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Making high-sec less safe - thoughts from Burn Jita 2

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-04-22 02:15:08 UTC

So "Burn Jita 2" happened this weekend and I got to participate - as a victim, due to my own stupidity. This post probably isn't about what you think I'd suggest. I'm going to suggest a way to let this happen more often, but in a better way.

In a morning, apparently with less coffee than I should have had, I took a freighter to Jita. The gate was busy and it took a bit to get in - that used to be quite common and I didn't really give it much thought (lack of coffee) and then got my freighter blown up. I realized after thinking about that a bit that I didn't even expect that could happen means that high sec is a little boring. In addition, I was annoyed that I couldn't do anything to fix the situation (yes, I have some kill rights now, but it's not likely I can do much with them).

So the half-baked thought is something like this:
The overall idea is to have a good mechanism to allow corps to temporarily overtake a high-sec system and allow others to fight against them - in a way it might be looked at as a player run version of an incursion. Some points:
- after some trigger (not sure of the details on this, maybe some number of acts of aggression in a given timeframe), CONCORD declares wars (without a waiting period) on the offending corporations or alliances (I think this should just be limited to the systems that the aggression happened in or possibly the adjacent systems also). This has two effects:
CONCORD response:
- CONCORD's response changes from just acting on acts of aggression to actively targeting ships from those that it is at war with.
- the response from CONCORD escalates over time - since it has to draw ships from other places - effectively limiting the overall time that all of this can happen to a couple or few days
players options:
- once war is declared in these systems by CONCORD, players not in the offending corps or alliances are allowed to sign up to fight off the invaders - making members of the offenders viable war targets that can be fought (limited to those systems that CONCORD has designated - although another option would be to make this in all of high-sec - only player response in other systems).

This gives Goons (or whoever wants) a mechanism to mess with us "carebears" in high-sec, but also give us a way to fight back to keep our nice little nest. Seems good on both sides…

Obvious problems:
- For this to work, CONCORD has to be less invincible on a larger scale. The invaders would need to be able to gain control of the system for a period of time - they won't keep it, but they need to get it initially.
- This would probably be hard to balance - although having a geometric response in the scale of the CONCORD response (they pull in ships over a broader range over time) would probably make it self limiting
#2 - 2013-04-22 02:26:35 UTC
Definitely a way to shake things up. But I get the feeling that really this'd just end up with goons taking over practically every system (in Caldari space at least) and making them unusable for everyone else. As far as I can tell, people aren't nearly as likely to fight back as you're thinking, which is kind of saddening. They'll always shrug off the responsibilities of keeping their space usable to someone else.

At least, that's what I'm getting out of the whole New Order debacle.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-04-22 02:50:37 UTC
Aglais wrote:
Definitely a way to shake things up. But I get the feeling that really this'd just end up with goons taking over practically every system (in Caldari space at least) and making them unusable for everyone else. As far as I can tell, people aren't nearly as likely to fight back as you're thinking, which is kind of saddening. They'll always shrug off the responsibilities of keeping their space usable to someone else.

At least, that's what I'm getting out of the whole New Order debacle.

I think this would be hard to balance, but I didn't explain part of the solution well:

- once CONCORD declares war, they attack anyone in the offending corps on sight, it would have nothing to do with aggression timers or anything. Given that and a geometrically increasing response from CONCORD, it would limit things even if no players engaged the enemy.

I agree that it would be sad if no one fought back, but now there isn't even a good mechanism to fight back if you want to (yes there are kill rights, but doesn't cover everyone I'd want to fight in this case). I would have fought today if there was a good way I could have...

Next Stage Initiative
#4 - 2013-04-22 03:05:21 UTC
sagatar wrote:
Aglais wrote:
Definitely a way to shake things up. But I get the feeling that really this'd just end up with goons taking over practically every system (in Caldari space at least) and making them unusable for everyone else. As far as I can tell, people aren't nearly as likely to fight back as you're thinking, which is kind of saddening. They'll always shrug off the responsibilities of keeping their space usable to someone else.

At least, that's what I'm getting out of the whole New Order debacle.

