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EVE General Discussion

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So I was an idiot and started a duel (enjoy my sweet sweet tears)

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#141 - 2013-05-13 23:29:15 UTC
mechtech wrote:

I never realized that... as I'm sure many others didn't as well. I just figured the duel was over when a ship exploded.

And no confirmation? That's a definite oversight.

Not in a game like EVE.

It told you concord would not protect you and limited engagement rules applied.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#142 - 2013-05-13 23:46:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Destiny Corrupted
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
long post

So when is it time to actually "collect?" I mean, I've known people who played for three, four, even five years who never so much as targeted another human player with their ships.

Without having the proper experiences, you can't expect these players to graduate to a balanced form of play style at all. Most will simply continue doing the first few things they familiarized themselves with in their first few days in the game, or quit out of boredom. I can definitely say that I personally would've quit this piece of turd game if I didn't get eviscerated a couple of times during my first few days in it. Getting stomped gave me that motivation to become better; peacefully learning game mechanics one piece at a time would've never had the same effect.

Can you claim with any amount of objectivity that coddling new players would result in a greater player retention than throwing them to the wolves? I claim otherwise, because when the game was harsh in its first few years, it grew exponentially, and now that it's much safer, growth has effectively plateaued. Surely there must be more than a few hundred thousand people in the world who are interested in internet spaceships?

Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Please forgive me. I come from the days when noobs were not instaganked at every gate camp by people pretending ship-raep was PVP.

I've been here almost since the beginning and I can tell you for a fact that this has never been the case to begin with.

Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
It would be kind of cool if noobs had a dueling starter mission where they had to duel another player in order to finish it. That would even get them started on PVP.

This I completely agree with.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

#143 - 2013-05-13 23:58:19 UTC  |  Edited by: rswfire
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
long post

So when is it time to actually "collect?" I mean, I've known people who played for three, four, even five years who never so much as targeted another human player with their ships.

Without having the proper experiences, you can't expect these players to graduate to a balanced form of play style at all. Most will simply continue doing the first few things they familiarized themselves with in their first few days in the game, or quit out of boredom. I can definitely say that I personally would've quit this piece of turd game if I didn't get eviscerated a couple of times during my first few days in it. Getting stomped gave me that motivation to become better; peacefully learning game mechanics one piece at a time would've never had the same effect.

It is different for everyone, of course. I don't know with any degree of authority if it is true people stick to the first few things they learn. I can however speak from my own personal experiences and those of my corpmates though.

For myself, I quit Eve many, many, many years ago (different character) because I was killed and podded on my second day without any understanding of how or why. Not uncommon. Many would say that's the price you pay for playing EvE and if I was meant to be playing it, I wouldn't have quit as a result. I say "whatever" to those people. I quit because of that and because I found it very boring at the time. Came back at some point with this character and had a similar experience. I joined a corp that was at war, and upon undocking I was killed and podded. Apparently a wt had been camping the station people were applying at and podding anyone recruited into the corp. Again, not too uncommon.

Both experiences share something else in common: Poor initial experiences.

When I did return, I was hesitant to ever join another corp and eventually just created my own. I focused on new players exclusively because I wanted to give them a better experience than what I had. We were griefed quite substantively for the first three to six months of our history. Most stuck around and we grew closer as a result. In the six months of our existence, I've watched as people have grown their characters -- I've watched them go from the relative safety of highsec mining to ninja mining in lowsec. I've watched mission runners leave to join lowsec pirate corps. I've watched people stick around and change their focus to PvP to better defend us.

I think what keeps people playing are the people they play with and the experiences they have playing with others. So... I don't know when it's "time to collect" but hopefully most can agree that there should be a time "when not to." And the reason I say this and hold this opinion is because I care about Eve; it's unique, and people need time to acclimate themselves to this environment.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#144 - 2013-05-14 00:08:32 UTC
rswfire wrote:
So... I don't know when it's "time to collect" but hopefully most can agree that there should be a time "when not to."

