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Data Harvest; or just an Interesting Theory about the origins

Tatjana Dragonfyre
Farscape Star Exploration
#1 - 2013-05-08 11:48:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Tatjana Dragonfyre
since I've graduated the Hedion University and began to strive amongst the stars, I was always wondering where we came from. Don't get me wrong, I know about the whole "Bees and Flowers" thing, but, as I may cite an old friend; "We are genetically all the same, Nature wouldn't evolve such homogeneity around a galaxy." I wanted to know if we have a common ancestor.

The Jovians are inaccessible and don't talk and even the SoCT didn't help me. So I took off for searching the truth. Years passed, The Hedion University expelled me for not believing in the whole "God created us" thing, I made many friends, unlike other class mates, from every race or bloodline. When the Wormholes opened, I traveled there, with my longest Friend, which was a Matari by the way. We were seeking the unknown, and found it. First time, the Sleepers handed our butts to us. But we adapted. We evolved. But still no sign from any Origin except the all-known trace to the EVE Gate. I never was there, to be honest, the path is way too dangerous, as I'm still incapable of flying Covert Operation Ships.

But, and now it gets Interesting, as they opened up planets for Capsuleer Industry, ORE sent us a ship, the Primae. One that i still value much and take to a flight sometimes. Legends say its based on an Old Terran Design, with minor additions by ORE. But what if ORE copied accidentally something off the found Design? I deem the Design was "stolen" from a stranded Wreckage on one of the many Planets of New Eden. However, I was intrigued and tore the electronics of the ship apart. I found a module, no, more a database, which is not included in the successor, the Noctis. It was a heavily damaged Database. It was almost non-functional and it Took me ten Months out of Capsule and in a station to extract some data out of it.

If you manage to find it yourself - Its located in the Navigation Systems, a small box, with two small lights and when operational, a holographic disk. Plug it into your NeoCom, and it'll crash. Try to power it and hook it up to older ships, the Primae was sadly modernized and hasn't worked for me. Search the Scrapyards of space, especially around ancient battlegrounds, or near Minmatar Planets. I wasn't quite welcome there, but my friend vouched for me to get ahold of an old Data Processing Device.
Repair it, or get someone to do it, and look, if the Memory Offset #ff34002a to #ff3403c3 are still operational. This is the data i could extract from there:

Image of something in Sky

I am sorry for the bad quality, but as said, the database was damaged.
Suddenly i was struck by an Idea. With the recent discoveries of Project Atlas, by Arek'Jaalan...

But see for yourself:


Could fit, yes. Further Interpolation between the depicted Galaxy and our known star map:


And including the Project Atlas Data:

Map + PA Data

...leads me to the conclusion that the data on this storage depicts New Eden and Anoikis from a far distance, further than we ever went in the capsuleer and empyrean age. The Database Entry was titled [ANDRMD-0E4] however...

What do you think, as older and younger capsuleers? Am I onto something? I don't know but I am looking forward to your replies and Ideas on this.
Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#2 - 2013-05-09 17:33:20 UTC
That's interesting.

Sadly, I have no background with this sort of thing, so I can't comment as to whether your find is something to pursue or not.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Terenius Neo
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-05-09 17:50:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Terenius Neo
Science and its seek of knowledge leads to many questions, answers and questions again.
I am more a soldier then a scientist and with that, lag the patience to become one.

But new scientific data and arising questions from it are even attracting me from time to time. Like yours do and you have my attention for sure.

Should you pass the Vieres Constellation in the next time and need something, give me a call.
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#4 - 2013-05-09 19:34:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Tamiroth
Yes, many people in New Eden often forget that our cluster, something around a hundred or two hundred light years wide, is only a tiny part of the great spiral galaxy that can be clearly observed on the skies of the darker remote regions. The universe does not end at the last stargate.

As far as I know, Anoikis is about two thousand light years apart from us. Someone who knows astrophysics better than me may derive the general characteristics of that cluster from various phenomena that are common within it, but I don't think it sits in a small satellite galaxy of its own - too close, as we are in the outer-mid-center of the main disk.

No doubt, some wormhole people will come along now and explain everything.