I think this would be hard to balance, but I didn't explain part of the solution well:

- once CONCORD declares war, they attack anyone in the offending corps on sight, it would have nothing to do with aggression timers or anything. Given that and a geometrically increasing response from CONCORD, it would limit things even if no players engaged the enemy.

I agree that it would be sad if no one fought back, but now there isn't even a good mechanism to fight back if you want to (yes there are kill rights, but doesn't cover everyone I'd want to fight in this case). I would have fought today if there was a good way I could have...

In the one hand, I hate being the end target of large, organized groups who are out to get me and mine. When your option is to either join another large, organized group or leave ... bleh. I'm antisocial mostly for a reason.

On the other hand, this kind of emergent gameplay is really what separates EvE from everything else. I mean, it's seriously awesome.

Of course, just like CONCORD today, once players figure out the way things work with NPC's, they'll learn exactly what it takes to get around it. NPC's always need to be more unpredictable. From spawning a cruel sansha fleet in a belt now and again in 0.9 space, to having a mission be filled with cruisers instead of frigates like it said it would, to having concord and state navies react more quickly (or less quickly) than anticipated.

All in all, NPC's do need to be more random.

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2013-04-22 04:35:12 UTC
Emergent, yeah right... CCP artifically produce a traffic jam on Jita gate and create a shopping gallery, and that's emergent gameplay?

Just let everyone lag in Jita and crash once in a while. Then ppl moves to other hubs. That's emergent.
Next Stage Initiative
#6 - 2013-04-22 04:41:37 UTC
sabre906 wrote:
Emergent, yeah right... CCP artifically produce a traffic jam on Jita gate and create a shopping gallery, and that's emergent gameplay?

Just let everyone lag in Jita and crash once in a while. Then ppl moves to other hubs. That's emergent.

Just in case you didn't know, they shot at people in Jita first. And, as more idiots rushed in and logged in, it flooded the system.

Sounds pretty 'emergent' to me.

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?

Ines Tegator
Serious Business Inc. Ltd. LLC. etc.
#7 - 2013-04-22 04:47:47 UTC
Having corps control systems is a good idea, but better off in lowsec. I've got an old proposal kicking around about revamping lowsec around this idea, you can dig it up if you want. Doing it in highsec however is a terrible idea; a majority of EVE subscribers live in highsec, they live there for a reason, and CCP is not going to shoot themselves in the foot by pissing them all off.
Tsobai Hashimoto
State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2013-04-22 04:51:12 UTC
I think this idea is at least thinking outside of the box and giving some players more options for some high sec pvp, it would need a lot of work but I like the overall idea
Erutpar Ambient
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-04-22 06:49:43 UTC
High security, Not absolute security. Maybe it can changed the security of the system to low when it happens so if you run an autopilot it'll tell you that you're going through a "low security" system. And because it is a High security system it will eventually return itself to high sec without player involvement with concord. Player involvement would just expedite the process. Also the players that take the system over cannot use the gates. So they're stuck there until they're all blowed up and podded.
tahara mani
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-04-22 19:24:02 UTC
i definately agree that NPC's could be more random....unpredictable...something unforseen...and when something like jita happens... the response of concord should be realistic and proportional...if a corp or alliance is massing a system, the sec status should reflect that...reflect what is actually going on...of course it begs the question...should a war with concord be winnable, at least locally...

the truth is, there's too much status quo...much of null sec is in lock down by huge corps guarding every gate...perhaps some npc corps should go to war with player corps now and then...take down a null sec system or two in revenge etc...

how about natural disasters to shake the tree a little now and then... a supernova, a comet, a meteor swarm...anything to get the huge corps like the goons to get rattled and perhaps allow a crack in their carefully constructed armour.

