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Knowing the upcoming changes, what would you mine right now?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-05-03 14:51:45 UTC
I am honestly stuck between two spots and wanted other miner's opinions.

We know gravimetric sites are going away as they are now known. That means goodbye mr giant spod rock of doom, along with the big amounts of ABC's (How they are going to change them we don't know yet)

At the same time, we also know static belts are gone and they will be limited, including dark glitter that we nullsec miners have the exclusive access to.

Knowing this, what would you mine right now? Glitter? Or would you stock up on ABC(spod) and save it for a massive amount of mins once the refining changes hit?

I'm really really stuck here haha....
Ekaterina 'Ghetto' Thurn
Department 10
#2 - 2013-05-03 14:58:21 UTC
Hmmm. That's a thought. Will CCP mark down Spodumain mined prior to June 4th so it gives the pre June 4th yield like has been done with extra materials on BPO's? That sounds like a possibility to me.

I would personally say mine ice rather than ore as ore prices will plummet whereas ice prices will continue to go up.

" They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out. " Rick. " Find out what ? " Abraham. " They're screwing with the wrong people. " Rick. Season four.   ' The Walking Dead. ' .

Black Sky Hipsters
#3 - 2013-05-03 15:02:02 UTC
nothing i've read indicates that the asteroid composition of the null mining sites are changing, just the mineral content of the ores and the spawn mechanics (grav sites to anoms). we do know that ice will no longer be easily accessible in hi-sec and most expect there to be a big LO bottleneck. my money is on glitter atm. personally i wouldn't mess with ore mining in null until after the changes, especially that spod rock.
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2013-05-03 15:16:48 UTC
I'd go with ice. The prices have already doubled, and I'm guessing they will likely move even farther after the speculators sell their stock piles. At least that's my plan for now.

The mineral changes although significant aren't THAT huge. And the extra-influx of minerals from ABC ores, is going to drive down the prices of said minerals, thus narrowing the difference even further.

Arc for instance adds 9700 trit to 200 ore or 3.03125 trit per m3 where Veld is 30.03 per m3

So you are in effect tacking 1/10 of a veld cycle onto every Arc cycle. Which as I said is significant, but not enough IMO to justify passing up on ICE which I feel is going to go a little crazy until people get used to things.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#5 - 2013-05-03 15:35:14 UTC
Zedutchman wrote:
I'd go with ice. The prices have already doubled, and I'm guessing they will likely move even farther after the speculators sell their stock piles. At least that's my plan for now.

The mineral changes although significant aren't THAT huge. And the extra-influx of minerals from ABC ores, is going to drive down the prices of said minerals, thus narrowing the difference even further.

Arc for instance adds 9700 trit to 200 ore or 3.03125 trit per m3 where Veld is 30.03 per m3

So you are in effect tacking 1/10 of a veld cycle onto every Arc cycle. Which as I said is significant, but not enough IMO to justify passing up on ICE which I feel is going to go a little crazy until people get used to things.

One thing for sure... don't refine any ABC ores until after the patch... You'll miss out on a lot of minerals if you do!!!
Danni stark
#6 - 2013-05-03 16:21:39 UTC
Flardowell wrote:
We know gravimetric sites are going away as they are now known. That means goodbye mr giant spod rock of doom, along with the big amounts of ABC's (How they are going to change them we don't know yet)

no they aren't, and yes we do know how ABCs are being changed. perhaps you should read the dev blogs?
Ginger Barbarella
#7 - 2013-05-03 18:44:37 UTC
If I had the patience for it anymore, I'd slap together the fleet for ice to stock up on ** FREE ** ice.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Allota Lovin
#8 - 2013-05-04 01:00:50 UTC
Sing it Ice..Ice...Baby!
Fhaerbaline Khent
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-05-04 13:06:45 UTC
Whatever I need for my mfg....and ICE!
Felicity Love
#10 - 2013-05-04 17:13:49 UTC
... misses the heady days of Isogen mining... simply by reading a book. Cry

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Mordus Angels
#11 - 2013-05-04 20:58:53 UTC
I would stock up on ABC.

Keep in mind that after the patch the ice mining yield will double so while belts might be "limited" unless your local null sec system happens to be very overpopulated you would suck the glitter in there twice as fast after the patch. Plus - your static ice belt will change from .. well .. static - to anomaly which means that when someone enters the system he will have to scan for it (with ship scanner) before he can warp to it giving you couple extra seconds to get out.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Yeti Cave
#12 - 2013-05-05 17:32:53 UTC
Like now ICE prices are going up on speculation. Mineral prices are going down every day. As more and more people move to where the ISK is at present time I think after a month of this the ICE prices will stabalize and Mineral prices will bounce back, maybe not as high as before but they will bounce since everything needs minerals for creation and with the new ships and such on patch the Minerals will be gobbled up to begin with.

I think as everything stabalizes 30-60 days post patch we will probally see minerals slightly down and ice slightly up.
Aurelius Valentius
Valentius Corporation
Valentius Corporation Alliance
#13 - 2013-05-07 00:21:44 UTC
Flardowell wrote:
I am honestly stuck between two spots and wanted other miner's opinions.

We know gravimetric sites are going away as they are now known. That means goodbye mr giant spod rock of doom, along with the big amounts of ABC's (How they are going to change them we don't know yet)

At the same time, we also know static belts are gone and they will be limited, including dark glitter that we nullsec miners have the exclusive access to.

Knowing this, what would you mine right now? Glitter? Or would you stock up on ABC(spod) and save it for a massive amount of mins once the refining changes hit?

I'm really really stuck here haha....

Nose-Nuggets might work for you...
Osmanli Empire
#14 - 2013-05-07 01:23:23 UTC
Thorleifer wrote:
Like now ICE prices are going up on speculation. Mineral prices are going down every day. As more and more people move to where the ISK is at present time I think after a month of this the ICE prices will stabalize and Mineral prices will bounce back, maybe not as high as before but they will bounce since everything needs minerals for creation and with the new ships and such on patch the Minerals will be gobbled up to begin with.

I think as everything stabalizes 30-60 days post patch we will probally see minerals slightly down and ice slightly up.

Mineral prices were going down, not anymore. After the ABC ore changes announced the price of minerals, especially trit, pyre and mexa went down quite a bit. However, after T3 BS tiercide and mineral adjustments announced the mineral prices went back up to pretty much the same. Zyd however is going up and up.