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New Exploration Content - Pirate Ship Logs

Andrea Griffin
#1 - 2013-04-30 13:14:17 UTC

With Odyssey having exploration as a focus, I thought it would be a good time to offer up some new exploration content. The good thing about the following idea is that a majority of the pieces already exist in Eve. They just need to be stitched together a bit.


Pirate ship logs will be added back into the loot tables. A single ship log can be used to create an expedition. A full series of ship logs can be combined for more risky and rewarding expeditions.

Part 1: Pirate Ship Log Revival

Those who have been in Eve a long time will remember that, on occasion, a pirate ship would drop a ship log. A few years ago CCP removed these from the loot tables which is why you don't see them anymore. Here's an example:

Angel Ship Log 343873495 wrote:
This salvaged data from a destroyed Angel vessel reveals the following:
"Toilet duty is more exciting than this. I've seen graveyards with more life than this raiding party. These guys are totally devout of the gene of humor-appreciation. So what if I podded my wingman!? He had a clone contract back at our installation in RD-FWY. Why did nobody find that funny? I mean, he had it coming in that goofy ship of his. He'd even spilt some quafe in his goo pod the day before, making the explosion all the more colorful. C'mon, I just had to do it."

These ship logs were (iirc) designed to point pilots to systems which had static complexes. They also helped tell a story, to give life to the game world and help make those red crosses on your overview something more than a red cross.

These items still exist; they haven't been removed from the game. I still have some in my hangar. They just need to be added back to the loot tables.

So we have the items in Eve already. They just need to be made useful.

Part 2: Expeditions

The ship logs were originally used to point to systems with static complexes, but let's go for something a little different. Exploration expeditions. We already have this feature in Eve; some anomalies, when finished, have a chance to launch an expedition into lowsec or null.

The mechanic here is simple. Right click on the ship log and an "Analyze" context menu item will be available. Analyzing the ship log will remove it from your inventory and add an expedition to your Journal's expedition tab. These expeditions can be whatever expeditions currently exist. An Angel ship log will provide an Angel expedition.

The quality of the expedition could vary on the rarity of the particular log and should be located in the pilot's current region. If the region is unsuitable for the pirate type (Angel Ship Log being used in Amarr space, for example) then the expedition could be created in the nearest appropriate region. Or, you could just not care about that and allow Angel expeditions in Amarr space. Why not?

Finished - What Have We Done?

Look at that. You're done with this new feature, and the only part that doesn't already exist is the ability to Analyze a ship log and turn it into an expedition.

Here's some of the cool things about this content:

  • It can introduce players to the idea of exploration and expeditions.
  • It can encourage more high-sec players to explore lowsec. They can see that expedition right there in their journal, calling to them. They know exactly where to go.
  • A new market segment opens up for trading ship logs - people who won't want to do the expeditions can sell the logs.
  • It helps tell stories in Eve. Some of the ship logs are funny, some are creepy, but all of them add important bits of flavor.
  • It's easy to iterate on.
  • Most of the work has already been done.

Part 3: Iterating

There are some things that could be fixed, changed, or improved in future iterations of this content. Here's some of them:

Part 3.1: Fixing the Text

The ship logs contain references to specific systems. These could, and should, be removed. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a log to refer to RD-FWY and then send you on an expedition into Amamake.

Part 3.2: Adding More Logs

Ship logs are small bits of text that tell a story. They don't take a large amount of effort really, and I'm sure that a lot of the lore-centric players in Eve could come up with hundreds of new logs that could be found. Not only is this fun for collectors, but it continually provides players with even more lore to digest. Make it a contest!

Part 3.3: Full vs. Partial Logs

When adding more logs, some logs could be part of a series. "Sansha Ship Log 29482103 - Part 1" for example. It can be used by itself, but if you gather parts 2, 3, 4, and 5, you get the full story.

A full series of logs could be researched or turned in to a special agent for analysis - giving you something far more than just an expedition. Remember those Epic Arcs that were released a few expansions back?

If not an epic arc, then at the very least a full log series could provide a more rewarding expedition.


The basic features described here could be implemented pretty easily. The major pieces already exist in Eve and it would provide a new and fun way to access expedition content and expose Eve's lore to the players. The potential for tying this into the epic arc system in the future would make it even more valuable. This system can get players to move around Eve in ways they may not have before, and encourage players to explore low and nullsec along the way.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#2 - 2013-04-30 13:31:37 UTC
I rather like your idea. What should be very little dev time for a plethora of benefits for all that do PvE or PvP.

Nicely done.
Next Stage Initiative
#3 - 2013-04-30 13:46:40 UTC
I loved the ship logs. Always felt that they should add 'coordinates' to certain systems and a deadspace pocket locked by the log or some such. Item in space would only last 24 hours or 48 hours or so, so you'd read the log and choose an option to 'track it down' for a possible huge reward and some cool design or some such.

Once you complete the log, the story would update and you'd now have a private journal of some event, full of flavor text.

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?

Andrea Griffin
#4 - 2013-05-01 12:23:39 UTC
Gentle bump for more feedback.
Black Ice Protectorate
#5 - 2013-05-01 20:21:46 UTC
Quite the fascinating idea.
Mole Guy
Bob's Bait and Tackle
#6 - 2013-05-01 20:36:45 UTC

when i started, i used to run around trying to piece these logs together and find where they might lead too way back then.


i think it would be killer to get these logs and save them to your journal.
how about if u get 1-2, it might take you to a 1-4/10 with a chance of excallation? if you get 3-4 of them, itll take you to a 5-7/10.
if you collect all in the series, you might get several escallations or something. maybe a bad ass 10/10 with good loot drops.

all we would have to do is change the loot multiplier to X2 or something.

but i like a more involved storyline. collecting these would just bring you that much more. and if you collected like 5 out of 6, the story is just incomplete and would drive u nuts until you figure out what happened to jasper, the lonely pilot on this raid who was bored out of his mind. # 6 could tell the system, # 5 could tell the event,#4 would tell what type of rats...

i dig it!!

