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Exporting EVE Character as models....?

Erik Raymond
#21 - 2013-04-25 12:32:29 UTC
I've managed to isolate the main character in the jumbled up mess of a snapshot then exported him as an OBJ file, imported him as a new obj, scaled him up and then arranged him as such, however, the textures are fraked. Any idea on how to proceed?

Perhaps I should export him as something else so the textures and shaders are preserved better?
Erik Raymond
#22 - 2013-05-01 00:04:23 UTC
another link I was sent by an ingame friend ;)
Erik Raymond
#23 - 2013-05-02 22:58:29 UTC
So, I've managed to render the character, however, the face and hands don't seem to be intact, infact the face is badly damaged, any thoughts?
Renslip Darkdraught
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2013-05-08 00:59:52 UTC
Just here to admit I've given up. I am bad at this, and apparently too ADD about it to follow through.

Drunk tank, best tank.

Erik Raymond
#25 - 2013-05-09 21:28:36 UTC
lol I've given up like 6 times now, but I need these characters for a billion projects, seems important enough to continue
Erik Raymond
#26 - 2013-05-21 03:16:05 UTC
so, using 3d Ripper DX I've taken a snapshot sucessfully, but, 3dsMAX is now giving me this "not enough memory to create 1880859 texture-vertices" when I try to loead the scene. Any ideas?
Demo Dallocort
Angel Defence Services
#27 - 2013-07-30 21:13:18 UTC
Hay Erik Raymond if you are still having trouble with 3D Ripper you could try and use GameAssassin i don't think you can get the textures with this program but you should get the models (i haven't really used the program yet so idk) <----Program <----How to turn it to English and tutorial <----Thread where i found GameAssassin

If you give it a go, Good Luck! :)
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