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Has anyone figured out the hacking minigame yet?

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Sugar Kyle
Middle Ground
#21 - 2013-05-10 18:02:41 UTC
Combat ladar sites that have booster stuff have cans that the code breaker opens.

These sites are still under gas sites on sis I as they should be. However I am curious as to how they will handle the can hacking to get the goodies after you kill or tank the npcs.

Member of CSM9 and CSM10.

Einar Matveinen
Mahe Ratu
#22 - 2013-05-10 19:20:53 UTC
I've tried one data site in WH space and there is no hacking minigame, the system is the same as is today.
Radhe Amatin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2013-05-10 19:29:31 UTC
i tried the minigame as well.....not working..... the window freezes on last step when you are about to brake the Data core thing.
Other stuff i wanted to know..i see virus cohesion u get from ship bonus skills and mod itself.... but its there any mods skills that will increase virus strength?
And the rigs that now give access difficulty bonus for analyzers and codebreaker , will they be remade to give bonuses to virus strength or cohesion?

And last thing..sry to be such a pain..... as i read in that hacking minigame if u fail the hack u get an warning and after that probably the loot is spewed out in space and u have to click to get it like we saw in the demo at fanfest. But what happens if you successfully hack the can....will the loot still be spewed in space? and if it is the same result for both actions why even bother to successfully hack the can when u can access the loot just by failing?
Shun Makoto
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#24 - 2013-05-11 02:48:26 UTC
NekoKitten wrote:
I dont even *need* to play the minigame to access the insides of the can. Theres no challenge whatsoever. There are no NPC's guarding either. Its pretty much a letdown right now.

If you were paying attention you should know there will be no NPCs in the Relic or Data sites. That was part of the point to this restructure.

Kaalakiota-Kaatso Taokeruu Kaltiovon ArK. (Kalaakiota Business Research Corporation)

Head of Security


Kaalakiota Corporation

Patriot Faction

Amara Kai
Evolution of Violence
#25 - 2013-05-12 23:55:49 UTC
There isn't a feedback forum for the hacking minigame yet, so I'll put it here:

"Node" Spawns:
1. "Dead Ends" (1 connection) always spawn a Data Cache. Is this intentional? Makes obtaining them rather easy
2. "Circles" (6 connections) always spawn an enemy . Is this intentional? Makes avoiding them rather easy
3. Data Caches do not always spawn a Utility Element. Sometimes they spawn an enemy instead. Intentional?

Other stuff:
* Data Cores are occasionally unbeatable, even if I had found them immediately without taking damage. I believe I had several 20/6 data cores against my 15/3. Is this intentional? Can we expect our Hacking/Arch skills to come into play here? I have lvl 4 skills, I'd expect to be able to hack HS cans with ease.

* Activated segments do not always spawn an icon. The "node" will spawn, but the graphic will remain the same greyed out of a distant segment. There will still be a data cache, enemy, data core, or empty spot underneath, but I have to click the greyed out segment to find out if anything is there.

I'll edit as I find out more. Sorry if double post, getting some forum lag.

Brainless Bimbo
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2013-05-13 01:39:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Brainless Bimbo
The hacking game is fit for a WiS arcade where it would fit in rather well, but its not in the ethic of eve to be blunt, its a tablet game fit for cats at the moment.

i have run some sites, u can open the can and get loot (no Loot Button on can) u can open the mini game, no revamped codebreaker or analyser required for access to either of those options, why try to make a game within a game, do you stuff your turkeys with chickens?

The game is not fit for testing, no blog on its development or direction of development has been issued as have any operational instructions or game play mechanic guidelines, it is hardly fit for duality at the moment, all we can do is lunge around in the dark, and all you are doing at CCP is watching us and making decisions based on on dim shadows.

already dead, just haven´t fallen over yet....

Stellar Production
#27 - 2013-05-13 05:03:39 UTC
Herroth wrote:
Either radial menu or right click and click open. If they haven't been hacked before you will have to do the hacking mini game. The firewalls block you and obscure a 1 circle radius around them. If your virus loses cohesion you get a message that says something about the hack failing and a jettison being imminent. I was able to grab everything from the "cans" then. In retrospect, I should have left some in there to see what happened.

