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[Odyssey Feedback Request] New Sensor Overlay

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Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#121 - 2013-05-09 17:08:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Thinking that the continuous scan feature would be nice for the dscan as well. Does it work for the dscan? If not, I would suggest that.

Also, while scanning, I was quite happy with the UI improvements but was left hoping that there could be a feature where the probes are auto-centered on the anomaly or signature of interest. Currently it is a real pain swinging the views around this way and that trying to estimate how far and in which directions the probes should be moved. And maybe I am just really OCD, but it is really annoying to have the center of the probes never get centered exactly on the signature. Even though it likely has little effect, I hate seeing the probes not centered on the approximate location of the signature! By hate, I mean it drives me nuts! Leaves me regretting my decision to probe just because I cannot center the probe group exactly. For me, it really is that big of a deal, and it may be at least a strong annoyance for others as well.

Lastly, have you considered displaying dscan results in space as a circle or on the solar system map as the volume of a spherical section centered on you based on the range of directions and the range of distances up to the maximum distance.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Fearless Leader2
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#122 - 2013-05-09 17:10:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Fearless Leader2
Kara Kardan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#123 - 2013-05-09 17:13:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Kara Kardan
Found an odd bug, when the sensor overlay is on in continuous scan mode the first or second wreck you produce will automatically be set to blue / abandoned.
Its reproducible and i also made a bug report.

edit: hmm now it also blued a wreck while the sensor overlay scanner was off... damn.
blink alt
#124 - 2013-05-09 17:25:22 UTC
Thanks for killing the DSP and essiently giving everyone that mechanic for free =)
LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#125 - 2013-05-09 17:32:04 UTC
Panhead4411 wrote:
Not a fan of taking the old ice belts, removing them, then putting them essentially back in the same place, as a "hidden" public beacon that every. single. ship. can warp to with NO effort in locating it.

How is that even "exploring"?

The ice change is not about exploration. It is about making ice limited, without making it limited to only Euro time zone. The tiny belts can be mined out in about 24 man hours (24 ships can take it down in an hour), and then will respawn 4 hours after they are finished off.

Had they left the ice in the current belts to respawn at downtime, then by the time USA players got home from work, the ice would have been LONG gone.

Rebecha Pucontis
#126 - 2013-05-09 17:37:11 UTC
Bringing up the radial menu really appears to lag my computer. Is this being ironed out or is this normal behaviour?
LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#127 - 2013-05-09 17:42:41 UTC
Unforgiven Storm wrote:
since there is no thread to get the new jump gate feedback, I will leave this here...

now that these new gate jump effects give the notion of space travel continuity, please keep my modules running after the jump, if they are running before

thank you

1) After jump, you are cloaked. No modules can be on while cloaked (except cloak).
2) Very hard to do. The running modules are entires in a queue of events on a solar system's virtual machine. Easy to have your ship say "System 1, I'm leaving" and "System 2, I'm jumping in". Much more work to have system 1 then transfer all the queued up events from server 1 to server 2. Much easier to have you jump into a system with no queued up events.
LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#128 - 2013-05-09 18:07:14 UTC
I am of 2 minds on the list.
1) I understand the slam on EVE that it is just "spreadsheets in space".

There is a lot of information that EVE displays, from objects in space on gird with you, off grid in the system, that you scanned, the market, your inventory, status of watch listed fleet members, people in the solar system with you (local chat) etc. A list is the best way to see this info. But, soon, your screen becomes full of little but various list windows. EVE is a beautiful game, but I never see it because it is hidden behind my overview, my ore hold, my orca fleet hanger, my HUD, my chat windows, my survey scanner results, and a few other window.

Spreadsheets in space really hides the beauty of the game. Getting rid of the scanner window and showing the results on the main display.... well, in a busy system will just bury the beauty of EVE behind a bunch of icons and a continually scanning pixilization of the background.

2) On the flip side, finding the one thing you are looking for in a 360 degree sweep of teh solar system is WAY more annoying that just looking in a sorted list.
Unforgiven Storm
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#129 - 2013-05-09 18:09:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Unforgiven Storm
LHA Tarawa wrote:
Unforgiven Storm wrote:
since there is no thread to get the new jump gate feedback, I will leave this here...

now that these new gate jump effects give the notion of space travel continuity, please keep my modules running after the jump, if they are running before

thank you

1) After jump, you are cloaked. No modules can be on while cloaked (except cloak).
2) Very hard to do. The running modules are entires in a queue of events on a solar system's virtual machine. Easy to have your ship say "System 1, I'm leaving" and "System 2, I'm jumping in". Much more work to have system 1 then transfer all the queued up events from server 1 to server 2. Much easier to have you jump into a system with no queued up events.

yes you are cloak, but why at the moment I uncloak the module(s) I was running before, cannot start running again automatically?

And this doesn't need to be done in server side, it can easily be done in client side in a transparent way to any user and with no problem for the server performance:

for example I was running my shield hardeners A, B, C. I jump, they shut down, my client keeps the list of tank related modules that were on. Then as soon I uncloak the client activates the modules for me, I not even notice it.

