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Re think

State War Academy
Caldari State
#21 - 2013-04-17 07:27:48 UTC

1. Play with other players.
2. Get a scout.
3. Stop complaining.

U mean buy secound account and get links like many pro players?

Thanks everyone for comments.
Tip 1: Buy and fit ships in bulk.
Tip 2: Strategically place your ships in places where access is easy and close by.

Both of these will save you loads of time in the long run.

yep its good idea if u have money on one ship and wanna try 10x rifter fit. Not easy if u what fly diffrent ships.

Tip 3: Avoid high-sec to low-sec stargates closest to trade hubs as they are usually camped. Take the long way around.
Tip 4: You can use this to your advantage... but it requires teamwork. Get someone in an overtanked ship... let him/her jump through and get caught... then, after the tackler has been warp scrammed and webbed, jump in yourself and finish the job. Use snipers to take care of any ranged stuff.

Tip 5: Most large guns track small, fast ships very poorly at close range. Those that do have poor range.
Tip 6: Here's the genius of EVE... it IS fair. Everyone has access the same ships, weapons, and tools and are all subject to the same rules and mechanics. So whatever your enemies use against you... you can do the same exact thing to them!
Tip 7: PvP in EVE is more than just "get in range and shoot." It's more than just "having better equipment and ships." It's more than "having the most skills." A certain degree of tactical thought and knowledge is required to utilize your equipment, skills, and circumstances to the best they can be within the mechanics provided. In other words... think of PvP here more as an RTS game than Mortal Combat matching system.

Yes its fair ,and i know wepons rules in this game. Iam not noob. In camp like this u cant do anything with frigate without buffer tank, u puf and end. 1500+ dmg alpha. And u got right in Tip 7. i think i really dont like this fight mechanics. Like tank and gank, lock and shoot. W eve most fights is win or lose before the fight. Its more like hunting on rabbit in woods that sword fighting on plain ground.

I am not about to replay on every post.I wanna write this "rage" post to give a example of eve fight. Its example of bad mechanic or exploit where other player cant do anything as fight started. Maybe insta locking stuff should be nerfed.
Chokichi Ozuwara
Caldari State
#22 - 2013-04-17 07:32:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Chokichi Ozuwara
Cereminretus wrote:
U mean buy secound account and get links like many pro players?

No, I mean, play with other players. Work as a team. Travel with forward and rear scouts. Use intel channels.

Learn to avoid trouble.

Tears will be shed and pants will need to be changed all round.

Job Valador
Professional Amateurs
#23 - 2013-04-17 07:34:32 UTC

"The stone exhibited a profound lack of movement."

State War Academy
Caldari State
#24 - 2013-04-17 07:39:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Cereminretus
Chokichi Ozuwara wrote:
Cereminretus wrote:
U mean buy secound account and get links like many pro players?

No, I mean, play with other players. Work as a team. Travel with forward and rear scouts. Use intel channels.

Learn to avoid trouble.

I dont have time to make fleet ,wait hours to everone gather ,make fits and fly to LS. I mean this takes a lot time to manage. In eve there is no easy option for quick fight. LS and militia are, but low sec pirates gate camp ruin it.


dont understand this nerd acronym.
Dave Stark
#25 - 2013-04-17 07:41:02 UTC
Cereminretus wrote:
In camp like this u cant do anything with frigate without buffer tank, u puf and end. 1500+ dmg alpha

yes you can; don't jump in to a system with a gate camp.
Xen Solarus
Furious Destruction and Salvage
#26 - 2013-04-17 07:43:19 UTC
Join a corporation! Better yet, get into nullsec!

Flying around solo in an NPC corp equals death anywhere other than highsec.

Post with your main, like a BOSS!

And no, i don't live in highsec.  As if that would make your opinion any less wrong.  

The VC's
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2013-04-17 08:50:48 UTC
Before you travel, pull up the map, set to 'ships killed in the last hour'. The camped system should be fairly evident. Avoid those systems. You're welcome.
Dave Stark
#28 - 2013-04-17 08:52:55 UTC
The VC's wrote:
Before you travel, pull up the map, set to 'ships killed in the last hour'. The camped system should be fairly evident. Avoid those systems. You're welcome.

especially if that value is suspiciously close to the "number of jumps in the last hour"
dark heartt
#29 - 2013-04-17 09:00:05 UTC
Cereminretus wrote:


dont understand this nerd acronym.

Let me spell it out for you: HARDEN THE FRAK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ice Fire Warriors
#30 - 2013-04-17 09:00:43 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Cereminretus wrote:
i know wepons rules in this game. Iam not noob.

And yet you are here... complaining about how people killed you using the "rules in this game."

Cereminretus wrote:
In camp like this u cant do anything with frigate without buffer tank, u puf and end. 1500+ dmg alpha. And u got right in Tip 7.

So if that isn't working for you... go back and rethink your options.

- If you can't tank the incoming damage how about avoiding it? Find another low-sec entrance system nearby. Maybe it's not camped.

- Maybe you're just not fast enough? Try getting a speedy frigate and fitting it with Nanofibers. You should be able to warp away before anyone even locks you.