perhaps one of the jobs of CCP should be to introduce these larger random events now and a good GM and throw a curveball...keep the big boys guessing...sometimes it just seems TOO quiet...the game environment could be more unpredictable, both from the NPC's and the environment itself...
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2013-04-22 19:33:54 UTC
Concord sov null roams to bust these gatecamps. There, unforeseen. Change is good.Big smile
Stellar Production
#12 - 2013-04-22 19:34:59 UTC
I actually would hate to die in Jita burn but I have to admit, burning it does force traders to start using the other hubs more often which means the ends justifies the means. So when is Jita Burn 3.0?? Cool
Stellar Production
#13 - 2013-04-22 19:36:29 UTC
sabre906 wrote:
Concord sov null roams to bust these gatecamps. There, unforeseen. Change is good.Big smile

Yes!!! I think that would be awesome for throwing a unique twist into null sec and pump more life into it. They dont have to stay the whole day just pop in occasionally randomly :)
Seranova Farreach
Biomass Negative
#14 - 2013-04-22 19:36:43 UTC
Aglais wrote:
Definitely a way to shake things up. But I get the feeling that really this'd just end up with goons taking over practically every system (in Caldari space at least) and making them unusable for everyone else. As far as I can tell, people aren't nearly as likely to fight back as you're thinking, which is kind of saddening. They'll always shrug off the responsibilities of keeping their space usable to someone else.

At least, that's what I'm getting out of the whole New Order debacle.

i agree.. boredom and too much isk would cause people to completely move out of the factions space altogether just because the nullbear alliances get bored running off solo people looking to rat or w/e or having blob on blob action with no skill other then pressing F1


Echoes of Silence
#15 - 2013-04-22 19:39:16 UTC
Interesting idea. Needs work and thought but I like the concept of it. Maybe we could tighten security in low sec a teeeeeeeeeeeny bit (just give a small navy presence) and implement a system like this?

Save the drones!

Royal Assent
#16 - 2013-04-22 20:28:54 UTC
I don't really see the point. I don't see it as rewarding emerging content from the user-base. Rather, it is more like rewarding lemming-like behaviour. Most players aren't that invested, and certainly not the goon-leadership who, I suspect, doesn't even like Eve that much.

What they like is meta-gaming eve-players. There's a subtle difference between the two things. In one you care about the game, in the other you don't. I am sure there will be sneering and humming shortly in this thread about internet spaceship pixels from goons, but whatever.

Burn Jita wasn't even that original. It's like nobody could be arsed to think of something new, but to reuse the mold of an event that already had been done. It was the implementation of the same lemming-like behaviour that has turned null-sec into a bore.

But that is also emergent game-play, directed by players and driven by players. So, whatever. I don't really see the point of rewarding that behaviour, or penalising it.

CCP FoxFour: "... the what button... oh god I didn't even know that existed. BRB."

My little youtube videos can be found here

Xavier Thorm
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#17 - 2013-04-23 01:13:53 UTC
Someone posted an idea a while ago that CONCORD should be partially or entirely made up of actually players, which, as crazy as it sounds actually has a lot of potential in my opinion. This kind of thing might be a good step in that direction without diving in the whole way at first.

I'll riff on that for a second to see if I can propose some kind of realistic idea:

So starting off with this "player incursion" kind of idea, NPC CONCORD could crack down on the offending parties, and reward Players who helped them with the regular LP and ISK rewards, but in addition give some kind of special legal status to particularly helpful pilots. For the first stage of this being implemented, this would probably mean that the players get no real power at all. Maybe just some kinds of special notifications from CONCORD when the "incursions" are happening, or something equally meaningful but un-abusable.

After this had been going on for a while, there would be a storyline reason to say that CONCORD has decided that it needs to increase its ranks. My understanding is that all CONCORD pilots are already capsuleers in the fiction anyway, so it would make sense that players could join them.

There would have to be extremely restrictive rules for what a PC CONCORD member could do, and harsh and swift penalties for violating those rules.

Eh, okay, I'm kind of at a loss for some of the details, but it's an interesting thought.
Next Stage Initiative
#18 - 2013-04-23 01:19:38 UTC
Xavier Thorm wrote:
Someone posted an idea a while ago that CONCORD should be partially or entirely made up of actually players, which, as crazy as it sounds actually has a lot of potential in my opinion. This kind of thing might be a good step in that direction without diving in the whole way at first.

