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Your Fanfest 2013 thoughts and comments

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-04-30 15:42:30 UTC
So, I finally made it to my first Fanfest and really enjoyed the time I was there. I am curious though what attendees and those that watched the Live stream thought about the actual content presented.

The Symphony was absolutely awesome if anyone saw it. The Art panels had some fantastic, " Work in Progress" or " Prototypes" to show off. I found it interesting that the High resolution textures are sitting in the CCP computers just waiting to be distributed but has not been given the green light to do so. The Higher ups need to pull the trigger and get it done. The Apoc re-design great and sexy and the new navy battlecruisers are really nice even though I see them costing as much as a T1 battleship hull. The new scanner, well what can I say, really damn nice.

Now, as for the Eve Presentation, I have to say all i saw was a lot of eye candy and not very much substance and the CCP presents where " Focus" was mentioned A LOT, I saw EvE comic books, TV mini series, movie, EvEVR, an arcade game and so on, not what i would call " Focused", nice looking and it could bring more players to EvE in the long run but, not really anything for the game of EvE we all play.

So, just curious what thoughts and opinions others left Fanfest with.

Fly safe, or not o7
Grouchy Rediculous Ugly Man Pigs
#2 - 2013-04-30 20:56:28 UTC
I can't type out everything that was awesome about FF. I will definitely able there again.
Pandemic Legion
#3 - 2013-04-30 21:20:11 UTC
The event was everything I had hoped it would be..

The only disappointment I had was at the benefit dinner.

The food was great and talking with the dev's was awesome, but why did no one address the room ?

A podium was setup near our table so I expected it to happen.

Like to hear if my expectations are to high or something happened there.
Starforge Shipyards Inc
#4 - 2013-04-30 21:45:33 UTC
My first fan fest as well...i enjoyed it. Not unlikely that i'll be going back next year.

One comment about the symphony - apparently there went a lot of effort into it and I reallyI loved it.
However...the effect of the whole "audiovisual experience" was kinda diminished (ruined is probably too strong a word) by that boom camera guy.
In the end i closed my eyes and only listened to the music.

Next time, please tie him to a chair for the duration of the concert.

Also, listening to a band like Skálmöld live is an experience that everyone should make at some point in their live.
Tairon Usaro
G-Fleet Alpha
G-Fleet Alliance
#5 - 2013-05-02 19:08:32 UTC
Thank you for hosting this very special event and making this unique experience available to us players. It was my second fanfest and I – again – had an incredibly good time in Reykjavik. The experience gets even better every year, since what have been ingame buddies or enemies, now become more and more true friends! I have to admit, that the official part was not that catching to me this year, but that’s probably my own “fault”, because I did not attend the game content round tables but only community related RTs and working process related such as QA and operations. It is amazing what you guys have achieved in the last 18 month in terms of process and business structures!

Nevertheless, I would like to share a little critique with you. I think the average player is more interested in game design related topics and since the game is getting more and more complex in particular with the interaction with DUST, I don’t get the idea why an already tightly stacked schedule has to be “filled” with topics such as “make EVE real”. Don’t get me wrong, these lectures have been good and the presenters well selected, but I rather have had additional ingame topics been thoroughly discussed.

Finally, it was a very special moment, when Hilmar disclosed CCPs plans for the EVE monument in Reykjavik. I am really, really touched by the idea to leave such an imprint on the lovely city of Reykjavik, just by playing a computer game.

May I make a suggestion? Aside the players, who will play the game in May 2013, I would suggest, that you set up a section for the players, who cannot join us in celebrating this very special moment, because they are not on this planet, anymore. As you might guess, the trigger for my thinking is Sean Smith, which I happen to get acquainted to at Fanfest 2012. We had a very nice, completely non-EVE chat during lunch time, where he explained to me some aspects of the US election process and then he eventually disclosed to me, that he had gone through some very dangerous times while serving his country and now has decided to do less dangerous stuff in The Hague. So, while I never had contact with VileRat ingame, while I am not a Goon, it really touched me, when I realized, that the assault on the Benghazi consulate has a personal meaning to me, because a person I know, was killed there.

