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Why do exhumers SUCK??

Serenity Labs
#21 - 2013-04-16 17:22:12 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
Ormand Antollare wrote:
Ok. Thanks guys. I am beginning to see how it works. The max yield is increased 14% ok. That is pretty significant. So really I just need to up my skills more to the point where the mack is more worth it. Do you guys believe in mining drones?

I personally do not think so. Mining drones may give you a little extra ore yield here or there... but combat drones can easily take care of that NPC chipping away at your shields and can also attack any gankers attacking you (note: even with max skills drones may not kill a ganker... but it will ensure you get proof that he/she is dead).

5 mining drones, 1 light damage drone, 4 light ECM drones. Combat drones won't do anything against an attacker before CONCORD comes by, but ECM drones might make a difference. 1 light combat drone is enough to take out belt rats. Use the mining drones on whatever's closest to you (to reduce travel time), use your lasers on rocks further away. When there's someone suspicious in belt, recall the mining drones and boot the ECM/damage ones.

Or, if you're in a high gank area, you have space for 4 medium ECM, 1 light ECM, and 1 light combat.
Alara IonStorm
#22 - 2013-04-16 17:26:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
What makes the Mackinaw better than the Retriever. (1.) Is the daily yield of the Mackinaw over 15 days. (2.) Is the daily yield of a Retriever over 15 days.

1. [_____][_____][_____][_____][_____][_____][_____][_____][_____][_____][_____][_____][_____][_____][_____]

2. [____][____][____][____][____][____][____][____][____][____][____][____][____][____][____]

The slashed is ISK you would never make in a Retriever period, it comes from the Mackinaw small increase in yield and the time saved making drop offs. Once the slashed ISK earned crosses above the cost of buying the Mackinaw paying off your investment that is pure surplus profit pouring in. That Mackinaw over time earns you profit the Retriever would never ever make in the same amount of man hours.
Ormand Antollare
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2013-04-17 00:34:23 UTC
That's a uniquely disrespectful comment, you reprehensible psuedo-intellectual hard-ass loser. I feel some pity for you eve players whose lives are so pathetic that they feel the need to be hard on good people like me. I'm sorry your expectations in life have fallen short so many times that you take pleasure in trying to make me feel the same. I, on the other hand, have the character, good nature, and enough sheer success in life not to display this pitiful character flaw.

To those who where helpful, kudos for not being transformed into a malevolent basement-dwelling cretin.

As somebody with some REAL intelligence, (I don't just think I'm smart, I actually am) I don't entirely agree with this game mechanic. The price and sheer time invested are not reflected by the actual gain/return. If I manage to get the money to buy a Ferrari, it would not be right for me to receive only a slightly better honda civic. (With a different paint job) In this case nobody would want to pay the hundreds of thousands of dollars for only a slight upgrade. There is no actual need for the game to be this way. Games are fair because the rules are consistent from player to player.

If I spend 10 times more money and time on improving my tennis game than somebody else, for instance, Then I should expect to be about 10 times better, not 14% better. That's not how real life works; that's not how ANYTHING works. One more example. If I buy a handgun and somebody else spends 10 times more on a state-of-the-art assault rifle, I should expect to be blown the hell away in a gunfight between us! You get what you pay foe in life.

Yeah I already know what you miserable bastards are going to say: "If you don't like it, then quit." Yeah maybe I don't and maybe I will, but not necessarily because I am wrong and the game is right. But simply because I ******* disagree with the mechanics of this game. I will miss some of the lovely people on here but there are certainly many of you who I will not miss.
Haulie Berry
#24 - 2013-04-17 01:49:58 UTC
As somebody with some REAL intelligence, (I don't just think I'm smart, I actually am) I don't entirely agree with this game mechanic.


If you were even fractionally as bright as you imagine yourself to be, you would probably understand a few things already, first and foremost of which is that the game design intentionally attempts to preclude more advanced ships from obsoleting less advanced ships, and that part of that balancing act is the fact that power is not a linear function of price. The consequence of this design decision is that, instead of a set of homogenized, "best" ships that everyone flies because they're clearly so much better than the alternatives, the position of "best" for any given individual varies according to their needs and situation. If Alice wants to do some AFK mining and minimize her loss potential in the case of a suicide gank, she has a good ship for that. If Bob wants to maximize his AFK mining and isn't overly concerned about his loss potential, he has a ship for that, too. This balance keeps a wide variety of ships in space, as opposed to a scenario where one simply outgrows a given ship class in a paltry 40 days and never uses it again.

