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The Heresy: a speculative guide to Under(mine) the New Order (long)

Nathalie LaPorte
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#101 - 2013-04-22 02:51:22 UTC
Shao Huang wrote:

Your analysis could well be right. I have no way of knowing.

You could try logging into EVE and trying to repeat his observations, instead of calling simple observations analysis and then listing 38 different books about anything but EVE. I assume you remember how to log in?

Or, if you really want to get crazy, log into EVE and try to implement your plans, testing them firsthand.

I could keep listing ways of knowing, but they all involve logging into EVE, so we'll leave it there.

Beach Boys
The Minions.
#102 - 2013-04-22 02:58:08 UTC
I read it and regret reading it damn you good sir!!!X


Mistah Ewedynao
Ice Axe Psycho Killers
#103 - 2013-04-22 03:40:50 UTC
Lame...just so lame. The whole concept...I mean is this "New Order" the haven for malcontents who are lost because they haven't got to play "Space Barbies" in their CQ's and stations yet???

Drama Queens role-playing??

What's the point?

Only a FOOL would give any of you a single isk....amd I see in MD there seem to be ALOT of fools in this game lately. Good for you, and all the other goon alts who gave you isk.

I guess it's mildly entertaining...1/10

Nerf Goons

Nuke em from's the only way to be sure.

Shao Huang
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#104 - 2013-04-22 05:42:08 UTC
Nathalie LaPorte wrote:
Shao Huang wrote:

Your analysis could well be right. I have no way of knowing.

You could try logging into EVE and trying to repeat his observations, instead of calling simple observations analysis and then listing 38 different books about anything but EVE. I assume you remember how to log in?

Or, if you really want to get crazy, log into EVE and try to implement your plans, testing them firsthand.

I could keep listing ways of knowing, but they all involve logging into EVE, so we'll leave it there.

Thank you for the suggestions.

The attributions made about an entire class of people do not represent observations of something either categorically true or self evident, though I understand how they could seem that way. Granted analysis was a generous term for the opinions expressed.

I do log into EVE as I am able. I would usually like to log in more, but alas, I cannot always. Thank you for the encouragement though. It is that sort of thing that fosters community and participation. I am forwarding plans, (or really narrative) including writing this. I don't multibox and have decided to develop other assets as well. Though you might have assessments about the assumed pace of my 'plans,' play style, etc. I don't really see the relevance. I am in fact enjoying myself even if the quality of my plans do not meet the criteria for success held by anyone else in the EVErse. I am interacting with people about those in a variety of ways, which I also enjoy.

Perhaps you could be more specific about your objections to my play style, in so far as you understand it? Is it the number of hours per day logged in on any particular character? It occurs to me that such a criteria might well lead to things like AFK mining, but I cannot say of course.

Please keep in mind that I have played less than a month and of course continue to suck at the overt aspects of the game. Many people might not like that experience. I enjoy it in fact as I take it to be intimate to the learning process. EVE is particularly delightful to me because that learning process is practically vertical. I do not care if that takes a long time. In fact I am counting on it and am in no particular hurry this way or that. That approach isn't for everyone. People learn in a lot of different ways. I am not trying to 'win at EVE' or attain anything in particular. I will enjoy the game as long as it has intrinsic value for me and not a second longer.

You strike me as having a very limited view of what might actually have to do with with a sandbox environment. No offense intended, that is just how your post occurred for me. It is remarkable to me that someone might think simple references having to do with change, revolution and non-violent revolution have nothing to with EVE. I probably do not understand the game well enough to understand how that distinction should be made. I have already seen many references to Machiavelli, Von Clausewitz, Sun Tzu etc. Out of curiosity, is it your opinion that those have nothing to do with EVE?

Additionally, as noted, regardless of interpretations, I was simply responding to a request for citations. My conversant at that time also brought up physics and implied the notion of objectivism. However I would easily include evolutionary theory, certainly economic theory and therefore also the underpinnings of those things which are vast. Is math in? Langauge or the study of linguistics? Do those have to do with EVE? How about psychology? Game theory? You can understand my confusion I am sure since my references were apparently so offensive to both you and the previous poster representing the NO. It was in no way my intent to offend. I am very surprised that listing a few book names and page numbers when requested has produced such a reaction. Perhaps though you can help me and lay out a bit about how you determine what does or does not have 'to do' with a EVE and sandbox environment. That would be helpful.

