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EVE General Discussion

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#81 - 2013-04-24 10:58:39 UTC
Eve isn't for everyone. Just because you get dec'd and can't deal with it doesn't mean Eve is dying. Last I checked it's been growing for 10 years as this kind of game.

Not every game is for everyone, and that's fine. Just because you and your crybaby don't like Eve and quit doesn't mean it's dying.

For what it's worth when I was 2 weeks old in the game my corp got dec'd by a vastly superior force. We lost a lot of frigs but it was a lot of fun and we all learned how the game works. Sounds like rswfire hasn't learned jack.

You need to work on your reading comprehension skills. No one quit. And nothing I said is "crying." It's amazing how often people are quick to jump on that bandwagon. Everything is either crying or "Eve isn't for everyone." I'm sorry you feel that way. Eve is complex and vast, full of great depth and potential. I like it here, and I'm not going anywhere.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#82 - 2013-04-24 11:18:05 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:

You haven't realised how stupid your campaign is... Wardec my corp and you will see when I get home how people can deal with your stupid decageddon.

Thats the spirit!

Don't you see, that your response is precisely what I am trying to achieve in other carebears?

Sinking in yet?

Time for you to pay it forward now, and dec another carebear corp!

Are we decced yet?
Horizon Research Group
#83 - 2013-04-24 11:22:58 UTC
rswfire wrote:
You need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

Your alliance griefed us for a period of three weeks.

Those three weeks were miserable. We could not fight your alliance.

We didn't have the skills or the experience

dying horribly every time...we gave up trying

Haha ok just a quick sampling, wonder where people might get the idea you're crying? Roll

What's wrong with Eve not being for everyone? Not everyone likes Football (American or Real Football), does that mean we need to change either of those games?
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#84 - 2013-04-24 11:24:16 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
So much fail here in the 'enlightened' comments from bears in NPC corps, but I will try to elucidate...

Azitek wrote:

Because EvE is all about the ganking mission runners in highsec. Can't believe I've missed that all these years.

Comprehension fail +1. 'Ganking' involves suiciding oneself while taking out a target in hisec. DEC-AGEDDON does not propose increased suicide ganks, but more lawful wars filed with your local CONCORD office.

The term your after is suicide ganking, Jihad ganking or just Jihadding. Ganking implies the killers do said killing without Concord or assistance for the victim getting involved.

In terms of you "clearing up your lack of understanding" to the rest of us.....Don't bother. The value derived from your elucidations is not worth the cheated effort of having to digest them...

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

#85 - 2013-04-24 11:33:49 UTC
Haha ok just a quick sampling, wonder where people might get the idea you're crying? Roll

What's wrong with Eve not being for everyone? Not everyone likes Football (American or Real Football), does that mean we need to change either of those games?

I see. So a structured response stating some historical facts is crying. Thank you for clarifying. Further, my comments were made in the context of the original poster's comments and assumptions about how people like myself would react to his campaign. I just happened to have the benefit of being able to share a past experience that mirrors his objectives.

You may also want to note that nowhere within my post did I ever mention anything about changing this game. Quite the contrary, actually, as I was pretty clear that we dealt with the situation to the best of our ability at the time without ever complaining or asking CCP to do anything for us. It's not an idea I would have or will ever entertain.

At this point, there is nothing constructive for me to add. If you feel the need to have the last word, then by all means, feel free.
Corey Fumimasa
CFM Salvage
#86 - 2013-04-24 11:59:30 UTC
rswfire wrote:
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:

*Edited for space post #78 on page 4.

All in all, however, your alliance did somewhere around 10B in damage to us, a brand new corp, not even a month old, to a bunch of truly new players to the Eve community. ...

You weren't able to get us all to disband or leave Eve, but you certainly caused us enough harm that we now permanently pay for the assistance of two highsec merc alliances to deal with crap from people like you. And we have never once complained here or anywhere else. We've never filed a petition. We've not asked CCP to do a damned thing for us.


This is exactly what should happen. A new corp put together resources that were beyond their ability to protect and so they got war decced, and a big predetor fish came along and started farming. You guys had some adventures and some defeats, but ultimately you figured out what to do; hire some help, and get back to playing the game as you want to. So from this one war dec 5 different organizations, that would have never known about one another otherwise, clashed and in so doing created an interesting story.

I didn't find it to be whiny or complaint oriented, rather an excellent account of the events as seen from a very personal perspective.

The thing about balance in Eve that isn't talked about is that bears do affect "PvPers" They have a huge effect on all other players in Eve. And when left to their own devices they produce much more income ISK wise. The balance is that PvP oriented players have the ability to interact directly with bears in the form of suicide ganking and war dec's.

