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Looking to learn nullsec survival and PVP? Then join OUCH!

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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#661 - 2013-04-21 09:59:08 UTC
So did you die in Jita lately, even though it's a high sec system ?

Join ouch we'll teach you how to survive anywhere
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#662 - 2013-04-21 12:45:01 UTC
I told you in my #7 Reason Why I Love Living in Curse that Ryan Gosling lives here. Well, Ryan sightings have now become more common than Elvis sightings at the 7-11. Yesterday, I saw no less than 11 sightings within a two hour time period. And now I hear Enrique Inglesias has been spotted! Where are all these Falcon pilots coming from?

Join us. And let me know if you spot Enrique...
Faugrim Stran
Dark Sea Enterprises
Main Stage Strip Miners Excavation and Exploration
#663 - 2013-04-24 02:20:28 UTC
New Minmatar pilot here, looking to train skills and learn to survive....and shed my carebear skin!

I want to enjoy low-sec/null sec, and OUCH definitely has my attention. I'll be looking for you in OUCH-UNI! Pirate
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#664 - 2013-04-24 11:36:07 UTC
Enrique !

Aww man, if he's comming to our part of town i better find some more time for eve :)
Woulnd't want to miss Enrique!

Join OUCH, while we teach you how to survive in nullsec, you'll get to see Enrique from the first row as it seems :D
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#665 - 2013-04-25 10:14:23 UTC
If you spend a little time watching kids play in the sandbox, you'll see many different play styles. There are the kids who build upwards, molding the sand into towers and spires. There are the kids who begin digging deep to find the wet sand and carve out tunnels and grottos. There are the kids who simply scratch at the surface, making tracks and spirals. Then there are the mean kids, who just want to fling sand in the other kids' faces and wipe out their creations. And, finally, there is that one kid that no one wants to talk about. You know the one. The one who simply sits and watches what the others are doing, while they all all ignore him. And, then without warning, he steps out of his little shorts and pees all over the sand.

Can you guess which one will grow up to be the OUCH pilot?

Join us. But, please, keep your shorts on until the FC gives the order.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#666 - 2013-04-26 10:01:31 UTC
Psi Theta wrote:
...And, then without warning, he steps out of his little shorts and pees all over the sand.

Can you guess which one will grow up to be the OUCH pilot?

Join us. But, please, keep your shorts on until the FC gives the order.

The one that was hiding behind the weird one, and then sh*** all over the place? :D
Psy Lon
Kenshin Industries.
Kenshin Shogunate.
#667 - 2013-04-26 18:08:10 UTC
If you are new to Eve, or new to Nulsec/pvp, let OUCH teach you the basics of surviving and thriving in nul. This is not a 4 hour crash course that takes you immediately, and most likely unprepared, into nul sec. The OUCH program is a self paced, progession of training, that will ease you into nul as you acquire the skills needed to survive in nul. You'll never be totally safe, but if you practice what is taught, your chance of survival will greatly increase.

The lessons learned from my time in OUCH have improved both my gameplay and my enjoyment of Eve. Consider joining OUCH.....

Psy Lon
OUCH student
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#668 - 2013-04-29 04:24:04 UTC
I'm working on moving my household across the country so RL has limited my playtime for the past couple weeks. I notice that, although I miss playing Eve, I miss hanging out with friends much more.

Join us. OUCH really is a great group of folks.
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#669 - 2013-04-30 02:33:08 UTC
There's a lot of exciting news coming out of Iceland. As CCP continues to grow this wonderful, virtual multiverse, OUCH will still be here, still be providing the same service to the player base. We teach noobs to survive in null sec. We teach Care Bears to grow teeth and claws.

Join us. The more EVE changes, the more OUCH extends its mission.
Vega Makutu
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#670 - 2013-04-30 05:24:14 UTC
Are you active in the hours before and after downtime?

I've been solo wandering across the map and back, mostly low sec, jumped into null a couple times, but I need a group of people to show me the ropes, without "a cause", as you put it in the OP.

Hope to hear from someone!
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#671 - 2013-04-30 09:33:59 UTC
Vega Makutu wrote:
Are you active in the hours before and after downtime?

I've been solo wandering across the map and back, mostly low sec, jumped into null a couple times, but I need a group of people to show me the ropes, without "a cause", as you put it in the OP.

Hope to hear from someone!

Welcome to OUCH! We're certainly glad to have you. Our EU contingent has been growing steadily, giving us a strong presence around downtime. I look forward to meeting you in game. Welcome aboard!

Psy Lon
Kenshin Industries.
Kenshin Shogunate.
#672 - 2013-05-01 19:07:18 UTC
Do you feel like a minnow swimming in a sea of sharks? Join OUCH and learn how to evade the sharks.
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#673 - 2013-05-02 00:29:57 UTC
We talk alot about our mission being to teach players to survive in nullsec. But we actually teach much more than just evasion and survival techniques. While I'm out of game the next few days moving household, I will work on putting up posts outlining the many other aspects of living in null that students will learn by joining OUCH.