The question I asked was "what does it mean to be free in the EVErse?' I doubt there is a single answer to the question. An answer was offered. I offered a counter example that ironically supported the views seemingly held by the provider of the initial answer. He never really engaged that. I think he may have wanted to argue. I am not sure. Do you see the relevance of the question to this thread about NO and 'miners'?

I know of a very good organizational model of team dynamics that might help you understand what I am or am not doing. I hesitate to introduce it since it seems possible that doing so would be offensive and occur as having nothing to do with EVE. If you are interested perhaps you could let me know.

Private sig. Do not read.

Nathalie LaPorte
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#105 - 2013-04-22 06:58:24 UTC
Shao Huang wrote:

The attributions made about an entire class of people do not represent observations of something either categorically true or self evident, though I understand how they could seem that way.

If something is categorically true or self-evident, then observations are completely unnecessary. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say here, or how it relates to my post, but I do see that obvious logical flaw in your argument; so whatever you were trying to say, you've failed.

Shao Huang wrote:
Perhaps you could be more specific about your objections to my play style, in so far as you understand it?

I never mentioned your play style, and I don't see why I would. So, no.

Shao Huang wrote:
You strike me as having a very limited view of what might actually have to do with with a sandbox environment. No offense intended, that is just how your post occurred for me. It is remarkable to me that someone might think simple references having to do with change, revolution and non-violent revolution have nothing to with EVE. I probably do not understand the game well enough to understand how that distinction should be made. I have already seen many references to Machiavelli, Von Clausewitz, Sun Tzu etc. Out of curiosity, is it your opinion that those have nothing to do with EVE?

'Nothing to do with' =/= 'is not about'. A book about World War I is not about World War II, and yet, a book about World War I is about something which is EXTREMELY relevant to World War II. A book which was written before EVE existed is not about EVE (this is both self-evident and categorically true, so does not require observation. See how that works?) , though the topics contained within may be relevant to EVE.

I won't respond to the rest of your post as it is all predicated on the errors above.

#106 - 2013-04-22 07:01:05 UTC
Nathalie LaPorte wrote:
...attempt at trolling...

Failed. :-)

Shao Huang, however, is a brilliant master at it!
Shao Huang
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#107 - 2013-04-22 08:12:27 UTC
Nathalie! Thank you so much for responding.

If something is categorically true or self-evident, then observations are completely unnecessary. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say here, or how it relates to my post, but I do see that obvious logical flaw in your argument; so whatever you were trying to say, you've failed.

I was attempting and apparently failed to make the distinction between an observation and an attribution. The post referred to made quite a few attributions in a way that categorized an entire group of people... You know... 'Them'. My point is that such attributions don't really constitute truths. They are merely what the person happens to persuaded of usually because they are convenient to other things for that person. Thank you for helping me clear that up.

Your entire post seems to me about my play style. It seems I may be confused about what it means to play EVE. I believe I asked for help about this several times, but you have not been forthcoming. Be clear, i am not asking you 'what should i do'? that is not a problem for me. I am asking about the basis for your judgements. I am not saying they are wrong. I am asking what they are. You didn't really say much on the subject of criteria for judging play style. I think there are some, I was just wondering what yours were since it seems that you have them, but did not make them clear.

You have a funny view of time it seems to me. At least it seems different than my own. Since you have mentioned books consider the Platonic dialogue 'Meno'. It is quite wonderful. It is about learning, which of course for me is intimate to participating in something like EVE. I hesitate to mention it since I realize that might be offensive. It could be said to exist objectively in some way before I read it and that would be right. It could also be said that meaning and action associated with it exist before I read it. I can read about that and that would be right. The situated meaning of it only comes through my actual reading of it, which admittedly occurred long before EVE was even possible. Presumably that reading is a direct interaction that spans centuries. It could also be said that the meaning really only arises in the application or practice associated with what I might remember or have internalized about that dialog that took place all those centuries ago, and that would be right. I think this last is fully consistent with your well intended exhortation that I go implement something or other. If I understood, for you it seems as if the primary quality of existence for a book (or game) has to do with its temporal location and a linear understanding of that. I am not trying to be contentious when I say, it is simply not that way for me.

