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Enough is Enough: Nerf Minmatar

Renan Ruivo
Forcas armadas
Brave Collective
#21 - 2011-11-01 14:47:40 UTC
How does it feel to be on the other side of the "NO" for a change? =)

The world is a community of idiots doing a series of things until it explodes and we all die.

The Greater Goon
#22 - 2011-11-01 14:49:01 UTC
Large Collidable Object wrote:
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
Two thoughts:

  • Lose the ~9% DPS increase that short range ammo got with the projectile buff. The purification of damage type was more then enough.

  • Reduce the tracking enhancer falloff bonus from 30% to 15%.


Sensible changes. This and a little increase in fitting requirements should bring projectiles back in line with the other weapons.

only its pretty foolish to nerf one thing just prior to buffing everything else
Alara IonStorm
#23 - 2011-11-01 14:51:29 UTC
Morganta wrote:

only its pretty foolish to nerf one thing just prior to buffing everything else

You call what that Blog had as a serious buff?

Hahahaha cute.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#24 - 2011-11-01 14:52:22 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
Get us back to Eve on hard mode.

Back in my day, we had to fight cruisers in noobships, and battleships with nothing except a Rifter and a single autocannon! Those were the days....

You're really pressing this troll for a character not even 2 years old, talking about "Eve on hard mode" and such.
The Greater Goon
#25 - 2011-11-01 14:56:09 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Morganta wrote:

only its pretty foolish to nerf one thing just prior to buffing everything else

You call what that Blog had as a serious buff?

Hahahaha cute.

did I use the qualifier "serious"?

and no actually I'm talking about the numbers released from chaos last week.

and it makes no difference if its serious or not.
when you make wide sweeping changes (or proposed ones) to deal with balance issues, you don't go and change some other aspect prior to it.
if minm is OP now, it probably wont be then, if it is then ***** about it when it serves some purpose
5nake pliskan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#26 - 2011-11-01 14:58:45 UTC  |  Edited by: 5nake pliskan
Zagam wrote:
[quote=Zarnak Wulf]

You're really pressing this troll for a character not even 2 years old, talking about "Eve on hard mode" and such.

yeah, about that 2 years.... its somewhat longer you n00b

*that's 2 years older than you*
Vyl Vit
#27 - 2011-11-01 15:00:08 UTC
Thuh hell you say! Get a bullet proof vest!!

rat-a-tat-a-tat tat tat!

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Joe Skellington
Sarz'na Khumatari
#28 - 2011-11-01 15:02:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Skellington
Best Cry Ever

Please note that ASCII art is not permitted in the forum signatures. Spitfire

Alara IonStorm
#29 - 2011-11-01 15:03:34 UTC
Morganta wrote:

when you make wide sweeping changes (or proposed ones) to deal with balance issues, you don't go and change some other aspect prior to it.

No but you do change it at the same time. The best Hybrid fix will come from buffing what is weak and cutting what is strong.

Fill the Holes with the Mountains instead of trying to build new Mountains.
Hannibal Ord
#30 - 2011-11-01 15:12:07 UTC
Oh for gods sake.

A long time ago, Minmatar were a bloody shocking race to fly. The issue was, their weapon system was totally and utterly crap.

During this period of EVE's history it was Gallente that was top dog.

Amarr, somewhat unjustifiably was also thought of as a poor race to fly.

Caldari, with their crappy missile systems, were also a joke.

Over time Amarr ships and lasers were improved - the laser now being the best weapon system in the game as it stands, mounted on often perfect platforms - yes it is even better than projectiles.

Caldari had a missile balancing patch, which brought almost every weapon system into line bar Rockets and Cruise Missiles. Rockets have since been fixed, cruise missiles still have some issues.

Minmatar too, have benefited from a buff to their weapon system. This buff, has IMO, balanced them against lasers and results basically in a mostly equal weapon system. Both lasers and projectiles share similar engagement range - but one favours higher dps, quality of hit and instant ammo switching. The other favours less dps due to falloff...but same range overall, switch-able damage types and immunity to neuts. They are the two sides of the same coin in terms of balance to each other.

Hybrids and Gallente ships in general got shafted and are unbalanced because drones are crap, blasters are crap, rails are crap and active tanking is crap.

I don't really understand all this call for projectile nerf, since they are totally balanced with lasers.

My post doesn't go into my detail about exactly the changes and problems but that is kinda it in a nutshell... and IMO all this shouting about nerfing Minmatar isn't really justified. And before you ask whilst I fly all races, equally the only issues really atm with this game for PVP and indeed PVE are Gallente(and Caldari hybrid platforms). They are downright bullshit compared to the other races, with any luck this upcoming patch will boost them. Amarr, with their laser boats are still just as if not more competitive than their Minmatar counterparts.

If you nerf Minmatar, then you basically make Amarr THE race to fly, with few exceptions, in almost every ship category in the game.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2011-11-01 15:15:04 UTC
Forums need a dislike button.
Awe yea!
Alara IonStorm
#32 - 2011-11-01 15:16:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
Hannibal Ord wrote:

If you nerf Minmatar, then you basically make Amarr THE race to fly, with few exceptions, in almost every ship category in the game.

Amarr is not that good. Scorch is good. They make Pulse Lasers the long range weapon. Make Beams the Long Range Weapons again and Pulses Short Range and that will bring backLR Weapon Balance.

Put Artillery in line with Rails and Beams and you will have balance w/o any race being OP.
The Greater Goon
#33 - 2011-11-01 15:16:45 UTC
this is why I was saying you should let the winter patch come and then determine if the other races need work.

if a nerf is needed then its needed, but as a flyer of primarily minm ships, I have to stress they are paper tigers, they can do a lot of DPS, but if you get too ballsy you will be toast in an instant.