If you really want to be left alone in Eve then stop participating in the economy, stop affecting other players and taking away from income opportunities for those other players.

But if you enjoy the economy and creating things that affect others then you have to accept that they have the option to affect you. And that Eve is a place where those options suit the desired playstyles of many different kinds of player.
Caldari State
#87 - 2013-04-24 12:29:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Ritsum
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:

You haven't realised how stupid your campaign is... Wardec my corp and you will see when I get home how people can deal with your stupid decageddon.

Thats the spirit!

Don't you see, that your response is precisely what I am trying to achieve in other carebears?

Sinking in yet?

Time for you to pay it forward now, and dec another carebear corp!

You do know they most likely meant they would either disband the corp and remake it or stay in a npc corp for a while or just maybe stay docked up and do their trading games / play their main or alt while you sit on your backside outside a station waiting for them to undock...

Play EvE how you want to play it and do not let others dictate how you play. Evolve your playstyle to protect yourself from others! Even in "PVE", "PVP" is there, lurking in the shadows.

Corey Fumimasa
CFM Salvage
#88 - 2013-04-24 14:17:46 UTC
Ritsum wrote:

You do know they most likely meant they would either disband the corp and remake it or stay in a npc corp for a while or just maybe stay docked up and do their trading games / play their main or alt while you sit on your backside outside a station waiting for them to undock...

If they have towers up then they will lose them if they go passive, and there are many towers in highsec. Also there's always a few people who don't get the memo, or those that just want to practice evasion and wartime piloting even if they don't want to fight.

You are correct that there are workarounds to avoid war decs. Maybe declaring war should be less expensive to represent this fact. Or maybe more infrastructure should be moved outside of stations; CCP could make PI structures lootable, and they could move all refining, research, and industry slots to PI or POS's. In that way people could still avoid wardecs but there would be some consequences for doing so.
Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#89 - 2013-04-24 15:22:16 UTC
I don't think the OP understands the typical carebear at all.
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#90 - 2013-04-24 17:07:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:
I don't think the OP understands the typical carebear at all.

I don't have level 4 locators in Caldari, Gallente and Amarr space solely because I want to find pvp targets, I was a mission-running carebear myself for quite a while.

My remedy to CCP nerfing hisec each release because of carebear demands & petitions is to engage with the carebear on a large and educational level, that desensitizes the bear to ship loss so it becomes an ingrained part of EvE life. The bear must be taught to think "Hisec is not a risk free theme park, I will lose ships, that's NORMAL. I need to accept that, not whine and beotch to get CCP to change the games fundamental values that makes it special. I will tank my ships, not mine AFK, watch local...I get it".

(As an added bonus, shooting said bears in the face in the interim is an enjoyable recompense for the damage they have already caused to a game I love. [see: exhumer buff, wardec increased costs & open allies, can-flipping killed, etc]).

Now, who is with me? Have you wardecced a carebear corp today?
Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#91 - 2013-04-24 18:02:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Anne Dieu-le-veut
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
I don't have level 4 locators in Caldari, Gallente and Amarr space solely because I want to find pvp targets, I was a mission-running carebear myself for quite a while.

My remedy to CCP nerfing hisec each release because of carebear demands & petitions is to engage with the carebear on a large and educational level, that desensitizes the bear to ship loss so it becomes an ingrained part of EvE life. The bear must be taught to think "Hisec is not a risk free theme park, I will lose ships, that's NORMAL. I need to accept that, not whine and beotch to get CCP to change the games fundamental values that makes it special. I will tank my ships, not mine AFK, watch local...I get it".

The major flaws in your theory are :

1) assuming carebears are only carebears because they haven't been introduced to the majesty of PvP. The vast majority of people playing have played another MMO before and/or besides this one, and have, at some point, at least dabbled in PvP, and decided for whatever reason, it wasn't for them. Maybe they find it stressful, maybe they suck at it, and/or maybe they don't like the e-peen waving and smack talk normally associated with the more vocal PvPers. If carebears disliked and avoided PvP in a consequence free PvE themepark, they aren't going to like it any more in a game where they lose their shinies.

2) not understanding a carebear, by definition, is someone who wants nothing to do with PvP. They are more interested in empire building or running a virtual business than blowing things up. Blowing up people not interested in fighting back is only going to confirm their belief that most PvPers are basement dwelling neckbeard mouth breathers.