(edited - OP corrected her original post)
Tatjana Dragonfyre
Farscape Star Exploration
#5 - 2013-05-10 10:10:09 UTC
Thank you, Miss Tamiroth. My ten month outside the Capsule must have taken me off-shape, that i forgot about such important detail. However, as I see the current New Eden map and our knowledge about distant galaxies, I would say, that new eden covers an entire galaxy, a smaller one, but nonetheless a galaxy. With the usual densitiy rising towards the centre, as the known Empires do, to the very scarcely seeded outside null and Lowsec systems.
This may also be a lead to the 30% known systems rumor I've heard about, because, taking spacewise, it corresponds not exactly, but quite close to my findings. I may also be a blind fanatic about this, but everyone is entitle to his opinions, right? *smiles convincingly*
Another note I'd like to present would be a Time delay in between them. As we know, light only travels at a certain speed, concerning the term "Light Speed". Sure thing, a normal Individual in this universe would state that this image can, in no point, been interpolated with the current Anoikis and New Eden. But, as this image was recorded it was from a pretty huge distance, so the Image i found depicts New Eden or ANDRMD-0E4 from a few million years past. There are a lot of inconsistencies in my theory, I am aware of that. Only one of my correlation simulations referred to this result, and thus for i could be completely wrong.
I am looking forward to more correspondence with you, because you caused me to rethink over it again and we surely can discuss more over the findings.

Mr. Neo, I'm currently basing my research in a Deep space installation in the Mekashtad Constellation, but when i pass by, we surely can have a chat. I am still on the looks for older, non-updated Primae-Class vessels to extract their databases and 'd be thankful for any hints on finding some of those.

Miss Hanaya, I appreciate your interest in this.
Amseln deBrabant
#6 - 2013-05-10 12:52:09 UTC
Dear Ms. Dragonfyre,

my deepest respect for your work. From what i see a very consistent theory of what and (where?) New Eden is.

One thing that comes to my mind.

Who made the picture?

And how it comes to this datacore that was found in New Eden (if i got you right?)

The picture (and the datacore?) has traveled a far distance itself. How was that possible?

Also any information of how old the datacore itself is?

Many questions arise from your work.

Deep respect, you brought us as a community of capsuleers forward.
Tatjana Dragonfyre
Farscape Star Exploration
#7 - 2013-05-10 15:10:52 UTC
Dear Mr deBrabant,

thank you for your interest in this.
I, for one, don't know who made this picture. It could have been a drone, or a human being.
On your concerns about its origin, as the first batch of Primae-Class Vessels were handed out, they were partly based on old tech found on now barren planets. You surely have heard about rumors of graveyard cities, which origin way before our time. I deem ORE found a pretty intact prototype, and rebuilt it for planetary conquest. Unvoluntarily they seem to have copied the whole control mechanism, including the old database. As a mordernization attempt they semed to have overloaded the tiny database module, rendering much data unobtainable and damaged.
As i received my Primae-Class Vessel, i was settling close to EVE, in the Genesis Region. This may have an impact on people living there got the first batch vessel or the overall condition of the database.
On the age i have no idea, I might need to get ahold of more old Primae Vessels to dismount their Databases at Auriga II, my research station.
The Only Number on Entries I managed to recover from mine, and I loved this ship, were the Image, and a few nonsense time entries in a language, or a decimal string drones often use to communicate.

00110100 00110010 00110010 00110100

It translates into the decimal "4224", which can mean a lot of things.

This was accompanying the Image recovered, mind you, it is very old and the radiation and time it has been out, so there surely are some errors like the brighter spot in the lower left corner.

I tried to answer your questions to my best, but even I am not entirely sure about this, and this may even be a complete false trail.

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#8 - 2013-05-11 01:14:40 UTC
Tatjana Dragonfyre wrote:
...leads me to the conclusion that the data on this storage depicts New Eden and Anoikis from a far distance, further than we ever went in the capsuleer and empyrean age. The Database Entry was titled [ANDRMD-0E4] however...

Well the Andromeda galaxy was supposedly over two million light years from the Milky Way. Where that is in relation to New Eden, however, is anyone's guess. It could be the same, farther, or we could even be inside it already. No one knows for sure.