The second thing is that, in a supply/demand driven market, linearly increasing yield would not actually result in linearly increasing income. If Exhumers had a yield advantage sufficient to obsolete their T1 counterparts, that supply increase would only serve to drive down mineral prices, making barges even more worthless than they would already be in an environment where they were obsoleted by exhumers (and, from experience, we already know that the low entry barrier and attention requirement of mining means that, yes, people would continue to mine, just for less money - we would most assuredly not maintain the current equilibrium prices).

The third really obvious thing that I'm sure you've realized because you're just so gosh-darn space-smart (your mom told you so, right?) is that "yield" is not the only characteristic of a mining ship. With 3 additional med-slots, a resistance bonus, better fitting, and higher base shield, armor, and hull, a Mackinaw can outtank a retriever by an extremely wide margin. Its additional drone bay also allows it to pack both a flight of mining drones and a flight of combat drones, allowing it to enjoy drone yield without having to sacrifice the ability to kill NPC rats.

Finally, I'm at a loss as to how an authentic smart-guy like yourself somehow failed to notice that the yield characteristics of a Mackinaw are very similar to those of a Retriever prior to training for and purchasing one. The stats are quite plainly available and easily compared, even without the benefit of any number of third party fitting applications. The description line stating that the ship is capable of making two strip-miners do the work of three is not unique to the Mackinaw, and is present in the Retriever description, as well.
Ice Fire Warriors
#25 - 2013-04-17 02:16:17 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Ormand Antollare wrote:
As somebody with some REAL intelligence, (I don't just think I'm smart, I actually am)

Socratic? Is that you?

If not... stop. No, seriously... that phrase "quit while you're ahead" is very applicable here. The last guy who self righteously claimed to be "smarter than everyone" was tricked into figuratively nailing himself to his own crucifix by the unsavory elements of EVE. And the rest of the game celebrated what happened because while some people hate griefers and others hate complacency and laziness... everyone almost universally hates people with a superiority complex... and love it when it's taken down a few pegs.

So if someone insults you or says something that offends you... roll with it. And if you can toss back a clever, but light insult... even better.

Ormand Antollare wrote:
If I spend 10 times more money and time on improving my tennis game than somebody else, for instance, Then I should expect to be about 10 times better, not 14% better. That's not how real life works;

This is not real life. This is a game. The rules of real life are not very applicable here and will always be trumped when "balance" is an issue.
Dave Stark
#26 - 2013-04-17 06:54:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave Stark
Ormand Antollare wrote:
Hey guys. I am a relatively new player. About 3 months old. Anyways I spent freaking 40 days to get into this mackinaw. That's almost half the time I've even been around. And what do I get? 7,000 bigger ore hold. THAT'S IT. It says that the two strip miners can actually do the work of three, which it should, BUT IT DOESN'T. My yield is exactly the same as if I was using a retriever. It's literally exactly the same ship except with a bigger ore hold. How does that make it worth it? Instead of selling my load for about 4 mil it was 5.3 mil. Big whoop. I mean, it took a little bit longer to fill too.

I am extremely disappointed and confused. It seems like there should be a bigger yield bonus associated with it. The degree to which it's better is so miniscule. So what was that 40 days and 200 mil for? The retriever only takes 4 days, and like I dunno, 30 mil or so? Maybe 40 including fittings? Something is wrong. If I gotta do like 10 times the amount of training time and freaking 7 or whatever times the cost, then why only a tiny improvement?

actually it's 7500. already off to a bad start there.
also, that's not it. look at the ship bonuses, you get 5% more yield. not to mention other base stats being increased.
you're right, it should, however you're wrong because it does.
your yield isn't the same as the retriever, due to the ship's 5% yield bonus.
yes, it is literally the same ship but with it's primary attributes increased. that's how it works going from t1 to t2. how does it make it worth it? well if it's primary stat increases that means it's better at it's intended job.
congratulations you just complained about making more isk, do i need to point out how urgently you need a slap?