I'm not suggesting in any way that PvP should be optional even in high sec. You should be free to wardec or suicide gank whoever, wherever you want, but it's near delusional thinking that blapping carebears is going to magically convince them they were wrong about this whole PvP thing. You're more likely to get them petitioning CCP to make the game safer.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:

(As an added bonus, shooting said bears in the face in the interim is an enjoyable recompense for the damage they have already caused to a game I love. [see: exhumer buff, wardec increased costs & open allies, can-flipping killed, etc]).

Now, who is with me? Have you wardecced a carebear corp today?

Weren't most of these changes the direct result of griefing carebears, and your solution is to grief them more? What could possibly go wrong?
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#92 - 2013-04-24 18:57:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:

I'm not suggesting in any way that PvP should be optional even in high sec. You should be free to wardec or suicide gank whoever, wherever you want, but it's near delusional thinking that blapping carebears is going to magically convince them they were wrong about this whole PvP thing. You're more likely to get them petitioning CCP to make the game safer.

Im not trying to convince them to pvp, I'm trying to convince them non-consensual pvp is a natural part of hisec life & raise its occurance to enough of a level that they stop petitioning for changes. In the short term will they whine more, absolutely; if however enough people join in DEC-AGEDDON and we reach a critical mass of widespread expectation of pew, they will become desensitized to it over time. Instead of filing petitions, they will put tank mods on their ships. Instead of filing petitions, they will start watching local. Instead of filing petitions, they will stop flying Orca's and Charon's during wartime.

This is why it cannot be an annual-only burn-jita styled event, but an ongoing war against the carebear mindset. I am playing chess here, while you are thinking in checkers terms.


Weren't most of these changes the direct result of griefing carebears, and your solution is to grief them more? What could possibly go wrong?

Look, what you call 'griefing' carebears is a prime example of the mindset that needs to change. Non-consensual pew in hisec was part of EvE's core philosophy. I understand that core value is being lost down the road to nerfdom as your quote illustrates (i.e. pew has now become 'griefing'), but I refuse to go mildly into that dark night...I choose to fight.

I fully acknowledge in the short term there will be many bears wailing and gnashing their teeth, but when CCP is already caving in (and envisioning further nerfs to wardecs) something new must be done, action must be taken. There are two possible actions we can take, stop all activity against bears in hopes they then stop petitioning for nerfs; or we get in their face so regularly and loudly that they finally say "OK, I GET IT.. THIS..IS..EVE".
Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#93 - 2013-04-24 19:47:37 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
[Look, what you call 'griefing' carebears is a prime example of the mindset that needs to change. Non-consensual pew in hisec was part of EvE's core philosophy."

I have no problems with Merc or Pirate corps...I eventually plan on joining one. Lol

Whether it's griefing or not is entirely dependent on your motivation. Do you actually expect to profit deccing some small corp with no assets, or are you doing it for lulz and tears? Judging by your blog, I'd guess the latter.

Kicking the neighbor's annoying little rat dog for barking at you isn't going to make it stop barking at you.
Domina Trix
#94 - 2013-04-24 20:23:58 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:

I fully acknowledge in the short term there will be many bears wailing and gnashing their teeth, but when CCP is already caving in (and envisioning further nerfs to wardecs) something new must be done, action must be taken. There are two possible actions we can take, stop all activity against bears in hopes they then stop petitioning for nerfs; or we get in their face so regularly and loudly that they finally say "OK, I GET IT.. THIS..IS..EVE".

Is there a word for whatever you are smoking that you actually think that will happen?

If you continually gank players that are not interested in pvp there will be some who tank their mining barges (for example) but there will be a larger proportion simply quit the game. EVE already has the reputation of being spreadsheets in space populated by basement dwelling neckbeards. If you then chase players away that simply want to find a corner of space with a few friends and play the game their way without interfering with anyone else then what do you think will eventually happen? subscription numbers will drop, CCP will work out why and bring in changes to prevent ganking.

Your own actions will bring about the change that you do not want. The possibility of losing a ship in hi-sec to another player is NOT something I want to disappear from the game but players like you will eventually make that happen.

Mission running, mining and pvp are ALL valid playstyles, how would you feel if CCP introduced a system forcing you to run a mission and mine a certain amount of rocks before you could access jump gates? you quite rightly would be up in arms here on the forums saying that mission running and mining are being forced upon you when you are not interested yet here you are wanting to force YOUR playstyle on others that are not interested.

Your kind did that in Ultima Online and we know what happened there. Do you want that here?

