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WTS: C2 with Static High and C1

Zargon Teague
Outer Ring Heavy Industries
#1 - 2013-04-15 03:26:47 UTC
Moving out; looking to unload this WH.

Usually opens within 5 jumps of a major trade hub. 1 Abandoned POS in system; been there since we moved in. As of right now, several gas, 1 grav and 1 radar site with plenty of anoms.

Please convo me in game. 400 million, 200 up front, 200 upon your inspection of the wormhole,

Zargon Teague
Outer Ring Heavy Industries
#2 - 2013-04-17 19:19:38 UTC
Hey all.

I got a few offers in game but unfortunately it was too late. I was in a hurry to get out and help my corp relocate so I abandoned the wormhole and no longer have current bookmarks.