My point is this Nathalie. You seem intent on claiming that the boundaries you draw about game play and what is 'in' or 'out' are self evident. Truly I am new to the game and you could be right about this. I, for my part, am less clear about these boundaries, particularly with regard to something considered a sandbox. In fact I would venture to say that much of the game for me is about exploring that exact question in a variety of ways. I enjoy that process in and of itself, among other things. One of the ways that I can sense something about where boundaries are at least assumed to be by someone else is when they become offended in the way you have. It is not my intent to offend. I am interested in how these boundaries, which make up emergent game play, are drawn by different people. Of course I am interested in how I might draw them, rather than simply being told or inheriting some version of this. This was my initial interest in the NO.

Consider that to the 'miners', about which so many things are attributed (as if referring to some thing that has only one dimension to it) there may also be a set of 'self evident' boundaries about the game which inform their play. One of the wonderful things NO does is to reveal the apparently self evident , fixed boundaries as not so fixed at all. This is likely in part why people become so offended and enraged. They simply redraw and insist on a different rule set. Where does it come from? Most wonderfully, they make it up! It is created. Yay EVE. Take the specific example of dueling as the NO understand it. Hilarious! Wonderful!

Though in some circumstances I might be a bit miffed about the sorts of assertions you made about me in your original post, I am not. Nor am in any way intending to troll. You have raised a bunch of fascinating questions and I am genuinely asking you about those, if somewhat playfully at times. Here are the questions I believe you have raised.

How do we determine what is 'in' or 'out'? What is the basis for that? How do you personally do it? You have given me one sort of temporal schema in which nothing that historically occurred prior to EVE can be considered 'in' if I understood you correctly. Do you have other criteria?

Just on a final note... I find it interesting that you and the previous poster representing NO are apparently so offended by my having included something which apparently violates the boundaries of the game as you draw them, as I noted. I have tried to ask about that, but still do not understand it. I wonder if this might be a point of compassion with regard to how 'miners' might feel when they encounter the NO? This is not an advocation for someone to alter what they are doing in some way. It is just a reflection.

Thank you again for responding and raising these questions. They are intimate to my own enjoyment of the game.

Private sig. Do not read.

Nathalie LaPorte
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#108 - 2013-04-22 08:29:35 UTC
Shao Huang wrote:
It seems I may be confused about what it means to play EVE. I believe I asked for help about this several times, but you have not been forthcoming.

I thought that the 'logging in' tip was pretty relevant there.

If you have something to say about the New Order, I'd be glad to discuss it. If you want to discuss temporal schema, I'd suggest a philosophy forum. I don't want to risk a forum ban by violating forum rule 26.
Shao Huang
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2013-04-22 08:51:28 UTC
Nathalie LaPorte wrote:
Shao Huang wrote:
It seems I may be confused about what it means to play EVE. I believe I asked for help about this several times, but you have not been forthcoming.

I thought that the 'logging in' tip was pretty relevant there.

If you have something to say about the New Order, I'd be glad to discuss it. If you want to discuss temporal schema, I'd suggest a philosophy forum. I don't want to risk a forum ban by violating forum rule 26.

Thank you. I believe I responded to the 'tip', probably overly responded. What I was asking was for you to say something about what it means for you, since based on your assertions it seems to be different than what it might mean for me. That itself is directly related to and at the heart of the NO, or so it seems to me. I could say why I feel this is true, but I sense you are done with this conversation.

I also believe I am talking about NO, consistently. All of my longer responses have been directly to people talking about the NO, including you, if I read your post history correctly. It seems to me you do not like the manner in which I am doing so, which is funny to me since I am a great fan and anxiously awaiting the next installments of two areas of minerbump. I am also not particularly risk averse to finding out that other people do not feel that I am doing so. I am sorry you do not find the questions I feel you have raised, directly with respect to the NO and emergent play, to be evocative. I can understand that I think. I certainly did not mean to inspire fear of being banned in you. Why would I want to do that?

Private sig. Do not read.

#110 - 2013-04-22 08:57:40 UTC
What are the two areas you're referring to? I assume one of them is awoxing?
Shao Huang
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#111 - 2013-04-22 09:19:34 UTC
rswfire wrote:
What are the two areas you're referring to? I assume one of them is awoxing?

No, I like the wonderful narratives, though awoxing is of interest. Awoxing and even ganking probably aren't for me though i have really loved the existential moment of 'why?' such actions inevitably produce in other games.

