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I'm looking for null or c5 corp

Akali Kuvakei
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2013-05-02 23:05:17 UTC
I'm a FW member and semi FCC for 2 years now, and well it's meh at best now. I'm tired of it the gold rush. Days are over. I'm looking for a home now, can't stand another day of this ****. Convo me or mail me offers. I'm looking to join a new home in 24 hours or less if I get a good offer.
#2 - 2013-05-02 23:10:35 UTC
Are you interested in a 0.0 npc small pvp gang corp?

If so hop in channel WrG Ship Wreck to talk to us.

Founder/CEO of Wraithguard.