And to an extent that's fine, but you have to remember than the grand majority of the pvp element in this game, including hardcore griefers, don't "collect" on day-old players anyway. It's purely a myth that the second a day-old character undocks from a station, he will be hounded by anyone with a gun within a thousand-light year radius. Sure, you might still get killed when you are young, but most likely because you put yourself in a situation where your killer was obligated to do so (there's such a thing as spies, et cetera). Really, most pvpers, and even griefers, derive no joy or profit from killing Velators, and don't seek to do so. The ones who do quickly get bored and move on to other things.

Maybe people should stop being such massive cowards in video games. I'm no tough guy, but when I got shanked on my second day in a low-sec system I decided to explore, my reaction was "I'll get you for that, you bastard!" I didn't pick up my bags and go play Solitaire. Can contemporary gamers simply not make the distinction between what happens in reality, and what happens inside a game? Can they not understand that getting shot in a game that advertises shooting as its main selling point is not the end of the world for them?

If the situation with perception of reality is that bad, why are we still making violent games at all? Wouldn't "receive-a-medal" simulators be more appropriate?

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

#145 - 2013-05-14 00:23:30 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

It's not a myth when backed up by practical experiences, and I've heard my story reiterated by so many others that I know there is nothing unique about my story at all. If you don't believe that, I'll simply assume you have rose colored glasses on. Yes, people can separate reality from a video game, though I sometimes wonder about the ones that derive so much enjoyment from "collecting tears." I generally consider them sociopaths. But I'll try not to digress...

People play video games as an escape from reality, as a general have fun, distract themselves, etc. People play MMOs to further add to the social element of their game play time. If they're trying to do something "carebearish" when they first start out, my general philosophy is "let them be." I'm not just referring to one-day-old characters. I think people like you have forgotten what it is like to be new. You start off with hardly anything, and to have it all taken from you after working so hard for it, well, that can cause you to lose enjoyment pretty quickly.

Yes, Eve is PvP-centric...but Eve is many other things too. Please stop denying this. It's not advertised as one thing or there would not be a section on that recommends so many different career paths for pilots to take. I'm not advocating that people should not PvP or have fun the way they want to. I'm simply saying that such actions have greater consequences here than in any other MMO. We, the players, are far more responsible for how this game unfolds than any other MMO that I'm aware of. Your post tells me you really don't know what you're talking about in relation to new players -- they are harassed, griefed, and bullied relentlessly.
Jayrendo Karr
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#146 - 2013-05-14 00:26:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayrendo Karr
You guys are going way to deep into this, it's just a confirmation box so if you for some reason click challenge to a duel by mistake, you can tell the game not to send it before it's ever sent. It's not like people would be able to withdraw a challenge they issued when they realize they are going to lose. People who don't want it can click the box and never see it again. It would be fine if there were no other boxes like that for market prices, or can stealing, lowsec jumps, etc. Yes ganking should be allowed, no i don't want to see it removed in any way shape or form.

There should be a trial by fire for eve, but having a confirmation box doesn't equate to a bucket of water being on standby.

It's more like entering a boxing ring. KO (podding) is still allowed, and fights can still happen outside the ring, but inside the ring there wont be police interference, and it's pretty difficult to accidentally start a boxing match.

The confirmation is essentially eve's version of a legal document. Once you hit yes, you sign away your right to contest the fight or it's results. It means you knew what you where doing and you did it anyways.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#147 - 2013-05-14 00:38:46 UTC
rswfire wrote:
People play video games as an escape from reality, as a general have fun, distract themselves, etc. People play MMOs to further add to the social element of their game play time. If they're trying to do something "carebearish" when they first start out, my general philosophy is "let them be." I'm not just referring to one-day-old characters. I think people like you have forgotten what it is like to be new. You start off with hardly anything, and to have it all taken from you after working so hard for it, well, that can cause you to lose enjoyment pretty quickly.