DPS is only half the equation.

am I biased, sure. but I'm also in a very good place to see the entire picture and I don't think its as bad as people make it out to be
Alara IonStorm
#34 - 2011-11-01 15:19:54 UTC
Morganta wrote:
this is why I was saying you should let the winter patch come and then determine if the other races need work.

DPS is only half the equation.

I disagree with the first statement, I say they should go a head and just balance the whole damn game before they get lost in establishments and fluff again.

But yeah DPS is such a small part of the equation.
Trin Javidan
Caymen Labs
#35 - 2011-11-01 15:24:30 UTC
it is not the gun type that is wrong its the ship layout. Actuve tank and passive armour tank recuire more power grip witch those both fail to have (see gallente). Take a look at the 2 best roaming ships for 0.0. The hurricane and the vaga. Its the slot leyout that is the problem, the dual neut cane is over powerd but only because of the 2 neuts and the falloff from those 2 or 3 tracking enhancers.

The shield extenders make it possibel to fit 2 gyro and tracking and 2 neuts,

its the slot layout that makes it overpowerd not the weapon system
Sakkar Arenith
Kenmei Corporation
#36 - 2011-11-01 15:28:12 UTC
Hannibal Ord wrote:
Oh for gods sake.

A long time ago, Minmatar were a bloody shocking race to fly. The issue was, their weapon system was totally and utterly crap.

During this period of EVE's history it was Gallente that was top dog.

Amarr, somewhat unjustifiably was also thought of as a poor race to fly.

Caldari, with their crappy missile systems, were also a joke.

Over time Amarr ships and lasers were improved - the laser now being the best weapon system in the game as it stands, mounted on often perfect platforms - yes it is even better than projectiles.

Caldari had a missile balancing patch, which brought almost every weapon system into line bar Rockets and Cruise Missiles. Rockets have since been fixed, cruise missiles still have some issues.

Minmatar too, have benefited from a buff to their weapon system. This buff, has IMO, balanced them against lasers and results basically in a mostly equal weapon system. Both lasers and projectiles share similar engagement range - but one favours higher dps, quality of hit and instant ammo switching. The other favours less dps due to falloff...but same range overall, switch-able damage types and immunity to neuts. They are the two sides of the same coin in terms of balance to each other.

Hybrids and Gallente ships in general got shafted and are unbalanced because drones are crap, blasters are crap, rails are crap and active tanking is crap.

I don't really understand all this call for projectile nerf, since they are totally balanced with lasers.

My post doesn't go into my detail about exactly the changes and problems but that is kinda it in a nutshell... and IMO all this shouting about nerfing Minmatar isn't really justified. And before you ask whilst I fly all races, equally the only issues really atm with this game for PVP and indeed PVE are Gallente(and Caldari hybrid platforms). They are downright bullshit compared to the other races, with any luck this upcoming patch will boost them. Amarr, with their laser boats are still just as if not more competitive than their Minmatar counterparts.

If you nerf Minmatar, then you basically make Amarr THE race to fly, with few exceptions, in almost every ship category in the game.



Either this is pure trolling or youre quite ******** when it comes to eve mechanics or history indeed.

The only time amarr was top dog was before the stacking nerf two lifetimes ago. back then the 8 heat sink geddon was the FOTM. Ever since that point amarr has been tagging along...

Scorch, is basically the one and only reason that amarr ships are on par with the other races. ( And yes its imba, but amarr doesnt really have anything else...)

Anyway, rails always sucked. It was supposed tob e an ultra long range weapon in a game that does not allow fights over 30km to realistically happen.

Blasters used to be decent, but the webber nerf, along with the mwd changes made blaster boats very impractical.

However, the AC buff was actually what messed up the balance.

ACs have:
- very decent range for 95% of combat situations
- Best Tracking
- best ammo variety
- no cap use
- very decent dps (and that is even before you apply the dmg type freedom)

- and they have almost non existent fitting requirements!

As such, Autocannons, not projectiles per se, are imba as hell. Because they simply have no downsides.

Now of course some minmatar ships are the FOTM (.. for five years ina row now..), but a lot of that is due to the fact that they can field a full rack of top tier ACs, along with a tank AND speed.


Nerf ACs by reducing on paper dps and by increasing their fitting requirements significantly
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2011-11-01 15:32:01 UTC
Make projectiles use cap
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#38 - 2011-11-01 15:32:49 UTC

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#39 - 2011-11-01 15:33:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Hirana Yoshida
If projectiles were as perfectly balanced with lasers, then why/how can an AC Harbinger compete with a Pulse Harbinger?
Or how about projectile Abbaddon's being equal to or better than laser ditto?

Damage type freedom, arty alpha and the insanely lax auto fittings make projectiles the best weapon system bar none .. the only place where they are beat out is at extreme ranges (150km+), but since those are not used any more due to last probe changes ....

CCP ****** it up when they boosted them .. they boosted guns only when they should have applied at least half of the boost to the ships on which they are to be used, result is what we have today.
Hurricanes seeing MORE action than Drakes (Drakes have not been in second place for more than a week or a month on the outside since they were introduced) even though one must assume a good chunk are PvE fits killed by ganks... the top10 of ships used in combat reads like a Who's Who of auto-cannon boats.

In short: They were over-buffed quite severely and we need to either increase damage and EHP on everything to match or remove the 'over' part of their buff.
Joe Skellington
Sarz'na Khumatari
#40 - 2011-11-01 15:33:38 UTC
These forums are starting to resemble the WoW forums with cry threads about nerfing things. Wow, just wow.

Please note that ASCII art is not permitted in the forum signatures. Spitfire