk"

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Extraction and Exploration Ltd.
#3 - 2013-05-13 22:56:33 UTC  |  Edited by: McRoll
Hm, do you fly a freighter manually then? Yeah I guess its a bad idea slowboating minutes to a gate. Are they commonly ganked even with low value goods inside?

As I have only one char and don't play that regularly, mining won't bring me any meaningless income at all.
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2013-05-14 07:17:58 UTC
well i think trading was missunderstood ... Hauling is one thing , like red frog , you move stuff and you get payed for moving it ... You wont get rich by moving once in a while something , trading needs plenty of time to study , learn markets , follow prices etc etc etc That needs time tho .

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

#5 - 2013-05-14 08:44:38 UTC
For hauling you'd be lucky to get work more than 1m per jump. Collateral will be very high for more lucrative courier contracts. Most of the courier work involves the major trade hubs, thus avoiding Jita will be difficult.

APing is a sure fire way to die. They'll gank you even with medium value cargo, if they are bored.

A successful trader may have 10 haulers working for him full time, but not vice versa. Hauling alone is most unlikely to help you achieve your goal.

Check the "Haulers Channel", and look at public courier contracts to get an idea.

Any colour you like.

Extraction and Exploration Ltd.
#6 - 2013-05-14 17:52:01 UTC
Hmm ok seems as if I was a couple of years too latefor thisBig smile

Ok then I guess I should do some research and make money with buy/sell orders in my chosen region and probably some long- term investments. I am aware that it will take time and that I won't get much money out of this but one has to start somehow. I can still complement my income via missionrunning and exploring so I am not solely dependant on trading, I just thought about making additional income that runs along that.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2013-05-14 20:48:56 UTC
Why not just join Red Frog?

Check out the site. In particular, check out the Annual Reports. You can do very well for yourself in the Frog and you can combine whatever other trading you want to. Simple.



Varius Xeral
#8 - 2013-05-14 22:53:13 UTC
Don't get high on your own supply.

Official Representative of The Nullsec Zealot Cabal

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-05-15 08:35:26 UTC
Hauling won't bring much money in until you get a JF and start doing null/low contracts

JF costs like 8bil btw :D
#10 - 2013-05-15 10:49:39 UTC
McRoll wrote:
I am aware that it will take time and that I won't get much money out of this but one has to start somehow.

No doubt. One has to start somewhere, and all starts are small. There is no shame (was want of a better word) in making that initial bundle any which way you can.

Zaxix wrote:
Why not just join Red Frog?

iirc Red Frog requires you to have 2 accounts to join, with some skills. If you fulfill their requirements, go ahead.

Tsukino Stareine wrote:

JF costs like 8bil btw :D

They're actually down to 6b now. I nearly bought one at 8 a couple of months ago, and am glad that I waited :)

Any colour you like.

Tristis Puella
Empty You
#11 - 2013-05-15 22:25:28 UTC
The "Haulers Channel" is a great place to start out with hauling if thats what you want to do. Granted, hauling wont net you as much as shooting red crosses in missions, but it is more relaxing for some. From what I've seen in there, contracts posted run around 500k -1.2mil for freighters per jump, with around the same rates for small m3 but high value cargo. Industrial sized hauls typically net around 150-250k/jump (at least from what ive seen). Like some mentioned above though, if your wanting to haul, your going to have to visit the major trade hubs such as Jita. Also, the higher the reward for the haul, the more collateral you will need to be able to put up to take the courier contract.