- Maybe you need an extra "edge?" I hear cloaking capable ships are very useful and can bypass any and all gate camps in low-sec.

- Get around the whole issue altogether and move into low-sec. Once you are past the high-sec to low-sec gate, gatecamps are not that common. Pay someone to move your stuff to a low-sec station of your choice.

Cereminretus wrote:
i think i really dont like this fight mechanics. Like tank and gank, lock and shoot. W eve most fights is win or lose before the fight. Its more like hunting on rabbit in woods that sword fighting on plain ground.

I am not about to replay on every post.I wanna write this "rage" post to give a example of eve fight. Its example of bad mechanic or exploit where other player cant do anything as fight started. Maybe insta locking stuff should be nerfed.

Yep... it's not like swordfighting at all. There is no honor... fairness is an abstraction... and yes, you have to use your brain more than "twitch, twitch, mash all de buttans!!"

And it's not a "bad mechanic." One of the less interesting ones, I'll give you that much. But it's legitimate and has legitimate reasons being there (people like to lock down chokepoints... either for fun or to protect their operations).

As for nerfs... no. Instead, you should try to adapt yourself to the game as it is rather than expect it to conform to your expectations of how it should be.

Cereminretus wrote:

dont understand this nerd acronym.

You should probably learn before playing in a game full of them.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#31 - 2013-04-17 09:14:25 UTC
Cereminretus wrote:


dont understand this nerd acronym.


Sishen Gzi
Hellion Support Services
#32 - 2013-04-17 09:29:42 UTC
what a horrible thread op should stick to fast nimble ships learn to use his directional, only go into novice plexes, pay more attention when transiting gates, and get some friends.
Solace Corp
#33 - 2013-04-17 09:36:56 UTC
Cereminretus wrote:
This game is just waste of my time , eg. u spend 2 hours to fly and fit frig and after jump to 0.4 u get camped by 1400 II tornado x2 ,nad puf after 1 sec u dead ,and cought and poded, there is no fun, only flustration. (puls insta lock huggin and other ****)
Developers should rethink whats means digital enterteiment with pvp fights . Really u wanna more ppl play ,make pvp more fair maners not hardcore gank with 10 *************with huge guns vs 1 noob with small ship. Its like rob on back alley on street. No one wanna be robbed and smash to dead, maybe u dear developers.
Iam no talking about isk now, it is about only time needed to get into fair fight.

*****Edited out offensive material*****

Odin’s eye, the butthurt is almost palpable…

Anyway, what you are saying is that you jumped through a gate without a scout or any intel, your ship assploded and because of that you think that CCP should completely change a game that’s done just fine for nearly 10 years?

Pants. On. Head.

"It was the way she said it, Rimmer, to rhyme with scum"

State War Academy
Caldari State
#34 - 2013-04-17 09:54:26 UTC
Yep... it's not like swordfighting at all. There is no honor... fairness is an abstraction... and yes, you have to use your brain more than "twitch, twitch, mash all de buttans!!"

yes a lot brain is needed to clik guns or push f1 to shoot.

Odin’s eye, the butthurt is almost palpable…

Anyway, what you are saying is that you jumped through a gate without a scout or any intel, your ship assploded and because of that you think that CCP should completely change a game that’s done just fine for nearly 10 years?

Pants. On. Head.

completely change game? u are missing something. But ok u guys are right, iam wrong. There is a lot another games, dont bother u anymore.
Dave Stark
#35 - 2013-04-17 09:56:02 UTC
Cereminretus wrote:
yes a lot brain is needed to clik guns or push f1 to shoot.

if the game's so easy, why are you crying about it being oh so unfair and difficult?
Sishen Gzi
Hellion Support Services
#36 - 2013-04-17 09:59:02 UTC
Yes! You should go play another game. If you wait several more years ccp will send you another reactivation you can come back lose one ship decide the game is too hard and quit all over again
Horizon Research Group
#37 - 2013-04-17 10:14:33 UTC
OP should go play other games. Not all games are for all people, and there is nothing wrong with either the game or the people. They just don't fit.
Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2013-04-17 10:19:11 UTC
Caldari State
#39 - 2013-04-17 10:36:15 UTC
Cereminretus wrote:
But ok u guys are right, iam wrong. There is a lot another games, dont bother u anymore.

Can I have your stuff?
Caldari State
#40 - 2013-04-17 10:37:34 UTC  |  Edited by: duckmonster

On any battlefield, a player must flag himself for PVP Twisted. The players then message opponent offerign good fight Pirate. Then the server create instance maybe in wormhole and then 15 minutes pass . During that time, other players can join Twisted, and are randomly assign a team to make sure both team is fair Pirate. If one side has bigger ship, the other sides ship turns into bigger ship so for instance all titens PiratePirate. At the end of timer, a voice says "READY SET GO" and the jousting commence Oops. Each time a player makes shoot the other player they are awarded SKPs which are like dragon kill points but spaceshipBig smile. At the end of the match the person with the most SPKs is declared winner and a rat drops some loot Shocked. If the players are high on ranking table, purple loot is drop Smile. Then they go back to old ship and shake hand and make frands , makes with o7 and gfs Big smile

Please vote for the duck in the next CSM I make all your dream reality
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