Which site may I ask did you do this on? I have tried both data and relic sites, I have also tried them with success and failure. When the message pops up that the loot jettison is imminent...nothing happens as if its missing the cans.
Stellar Production
#28 - 2013-05-13 05:07:08 UTC
Brainless Bimbo wrote:
The hacking game is fit for a WiS arcade where it would fit in rather well, but its not in the ethic of eve to be blunt, its a tablet game fit for cats at the moment.

i have run some sites, u can open the can and get loot (no Loot Button on can) u can open the mini game, no revamped codebreaker or analyser required for access to either of those options, why try to make a game within a game, do you stuff your turkeys with chickens?

The game is not fit for testing, no blog on its development or direction of development has been issued as have any operational instructions or game play mechanic guidelines, it is hardly fit for duality at the moment, all we can do is lunge around in the dark, and all you are doing at CCP is watching us and making decisions based on on dim shadows.

Still...its something new and different and to be honest I prefer it to the standard, "found a site, warp to, bookmark, warp back to station, grab a combat ship, warp back, shoot ****, warp back to station, grab my exploration ship, sit and run a modules for several times with a chance of success. At which point unless its a radar site you get crap compared to missions.

As CCP Soundwave stated, "that isn't exploration." Not to mention its a real pain in the ass to constantly move two ships at a time. Granted, if you are in a T3 you are set, but its a big stick up the backside to everyone else lol. At least this provides a new challenge and doesnt require two ships to do.
Radhe Amatin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2013-05-13 06:35:20 UTC
The hacking mini-game on SiSi is bugged.....u find the data cores and u can`t actually defeat them, the window freezes at 1 or 3 cohesion left on the data core and that is no matter how much cohesion u have left on your virus.

Other thing we need hacking mods to augment the virus we have, getting 15/3 without any option to increase that(besides the t2 analyzer and the skill it self which none give virus strength, and the +1 cohesion role bonus on the t1 scan frigate) .

And a little suggestion:

We will have scanning mods for mid slots that will give scan strength, deviation and scan time bonuses this will help scanning sites faster and reaching them before everyone does, but spending lots of time on the mini-game due to fact the virus cohesion and the strength is very small (u need to think and adjust your strategy to be able to finish it and not just mindless clicking ) add an level of challenge which is welcomed but kinda negates the scan speed advantage u get from the mods(meaning if u spend to much time hacking you give other players time to scan the signature down and come in and run the cans).

So make mods to augment the virus capabilities as well and make them to replace the scan mods(both mid slots) so this will be a trade off(eve its all about trade offs), u want more scan capabilities u will have to sacrifice the hacking capabilities and if u want hacking capabilities u have to sacrifice scan capabilities.
I know it will be difficult to balance this because there are ships with lots of mid slots (tengu with 7 mid slots comes to mind) will have a huge advantage over other ships in exploration, but will have to trade off all his tank for the exploration equipment. But then again tengu all ready stands above everyone else in this department.
And one more thing the current rigs for the codebreaker and analyzer need to be changed, giving access difficulty its useless for the hacking game.
#30 - 2013-05-13 06:38:56 UTC
It would be great if there was a harder version of the hacking mini game with a larger grid that requires multiple players to work together simultaneously to complete.
Brainless Bimbo
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2013-05-13 10:39:59 UTC
Octoven wrote:
Still...its something new and different and to be honest I prefer it to the standard, "found a site, warp to, bookmark, warp back to station, grab a combat ship, warp back, shoot ****, warp back to station, grab my exploration ship, sit and run a modules for several times with a chance of success. At which point unless its a radar site you get crap compared to missions.

As CCP Soundwave stated, "that isn't exploration." Not to mention its a real pain in the ass to constantly move two ships at a time. Granted, if you are in a T3 you are set, but its a big stick up the backside to everyone else lol. At least this provides a new challenge and doesnt require two ships to do.

Excuse Me, why don´t you fit your ship so that it can do BOTH at the same time, it is possible with some thought, yes its a compromise, yes you will have to develop new strategies but it can be done. Just saying i need an "i win ship to explore" and one " i win ship to exploit", just shows a limited imagination/thought process and a need not to play a game but to have it handed to you on a plate like an international investment banker.