Then these people are weak-minded, and should probably avoid competitive video games altogether. There are plenty of other options available for them, such as...I don't know...Angry Birds? If you see an ad for a "cold, harsh universe" and then immediately think "well, this seems like something I could spend some time on with grandma and Junior," then you should probably stay away from car mechanics and wall sockets. I can't imagine someone willingly plugging in Battlefield 3 and then bitching about getting plonked the second they load a map because they simply wanted to enjoy the scenery. How is EVE any different? I don't remember this game being billed as a mining simulator, with violence being a developer oversight to be fixed in a patch some time down the road.

rswfire wrote:
Your post tells me you really don't know what you're talking about in relation to new players -- they are harassed, griefed, and bullied relentlessly.

We must have widely differing definitions of "new players," then. Is a person who spent his first and only six years mining in a .9 system, who otherwise doesn't know about any pvp game mechanics at all because he steadfastly refuses to even read local, let alone game documentation, a new player?

I do kind of get where you're coming from with this, but you have to understand that the three-day rookie joining a player corporation and losing his Bantam to a war target isn't the focus of someone's griefing efforts; he's just collateral damage.

I've been a part of what players like you call the "griefing community" for a whole decade now and I have to tell you that not a single person out of the hundreds I've been in contact with derives enjoyment from killing rookie ships.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

#148 - 2013-05-14 00:46:10 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:

I have alts in merc/pirate corps. I call BS.

We obviously won't agree with one another and I'm not trying to troll you, so we can agree to disagree.

It's a debate that will never end, anyway.
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#149 - 2013-05-14 00:50:15 UTC
rswfire wrote:
I have alts in merc/pirate corps. I call BS.

Okay, well, provide some proof.

Would you like to go into the 'merc contracts' channel and ask people inside whether or not they enjoy killing genuine day-old players in rookie ships? We can also go talk to some pirate corporations and ask them the same thing. I can put you in a chat with members of three different pirate alliances right this second if you want.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

#150 - 2013-05-14 00:54:11 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
rswfire wrote:
I have alts in merc/pirate corps. I call BS.

Okay, well, provide some proof.

Would you like to go into the 'merc contracts' channel and ask people inside whether or not they enjoy killing genuine day-old players in rookie ships? We can also go talk to some pirate corporations and ask them the same thing. I can put you in a chat with members of three different pirate alliances right this second if you want.


Yeah. You're cute.

I'm not talking about one-day old characters in rookie ships. Thought that was already clear?

I'll define new for you: Characters less than a month old. Corps made up of newbs?

Still feel the same way about killing them? (Of course not.)
Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#151 - 2013-05-14 00:59:55 UTC
rswfire wrote:
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
rswfire wrote:
I have alts in merc/pirate corps. I call BS.

Okay, well, provide some proof.

Would you like to go into the 'merc contracts' channel and ask people inside whether or not they enjoy killing genuine day-old players in rookie ships? We can also go talk to some pirate corporations and ask them the same thing. I can put you in a chat with members of three different pirate alliances right this second if you want.


Yeah. You're cute.

I'm not talking about one-day old characters in rookie ships. Thought that was already clear?

I'll define new for you: Characters less than a month old. Corps made up of newbs?

Still feel the same way about killing them? (Of course not.)

How do you distinguish between a genuine month-old player, and an alt of someone who's been playing for five years?

And corporations full of newbs shouldn't exist in the first place. Running a corporation entails being able to defend its interests. Can't defend your corporation? Don't run one. Join an existing corporation and learn the ropes first. I've obliteraed dozens of these idiotic newb hives before and feel no pity for them.

WoW doesn't let level 10 players raid 25-mans either. Progression is the natural order of MMO video games.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#152 - 2013-05-14 01:00:47 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
long post

So when is it time to actually "collect?" I mean, I've known people who played for three, four, even five years who never so much as targeted another human player with their ships.

Without having the proper experiences, you can't expect these players to graduate to a balanced form of play style at all. Most will simply continue doing the first few things they familiarized themselves with in their first few days in the game, or quit out of boredom. I can definitely say that I personally would've quit this piece of turd game if I didn't get eviscerated a couple of times during my first few days in it. Getting stomped gave me that motivation to become better; peacefully learning game mechanics one piece at a time would've never had the same effect.