you're "disappointed and confused", well so is every one else in this thread. just, not for the same reasons.
oh finally, you make a legitimate point; yes, mining barge yield is too high given the comparison to exhumer yield. that doesn't mean exhumers should have more yield though, barges should just have less.
the 40 days and 200m was to fly a mackinaw.
why only a tiny improvement? because you're picking one non primary attribute of the mackinaw and getting butthurt.

you, are the reason people think miners are idiots. i hope you get ganked.
Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#27 - 2013-04-17 07:25:01 UTC
Exhumers suck because thats what they were designed to do. Suck rocks!

All you are whining about is how the suckage compares.

Damn! I promised myself I'd stop posting in 'I'm an idiot this XXX sucks' threads! Now you made me break a promise. You do realise this means a fairy has just karked it right!

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Jacob Holland
Weyland-Vulcan Industries
#28 - 2013-04-17 07:48:13 UTC
Ormand Antollare wrote:
If I spend 10 times more money and time on improving my tennis game than somebody else, for instance, Then I should expect to be about 10 times better, not 14% better. That's not how real life works; that's not how ANYTHING works. One more example. If I buy a handgun and somebody else spends 10 times more on a state-of-the-art assault rifle, I should expect to be blown the hell away in a gunfight between us! You get what you pay foe in life.

I'm afraid that that is how everything works.

If you purchase a set of cheap but servicable golf bats with which you can acheive drives of (let's say) 150yrds, you will find that switching out to a very expensive, carbon shaft, diamond studded sticks (worth hundreds of times as much) you will, if you experience any performance increase at all, only gain a few yards on the drive - call it a dozen at most... eight percent.

If you buy an expensive, state-of-the-art, German made assault rifle I'm afraid you won't find that your expendature offers a linear performance increase over a stamped steel, Russian model available for a tiny fraction of its price.

Egravant Alduin
Ascendance Rising
#29 - 2013-04-17 08:33:40 UTC
Ormand Antollare wrote:
Ok. Thanks guys. I am beginning to see how it works. The max yield is increased 14% ok. That is pretty significant. So really I just need to up my skills more to the point where the mack is more worth it. Do you guys believe in mining drones?

As all people replied in here I'm also gonna say that mackinaw is better than retriever but you must max the skills for it to see good change.Also mining drones give about 1% of total ore so i never use them .I just have some lights in orbit to protect me.

Remember eve is about skills and then good ship.

Feel the wrath of the GECKO!

Dave Stark
#30 - 2013-04-17 09:01:51 UTC
Zhilia Mann wrote:
Ormand Antollare wrote:
Zhilia Mann wrote:
Eram Fidard wrote:
My only legitimate concern here is the fact that the evelopedia hasn't been updated with the mining barge changes, so I'd have to actually log in to the game to dig out the numbers to prove you wrong.

In case you haven't noticed, EVE is a game where people will pay billions for a few scant percentile.

I did the math for you. 14%, in this case. Mack mines 14% more, plus has the larger ore hold. Which, yeah, makes it a pretty good buy in the world of marginal returns.
14% more yield or ore hold? From what I can tell, neither. The exhumers skill bonus is only 1% per level. Meaning a max of 5% per laser. Also the hold is only 25% bigger.

Yield. Max yield on a Retriever is 1170/min. Max yield on a Mackinaw is 1339/min. (1339-1170)/1170 = .1444 = ~14%.

Hint: the third low makes a difference.

hint: it doesn't. they both have 3 lows.

the difference is 5%.
you're the second person i've corrected on exhumer yield mathematics today.
Markku Laaksonen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#31 - 2013-04-17 13:42:16 UTC
Cause they have to SUCK UP all that ore!

Get it guys?

They SUCK... ore? Like a space vacuum? That sucks? Get it?

