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Lin Gi'Do
Red Bull Industries
#21 - 2013-04-26 19:02:53 UTC
Arcosian wrote:
My question is assuming stargates are going to make titans look like a cheap frig in terms of cost why would any alliance want to foot the bill so everyone else can use it?

So you are allowed to use every Jumpbridge system in null then? That must be so awesome.
Tank Talbot
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2013-04-26 19:03:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Tank Talbot
Rebecha Pucontis wrote:
Hmm, new probe system, looks like it has been dumbed down to me.

I thought the same. Especially with the new site naming conventions. The probe formations and multi-launch option though are something that was needed. The new hacking “mini-game” left me puzzled because it didn’t look like the DEV hurricane was mounting hacking modules. It could have just been a lousy stream for me though. I am wondering if skills and modules will change with this or how they will interact? Seems off for EVE though. Mini-games are for STO... ;)

Ice in anomalies? No more interdictions and profiteering?

Andi presented a big dream but I was left confused by the actual point. So player groups can build star gates. Colonization? I couldn’t tell if she was implying high sec was about to bite the dust or if new player empires were in the making? As wasted as some stretches of space seem now I don’t know but if we can build them I hope we can blow them up too.
Arcosian Heavy Industries Corp Holding
#23 - 2013-04-26 19:05:30 UTC
Makoto Priano wrote:
Arcosian; my guess is that if you build it, you can control who passes through-- though I assume there's also a possibility to hack 'em? Or depending on expense (it could be relatively cheaper to build, but need constant fueling), break blockades by building smuggler gates...?

That's a possibility but assuming the major power blocs build them (who else would) they could essentially lock down an entire region and be in complete safety. Seems like that would just stagnate null more than it already is.
Arcosian Heavy Industries Corp Holding
#24 - 2013-04-26 19:07:48 UTC
Lin Gi'Do wrote:
Arcosian wrote:
My question is assuming stargates are going to make titans look like a cheap frig in terms of cost why would any alliance want to foot the bill so everyone else can use it?

So you are allowed to use every Jumpbridge system in null then? That must be so awesome.

Of course not but there is a big difference between stargates and JBs. Locking stargates would effectively cut an entire system off from the outside world. That is unless they plan to make stargates more like titan bridges.
Heinel Coventina
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2013-04-26 19:08:59 UTC
Karsa Egivand wrote:
Rebecha Pucontis wrote:
Hmm, new probe system, looks like it has been dumbed down to me.

The ability to start you 7 probes at once and store probe patterns isn't dumbing it down. It is just getting rid of annoying UI-restrictions/"gamplay".

OMG really? Saving probe patterns?

Best News EVER!!
Deep Core Mining Inc.
#26 - 2013-04-26 19:11:14 UTC
Heinel Coventina wrote:
Karsa Egivand wrote:
Rebecha Pucontis wrote:
Hmm, new probe system, looks like it has been dumbed down to me.

The ability to start you 7 probes at once and store probe patterns isn't dumbing it down. It is just getting rid of annoying UI-restrictions/"gamplay".

OMG really? Saving probe patterns?

Best News EVER!!

Pre-set saved probe patterns. They also launch 7 probes at a time now. I wonder how fast you will be able to be probed down now.
Trendon Evenstar
Olympus Gods
#27 - 2013-04-26 19:25:55 UTC
Arcosian wrote:
My question is assuming stargates are going to make titans look like a cheap frig in terms of cost why would any alliance want to foot the bill so everyone else can use it?

It would have to lead to great rewards and only be accessible by the alliance, who would have the resources to do such a thing? Cool
Arcosian Heavy Industries Corp Holding
#28 - 2013-04-26 19:37:56 UTC
Trendon Evenstar wrote:
Arcosian wrote:
My question is assuming stargates are going to make titans look like a cheap frig in terms of cost why would any alliance want to foot the bill so everyone else can use it?

It would have to lead to great rewards and only be accessible by the alliance, who would have the resources to do such a thing? Cool

That's kinda my point. If any alliance is able to construct the first stargates and get a foot hold into jove space it would be almost impossible to take it from them with gates being inaccessible to everyone else.

I'm just guessing here but it seems like the only way in would be destroying the gate and building a new one which one can only guess how long and expensive a process that would be or hacking(?) the gate with the new code-breaker system. Assuming one can hack the gate it would only buy a few mins(?) before a fleet could move through so at best it would just slow them down a bit.

Rebecha Pucontis
#29 - 2013-04-26 19:40:24 UTC
Throktar wrote:
Pre-set saved probe patterns. They also launch 7 probes at a time now. I wonder how fast you will be able to be probed down now.

This is what concern me too. How easy will it be too scan down other pilots with combat probes now. Usually you get a little time as you can hit dscan and see the probes being deployed before the scanner takes them off scan range and tries to flash you with them. I forsee this could cause a lot of issues.

Also preset probe formations is nice, but if you can only launch 7 probes now, what about people who have 8 probe formation currently? I know this doesn't affect many people, but will those who do use 8 probe setups be able to get formations also? Otherwise what is the point in astro V and getting the extra probe.
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#30 - 2013-04-26 19:42:11 UTC
Mate thats FUTURE TM Roll

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Stellar Production
#31 - 2013-04-26 20:05:02 UTC
Rebecha Pucontis wrote:
Hmm, new probe system, looks like it has been dumbed down to me.