Can you claim with any amount of objectivity that coddling new players would result in a greater player retention than throwing them to the wolves? I claim otherwise, because when the game was harsh in its first few years, it grew exponentially, and now that it's much safer, growth has effectively plateaued. Surely there must be more than a few hundred thousand people in the world who are interested in internet spaceships?

Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Please forgive me. I come from the days when noobs were not instaganked at every gate camp by people pretending ship-raep was PVP.

I've been here almost since the beginning and I can tell you for a fact that this has never been the case to begin with.

Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
It would be kind of cool if noobs had a dueling starter mission where they had to duel another player in order to finish it. That would even get them started on PVP.

This I completely agree with.

I can understand your point. But I can offer perspective from my own experience.

I never got ganked in lowsec running missions in a noob ship. Not even in Amamake. When I was a total noobling of nooblings, I remember slowboating to a gate in Amamake complaining about losing another frigate (yes, I was in a pod) and someone in local was like "LOL you should not say that out loud or is this a tarp?". Another time, outside a lowsec station, a flashy red cruiser nosed right up to my velator as I made my way to the station and I asked "Hey, why are you flashing red on my overview?".

(Did I say noob of all noobs or what?)

I did not get told what was by being ganked. At the same time I brought a girfriend's kid into the game, a total gamer of the usual stripe who had just about every game on his PC that you can think of. His goal was to get into a battle cruiser ASAP because he wanted to join a pirate gang and his corp was just beginning to figure on what they were going to do.

Anyway, one day, he decides to move all his stuff to the corp hangar, and puts it all in the cyclone, and then puts it on autopilot.

His Cyclone never made it through Amamake. This was his third cyclone, BTW, because he tried to duel me WoW-style the previous day and got Concorded right when I was saying "I don't think you can do tha....". That was his first. He cried in local and some rich player gave him ISK to buy a new cyclone, which he undocked not knowing one thing about GCC timers.

Yeah, I think you know what happened next. He had that cyclone for 3 minutes.

So when his ship was blown up the next day in Amamake, he was jumping up and down and performing the most epic rage quit I ever saw. I think Mel Gibson would have cringed had he been present.

Now, was this necessary? I can see that, had he known better, I would have been denied to site of this rather spoiled kid unraveling like that that. To this day I owe it to Sniggwaffe for the entertainment they provided.

In spite of this, I think that it's better for those who claim their prowess in a game, to rely entirely on their skill and not on a "gotcha game" of factoids and game mechanic fu. Much of what we have regarding criminal flags and dueling was born out of aggro mechanics gaming and frankly aggro-fu had all the appearance of nitpicky douchebaggery. Nobody wants to play that game.

Surely the game would not do well being encumbered with warning dialogs every two seconds, but something should be done to make sure the new players have nobody else to blame but themselves. I think the integrity and reputation of not only the game but the player base is protected when measure are taken to make sure that those who do get blapped hard knew they had it coming and not for "failing to learn every little thing". For people to be willing to harvest kills from that does not reveal them to be anything beyond a douchebag. Ultimately I'm tired of having to defend this game (admittedly it's getting easier thanks to DUST and the epic backstory).

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#153 - 2013-05-14 01:08:19 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Surely the game would not do well being encumbered with warning dialogs every two seconds, but something should be done to make sure the new players have nobody else to blame but themselves. I think the integrity and reputation of not only the game but the player base is protected when measure are taken to make sure that those who do get blapped hard knew they had it coming and not for "failing to learn every little thing". For people to be willing to harvest kills from that does not reveal them to be anything beyond a douchebag. Ultimately I'm tired of having to defend this game (admittedly it's getting easier thanks to DUST and the epic backstory).

This makes it sound like you're more in favor of proper documentation than warning messages, so I'm not entirely sure if our viewpoints are different on the matter. If you petition CCP to write a better manual/wiki, you can have my signature.

But one thing I will not support is a bunch of "pvp is badz dun do dat" messages popping out on the screen each time a player clicks a button. It sounds to me like you don't really want that either.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

#154 - 2013-05-14 01:17:39 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
How do you distinguish between a genuine month-old player, and an alt of someone who's been playing for five years?