One of our key teachings is that any pilot older than a week can contribute meaningfully to small gang combat. If the player can fly a T1 frig and fit the holy trinity of web-scram-AB, we will make him a valuable component of our fleet. He will not just be cannon fodder. We will first teach him to tackle and to survive. As his skills grow, we will give him greater roles and ease him into more complicated ships and fittings. But that is for later. For now, I want the true noob player to know he is welcome and he will learn.

Join us.
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#674 - 2013-05-04 16:40:23 UTC
One of the OUCH prime directives is that we teach students to only take on fights that you believe you can win. We do not believe in the "gud fight". We do not bring out ships with the intention of seeing them explode in a ball of fire. This applies even to the cheapest T1 student tackle frig.

Our Ops members apply a mathematical formula to compare the OUCH fleet to the aggressor fleet. If the result meets a certain threshold, we engage; otherwise, we let the aggressors move on to greener pastures. If you happen to be in fleet with one of our many respected opponents in Curse, take heed: if we do not go "skirts to the wind" from your fleet, it's because we've done the math. And the math says the explosions will not be ours.

Join us. The math is not scary.
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#675 - 2013-05-06 13:42:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Psi Theta
We also take great pride and joy in killing half-billion isk ships with our merry little band of killer noobs in T1 frigs. What could possibly be better on the killboard than a Blackops BS getting killed by merlins, harpies and griffins? When the target is worth ten times the value of our entire fleet, life on the bubble is SWEET!

Join us. Merlins and Slashers and Griffins, oh my!
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#676 - 2013-05-07 13:52:18 UTC
Imagine yourself plopped down in the middle of an unfamiliar NPC nullsec region. You've never travelled in this region before. You have no bookmarks. You do not know the residents, geography, level of activity. For all intents and purposes, you are absolutely ignorant of this region. You know only that you are in a cheaply-fit T1 frigate, and you are 16 jumps from hisec. And, just to make it interesting, you have a billion isk worth of implants in your head.

What are your chances for making it out without losing your pod?

If you are an OUCH graduate, your chances are good. Otherwise? Welcome to the clone bay.

Join us. We will teach you to survive in nullsec.
Psy Lon
Kenshin Industries.
Kenshin Shogunate.
#677 - 2013-05-09 15:10:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Psy Lon
What does the typical person do when they discover a 'great deal' or have an 'exceptional experience'? Well, I tell my family and friends, so they can get the same great deal/experience. This is why I recommend OUCH to everyone I meet in my Eve travels.

My time in OUCH continues to be an exceptional experience and I learn even more each time I fly with this group. The OUCH program is run by pilots who are not only knowledgable and friendly, but passionate about sharing their knowledge with the Eve community. Their commitment to ongoing training, assessment, and improvement assures the OUCH program will continue to be both relevant and beneficial to all who complete it.

If you want to increase your survivability in nulsec and want to learn basic PvP, join OUCH.
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#678 - 2013-05-10 15:35:00 UTC
In-depth knowledge of bubbles (mobile warp disrupters and warp disruption probes) is key to surviving in null sec. Do you know the difference between a stop bubble and a drag bubble? Do you know how to place a bubble on a gate? On a planet or moon? Do you know how to use an interdictor bubble to split a fleet and protect your retreat? Do you know how alignment and grid control whether or not you get swept up in the bubble? Do you even know the radius of the various bubble sizes?

Unless you can fully explain how bubbles work and how to place them to greatest effect, it is only a matter of time before you are caught like a fly in a web. OUCH will teach you bubble mechanics.

Join us. Be the spider not the fly.

Psy Lon
Kenshin Industries.
Kenshin Shogunate.
#679 - 2013-05-13 21:09:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Psy Lon
I joined OUCH after reading some great posts from both students and foes. It sounded like a great program but you never really know until you actually try it. Eight short weeks later, I've graduated. Although I've had a bit of training in other corps, I've never felt the level of success and accomplishment that I got out of the OUCH program.

What makes the OUCH program different, and better than other programs?

Several things come to mind: great organization, great core members combined with exceptional leadership througout the corp, great training material and the list goes on.... However, the same things can be said of other training corps such as Eve Uni and Agony.

One aspect that sets OUCH apart from other programs is that OUCH has defined graduation requirements.....

Students can't can't complete the program by simply attending classes, or going on a roam. Each student must successfully complete a solo nulsec travel run without losing their ship, and be involved in 10 'real' kills out 'On the Bubble' before they graduate from the program. The OUCH graduation medal must be earned.

This is one aspect that made this program both enjoyable and satisfying; I had to earn that medal.

I totally enjoyed my time with OUCH and I've since rejoined the corp with a different pilot. I'm looking forward to sharing what I've earned with any who choose to join OUCH.
Psi Theta
Enigmatic Conundrum
#680 - 2013-05-14 22:39:45 UTC
It never ceases to amaze me how some players remain totally oblivious to what goes on around them. Everyday I see pilots jump into system, pause long enough to see they did not jump into a gate camp, and then warp straight to the next gate with no regard for the 18 pilots in local. Or they jump in, see we have only three frigates on grid and decide to engage, not noticing that we have 15 other pilots in local. I'm convinced that there are three kinds of pilots in nullsec... Those who can count and those who cannot count.

Join us. We teach counting classes.