I'll riff on that for a second to see if I can propose some kind of realistic idea:

So starting off with this "player incursion" kind of idea, NPC CONCORD could crack down on the offending parties, and reward Players who helped them with the regular LP and ISK rewards, but in addition give some kind of special legal status to particularly helpful pilots. For the first stage of this being implemented, this would probably mean that the players get no real power at all. Maybe just some kinds of special notifications from CONCORD when the "incursions" are happening, or something equally meaningful but un-abusable.

After this had been going on for a while, there would be a storyline reason to say that CONCORD has decided that it needs to increase its ranks. My understanding is that all CONCORD pilots are already capsuleers in the fiction anyway, so it would make sense that players could join them.

There would have to be extremely restrictive rules for what a PC CONCORD member could do, and harsh and swift penalties for violating those rules.

Eh, okay, I'm kind of at a loss for some of the details, but it's an interesting thought.

Give this a read. A bit dated, but maybe it'll peak your interests:

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?

Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#19 - 2013-04-23 02:03:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Commander Ted
From a gameplay perspective I never liked High sec ganking, its easy and bad for my immersion. I would rather that ganking badgers happened in low sec where the possibility of fighting back against camps is possible rather than setting your freighter on autopilot, watching tv, then your ship gets bumped like a tennis ball and then one shot, only to return 30 minutes later to find yourself dead.
Although it is important for keeping morons in 10bil mission boats in their place.

Look at the thread link in my signature for my suggestion, a sort of blockade of an entire empire would be cooler since it would be easier for people to ban together and fight back.

High-sec doesn't really need to be changed for things like burn jita to become obsolete and replaced by something more interesting.

Carebears would still be able to live in their isolated bubbles, and any large scale events like this would be more likely retained in the pvp areas (mostly).
Traders would still have options for crossing such a barrier (JF, wormhole, cloaking hauler) and Jita would no longer be the only place that mattered in high sec since a bazillion freighters wouldn't be pouring in.

Give the thread in my sig a look, and a bump would be sweet. Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Next Stage Initiative
#20 - 2013-04-23 02:13:19 UTC
Commander Ted wrote:
From a gameplay perspective I never liked High sec ganking, its easy and bad for my immersion. I would rather that ganking badgers happened in low sec where the possibility of fighting back against camps is possible rather than setting your freighter on autopilot, watching tv, then your ship gets bumped like a tennis ball and then one shot, only to return 30 minutes later to find yourself dead.

Look at the thread link in my signature for my suggestion, a sort of blockade of an entire empire would be cooler since it would be easier for people to ban together and fight back.

High-sec doesn't really need to be changed for things like burn jita to become obsolete and replaced by something more interesting.

Carebears would still be able to live in their isolated bubbles, and any large scale events like this would be more likely retained in the pvp areas.
Traders would still have options for crossing such a barrier (JF, wormhole, cloaking hauler) and Jita would no longer be the only place that mattered in high sec.

Give the thread in my sig a look, and a bump would be sweet.

I think that it's a difference in goals. Burn Jita, and the resolutions of a lot of players like myself, is to pop those isolated bubbles. We want to remove afking, spice up the feeling of danger, and remove the whole barrier crossing. You should feel that barrier when you undock.

For me, it's because that barrier exists only when you undock. All space is unsecure. I treat every ship I pass in space as dangerous, and every player as a possible enemy (save a spare few truly trusted souls). I feel that CCP has built a beautiful system in this game, and that it's really player ignorance that gives them the impression that high security space should mean that they shouldn't be bothered.

CCP should be the ones protecting the goals and playstyles of hisec. The playerbase that occupies hisec (myself included) are very antisocial. Player organization, working together, teamwork ... that's for nul. But giving antisocial players a place to play does not translate into giving pvp-averse players a place to hide.

Hisec is for those who don't have the time, energy, or want to become a cog in the machine. There has to be some small innate protections for players like that, as they don't have each other. But that doesn't mean that pvp can't, nay, shouldn't happen there. Because it still should happen at every possible opportunity.

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?

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