Less clicking and more automation is good.

Unforgiven Storm for CSM 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. (If I don't get in in the next 5 years I will quit trying) :-)

LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#130 - 2013-05-09 18:10:20 UTC
I'm a high sec carebear. I've tried being a null bear, but every time I do, the cloaky camper game mechanic chases me back to high sec.

If I were not already a high sec carebear, and were a null bear, then I suspect the change to ore clusters would drive me back to high sec now. Having the clusters show up as anoms, instantly warpable, is going to cause great havoc to null miners. I doubt the small buff to null ore will be sufficient to overcome the increased risk to null mining now that the grav sites do not have to be probed.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#131 - 2013-05-09 18:12:19 UTC
I have posted this on the Probe Scanning thread, but many of the points are related to the new Sensor Overlay. These are my initial impressions, before reading the threads. There are many good points in both threads from people who clearly had more time to test things out. One thing I have noticed is the lack of integration. The anomalies appear on the overlay, but not on the map. This leads to Fozzie's comment about removing the list. Many people have noted reasons why the list provides real and good information. Since you would not be removing the list itself (it will remain for probe scanning right?), it seems a bit odd to remove it here as well. From the view point of integration and orientation I would want to be able to see everything on the sensor overlay on the system map while scanning with probes as well. You might be able to use the system map instead of the list, but that has problems with active systems.

Initial general impressions
1) Impression after 30 seconds: Gack! This is confusing and horrible.
2) Where did that colored thing go? Having the colored site locators disappear may make sense from a design prospective, but it looked like some random thing disappearing from my screen.
3) Everything else looks bland. The planets and stellar features are distinctly nondescript in comparison to the brightly colored sites.

Attempts at using
4) I want to try scanning down that orange site. Where is it? When I go to the map I do not see the sites that I see from the system scanner. The 100% sites are not there. The sites to scan do not have an approximate location, even though you gave that to me in the ship view. Please provide an approximate location for those things so that I can orient myself when switching between the two views. The information can be very inexact since I know that I need to scan it down.
5) I am losing the sites that I did scan down? This is a cruel joke. I should have those sites identified in both the map and ship view as green with 100%.
6) I must have seven probes? Why didn't you sell me a seven in one probe, or why not let me launch what I have? You know sometimes I just want to launch one probe to see what is around. The seven probe thing neither makes sense, nor is functional.
7) Warp to, but not align? I should be able to align to the sites as well as warp to them. I can align to nearly everything else in my ship's view.
8) Have I found everything? I missed one site because of it's orientation with respect to my ship. I want a list, but I have read that you don't. At the very least I need to be able to go to the system map and see all of the sites at once. That might be a replacement for the list.
9) Which direction is that? Orienting in space and making certain you are viewing all of the space is a special mental peculiarity like color blindness. It is especially difficult in a computer game because you do not have a kinesthetic sense or sense of balance. The system should have multiple methods of identifying the locations so that they are accessible to more people. You should also consider the needs of the blind community. Again a list would be good, the map should be populated, and you may be able to think of other options.
Jelani Akinyemi Affonso
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#132 - 2013-05-09 18:21:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Jelani Akinyemi Affonso
- Scanner does a bad job of showing everything in space initially.\
- Camera view does a bad job of showing signatures in space
- Different sigs should have different colors
- Ability to turn off automatic scan
Oberine Noriepa
#133 - 2013-05-09 18:31:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Oberine Noriepa
Regarding the scan overlay visuals: I think the residual grid effect that's currently present is, perhaps, a bit overbearing in contrast to the space environment. My preference is something more among the lines of DRADIS from a visual standpoint. It's simple but effective. Making the visuals of the scanner simpler and more neutral could definitely reduce the potential annoyance of its persistence substantially.

I've noticed that, while the overlay is active, if you decide to look around with the right-click camera function, a glitch will occur and the overlay will disappear.

Alexander the Great
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#134 - 2013-05-09 18:35:12 UTC
This would be great as in-space visualisation of on-board scanner but it can't be it's replacement.
1) Run it only on demand not on entering every system. This is annoying, seriously.
2) List. One doesn't simply remove the list.

And how do I turn off that annoying sound without silencing all the UI sound (some of which are vital)?
Van Kuzco
Caldari State
#135 - 2013-05-09 18:38:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Van Kuzco
Tanaka Aiko wrote:
Someone asked me an interesting question ; with this new scanner, as it can check new things every seconds, you should be able to know when a new wormhole appear on your system without doing anything (I can't test that, but on theory it should from what I understand). This seems a bit OP (but on the same level as the grav -> ano change... on the other side), did CCP though about it?

jonnykefka wrote:

Right now, one of the primary methods of finding PvP in W-space is to chain-roll your static. This finds you PvP in two critical ways:

a. You cycle through many systems very rapidly, so if a system is dead you don't have to waste time scanning your way down a chain to find something that may or may not be there.

b. Your prey may not notice that you have opened into their system, giving you a crucial element of surprise. The primary mechanics of w-space rotate around denial of intel. No local, dscan dependance, etc. The ideal way (from an attacker's perspective) for someone to notice your presence in a w-space system is when you tackle them as the fleet lands. Ideally, they shouldn't even know that your wormhole is in their system until they've already been podded.

