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Best tiny change ever: no session timer on ship changes

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#21 - 2011-11-01 19:35:07 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Night Epoch wrote:
Just want to express my appreciation for this profoundly helpful change.

The removal of the session timer for switching ships while docked is probably my favorite "tiny change" ever made to EVE. Though seemingly a minor convenience boost, it remarkably improves the feeling of fluidity and efficiency while trying to conduct business in station.

+1 CCP.

What is your favorite "tiny change" made to EVE over the years?

Ironically, this happened because of refactoring that had to be done for Incarna Smile

Go talk to the dev's and go ask them to make some more ironic fixes. :-)
The bpo/bpc icons, no timer, were great fixes +1 for those!!
Burseg Sardaukar
Free State Project
#22 - 2011-11-01 20:40:22 UTC
Best small change of all time:

Skill training Queue. <--- everything pales in comparison.

Can't wait to dual box my Dust toon and EVE toon on the same machine!

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#23 - 2011-11-01 20:52:53 UTC
Soi Mala wrote:
So is anything stopping me from baiting and switching on station now? I thought that was the point of the timer in the first place. Now not only will people avoid fighting in space for fear of hotdrops, they'l also avoid fighting on station through fear of the old bait and switch.

You are aware that the switch timer was gone like two months ago, are you?

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Fille Balle
Ballbreakers R us
#24 - 2011-11-01 20:54:15 UTC
I too, would like to express my gratitude for this fortunate fix. All though I wouldn't class it as a small change. It made a huge difference to me at least.

Stop the spamming, not the scamming!

Aloe Cloveris
The Greater Goon
#25 - 2011-11-01 21:12:23 UTC
KFenn wrote:
Shame Scotty the Docking Manager was one of the 20% laid off. I'll miss your pointless and incessant warnings.

Oh wait... no, no I won't

Ugh. Seriously, **** that guy.
CCP Tuxford
C C P Alliance
#26 - 2011-11-01 21:48:24 UTC
TINY? I nearly went insane.

Like Grayscale said this was due to some refactoring that needed to be done for Incarna. That refactoring actually opened up a whole new dimension of cool features we could implement which I'd love to write down in a blog of some sorts, if I can ever tear myself from the code long enough P

Shin Dari
Covert Brigade
#27 - 2011-11-01 21:53:41 UTC
CCP Tuxford wrote:
That refactoring actually opened up a whole new dimension of cool features we could implement which I'd love to write down in a blog of some sorts

Please do so.
Jita Alt666
#28 - 2011-11-01 22:00:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Jita Alt666
CCP Tuxford wrote:
TINY? I nearly went insane.

Like Grayscale said this was due to some refactoring that needed to be done for Incarna. That refactoring actually opened up a whole new dimension of cool features we could implement which I'd love to write down in a blog of some sorts, if I can ever tear myself from the code long enough P

Agree with OP - changes are great
Understand that Tux - Backroom coding takes a long time for seemingly small gains. These gains are appreciated. A blog of potential and/or forth coming small changes would be great.
Father Void
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2011-11-01 22:01:53 UTC
Its old as sin but coming back to EVE and seeing the learning skills gone and replaced with a pool or infinite possibility points. I wish I had spent them a little more carefully because they truly were digital gold.

Wipe something else out please. You know no one like PI right ;)
Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#30 - 2011-11-01 22:25:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Abdiel Kavash
Being set as a squad commander instead of a fleet commander when creating a fleet. Possibly my most favorite change ever since Apocrypha.
Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#31 - 2011-11-01 22:33:11 UTC
the little waypoint markers in your autopilot route


Veronica Kerrigan
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2011-11-01 23:11:42 UTC
Apollo Gabriel wrote:
At ship arrays you still have a delay, but in stations it's not bad.

Not much they can do about this one. You are changing what ship you are in while in space, meaning it needs time to register with everyone. My personal little thing is either this, or bringing back ship spinning. I didn't mind CQ, but it would cause instability when I was alt tabbing between clients while docking and undocking.
#33 - 2011-11-02 10:14:06 UTC

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