DUST 514 Recruit Code -

EVE Buddy Invite -

Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#32 - 2013-04-17 14:45:17 UTC
Ormand Antollare wrote:
Hey guys. I am a relatively new player. About 3 months old. Anyways I spent freaking 40 days to get into this mackinaw. That's almost half the time I've even been around. And what do I get? 7,000 bigger ore hold. THAT'S IT. It says that the two strip miners can actually do the work of three, which it should, BUT IT DOESN'T. My yield is exactly the same as if I was using a retriever. It's literally exactly the same ship except with a bigger ore hold. How does that make it worth it? Instead of selling my load for about 4 mil it was 5.3 mil. Big whoop. I mean, it took a little bit longer to fill too.

I am extremely disappointed and confused. It seems like there should be a bigger yield bonus associated with it. The degree to which it's better is so miniscule. So what was that 40 days and 200 mil for? The retriever only takes 4 days, and like I dunno, 30 mil or so? Maybe 40 including fittings? Something is wrong. If I gotta do like 10 times the amount of training time and freaking 7 or whatever times the cost, then why only a tiny improvement?

The Mackinaw is the same ship as a retriever, it is just the T2 version. T2 doesn't mean way bigger yield. Although the Mackinaw does get a 1% per level exhummer bonus the retriever does not. What a T2 Mackinaw does get over its T1 counterpart is better tank, more mid slots, a bigger ore hold, and a slight yield increase. The HULK is the big yield exhummer. it gets +3% per level on mining barge skill plus a +3% per level on exhummers skill. So with mining barge and exhummers skills at 5 the HULK gets 30% increase over base yield while the Mackinaw only gets 5% increase over base yield. Base yield being the same for all mining ships.

Yield of the Mackinaw and Skiff is the same. both only have a 1% per level of exhummers skill to yield. The mackinaw has the big ore hold, while the Skiff has the big tank. Their T1 counter parts the retriever and procurer fit the same roles, just slightly lower specs. What ever mining ship you fly if you have mining barge 5 and only exhummers 1 you will see very little difference between the T1 and T2 ships. But once you have exhummers trained to 4 or 5 you will see a significant difference. The differences become even bigger when you add on a maxed ORCA boost. mining is designed to be a fleet operation, solo mining without boosts produces very little income.

A solo Mackinaw even with maxed skills should bring in 15-17M/hr at best, while a max skilled HULK with maxed ORCA boost can bring in well over 30M/hr. Not a lot of isk considering you can easily make 60M/hr running level 4 missions, but considering how easily mining scales, and how easy is is to solo run a multiple account mining fleet, with several accounts mining becomes more profitable than mission running as running multiple accounts mission running does not scale very well past 2-3 accounts.
XS Tech
#33 - 2013-04-17 15:11:22 UTC
Markku Laaksonen wrote:
Cause they have to SUCK UP all that ore!

Get it guys?

They SUCK... ore? Like a space vacuum? That sucks? Get it?

Don't quit your day job.

@ OP -- sounds like your problem is comparing a max skills retriever (or close enough) to base-skills mackinaw. The other people have shown very well where your mistakes have been made.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Aldebaran Aubaris
#34 - 2013-05-04 11:43:28 UTC
So sell it and fly your Retriever.

It's not like you bought a false advertised piece of equipment, everything a Mack is capable of is well documented, yet you manage to continue to find fault in everything and everyone else but yourself while maintaining a claim of higher intelligence the whole timeRoll.

Bertrand Butler
Cras es Noster
#35 - 2013-05-04 12:20:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Bertrand Butler
Exhumers and barges definitely dont suck. Take those with some friends (or solo) to a LS belt and have some fun for a will mine a little slower, but killing exhumers or being bait for a small gang is even more interesting...

[Procurer, Procurer Surprise]

Reinforced Bulkheads II
Damage Control II

Passive Targeter II
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I

Modulated Strip Miner II, Scordite Mining Crystal II

Medium Drone Durability Enhancer I
Medium Drone Durability Enhancer I
Medium Drone Durability Enhancer I

Warrior II x5

DPS: 80.4 from 5 warrior IIs.
EHP: 44.200, 21.484 @hull with 60% resists.
SPEED: 100ms with 9.45s align.
TARGETING: Passive targeting at 28.1km with a scan res of 825mm.
COST: About 30mil rigged.