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#7 - 2013-05-01 21:43:49 UTC

+1 This sounds like an excellent idea...

p.s. and I'll finally have a use for all those logs I have in my hangar!
Lost My Way Enterprises
#8 - 2013-05-01 22:13:18 UTC
This would be a really fun idea assuming they get balanced well.

The starting an expedition sounds like a decent way to do that since there is always the chance each step of the way that it will crap out on you. Otherwise I'd say point you to unrated DED sites maybe different than the current lookouts (and whatever the other names are) depending on how much dev time they want to spend on it.

Possibly make it so if you find a set of them you can get sent to rated DED site for a better chance at loot, or a more complex expedition with chance for loot at multiple points along the way.
Haulin Gneiss
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2013-05-02 00:07:58 UTC
Open the logs up to players for creative writing/content creation on the escalations.
I'd also like to see escalations that require multiple players to complete if you collect enough logs.
Next Stage Initiative
#10 - 2013-05-02 00:20:31 UTC
Haulin Gneiss wrote:
Open the logs up to players for creative writing/content creation on the escalations.
I'd also like to see escalations that require multiple players to complete if you collect enough logs.

Exactly. Go a step further. Allow us some way to build and submit deadspace pockets and designs using current in-game items. CCP must have a means for creating missions.

Crowdsource it. Give it six months, and you'll have more npc content in this game than any other game on the market. The logs would just be an extension of that.

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?

Jason Sirober
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2013-05-02 00:39:58 UTC
+1 I like this idea alot
Haulin Gneiss
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2013-05-02 01:59:37 UTC
I make a bunch of content around the trials and tribulations faced by the illustrious Food Mart Corporation. Exploration sites to find missing ice cream haulers and such. Imagine the prospect of making 10Bil if you could find a stranded Food Mart Rhea, collect it's loot and fly back to Jita in a Charon? All the while flying through null/low in a big fat Charon. Oh the fun.
John Shmo
Brain Farmers Inc
#13 - 2013-05-02 02:58:42 UTC
*Bump* Great, Fantastic; I love this idea. +1


Alexandra Stormwing
A Conspiracy of Ravens
#14 - 2013-05-02 14:57:43 UTC
It would be cool if some of these journals had a kind of unfinished business on the part of the pirates. If you finish whatever the dead pirate wanted to do, you could get a standings boost with that pirate faction.

Maybe this could be tied into the pirate groups finally entering Faction Warfare, as god intended it to be from the beginning.
Mole Guy
Bob's Bait and Tackle
#15 - 2013-05-02 15:11:51 UTC
Haulin Gneiss wrote:
I make a bunch of content around the trials and tribulations faced by the illustrious Food Mart Corporation. Exploration sites to find missing ice cream haulers and such. Imagine the prospect of making 10Bil if you could find a stranded Food Mart Rhea, collect it's loot and fly back to Jita in a Charon? All the while flying through null/low in a big fat Charon. Oh the fun.

this is a kewl twist. a couple jump freighters pop in, loot and leave.

or we could find stranded ships, do a repair or haul em to station and repair them and we just aquired a new ship as a reward.

make it very difficult to find. one log leads to another through mutliple systems.
once found, you get it back to station and repair it (maybe 10% damaged or missing a t2 part or something) and itll be functional.

or an abandoned outpost with goods we can take.

things like that would be kick ass.

your friend holla's in ts "i got a nightmare bpc drop..."
you holla back, "i found a disabled nightmare and i am jumping the carrier in to pick it up..."

o.0 ???
Loki Feiht
#16 - 2013-05-02 16:20:41 UTC
Brilliant idea, +10 much kudos

More NPC - Randomly Generated Modular Content thread

State War Academy
Caldari State
#17 - 2013-05-02 20:09:16 UTC
This is a great idea in its own right, and for a few reasons you may not have thought of. It's also a refreshing change from the normal fare here in F&I. Good work!

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2013-05-02 20:21:32 UTC
I can see why they would remove the logs from the loot table -- it would be easy to lose track of which ones are still relevant down the line, etc. However, I very much like the idea and believe they should incorporated in the journal and new discovery probe system.

This is how I envision it:
-You kill a pirate and your ship manages to decode an outgoing transmission or something similar.
-Most cases the transmission is meaningless and your ship's log automatically filters them out. However, on occasion you intercept one that includes vital information like system location, etc. Your ship's log stores these and automatically alerts you to them.
-Now they act like the previous drops, except they include relevant information like timestamp for when the message was intercepted and an indicator showing ongoing activity from the receiving end of the message (i.e., the site is still active).
-When you arrive in the system and apply your discovery probe instead of having to scan down the site to pinpoint it, you'll automatically have a 100% warp in thanks to the log and prior information about the receiving end of the message (we can elaborate on the lore later).

I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Loki Feiht
#19 - 2013-05-02 22:50:33 UTC
maybe they could add the whole translating/decoding to a mini game somehow....

More NPC - Randomly Generated Modular Content thread

Poison Alice
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2013-05-03 00:01:35 UTC
yes plz, +10
excellent idea! Big smile
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