Potential problem 1: The list. If the list produced by the continuous scan includes signatures, then it will be VERY easy to spot a new one. Just ignoring all existing signatures would be enough, which is of course what we do now but with probes, which we have to manually cycle. Automating the process makes it too easy. I think the list needs to include anoms, but for this reason alone I think it's worth NOT having signatures in that list.

Please don't include signatures on the list (or put in some sort of delay). It turns the Discovery Scanner into a limited form of local in wormholes.

Real time intel should have to be tediously worked for (through DSPs, probe coverage, alts and/or friends, constantly scanning) not just handed out to anyone passing by (or swinging their camera around the screen).

The absolute best thing about wormholes is the hunt and the threat of being hunted. Signatures appearing on the overlay will gut these two things.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#136 - 2013-05-09 18:45:19 UTC
Oberine Noriepa wrote:
Regarding the scan overlay visuals: I think the residual grid effect that's currently present is, perhaps, a bit overbearing in contrast to the space environment. My preference is something more among the lines of DRADIS from a visual standpoint. It's simple, but effective. Making the visuals of the scanner simpler and more neutral could definitely reduce the potential annoyance of its persistence substantially.

I've noticed that, while the overlay is active, if you decide to look around with the right-click camera function, a glitch will occur and the overlay will disappear.

They mentioned a variety of options at fanfest, before they settled on this one. Perhaps they could provide options (one for each race?) and allow us to "equip our ships" with them (select an option).
Tash'k Omar
Indefinite Mass
#137 - 2013-05-09 18:48:41 UTC
Liking it so far, however it would be nice if it also gave you a 5% or 10% sig on the map screen for easier probing.
Vincent Athena
#138 - 2013-05-09 18:57:07 UTC
Van Kuzco wrote:
Tanaka Aiko wrote:
Someone asked me an interesting question ; with this new scanner, as it can check new things every seconds, you should be able to know when a new wormhole appear on your system without doing anything (I can't test that, but on theory it should from what I understand). This seems a bit OP (but on the same level as the grav -> ano change... on the other side), did CCP though about it?

jonnykefka wrote:

Right now, one of the primary methods of finding PvP in W-space is to chain-roll your static. This finds you PvP in two critical ways:

a. You cycle through many systems very rapidly, so if a system is dead you don't have to waste time scanning your way down a chain to find something that may or may not be there.

b. Your prey may not notice that you have opened into their system, giving you a crucial element of surprise. The primary mechanics of w-space rotate around denial of intel. No local, dscan dependance, etc. The ideal way (from an attacker's perspective) for someone to notice your presence in a w-space system is when you tackle them as the fleet lands. Ideally, they shouldn't even know that your wormhole is in their system until they've already been podded.

Potential problem 1: The list. If the list produced by the continuous scan includes signatures, then it will be VERY easy to spot a new one. Just ignoring all existing signatures would be enough, which is of course what we do now but with probes, which we have to manually cycle. Automating the process makes it too easy. I think the list needs to include anoms, but for this reason alone I think it's worth NOT having signatures in that list.

Please don't include signatures on the list (or put in some sort of delay). It turns the Discovery Scanner into a limited form of local in wormholes.

Real time intel should have to be tediously worked for (through DSPs, probe coverage, alts and/or friends, constantly scanning) not just handed out to anyone passing by (or swinging their camera around the screen).

The absolute best thing about wormholes is the hunt and the threat of being hunted. Signatures appearing on the overlay will gut these two things.

Your opinion. For many others the best thing about wormholes is the loot. Hunting is well down the list.

The need for probes to be used to find people at grav sites is going away. For balance the system scanner should list signatures that you see in on the in-space scan. Also its sort of silly: My ship has a mult-gigaflop computer, and it cannot make a list?

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Midnight Hope
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#139 - 2013-05-09 19:33:55 UTC
- Please let us disconnect this. Having automatically run every time you jump/dock is annoying if you are not interested in finding anoms (e.g. when moving trade goods or PI stuff, travelling, etc.). Whya re you force feeding me anoms when I do not care about exploration. EVE is a lot bigger and richer than exploration.

- I get dizzy in FPS shooter, honestly, I can't play them cause I puke after 5 minutes (some call it motion sickness, I cal it @#$%#!). If I have to now rotate my camera 360 degrees cause that's the only way to see what's been scanned I'm going to be puking after a few jumps.
I should not spend time pixel hunting the anoms around me cause I can't tell where they are (or how many) without panning. A list would be ideal, an icon at the edge of the screen (ala hostile targets not in your view) would also help, also a message letting me know what was found will also be appreciated.

- I should be able to align them with the camera easily and tell what's in them through the ol' dscanner..

- Also, range and type in the name will help, not the anom sig which means little.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#140 - 2013-05-09 19:37:03 UTC
Another thought about this would be to have it show only 100% anomalies, and only show sigs when a DSP has been launched and scanned.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.