As a vet player you WOULD say that. Compared to the original probe system, the current one is dumbed down too. At the end of the day it comes down to ease of use. Id rather have the new system and spend less time scanning, which equals more profit then to keep the current one which, yes is more complex, but time consuming as well.

The other side of this is ensuring you dont need lvl 4 skills in scanning just to find something inside 5 minutes. This will definitely help newer players who need tutorials and still training time to utilize the archaic scanning system that hasnt changed since 2009.

As CCP mentioned multiple times at fanfest, they want to make game play more intuitive and less like work. We players play the game to enjoy it, not have a literal second job. 80% of new player scanning time is consumed in just setting up the damn probes.

As for the stargates....not sure how that will work out tbh. I doubt they will ever connect to w-space. It is possible they may allow connections to jove and colonize it; however, the bigger question is how to get there? Right now if you want to get to another system you use a stargate or a wh, short of them introducing wh in jove or wh in a new cant really get the materials to the new system to build a gate.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#32 - 2013-04-26 21:52:41 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Also, the interesting part isn't stargate construction — it's what's required to make it a valuable addition: stargate destruction.

Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2013-04-26 21:58:45 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Lin Gi'Do wrote:
or jove space, or back to Earth? Who knows.

Jove space sounds more liklely, since they've said that they're going to open up that part of space.

I think it would be rather anti-climactic and a waste of resources if it was just Jove space. Jove space isn't all that big. It's one more region. If they are going to put all the effort in to make this awesome new feature of making stargates, which will likely have limited ranges, which would make them only useable by a small portion of EVE if allowed only to connect to Jove space, then it would just be a waste. My guess would be a large number of new systems placed into the game that can only be accessed by the players building gates and making their own paths through the new universe of systems. These will obviously be 0.0 additions. Maybe the counterpart to the new WH additions.

Bounties for all!

EVE Markets
#34 - 2013-04-26 22:14:34 UTC
Tank Talbot wrote:
The new hacking “mini-game” left me puzzled because it didn’t look like the DEV hurricane was mounting hacking modules. It could have just been a lousy stream for me though.

Soundwave did heavily caveat that part of the demo with "it won't look like this", and there were plenty of dev hacks involved too, so I wouldn't put too much weight on exactly what was shown there.
Solaris Ecladia
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2013-04-27 01:13:52 UTC
Arcosian wrote:
Trendon Evenstar wrote:
Arcosian wrote:
My question is assuming stargates are going to make titans look like a cheap frig in terms of cost why would any alliance want to foot the bill so everyone else can use it?

It would have to lead to great rewards and only be accessible by the alliance, who would have the resources to do such a thing? Cool

That's kinda my point. If any alliance is able to construct the first stargates and get a foot hold into jove space it would be almost impossible to take it from them with gates being inaccessible to everyone else.

I'm just guessing here but it seems like the only way in would be destroying the gate and building a new one which one can only guess how long and expensive a process that would be or hacking(?) the gate with the new code-breaker system. Assuming one can hack the gate it would only buy a few mins(?) before a fleet could move through so at best it would just slow them down a bit.

because absolutly no systems anywhere have more than 1 gate right?
Sethose Olderon
Honourable Company of Gentlemen
#36 - 2013-04-27 09:14:01 UTC
Arcosian wrote:
My question is assuming stargates are going to make titans look like a cheap frig in terms of cost why would any alliance want to foot the bill so everyone else can use it?

Perhaps if the owner(s) were to allow others usage, you could charge fees for the privilege, which could equate to a large chunk of change. Especially so if the stargate was in a system on a trade route, or just simply a popular system.

It could even be possible to charge an exorbitant amount as a disincentive, but still catch the occasional idiot, or border-line alcoholic.

In the end it's a good idea, it's gives players more things to build and destroy. Less NPC, more Player Freedom.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." - Thomas Jefferson

Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#37 - 2013-04-27 09:20:57 UTC
Seagull invited the audience to dream.

And "Colonisation" was one possible theme for the future.

I'd say that it's a better dream than playing with barbies, but still a dream.

What was interesting in Seagull's "look to the future" was that while sticking to 6 month expansions, they also keep longer targets.

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#38 - 2013-04-27 09:34:01 UTC
Which panel was this? For those of us who have been working this weekend and don't have the HD live stream 24/7.
Mara Tessidar
Caldari State
#39 - 2013-04-27 09:35:22 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Also, the interesting part isn't stargate construction — it's what's required to make it a valuable addition: stargate destruction. If all you can do is build new ones, it'll be a one-time thing… Twisted

x for outpost destruction Sad
Lors Dornick
Kallisti Industries
#40 - 2013-04-27 09:39:47 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Which panel was this? For those of us who have been working this weekend and don't have the HD live stream 24/7.

EvE past, present and future.

The "Colonisation" part is as can be guessed at the end of it ...

CCP Greyscale: As to starbases, we agree it's pretty terrible, but we don't want to delay the entire release just for this one factor.

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