Soundwave forgets that exploration and exploitation of the discoveries do not always happen at the same time, and being eaten by cannibals sometimes happens, after all it is being taken as a parallel from real life is it not.

already dead, just haven´t fallen over yet....

Brainless Bimbo
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2013-05-13 10:40:54 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
It would be great if there was a harder version of the hacking mini game with a larger grid that requires multiple players to work together simultaneously to complete.

yeah, one that takes up all your screen so you notice what happening in space around you.

already dead, just haven´t fallen over yet....

CCP Bayesian
#33 - 2013-05-13 11:12:00 UTC
As per my post on the previous page this is definitely no where near final, it came out on Sisi because a small number of sites have the replaced assets. The method of access is extremely temporary and obviously there are lots of little issues like being able to access the contents without hacking. No balancing has been done in this version at all. There is a devblog coming out about the hacking today and hopefully more to follow. We hope to have a much more final version available sometime this week for a mass test.

That said there is still some excellent feedback so please keep it coming.

EVE Software Engineer Team Space Glitter

CCP Bayesian
#34 - 2013-05-13 11:13:08 UTC
Radhe Amatin wrote:
And last thing..sry to be such a pain..... as i read in that hacking minigame if u fail the hack u get an warning and after that probably the loot is spewed out in space and u have to click to get it like we saw in the demo at fanfest. But what happens if you successfully hack the can....will the loot still be spewed in space? and if it is the same result for both actions why even bother to successfully hack the can when u can access the loot just by failing?

This is just temporary to let us easily demo and test.

EVE Software Engineer Team Space Glitter

CCP Bayesian
#35 - 2013-05-13 11:18:18 UTC
Radhe Amatin wrote:
Other thing we need hacking mods to augment the virus we have, getting 15/3 without any option to increase that(besides the t2 analyzer and the skill it self which none give virus strength, and the +1 cohesion role bonus on the t1 scan frigate) .

Team Superfriends are handling this side of things but the existing modules will vary the virus coherence, strength and the number of utility slots you have available. There will also be some new dual use modules.

EVE Software Engineer Team Space Glitter

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#36 - 2013-05-13 11:19:22 UTC
CCP Bayesian wrote:
No balancing has been done in this version at all.

Including loot? Because the loot in this current iteration doesn't exactly bring my hopes up about this being a viable means of making isk.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

CCP Bayesian
#37 - 2013-05-13 11:32:45 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
CCP Bayesian wrote:
No balancing has been done in this version at all.

Including loot? Because the loot in this current iteration doesn't exactly bring my hopes up about this being a viable means of making isk.

Yes, this is changing.

EVE Software Engineer Team Space Glitter

Johan Toralen
#38 - 2013-05-13 12:12:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Johan Toralen
Flamespar wrote:
It would be great if there was a harder version of the hacking mini game with a larger grid that requires multiple players to work together simultaneously to complete.

Harder version yes, for better loot.
Sites that only can be run by multiple people? Please no.
All this will do is give multiboxers another edge over regular players. Bad enough for solo explorers already with the jetissoned cans. It's something that screams multiboxing.
Paul Maken
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#39 - 2013-05-13 16:23:08 UTC
Johan Toralen wrote:

All this will do is give multiboxers another edge over regular players. Bad enough for solo explorers already with the jetissoned cans. It's something that screams multiboxing.

I would argue that having the site income scale with the number of players there to collect loot is a good thing, regardless of whether that is multiboxing or a small corporation group. Today it is punitive playing with friends as sites don't get done sufficiently faster to make up for the dilution of the income. This is one of the big factors why running anomalies is much more prevalent than exploration today. At least the income of shooting rats scales fairly well with the number of ships you can bring.

Making exploration viable for small groups means more people doing it, and that's a good thing. Exploring means traveling through gates which will help to make vast swaths of 0.0 more alive and produce targets for small gate camps and roams.
CCP Bayesian
#40 - 2013-05-13 16:50:39 UTC
Devblog is up over here:

EVE Software Engineer Team Space Glitter

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