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Candy Oshea
Techfree Investment Group
#21 - 2013-02-05 02:12:08 UTC
posting in a netc nerd rage thread

iCandy  - I have accidently swallowed some Scrabble tiles, my next shit could spell disaster!

shar'ra matcevsovski
#22 - 2013-02-05 06:33:29 UTC
Ethan Freeman wrote:

Your claim that there ever was a in game convo in which you were shown inventory is false.

As the liaison between my corp and the forums, one of my responsibilities is to keep a detailed log of all interactions between my mates and regulars on Market Discussion. My records shows that no such conversation in game ever took place between any NETG members and shar'ra matcevsovski. The CEO has eve mailed you regarding things not related to NETG, but other than that, there has been no conversations. Please stop making false statements about the dealing of NETG.

api doesnt fetch any chat logs, so how can you guarantee that no such conversation took place? Other than you, Im not affraid to show his mails where he was clearly reffering to a previous (rage-) conversation.

Ethan Freeman wrote:

Do you intend to pledge 80bil? because if not, I'm not going to waste valuable time looking over our inventory, when that time can be used modifying orders. We have investors to pay.

ofc I am, when collateralized im your best investor, why not!

shar'ra phone home

Ethan Freeman
#23 - 2013-02-05 06:46:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Ethan Freeman
Show whatever you would like to.

Now to business, how long is this offer for 80 billion open for? What are your terms?
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#24 - 2013-02-05 13:49:00 UTC
Ethan Freeman wrote:
Show whatever you would like to.

Now to business, how long is this offer for 80 billion open for? What are your terms?

pretty sure there was an offer for 20


Tul Breetai
Impromptu Asset Requisition
#25 - 2013-02-05 14:44:31 UTC
Don't invest, they use child labor. I have pics to prove it.

I just won't post them because, you know, they can be modified with paint.

There's nothing worse than an EVE player, generally considered to be top of the food chain in the MMO world, that cannot smacktalk with wit and coherency.

shar'ra matcevsovski
#26 - 2013-02-05 15:37:29 UTC
Ethan Freeman wrote:
Show whatever you would like to.

Ethan Freeman wrote:

Now to business, how long is this offer for 80 billion open for? What are your terms?

Brother its your business... if im not totally wrong, its your part to tell me the conditions as you must know best what you can make with the isk.

shar'ra phone home

Ethan Freeman
#27 - 2013-02-05 19:57:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Ethan Freeman
shar'ra matcevsovski wrote:
Ethan Freeman wrote:
Show whatever you would like to.

Ethan Freeman wrote:

Now to business, how long is this offer for 80 billion open for? What are your terms?

Brother its your business... if im not totally wrong, its your part to tell me the conditions as you must know best what you can make with the isk.

I want to do a deal here, so give me your ideal terms and we will go from there. You are the one that said you are willing to pledge 80 billion, i would simply like to know what your terms are?

Thank you

Edit: Regarding your screenshot, like i said earlier in my other post, the in game convo in which he offered to show you inventory never took place because you were rude to him the moment he convoed you.
Taraxon Taranogas
#28 - 2013-04-23 00:42:28 UTC
I'm not sayin' your corp is a gold digga' but ain't seen it wit no......well you get the picture. Definite scamming corp.
Ash Holloway
#29 - 2013-04-23 02:37:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Ash Holloway
Not sure why you upped this post from 3 months ago, but once again we are not scammers.

We offer full collateral to secure loans
Alex Grison
Grison Universal
#30 - 2013-04-23 03:58:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Alex Grison


Tul Breetai
Impromptu Asset Requisition
#31 - 2013-04-23 05:55:04 UTC
We're gonna need you to, uh, send that collateral over so we can, uh, yeah confirm its authenticity.

There's nothing worse than an EVE player, generally considered to be top of the food chain in the MMO world, that cannot smacktalk with wit and coherency.

Ash Holloway
#32 - 2013-04-23 06:39:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Ash Holloway
Tul Breetai wrote:
We're gonna need you to, uh, send that collateral over so we can, uh, yeah confirm its authenticity.

If you are interested in partnering with us, we will be happy to contract you collateral for isk after we agree upon terms.

Contact me in game if you want to do a deal, but I'm guessing you are just like every other troll in our posts, all talk.
#33 - 2013-04-23 07:15:06 UTC

Taraxon Taranogas
#34 - 2013-05-15 19:34:22 UTC
Ash Holloway wrote:
Tul Breetai wrote:
We're gonna need you to, uh, send that collateral over so we can, uh, yeah confirm its authenticity.

If you are interested in partnering with us, we will be happy to contract you collateral for isk after we agree upon terms.

Contact me in game if you want to do a deal, but I'm guessing you are just like every other troll in our posts, all talk.

Actually we are just like you, we put our pants on the same way in the morning except then you go out and SCAM people.
The Fukuzawa
New Eden Trade Group
#35 - 2013-05-15 22:47:05 UTC
Taraxon Taranogas wrote:
Ash Holloway wrote:
Tul Breetai wrote:
We're gonna need you to, uh, send that collateral over so we can, uh, yeah confirm its authenticity.

If you are interested in partnering with us, we will be happy to contract you collateral for isk after we agree upon terms.

Contact me in game if you want to do a deal, but I'm guessing you are just like every other troll in our posts, all talk.

Actually we are just like you, we put our pants on the same way in the morning except then you go out and SCAM people.

NETG has been borrowing isk from the eve community for almost a year now, and have not scammed a single player ever. Before the corp existed, members were borrowing isk from the community and have never scammed anyone.

We are not scammers.

! ! ! New Eden Trade Group is paying monthly interest to investors, contact me if interested ! ! !

If you already assume we are scammers without looking at what we offer objectively, go ahead and F*** off.

Thank you, that is all.

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