I want to read the next installment on dueling which I am finding hilarious and there is a delightful thread unfolding under Cry Havoc in the public forum. These are both wonderful examples of rich, long term player created narrative. The 'citations' in Cry Havoc are beautiful. The thorough recontextualization of dueling is brilliant in my view. It reveals so much about unconscious assumptions people have about how to play. I am 'critical' in the way I am, not because I do not appreciate what they are doing, but precisely because I hold some of the same values as far as I can tell... and any, even misbegotten, destined to failure, remote attempt to empower the people commonly categorized as 'miners' is completely consistent with the NO narrative and aims, as has been pointed out. There is also a great deal of cynicism and resignation expressed on the matter from within the NO community and community at large. That and the production of 'othernees' created in the narrative are of interest to me.

Private sig. Do not read.

Super spikinator
Hegemonous Conscripts
#112 - 2013-04-22 10:57:21 UTC
James 315 started this whole shebang about June last year. He had just himself and the stabber that he still flies today. He encouraged and helped out those who wanted to join in on his cause and in turn received capital from others. He found like minded people, banded them together and today you have a group of people not only dedicated to ganking their targets but salvaging wrecks, reimbursing losses, rebuilding stockpiles and getting those out to the front line so they in turn can lose their ships in a ball of fire.

This isn't even a secret, you can go on and see what stations they are using, how to make a gank character, what channels to join to take part, how to become an agent, et cetera, et cetera. James has basically gift wrapped the entire New Order and not one entity has taken them on. The people who preach are ignored more than a sermon on tithing.

You are most certainly the most verbose on the subject but lack the substance to back it up. That is, that you are in fact, all style and no substance.
XS Tech
#113 - 2013-04-22 11:31:19 UTC
Super spikinator wrote:
That is, that you are in fact, all style and no substance.

Can I use this whenever someone loses their blinged-out PVE boat to PVP and whines something is broken in EVE?

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Horizon Research Group
#114 - 2013-04-22 11:31:55 UTC
Shao Huang wrote:
rswfire wrote:
What are the two areas you're referring to? I assume one of them is awoxing?

No, I like the wonderful narratives, though awoxing is of interest. Awoxing and even ganking probably aren't for me though i have really loved the existential moment of 'why?' such actions inevitably produce in other games.

I want to read the next installment on dueling which I am finding hilarious and there is a delightful thread unfolding under Cry Havoc in the public forum. These are both wonderful examples of rich, long term player created narrative. The 'citations' in Cry Havoc are beautiful. The thorough recontextualization of dueling is brilliant in my view. It reveals so much about unconscious assumptions people have about how to play. I am 'critical' in the way I am, not because I do not appreciate what they are doing, but precisely because I hold some of the same values as far as I can tell... and any, even misbegotten, destined to failure, remote attempt to empower the people commonly categorized as 'miners' is completely consistent with the NO narrative and aims, as has been pointed out. There is also a great deal of cynicism and resignation expressed on the matter from within the NO community and community at large. That and the production of 'othernees' created in the narrative are of interest to me.

You write like a second year philosophy student trying to use big words to impress the prof.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#115 - 2013-04-22 14:18:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Katran Luftschreck
You write like a second year philosophy student trying to use big words to impress the prof.

Intellectuals have earned the right to sound snobby, unlike leetard trailer park rejects who can't find the caps lock key or even come up with actual human words for their own name.

Manny Moons
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#116 - 2013-04-22 14:48:11 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
Intellectuals have earned the right to sound snobby, unlike leetard trailer park rejects who can't find the caps lock key or even come up with actual human words for their own name.

Some of the snobby sounding people in my trailer park are not intellectuals. I'm guessing the same may hold true in other places.

I couldn't think of a witty response for "actual human words". That's pretty hard to top.

Horizon Research Group
#117 - 2013-04-22 15:26:58 UTC
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
You write like a second year philosophy student trying to use big words to impress the prof.

Intellectuals have earned the right to sound snobby, unlike leetard trailer park rejects who can't find the caps lock key or even come up with actual human words for their own name.

Well gosh, you sure showed me Cleetus. I see by the italics you meant that ****, that's so cute Lol
Shao Huang
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#118 - 2013-04-22 19:44:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Shao Huang
Super spikinator wrote:
You are most certainly the most verbose on the subject but lack the substance to back it up. That is, that you are in fact, all style and no substance.

I think this would be true if I had style. As you can see it is not generally considered to be the case, but I thank you for saying so.