Please let us players have the possibility to submit additional character names from players, who contributed to this game and don’t have the chance to get on the memorial monument, because they have passed out.
Yeti Cave
#6 - 2013-05-03 02:00:26 UTC
I noticed a lot of cheering until they talked about the so called balancing which is just making better ships weaker than tiny ships again. seems kind of dumb but goes along with how normal patches. make some great stuff then do some very unpopular things
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2013-05-03 14:13:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Mallak Azaria
Well Fanfest was certainly an eye-opening experience that has changed my views on why CCP Devs do the thing that they do. I got a chance to chat with lots of people about things, had a bus ride chat with CCP Falcon no comment, don't want to get banned, met Xenuria who is a pretty creepy guy at all times, met a bunch of chill Devs & spent an entire week drunk. I wasn't big on Dust in the past but Fanfest & a chat with Hans Jagerblitzen has changed my views to quite the point where I'm really looking forward to it's eventual nullsec implementation. Dust is now a part of EVE, so for all of those people complaining about it: Tough *******.

I only have 2 complaints overall. Firstly, the guy who was sitting next to me in the first nullsec round table who had obviously not had a shower since before boarding his flight to Iceland (I don't know who it was, otherwise I would probably call you out in name), you really stank. It was so bad that I had to leave halfway through because I couldn't handle your stench anymore. Please consider other people in future by having a shower in the morning before attending such conferences & preferably apply some deodorant or cologne. We don't care about your filthy habit in your personal life, but have some consideration when going to public events.

Secondly, the alliance presentation panel. Apart from the first couple of slides explaining why he wasn't allowed to bring his own alcohol to the table which was circumvented by having people bring him beer instead, DNS Black gave us the same presentation this year as he did the last 2 years & took nearly 15 minutes to do so, despite being told to hurry up multiple times by the giant viking CCP guy (take it as a compliment, I don't know your name). Every other person up there whose alliances were on the panel in the past had new stuff to tell us. When there's 7 people on the table with a total of an hour to tell us their stuff, you have roughly 7 minutes to speak. It would've been great to hear more from the wormhole guy, Kesper, DBRB & the people who hadn't actually been there before. Some question time would've been great aswell, but DNS Black was allowed to basically do the exact same presentation for a 3rd time & spend more time doing it than anyone else had..

CCP; the solution to this would be giving people a set amount of presentation time. Let them know in advance so they can plan their presentation accordingly, then enforce it. Also don't let people do the same thing year after year if they've been on the panel before. I know that there's probably nothing you can do about people who are too lazy to clean themselves, so I leave it up to the offender to improve on his own. You know who you are.

Apart from Fanfest, I loved Reykjavik & Iceland overall. I'd love to live in a place like that if only it wasn't so windy all the time (It's not the fact that it's cold that makes it so cold, it's the wind).

Thorleifer wrote:
I noticed a lot of cheering until they talked about the so called balancing which is just making better ships weaker than tiny ships again. seems kind of dumb but goes along with how normal patches. make some great stuff then do some very unpopular things

Bigger isn't always better, nor should it be.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Father Snuggles
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2013-05-13 10:18:05 UTC
How about requiring presentations to be sent in and screened before granting corps/alliances a spot on the panel to begin with and maybe limiting the number of recurring large alliances that get a spot to 2 or 3 and rotate them yearly so as to keep it fresh for people that are more than one year into this game.

- Your presentation has tons of typos and could use a little facelift? Go over it again, polish out the flaws and we'll see about your spot on the panel.
- Your presentation is excruciatingly unfunny and lacks the most basic signs of effort? Go back to the drawing board and come with something either original, funny or at the very least, pleasant to the eye if you don't want us to give the spot to someone else.
- So you decided to submit the exact same goddamn presentation you've been bringing for 3 years? Guess you didn't want that spot on the panel anyway. Now go drink Jägerbombs and be unfunny with your hi-LARIOUS headwear in the corner over there.

Kennesaw Breach
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-05-15 15:22:02 UTC
The wormhole roundtable getting scheduled late, and then canceled, uncanceled, and moved to another location around the corner was a real mess. Ended up missing it because of poor logistics.

Everything else was great. More Skalmold next years please.
Turian Standings and Loans
#10 - 2013-05-16 13:37:39 UTC
I had one complaint. The apoc models sold out so fast...... i really wanted one.
Loved the whole thing,
The pub crawl was a little big, maybe they could have done it over 2 days? i mean there arent going to be everyone doing the other events, so they could go at different times?
The really big Panels, they should have known null, Wormhole, ship balancing and a few others would be so popular people wouldn't get in, maybe moved them to the halls?