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Warfare & Tactics

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A proposal for FW

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#21 - 2013-05-10 19:51:22 UTC
There is no need to fix FW, CCP achieved all goals they had, if your goals were different that is your problem.

FW is woking fine, new players are having fun and shooting each others. If you want meaning for war FW is not for you, go 0.0.
Andre Vauban
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2013-05-10 20:47:59 UTC
Flyinghotpocket wrote:
how about adding the cyno jammer. if you want to see battleships flying around again. FW needs cyno jammer. im sure even the minmatar would agree to this. but wait baha wouldnt be able to drop his archon in on every engagment. then get owned by PL

No, this is not the solution. The solution is to somehow get the 0.0 guys from sticking their noise into lowsec content with massive fleets. At fanfest, CCP Soundwave said something like he wanted lowsec to be some sort of backend alley way where 0.0 guys wouldn't want to go because their massive ships and fleets wouldn't be effective there and lowsec really wouldn't be worth their time. He alluded to guerrilla warfare where taking tanks into a tight dark alley with no way to maneuver wasn't such a good idea.


Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#23 - 2013-05-10 21:01:36 UTC
If you want larger scale engagements. Do some research and rf some pocos and towers.
Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#24 - 2013-05-11 05:39:40 UTC
Andre Vauban wrote:
Flyinghotpocket wrote:
how about adding the cyno jammer. if you want to see battleships flying around again. FW needs cyno jammer. im sure even the minmatar would agree to this. but wait baha wouldnt be able to drop his archon in on every engagment. then get owned by PL

No, this is not the solution. The solution is to somehow get the 0.0 guys from sticking their noise into lowsec content with massive fleets. At fanfest, CCP Soundwave said something like he wanted lowsec to be some sort of backend alley way where 0.0 guys wouldn't want to go because their massive ships and fleets wouldn't be effective there and lowsec really wouldn't be worth their time. He alluded to guerrilla warfare where taking tanks into a tight dark alley with no way to maneuver wasn't such a good idea.

So CCP wants to make lowsec as second highsec?
David Devant
#25 - 2013-05-11 08:19:45 UTC
I think you're 'working as intended' guff is wearing rather thin. There's a whole spectrum of pvp between what we have now and null sov grinding. I just want a bit more of it involved in FW occupancy, cruiser brawls, BC fights, the odd capital engagement.

I'm not after l33t end game stuff, just more than frig kills.

The way I see this happening is to make it pay for corps to take and most importantly hold space.

Ask yourself this question. If you were one of the empires, how would you go about encouraging your militias to take territory.
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#26 - 2013-05-11 11:05:43 UTC
David Devant wrote:
...Ask yourself this question. If you were one of the empires, how would you go about encouraging your militias to take territory.

Well DUH! Obvious answer is to hand out unlimited currency for attacking the enemy to be used in the empire controlled stores .. it is same conclusion that CCP arrived at and thus what we have Sad

Problem with what we have is that it discourages conflict when combat is not essential for taking/holding space. It fosters an environment where 'minimum necessary force' is used (frigs/dessies) almost exclusively as monetary incentives invariably urges people to want to maximize what can be raked in which is also why defending is almost universally laughed at.

Imagine how gay null life would be if all gains were made during the invasion phase .. you'd have large unopposed TZ blobs shooting EHP with no pew beyond 'for fun', there would be no outposts built except as way stations for the roaming blobs and POS deployments limited to be used as garages .. no Empire/Alliance building and chest beating only over wallet digits.

I applaud your desire for something better, but momentum of the "fix FW" movement came to an abrupt halt when comic-book dollar signs replaced peoples pupils, so expect it to be a battle up a rather steep hill.
Would be awesome if main profits were to come from holding/defending/developing space (a la null) with income from taking space being relegated to second (or third) place .. it is what some of us tried convincing CCP to do when we bickered about system upgrade paths but they must have been scared about being accused of wanting to make LS/FW into null-lite so instead opted for a high-sec clone (characterized by PvE and Risk Aversion).
David Devant
#27 - 2013-05-11 11:33:39 UTC
Thanks for the considered post. I think what is really needed is a feeling of consensus amongst those of us who have been involved in this theatre of eve for the long haul. Despite the extensive evidence to the contrary in this forum it is possible to achieve constructive dialogue and a lot of the input to this thread so far shows this.