Obviously, you can't, but who cares? Attack him if he gives you a good reason to or travels into lowsec/w-space, where they know the risks they are taking.

Destiny Corrupted wrote:
And corporations full of newbs shouldn't exist in the first place. Running a corporation entails being able to defend its interests. Can't defend your corporation? Don't run one. Join an existing corporation and learn the ropes first. I've obliteraed dozens of these idiotic newb hives before and feel no pity for them.

Thus proving my point about you.

I disagree. There's nothing wrong with a group of like-minded newbs getting together and starting their own thing together. It's often better than the alternatives. God knows I wish I'd never joined the first two corps I did with my two main characters. Both were stringent, requiring I follow a specific path in order to be part of their war machine. Sorry, not interested. If people want to get together and create something that appeals to them, why do you care? Why do you feel it is your job to "obliterate ... idiotic newb hives?" People tried that with mine. They failed, but we're an exception, not the rule. And we've created something we feel is pretty awesome and special.

Anyway, I somehow got sucked into a wormhole with you and I'm going to escape from it now. Evil
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#155 - 2013-05-14 01:18:20 UTC
Destiny Corrupted wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Surely the game would not do well being encumbered with warning dialogs every two seconds, but something should be done to make sure the new players have nobody else to blame but themselves. I think the integrity and reputation of not only the game but the player base is protected when measure are taken to make sure that those who do get blapped hard knew they had it coming and not for "failing to learn every little thing". For people to be willing to harvest kills from that does not reveal them to be anything beyond a douchebag. Ultimately I'm tired of having to defend this game (admittedly it's getting easier thanks to DUST and the epic backstory).

This makes it sound like you're more in favor of proper documentation than warning messages, so I'm not entirely sure if our viewpoints are different on the matter. If you petition CCP to write a better manual/wiki, you can have my signature.

But one thing I will not support is a bunch of "pvp is badz dun do dat" messages popping out on the screen each time a player clicks a button. It sounds to me like you don't really want that either.

I think we can agree on that. If there's going to be a safety setting for max safety, then instead of a little green button it should be the same symbol that the old Atari games used for those games that were easy-mode for kids. It was a little Teddy bear head (and this pre-dates the existence of Carebears in concept as you might recall). Seeing that little Teddy Bear head would remind players: Hey, you are in easy mode there kid. God help you if you post a screeny with that in the forums.

The best path would be the tutorial missions. I spent enough time in NPC corps to see enough people who skipped those missions get reamed real hard and then get told "Do the tutorials, noob". That's fair enough.

And things have vastly improved over the years.

A long term solution would be PVP-based tutorials that actually make players fight each other. Already there is content that forces people to fleet up (Incursions) so the next step to preventing people from a game career of grinding and being risk-averse would be to get them shooting each other from day 1. I can think of no better way.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#156 - 2013-05-14 01:30:38 UTC
rswfire wrote:
Thus proving my point about you.

I disagree. There's nothing wrong with a group of like-minded newbs getting together and starting their own thing together. It's often better than the alternatives. God knows I wish I'd never joined the first two corps I did with my two main characters. Both were stringent, requiring I follow a specific path in order to be part of their war machine. Sorry, not interested. If people want to get together and create something that appeals to them, why do you care? Why do you feel it is your job to "obliterate ... idiotic newb hives?" People tried that with mine. They failed, but we're an exception, not the rule. And we've created something we feel is pretty awesome and special.

Anyway, I somehow got sucked into a wormhole with you and I'm going to escape from it now. Evil

Why do I care? Because these people tend to fit expensive ships badly with even more expensive modules. And since their entire corporations are homogenous and made up of the same players, there is no educated central authority to guide these people away from making such terrible mistakes. And thus, these people end up paying for my subscriptions and Vindicators. Meanwhile, the well-run corporations that have some newbies in them are both more difficult to go after and less profitable to fight as well. Their newbies learn quicker, fly better, and stick around longer.

If you want to start a 30-man corporation with your week-old derpo friends, be my guest. Just don't complain when you start getting farmed like sheep a week into your endeavor. The onus is on you to make it work, not on us to make it hospitable for you to do so.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here: