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T3 rebalance: what has been proposed so far?

Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#1 - 2013-04-29 11:18:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Adoulin
Just about everybody agrees that the damn t3 strategic cruisers are broken.

Just flat out busted.

So far there have been rumors of nerfing the Tengu (which almost everyone agrees is the most broken t3 cruiser of them all...) for quite some time.

So....has anything been made official on the t3 problem yet?

And my ridiculous suggestions to fix them are as follows......

A) Change the skill multiplier on the Subsystem skills from 1x to 5x.

Makes losing a t3 really, really hurt SP wise.

or..........and this is my favorite.......

B) T3's would lose the ability to use t2 weapons (and ammo, of course.)

*insert CCP handwave technobabble HERE for the reason why, example below*

Umm....a nanovirus. Because those Sleepers are real tricksy.

*tanks armor and shield thermal resists to 99% and awaits the incoming flames*

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Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

#2 - 2013-04-29 11:29:20 UTC

I don't always post on the forums, but when I do, I prefer posting with my main.

Lumberjack Commandos
#3 - 2013-04-29 11:48:42 UTC
Now I'm talking from a pvp perspective here, I give no fucks about pve, and tbh who cares if a tengu can solo a 6/10.

The tengu has been flat our face-stomped as it is, mostly due to the heavy missile nerf, the 100mn beast we all loved, while still a bit tricky to catch now does pitiful damage (just over 400dps) and is absolutely screwed if tackled by a frig mostly due to explosive radius and explosive velocity, meaning it can be easily tanked by a most t1 frigs.

The legion has always been a bit underwhelming, decent buffer but low damage, and whoever designed the neuting sub, well they just plain deserver a kick in the balls.

The loki does its job as a heavy recon very well but again its dps is pretty poor.

The proteus, again does the heavy recon well, and does nice damage, it is a little odd that the proteus can nearly double that dps of all the other t3's, but I'm not sure if thats a reflection on the proteus itself beong OP, or the other t3's lacking.

Also I think some people forget that a decent fit t3 is still a ~1.3 bill ship, I know when I'm spending that sort of isk on a ship I want it to be pretty damn good at its job, be that tackle work or dps.

But yeah your ideas are awful, maybe tell us how you think they are broken, and how you believe they should to be fixed?
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#4 - 2013-04-29 13:04:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
Mike Adoulin wrote:
Just about everybody agrees that the damn t3 strategic cruisers are broken.

*just about everyone who doesnt have any idea what theyre talking about.

^fixed that for you.

T3s are flat out not over powered.
They are unbalanced with each other (legion im looking at you) and the different subsystems definitely could use rejigging to make more of them useful but as a ship compared to other ships, T3s are perfectly fine.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Daniel Plain
#5 - 2013-04-29 13:13:08 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Mike Adoulin wrote:
Just about everybody agrees that the damn t3 strategic cruisers are broken.

*just about everyone who doesnt have any idea what theyre talking about.

^fixed that for you.

T3s are flat out not over powered.
They are unbalanced with each other (legion im looking at you) and the different subsystems definitely could use rejigging to make more of them useful but as a ship compared to other ships, T3s are perfectly fine.

this tbh. aside from some useless subsystems and the legion's general underperformance, T3s are perfectly fine.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Mike Whiite
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-04-29 13:21:13 UTC
Mike Adoulin wrote:

So far there have been rumors of nerfing the Tengu (which almost everyone agrees is the most broken t3 cruiser of them all...) for quite some time.

Please elabborate on how the Tengu is broken, I'm thrilled as what problems you say it has.
Secret Squirrell
Allied Press Intergalactic
#7 - 2013-04-29 13:54:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Secret Squirrell
I would tend to agree that the T3 Cruisers are not overpowered. Afaik, outside the FC Brick and Booster roles, the only T3s that see much action are the 100mn Tengu for small gang work, where it is just hard to deal with, but not particularly damaging, and the Loki, which is used in an alpha fleet by some 0.0 Coalitions and has some really effective counters.

So overall, T3's seem to punch at a level appropriate for their cost, which in a PVP configuration, is the most expensive ships after pirate battleships, and in PvE configurations, can quickly exceed 2-3 bil.
RaVeN Alliance
#8 - 2013-04-29 14:31:04 UTC  |  Edited by: RavenPaine
They recently DID nerf the Tengu, twice. With a missile range nerf and the Invuln passive resist nerf.
So, an offensive and defensive nerf to 1 ship = pretty drastic change imo.

Legion is the ship that needs a little love.

Loki and Proteus can be fitted a couple of ways that are decently effective. But all in all, none of the T3 are OP.
Some Destroyers can put out more DPS. Many Frigate hulls are faster. etc. etc.

Interchangable systems could be improved for all the races, but all in all, T3 are the best idea to come along in years.
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-04-29 14:34:48 UTC
T3s should be tweaked a little but making it more painful to get one blow up is not the direction to go to.

Nerfing PG on a few and preventing 100mn fits from working will go a long way towards helping that.
Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2013-04-29 15:07:46 UTC
I see a fair few T3s of all sorts, probably more Lokis than the others, but then I'm in w-space where they provide a lot of ship for their mass. That said, we use Sleipnirs for our PvE DPS over T3s - more value for money, and they're really, really good at violencing sleepers.

Roger McLoven
Scorched Society
#11 - 2013-04-29 15:49:33 UTC
Nerff Nerff Nerff.

Whole point of this game way back when was If a ship was overpowered you need more people to kill it.

All this game is now is nerfs.

Frigs should not be able to kill battleships.

If you spent billions on a ship it used to just own everything till a fleet came in and killed youl.

I have quit playing this game because of all the nerfs.

IF anything that should of beefed up some ships not nerf them..

Speed nerf missile nerfs ship nerfs nerf nerf nerf..

Mission nerfs isk nerfs...

I'm Done. I have 3 110 million skill point toons. Worthless.

Have to say I more happy now play othere games.. It's like not working a second job just to keep the accounts going in isk.

Enjoy the NEFS

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#12 - 2013-04-29 16:19:44 UTC
Would you kindly contract your in-game possessions to me?
#13 - 2013-04-29 16:34:56 UTC
Show me a KB where you use (not be killed by) T3's and I MIGHT pay more attention to your post about nerfing T3's.
Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#14 - 2013-04-29 16:46:47 UTC
Honestly, I think Tech 3's need to have their rigs slots removed. This could be compensated a bit by adding an extra mid or low slot, for shield and armor defensive subs, respectively, and perhaps tweaking a few other bits.

This way, they'll lose a bit of functionality, but not cripplingly so, and more importantly will be able to be used how they were marketed. With rigs, they're pretty much stuck to whatever job they're rigged basically have a really expensive HAC or Recon, in most cases. Coupled with the newfound ability to change subs at a POS, this will make them brilliantly good at being wormhole ships.

Yes, it will probably **** up a few popular fits, which might even be a good thing as they're OP in several roles, but overall I think it'll give them a rather unique role overall.

As for the SP loss, though, I think it needsto go the way of the dodo. It's not really a balancing factor at this point, so much as an annoyance.

thhief ghabmoef

Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#15 - 2013-04-29 16:52:11 UTC
Some t3 subs need a buff, some need a nerf

They will get to it.

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Alexa Coates
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2013-04-29 18:29:36 UTC
I want a proteus drone boat. Not the half assed "use two subs and still only launch 4 sentries" drone boat of current, I mean full fledged all tank and drone deeps ship.

That's a Templar, an Amarr fighter used by carriers.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2013-04-29 18:55:53 UTC
It's the only product of the best expansion in Eve history, still with many subs broken (ECM, neut, RR, drone, etc.) after so many years, and they want to nerf it into the ground and destroy wh economy. Figures.

We need buff to certain subs, all of legion, and t3 as a whole.

Price and number are the balancing factors in Eve. Why was the cane whine numerous as well as heavily supported by stats, while Mach whine sparse and with too little stats to draw conclusions? Because few ppl dare flying Machs in pvp, and those who do must fit for arty snipe camp and paranoid enough to warp off at every opportunity, or face a blob due to the "omg expensive boat KILL IT" factor. Canes, on the other hand, were cheapboats used to their fullest extent until they pop.

Is the most used t3 1 bil Legion brawlers? No, it's the 100mn tengu that couldn't kill anything but can gtfo. And why are you whinning about it? Because it killed you? No, because you didn't get to kill it. I have a better idea, why don't CCP just give you free 1 bil kms.Roll

What's wrong with the Legion? It's got a solid tank, solid dps, solid projection, upgrade over t2 in every imaginable way. But lacking a gemmick like the 100mn tengu, it's just not worth the price tag or SP loss. Without 100mn, neither is tengu.

Name Family Name
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2013-04-29 21:25:54 UTC
They are broken in regards to overpowering their supposedly more specialized T2 counterparts in almost every aspect.

In fact I'd say the Legion is the only one that's fine (except for being better at being a Booster than the Damnation, being a better prober than the Anathema, being a better Pilgrim than the Pilgrim itself and a better AHAC than the Zealot, but in the last two cases, cost offset works imho).

No T3 should ever surpass the specialized T2 ship in its specified role
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2013-04-29 21:41:36 UTC  |  Edited by: sabre906
Name Family Name wrote:
They are broken in regards to overpowering their supposedly more specialized T2 counterparts in almost every aspect.

In fact I'd say the Legion is the only one that's fine (except for being better at being a Booster than the Damnation, being a better prober than the Anathema, being a better Pilgrim than the Pilgrim itself and a better AHAC than the Zealot, but in the last two cases, cost offset works imho).

No T3 should ever surpass the specialized T2 ship in its specified role

T2 prices should be raised to subbed t3 level, because t3 price is... you know, overpowering.Lol

Also, you should lose a lvl of that t2 ship skill.Cool
Raptors Mole
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#20 - 2013-04-29 22:05:42 UTC
Hmmmm Not OP'd. 2 Bil ship should be good. Standard T2 Fit = mediocre ship.

Initially Caldari pilot so Tengu for Sleeper killing, good as a Cov Ops scanner/tackler.

Then as Fleet doctrine was Armour - crosstrained to Amarr (cos Lazors and nightmare).

Climbed into Legion - Lazor fit bad DPS, Ham Fit better but still meh. Good Tank but S-L-O-W. Tried Neuty legion which was a bit better but waste of a T3 when T2 is cheaper and does it better.

Climbed back out, Sold it and bought 6 Absolutions instead.


Also blowing up doesn't make you cry.
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