I appreciate that you feel that CCP has moved on. This may in fact be the case. However, they have no incentive whilst both sides moan or gloat over irrelevant system gains whilst ignoring the salient facts.

I think what a lot of people can agree on is that we want some form of sov-lite that doesn't require eleventy Abbadons every evening. If we can put together some reasonable proposals, get some signatures etc, then what's to stop us demanding a Dev response?
Plus 10 NV
#28 - 2013-05-11 13:35:57 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Would be awesome if main profits were to come from holding/defending/developing space (a la null) with income from taking space being relegated to second (or third) place .. it is what some of us tried convincing CCP to do when we bickered about system upgrade paths but they must have been scared about being accused of wanting to make LS/FW into null-lite so instead opted for a high-sec clone (characterized by PvE and Risk Aversion).

I do not see null sec as awesome. If anything IMO the war now is too static. We don't need more entrenchment.

From what I am reading, and looking at the map for kills per 24 hours, it seems the gallente are getting the larger scale fights by pushing home systems.

Admittedly amarr doesn't hold many home systems. But it seems minmatar rarely brings the fights in the home systems that exist.

I guess my first question would be why didn't/doesn't minmatar push for sahtogas? I really don't know the answer.

That answer (those reasons) may provide some clues as to where we need to look to get larger scale fights.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#29 - 2013-05-11 13:40:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Veshta Yoshida
David Devant wrote:
..I appreciate that you feel that CCP has moved on. This may in fact be the case. However, they have no incentive whilst both sides moan or gloat over irrelevant system gains whilst ignoring the salient facts....

Considered posts are easy, it is stuffing them full of win that is hard Smile

It is not a matter of a feeling of CCP having moved on, but the rather harsh truth of the matter. They flat out stated that the last iteration (the repair they did on their botched job in December) would be the last for the time being, but added the now standard cop-out/caveat that they would be monitoring and tweaking when/if necessary.
That is the reason why I do my damnedest to try to steer all threads in the direction of tweaks rather than overhauls .. it is in desperate need of an overhaul but as it cannot get that in the foreseeable future we must try to keep it simple and try for a tourniquet that will hopefully hold until dev resources can be shuffled back our way again.

It is my hope that they go about the null revitalization with a lot more manpower, insight and deliberation including some aspects from what is working in FW (objective based, size restrictions) where applicable and otherwise add things that can be used in FW when the time comes (ex. meaningful upgrade paths).
Null and FW are and should be different, don't get me wrong, but they should also share some things as they both represent gameplay/areas outside direct empire control and as such the determining factors should be in the players hands ..
Cearain wrote:
I do not see null sec as awesome. If anything IMO the war now is too static....

Neither do I, it is in direct competition with FW for second place on the BrokenMeter (Cosmos takes 1st, now and always Smile), but there has to be a reason to hold and defend space beyond the six points towards the tiers.

Two that spring to mind based on coming patch/expansion:
They are going to introduce special belt spawns in LS now, from which you get tag drops that can be used to regain sec.status, add something like the null pirate beacon (spawn multiplier) to upgrade paths - gives us a secondary revenue stream and brings life back to the old things (how many times in the last year have you been to a belt in FW?).
They are going to buff LS mining by increasing yield of the ****-poor ore that exists there, add modifiers to upgrade path or LP bought structures of some kind to make people want to base out of ass-end systems if only to help protect some 3rd party )or their own) mining operation.

In short: The upfront payment (plexing LP + tiers) method has been tried and been found wanting, time to consider the other side of that particular coin.
#30 - 2013-05-11 13:52:52 UTC
Lets just make lp plex farming more difficult to those pesky farmers. This includes farmers from all factions. Farming should only have a MINIMAL effect on war zone control.
Apart from that FW is just fine.
Major Killz
inglorious bastards.
#31 - 2013-05-11 15:41:31 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:

[u]Ich bin ein Pirat ![/u]

#32 - 2013-05-17 14:11:23 UTC
How about giving carrot instead of stick to fix this;

1 = fixing the risk vs reward on the bigger ship sizes.

1A. Bump up the IHub LP rewards to decent level. At current lvl; you get same as you would get from taking small solo. So zero or two in the end should do it.

1B. Add defence reward for Ihubs under attack. Lets say 10 times more LP per kill while IHub Armor is damaged.

2 = fixing the outside interfearance in the empire space.