Two of the defining characteristics of a carebear are wanting other players to play the way the carebear wants and whining on the forums for the game to change when they don't. Yet I see more threads on these forums from gankers than I do miners whining about wanting the game changed to suit them.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#95 - 2013-04-24 20:39:24 UTC
Domina Trix wrote:

yet here you are wanting to force YOUR playstyle on others that are not interested.

I really don't know how many times I can say this, but my intent is not to get carebears to pvp. Reread my previous posts in this thread until comprehension occurs.

#96 - 2013-04-24 21:22:34 UTC
Hey guys I can be your carebear if you need one ^-^
Six Six Six
#97 - 2013-04-24 21:37:41 UTC
Don't see what that would achieve op other than,

1) In an NPC corp so won't care anyway.

2) In a player corp but has another character in an NPC corp, so just uses the NPC character whilst the war-dec is active.

3) In a player corp (only 1 account) so just play another MMO whilst the war-dec is active.

Also if you keep hitting the same player corps then you get people leaving them to go back to NPC corps.

Point is you can't generate more targets through war-decs if those targets don't want to be war-dec'd.
Corey Fumimasa
CFM Salvage
#98 - 2013-04-24 21:53:27 UTC
People really seem to respond to this message! It must be important. Perhaps the reason that Eve has been made safer is not that bears complain, rather war decs and other non consensual PvP have been nerfed because it doesn't happen enough.

Maybe if war decs trippled or quadrupled then the devs would think "Oh. this is a great dynamic that people want to see more of. Lets make it cheaper and better!"

And maybe if miner fleets couldn't travel and drill for MONTHS at a time without a single loss then CCP would say "Oh wow, players really like destroying barges, lets make this easier and more profitable."

Feyd is dead on; the reason Eve is becoming easier is not that care bears whine and complain, rather it is because the "PvP ers" are happy to get in a fight here and there as long as they can spend the majority of their time BSing on coms and care bearing themselves.

Eve is not becoming easier to suit the conflict averse. It is becoming easier to suit the players who grade themselves by comparing numbers, stats, ratings, and other metrics which are out of their hands.
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#99 - 2013-04-25 18:28:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
rswfire wrote:

We just wanted to make some friends, socialize, learn together, and have fun.
We know damn well that highsec isn't safe.
Your alliance griefed us for a period of three weeks.
Those three weeks were miserable. We could not fight your alliance.
All in all, however, your alliance did somewhere around 10B in damage to us
I believe you wanted to crush our spirits, and you did a pretty good job of that. It wasn't about desensitizing us. It is simply how you derive enjoyment out of Eve. You don't need to make excuses for this. Just be honest and say that you like deccing people weaker than you, for whatever perverse reason.
Your entire premise is wrong. You don't want to hear it, refuse to believe it, but you are what is destroying eve. Not us.

Lets say you have a high end steak restaurant that beef aficionados love. LOVE I tell you.
Continual swaths of McDonald's patrons walk into the steak restaurant and complain the prices are too high, either verbally or by just walking out in frustration.
The steakhouse owner attempts to retain the McDonalds customers by cutting costs, quality of the meat, etc so he increases volume of people staying to eat.
The steak aficionado is disgusted that the high end steak restaurant is now a Burger King
The McDonalds patron has just gotten himself yet another burger joint in a long strip mall of burger joints
The steak afficionado stabs a fork in the McDonalds patron's eye, while telling the owner he is making a big mistake, he then stops coming and falls in love with high end Sushi instead.
Tah'ris Khlador
Space Ghosts.
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#100 - 2013-04-25 20:29:44 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:

Lets say you have a high end steak restaurant that beef aficionados love. LOVE I tell you.
Continual swaths of McDonald's patrons walk into the steak restaurant and complain the prices are too high, either verbally or by just walking out in frustration.
The steakhouse owner attempts to retain the McDonalds customers by cutting costs, quality of the meat, etc so he increases volume of people staying to eat.
The steak aficionado is disgusted that the high end steak restaurant is now a Burger King
The McDonalds patron has just gotten himself yet another burger joint in a long strip mall of burger joints
The steak afficionado stabs a fork in the McDonalds patron's eye, while telling the owner he is making a big mistake, he then stops coming and falls in love with high end Sushi instead.

I found this analogy amusing, though I'd hardly refer to WoT as high end Sushi. Maybe a Qdoba.

The erroneous assumption then is that all game re-balances are in fact "nerfs" in the favor of players who do not understand full time PVP, even when engaged in PVE. They may appear that way, and I've found some to be rather irritating at times, but on the whole they seem to function to maintain actual balance of play styles.

Member of the Pink Pony Killboard Padding Alliance