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Speculation on Gnosis?

Charlie Jacobson
#21 - 2013-05-06 02:57:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Charlie Jacobson
I made about half a bil with buy orders and sell orders in amarr on just the gnosis. I don't normally market PvP, so this was new experience for me.

bought them for:
sold them for:

If they don't add any more of these after the BPCs that come with the collector's edition, I suspect they'll be quite expensive in a few years. Unlike most of the collectibles, this is actually a really strong ship, so people will want to use them and blow them up ;>
Umar Umarhabib
#22 - 2013-05-06 17:56:47 UTC
Esharan wrote:
Does anyone have any idea what the approximate SELL price of the Gnosis (New gift Battlecruiser) will be;

1 month,
3 months,
6 months after launch?


I don't think they will cost much higher than the Navy Battlecruisers. Because if you look at the specs, the Gnosis isn't that great.
Space Mermaids
#23 - 2013-05-06 18:44:34 UTC
They can't be insured, we don't know build costs, we can never be sure what CCP will do with 'limited Edition' and the BPC levels are not limited. They could sell a million collector's edition 5 run copies.

It is very much an OP noob ship but it could also become the only one noobs will ever need to fly. I don't know where CCP plan to take it.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#24 - 2013-05-07 05:08:12 UTC
Ocih wrote:
They can't be insured, we don't know build costs...

I suppose you could have someone put a large bounty on your head, then you can take your Gnosis out for a spin, let someone blow you up, and check how much of the bounty was paid out on the ship.

I volunteer to blow you up, btw. :)
Ice Liberation Army
#25 - 2013-05-07 05:31:56 UTC  |  Edited by: mechtech
Yep, the main snag with speculating these things is you never know if CCP will announce another 500,000 of them as a gift.

CCP needs to label special edition items as 'limited' according to if they will only have 1 production run (like AT ships/guardian-vexor) or not. I felt bad unloading 50B of Genolutions onto unsuspecting traders who didn't catch that single Fanfest slide, but that's the game that CCP is playing with these items...

IMO, stay away, it's not worth the headache. I hear stuff is happening with moon materials anyway...
Princess Saskia
Hyperfleet Industries
#26 - 2013-05-07 10:35:01 UTC
Did you know it's free to repair their armor? Pr0 right? Wanna know how I found this out? I lit a cyno and somone shot at me. wolololololol


Nyancat Audeles
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2013-05-08 19:46:54 UTC
Vera Algaert wrote:
1. they will be cheap because everyone gets one for free
2. prices will slowly start to rise
3. ccp will include them in a promotion for new accounts and prices will crash
4. the end

This is sad but true
Huttan Funaila
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#28 - 2013-05-08 23:23:14 UTC
They're already selling for 40-50m less each than what I paid for my bunch, so the market warriors are winning.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#29 - 2013-05-08 23:33:10 UTC

I have around 45 and will continue to collect them, among other things. The reason they are good is they have even bonuses. unless you know a guy's fit, you cannot know what to expect due to the bonuses. This is why they will become a good ship for people to use whether solo or in large fleet doctrines. You can literally dock up, load a new fit to the same ship, and come out with your enemy thinking you have the same fit.

There will likely be some contests to specifically target these ships to reduce supply. Trust me... lol

Personally, I will continue to buy at prices under 250m isk. One day they will hit 500m or more consistently, just watch.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#30 - 2013-05-08 23:34:08 UTC

I have around 45 and will continue to collect them, among other things. The reason they are good is they have even bonuses. unless you know a guy's fit, you cannot know what to expect due to the bonuses. This is why they will become a good ship for people to use whether solo or in large fleet doctrines. You can literally dock up, load a new fit to the same ship, and come out with your enemy thinking you have the same fit.

There will likely be some contests to specifically target these ships to reduce supply. Trust me... lol

Personally, I will continue to buy at prices under 250m isk. One day they will hit 500m or more consistently, just watch.

Now, in regards to concerns that CCP will continue to issue more, I doubt it and here's why. This is so far the only special edition battlecruiser. Instead of issuing more beyond the 5 run bpc's (which I doubt will sell millions), I bet CCP will start offering other versions in this class.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Nicky Scars
#31 - 2013-05-09 14:55:02 UTC
Tom Hagen wrote:
The answer is 42

Of course it is, but I don't seem to recall the the question.

Care to remind me?

Caldari State
#32 - 2013-05-10 22:31:27 UTC
Most players are filthy rich. Get a new friend into game/get a newbie into corp. Pretty obv what you will put him in when hes wet behind his ears.
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