2A. Add LP reward to all pirates (aka neutrals) in the FW area. About half of what you get from WT should be sufficient.

2B. Add LP reward to pirate and neutral POS in FW area. About half of what you get from Ihub would be sufficient.

2C. Pirates (aka neutrals) dont get any LP and get the normal security penalty plus addidional faction penalty for all kills.

3 = fixing the risk vs reward for joining FW as high sec mission runner.

3A. When WT enters opposite faction space he is classified as illegal immigrant and targeted and shot at in 1 sec by police, customs, faction navies and gate guns.

3B. When killing someone in opposite factions space, even if it is an WT. Normal security penalties apply and standings loss happens directly to the empire faction. (Instead of made up wannabe navy corp.)

4 = fixing the dullness of plexing & making bigger ships more needed

4A. Cutting the plexing time to half.

4B. Adding random number between 1-5 faction ships to sites, each the same size as the site maximum. Doubling their damage. Making them spawn more often even in the middle of plexing.

Julius Foederatus
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2013-05-17 20:59:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Julius Foederatus
Adeleine wrote:
How about giving carrot instead of stick to fix this;

1 = fixing the risk vs reward on the bigger ship sizes.

1A. Bump up the IHub LP rewards to decent level. At current lvl; you get same as you would get from taking small solo. So zero or two in the end should do it.

1B. Add defence reward for Ihubs under attack. Lets say 10 times more LP per kill while IHub Armor is damaged.

2 = fixing the outside interfearance in the empire space.

2A. Add LP reward to all pirates (aka neutrals) in the FW area. About half of what you get from WT should be sufficient.

2B. Add LP reward to pirate and neutral POS in FW area. About half of what you get from Ihub would be sufficient.

2C. Pirates (aka neutrals) dont get any LP and get the normal security penalty plus addidional faction penalty for all kills.

3 = fixing the risk vs reward for joining FW as high sec mission runner.

3A. When WT enters opposite faction space he is classified as illegal immigrant and targeted and shot at in 1 sec by police, customs, faction navies and gate guns.

3B. When killing someone in opposite factions space, even if it is an WT. Normal security penalties apply and standings loss happens directly to the empire faction. (Instead of made up wannabe navy corp.)

4 = fixing the dullness of plexing & making bigger ships more needed

4A. Cutting the plexing time to half.

4B. Adding random number between 1-5 faction ships to sites, each the same size as the site maximum. Doubling their damage. Making them spawn more often even in the middle of plexing.

You know, I was going to start flaming you after reading this but then I thought about it some, and some of these ideas make a lot of sense.

For the stuff under 1), I think a modest boost to LP payout for hubs is in order, maybe up to 50k instead of 40k. The big thing here is to not split the LP among the fleet but simply make it so everyone who shoots it gets the 50k lp payout. In addition, you have to make it like incursions, i.e. no one gets any LP from the hub until the system flips (maybe even make this for all plexes run in the system as well, but something tells me that's another topic for another day).

I think a defense bonus would be a great idea that would encourage lots of fights and draw more people into the battle. It's not easily farmable (system flips are not exactly an everyday occurrence), and the added reward will get people seriously involved instead of just treating it with a very 'meh' attitude.

As for the stuff under 2), I'm not sure it's very RP compatible to give a blanket LP payout just for shooting neutrals of any persuasion in FW space. LOLRP aside, I think only giving an LP payout for killing pirate players or players with suspect flags would be a good compromise. Combined with the proposed idea of giving any neutral entering a plex a suspect timer, I think this would have the desired effect you want without putting a giant bullseye on literally every neutral that comes into FW low sec.

I actually like the idea of putting LP payouts on killing neutral/pirate POS in low sec. Sort of a military exclusion of civilians from an active warzone.

I don't think that killing any sort of benefit for pirates and neutrals in FW is a good thing. We want people to come into low sec, and we want them to get into conflict with each other. Providing FW players with an incentive to go pick fights is a way to accomplish this; disincentivizing neutrals from even coming into FW space is not.

I don't think anything under 3) is helpful. FW is supposed to be for people willing to go out into low sec and shoot each other and participate in the occupancy war. Protecting high sec mission runners does neither of these things. If anything, I think we need to get rid of the navy and simply make it so FWers can't dock in enemy high sec. It makes no sense to be able to dock in enemy controlled high sec where your every move spawns NPCs, but not in enemy controlled low sec. FW has many advantages and disadvantages, you shouldn't be able to pick and choose which ones you want applied to you simply by hiding in high sec.