Read more:

[Skiff, Skiff Surprise]

Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
Medium Shield Booster II

Modulated Strip Miner II

Medium Drone Durability Enhancer I
Medium Drone Durability Enhancer I

Hobgoblin II x5
Warrior II x5

DPS: 122 from 5 hob IIs, 98.9 from 5 warrior IIs.
EHP: 61.228 omni
RESISTS: 54.1/63.2/72.4/77.0 cold, 58.0/66.4/74.8/79.0 hot
TANK: omni 32.5 HPs passive, 90.1/127.5 HPs active, 112.6/163.1 combined.
SPEED: 250ms with 9.36s align.
CAPACITOR: Stable without booster, 2m50s all running
TARGETING: 28.1km with a scan res of 825mm.
COST: About 130mil rigged.

Read more:
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2013-05-04 14:20:40 UTC
what on earth is that procurer fit, it makes my eyes bleed O.O
Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#37 - 2013-05-04 15:09:38 UTC
I think it looks clearer if it's illustrated:

thhief ghabmoef

Eram Fidard
#38 - 2013-05-04 16:47:25 UTC
Ormand Antollare wrote:
That's a uniquely disrespectful comment, you reprehensible psuedo-intellectual hard-ass loser. I feel some pity for you eve players whose lives are so pathetic that they feel the need to be hard on good people like me. I'm sorry your expectations in life have fallen short so many times that you take pleasure in trying to make me feel the same. I, on the other hand, have the character, good nature, and enough sheer success in life not to display this pitiful character flaw.

To those who where helpful, kudos for not being transformed into a malevolent basement-dwelling cretin.

As somebody with some REAL intelligence, (I don't just think I'm smart, I actually am) I don't entirely agree with this game mechanic. The price and sheer time invested are not reflected by the actual gain/return. If I manage to get the money to buy a Ferrari, it would not be right for me to receive only a slightly better honda civic. (With a different paint job) In this case nobody would want to pay the hundreds of thousands of dollars for only a slight upgrade. There is no actual need for the game to be this way. Games are fair because the rules are consistent from player to player.

If I spend 10 times more money and time on improving my tennis game than somebody else, for instance, Then I should expect to be about 10 times better, not 14% better. That's not how real life works; that's not how ANYTHING works. One more example. If I buy a handgun and somebody else spends 10 times more on a state-of-the-art assault rifle, I should expect to be blown the hell away in a gunfight between us! You get what you pay foe in life.

Yeah I already know what you miserable bastards are going to say: "If you don't like it, then quit." Yeah maybe I don't and maybe I will, but not necessarily because I am wrong and the game is right. But simply because I ******* disagree with the mechanics of this game. I will miss some of the lovely people on here but there are certainly many of you who I will not miss.

It's at this point that I call....


It's either that or a uniquely disrespectful, reprehensible pseudo-intellectual smart-ass idiot with zero grasp on reality.

Poster is not to be held responsible for damages to keyboards and/or noses caused by hot beverages.

Bertrand Butler
Cras es Noster
#39 - 2013-05-06 15:51:33 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
what on earth is that procurer fit, it makes my eyes bleed O.O

That Procurer fit is actually a very nice bait/solo ship in LS. Check this out...

Intergalactic Combined Technologies
#40 - 2013-05-13 00:47:16 UTC
Im a long time miner. Dont bother with exhumers until you have at least exhumers 3 preferably 5 and you can use t2 modulated strip miners with the appropriate mining crystal. Dont bother solo mining in a hulk unless your botting (which I dont endorse) Dont bother solo mining for money unless you can dedicate multiple accounts its time/reward ratio is not worth it. When I mined I had 3 characters in hulks and one running an orca. Eventually it just wasn't profitable enough and I decided to spend the extra money on those accounts buying plex instead. Hulks and other exhumers get their best results in a fleet with a fleet boosting orca that can act as a deposit for your ore. When you can consistently mine for hours without leaving the belt because you have an orca that never needs to move because you have the mining range boost form the orca an extra 14% means a helluva lot more then when your warping back to station every 3 minutes to drop your cargo.
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