Thank you for the concise history. I tend to agree that it's not secret, since at less than a month into the EVErse I know about it in some greater detail than you have so elegantly related. Your description is concise though.

As to substance, I feel that relates to the question at hand, for me at least. What is your criteria for substance? How would you tell? Do you feel that it is a universal criteria or are other models of substance than the one you hold also possible from your point of view? Should everyone conform to your criteria? For me it is manifestly clear that I lack substance in the context of EVE in a variety of ways according to my own models of these things. Perhaps that will change over time, perhaps not. I am not overly concerned about this or other people's attributions in the matter. It's a character flaw I am sure.

I find it interesting to reflect on the assertion that the NO is 'the most real thing in EVE'. I would not venture to say whether it is or not. I am more interested in the basis for saying that and the implications. What makes one thing real and another unreal in the EVErse or a sandbox? How are such assertions authorized? I find the NO process of self authorization both fascinating and wonderful and I wonder about implications... things like I unintended consequences in such cases.

Can you see how this sort of question and a reflection on the NO might then lead to the question 'what does it mean to be free in the EVErse?' Who can be considered free and not? What are the qualities of that freedom or lack thereof? Is there a view about pedagogy with respect to that? I feel that there are many, many assertions about pedagogy made and acted upon. Some seem Darwinian to me, others more like Nietzsche. I think three of the most notable (visible) narratives, Goons and goon like models, the Belligerent Undesirables and the NO offer variations or alternatives to many of the more socialized models, for better or worse. I wonder about those models of pedagogy because they are of great interest to me in a wide variety of ways. Apparently the connection isn't entirely clear since no one has really engaged that question of freedom yet.

I will say for the sake of transparency that in several of my journeys in other 'game' environments, at least one of which was at a scale similar to EVE and more of a sandbox, that my entire game play was organized around the removal and deterrence of third part profiteering, which occurred for me as outside the context of the game as I understood it. I find that dynamic to be parasitic, destructive to community and the player experience. It is often the case that developers cannot or will not effectively address the question, for a variety of reasons. This means that the only way to effectively address it is through player generated community and active cultural intervention. In cases where the game scale and complexity was bounded I would view myself as very successful. In other cases, not so much. This has very large implications depending on how you understand the boundaries of a game. First world attachment to pixels has more market value in some places than the local economy can provide. Running your machine in a way that meets many peoples criteria for being a 'serious player of substance' requires more energy than is available to an entire favella.

I love to play games. I love pvp. I love learning. And i think about and act on these other things as well. i feel there are ways they might be brought into some sort of condition of integrity and I work to do that. I have ongoing questions about the means and consequences of both failure and success in such endeavors. I have found that in either case the means can also destroy community and deteriorate player experience. You might see from this why I might be interested in the things I am asking about. I have also not decided whether or not I wish my journey in the EVErse to be about this and as of yet have neither the resources, substance, experience, etc. to make such a determination. I do know that I would do it quite differently than I have in the past, if I am capable of doing it at all.

I am learning the game and that means many things to me. I am using all my available resources to do so in so far as that seems appropriate to me, including but not limited to this delightful exchange with you. It is only natural, it seems to me, that people might wish to stipulate something about learning process and participation based on their own models of these things. I mostly find that to be generous and well intentioned even when expressed as scathing criticism. However, people learn in many, many different ways. Some people actually thrive on very explicit structure, extrinsic motivation and such as an environment for learning, for a time at least. The dominant pedagogy in education that most EVE players are likely to have encountered reinforces this. Remove such structures, external criteria and whatnot (as EVE does to some extent) and people in this condition are faced with a crisis? How do you navigate or participate in the navigation of that crisis? The NO is one example of an approach to that question.

I hope it is not too great a leap to then understand why I might ask these questions about the NO and other such undertakings.

Thank you again for your thoughtful reply.

Private sig. Do not read.

Shao Huang
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2013-04-22 19:56:57 UTC
You write like a second year philosophy student trying to use big words to impress the prof.

I have had the opportunity to engage quite a few second year philosophy students and have found that their writing and clarity on many things exceeds my own.

Private sig. Do not read.

Annie Anomie
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#120 - 2013-04-22 19:57:38 UTC
I see a ship in the harbour,
I can and shall obey,
But if it wasn't for your misfortune I'd be a heavenly person today.