I like the spirit of 4) but I really don't think messing with plex timers and adding more rats helps things. I think if you want to get more ship types involved, you just need to make large plexes spawn more regularly in the warzone. Maybe making the rats a bit harder would prevent farming, but really anything besides adding tank to them just makes them a hindrance to pvp, and most people don't want that.
David Devant
#34 - 2013-05-17 22:13:00 UTC
I think it would be good if the hub is only vulnerable for a certain period of time. And if it's 'defended' then 25% of occupancy gets rolled back.

Don't think I've heard if a bunker fight since the last iteration as such a thing would be pointless.
Zen Guerrilla
#35 - 2013-05-18 06:19:59 UTC
I'd only really like to see more plexes for BCs and BS and some sort of mechanic that makes people actually bring them instead of yet another frigate blob.

Some sort of cyno jamming mechanic might be interesting to keep bored nullsec blobs away. On the other hand, they'll just roll through in Machariel blobs then and FW entities lose the opportunity to drop caps too.

About system flipping, LP, ihubs, i'm actually fine with it now. Systems flip, people fight, ships explode, i can still pay my ship replacement bills. All is well.

pew pew

Plus 10 NV
#36 - 2013-05-20 21:50:12 UTC
David Devant wrote:
I think it would be good if the hub is only vulnerable for a certain period of time. And if it's 'defended' then 25% of occupancy gets rolled back.

Don't think I've heard if a bunker fight since the last iteration as such a thing would be pointless.

Why do you say such a fight would be pointless?

Rolling back 25% of vulnerability might not have the desired effect. After all they would then be able to farm it again.

But if it rolled back 25% and reduced the offensive lp payout in that system to half, that might get those fights going again. It might also lead to people caring even less about tiers - I don't know.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Digital Ghosts
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#37 - 2013-05-20 23:34:34 UTC
imo this would be exploited to let it roll bk farm it and rinse repeat till your side decides to flip it if they ever do , kinda like over plexing vulnerable systems in inferno...
Johnny Punisher
Hole Control
#38 - 2013-05-21 08:07:54 UTC
Bad Messenger wrote:
There is no need to fix FW, CCP achieved all goals they had, if your goals were different that is your problem.

FW is woking fine, new players are having fun and shooting each others. If you want meaning for war FW is not for you, go 0.0.

I usually don't agree with Bad Messenger, but this time I do :)

FW mechanics are currently favouring smaller ship classes and it's great for newer players. If you want different kind of pvp, you can prolly figure out lots of different options to find it...
Hoplite Brigade
#39 - 2013-05-21 15:30:55 UTC
Cearain wrote:

I guess my first question would be why didn't/doesn't minmatar push for sahtogas? I really don't know the answer.

That answer (those reasons) may provide some clues as to where we need to look to get larger scale fights.

The answer is simple: Those non-farming Minmatar pilots are busy defending their home systems from Amarr farmers. Why should I go and push sahtogas when I just can stay at home and kill the bloody farmers comming to me. Even worser, if we leave our home for like 6 hours then it gets heavily contested so that it really gets in danger of being flipped. For those who are not looking at the LP or ISK per hour ratio there is really no incentive to go and take an enemy system (at least as long you have a steady stream of farmers to kill at your own ground).
Colt Blackhawk
#40 - 2013-05-21 15:36:14 UTC
Meditril wrote:
Cearain wrote:

I guess my first question would be why didn't/doesn't minmatar push for sahtogas? I really don't know the answer.

That answer (those reasons) may provide some clues as to where we need to look to get larger scale fights.

The answer is simple: Those non-farming Minmatar pilots are busy defending their home systems from Amarr farmers. Why should I go and push sahtogas when I just can stay at home and kill the bloody farmers comming to me. Even worser, if we leave our home for like 6 hours then it gets heavily contested so that it really gets in danger of being flipped. For those who are not looking at the LP or ISK per hour ratio there is really no incentive to go and take an enemy system (at least as long you have a steady stream of farmers to kill at your own ground).

We have almost no farmers atm. Your systems are conquered by pvpers.
Even if we would have farmers they would be in cal/gal space farming the gals to hell. But there are also almost none.

[09:04:53] Ashira Twilight > Plant the f****** amarr flag and s*** on their smoking wrecks.