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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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A drone pilots wish list.

Major Hawke
Pixel Knights
Dead Pixels Inc
#41 - 2013-02-02 18:25:18 UTC
Hammer Borne wrote:
I think if my space shoe looked the same, but my drones looked like flying laser turrets of laser spewing death, I would be OK.

But my turrets look like fragile kite frames and I sit in a big Shoe.

Send us some love (and yes to many of the GUI requests)!

+1 for beefier looking sentries (don't forget the small/med/large sizes to :p)

Drone update suggestions:

Major Hawke
Pixel Knights
Dead Pixels Inc
#42 - 2013-02-06 12:49:42 UTC
Bump for a dev.

Drone update suggestions:

#43 - 2013-02-06 14:59:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Sedstr
I'd like to see priority sliders for distance and sig size, and a checkbox for auto-switch (based on priority) on/off .
And the GUI needs to respond faster.


Major Hawke
Pixel Knights
Dead Pixels Inc
#44 - 2013-02-12 17:29:10 UTC
Bumpety bump till a dev gives thumbs up.

Drone update suggestions:

Vaako Horizon
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#45 - 2013-02-12 20:45:09 UTC
As a drone user I have been requesting changes and complained a rather large amount of times about specific issues.
The main "Issues" I have been screaming about are

1. focus fire doenst really work.....

2. actuall drone boats, not hybrids ( rattle and domi both use 2 weapon systems, and no, I dont count carriers as drone boats since they can also use fighters) ( and do change the look on the domi, the blob needs a new face!! )

3. hotkeys ( this however isnt a drone specific issue but rather a UI issue... I hate needing to have the darn overview tagged ( in focus ) for hotkeys to actually work )

While I have seen some effort in terms of drones, drone damage amps etc etc, it feels like ccp are ignoring drones in general which is sad.
Major Hawke
Pixel Knights
Dead Pixels Inc
#46 - 2013-02-13 13:31:21 UTC
Vaako Horizon wrote:
As a drone user I have been requesting changes and complained a rather large amount of times about specific issues.
The main "Issues" I have been screaming about are

1. focus fire doenst really work.....

2. actuall drone boats, not hybrids ( rattle and domi both use 2 weapon systems, and no, I dont count carriers as drone boats since they can also use fighters) ( and do change the look on the domi, the blob needs a new face!! )

3. hotkeys ( this however isnt a drone specific issue but rather a UI issue... I hate needing to have the darn overview tagged ( in focus ) for hotkeys to actually work )

While I have seen some effort in terms of drones, drone damage amps etc etc, it feels like ccp are ignoring drones in general which is sad.

Yes it does feel that way doesn't it.
i'd love to see a more intricate drone management tab, whereby i can set in more detail how i want my drones to act under different circumstances. Instead of just "passive" or "aggressive".
Focus fire works the majority of the time for me but they do split themselves over multiple targets from time to time.
I'm not asking for drone to be buffed but to bring them up to date with better features, new skins, etc etc.
And for gods sake, give a bonus to drone effects! rather than just dmg. Would be great to see people finally making use of ewar drones other than the dam ecm ones. When was the last time you used a webby drone or tp drone??? I never have.

Drone update suggestions:

Tennessee Jack
#47 - 2013-02-13 15:29:49 UTC
There was a video CCP released once, where there was a button on the UI, where the highslot guns are, which was a drone icon.

Aka, you can activate drones just like you activate guns.

I want THAT!!!

Alaekessa's Mining and Arms Manufacture
#48 - 2013-02-13 18:48:13 UTC
Drone ideas

- A Module that repairs drones in bay

- Salvage drones that work (I’ve still got problems with salvage drones sitting idle and not auto salvaging my own wrecks)

- Emergency recall skill; If a pos can activate it's shield in response to damage a drone should be able to automatically retreat to the drone bay if it's damaged to structure, (maybe start at 50% + 10% per level of skill)

- New Drone options; examples

Suicide drones basically a heavy drone with a smart bomb
EW Camo Drones that project false images to scanners/probes/and target map but look the same to visual inspection
Defender Drones that act as AOE Missile denial (thus if you assign them to "assist" a target they defend it from missiles rather than the launcher)
Afterburner based drones rather than mwd

- New Drone Controls

The ability to assign priority targets to drones (in a broad way) such that certain ship sizes are targeted first

Individual recall hotkeys

An option to have damaged drones float to the bottom of the launch list (ever recall a drone and accidently send it right back out?)

- Ship options

Sub carrier fighters/bombers; I'm not advocating insanity, but the idea of a micro carrier has been rattling around in my brain ever since the orca showed up. Why wouldn't someone jury-rig a support bay for a fighter into the smallest possible spaces? For example a Firbolg is only 5000m^3 while a thorax is 62 times that size. To keep it balanced drop the highs to almost nothing, and rely entirely on its drones. Essentially converting from a drone boat, to a parasite carrier.

Stupid over the top ideas.....

Micro acceleration gate that "launches" drones to targets (normal recall of course)
Micro Barrier generating drones (requires 4 or more orbiting a target) that optionally generate a shield or negates warp
Scout Drones in line with the MicroAccel idea, Drones that you can launch toward celestial targets that burn out reaching their target, but send back a window of the target overview. (To ID gate camps)
Structure repair drones that work on self?

I guess to sum it up what I really want is a parasite ship.

I want a space ship that is worthless on its own; absolutely zero gank, not a single hardpoint, which instead has everything focused on drones and tank.
With a UI that allows a little better fine grained control over the drone A.I. (Target Priorities, Damage thresholds, working salvagers.)
Major Hawke
Pixel Knights
Dead Pixels Inc
#49 - 2013-02-13 23:51:11 UTC
Shyuu wrote:
Drone ideas

- A Module that repairs drones in bay

- Salvage drones that work (I’ve still got problems with salvage drones sitting idle and not auto salvaging my own wrecks)

- Emergency recall skill; If a pos can activate it's shield in response to damage a drone should be able to automatically retreat to the drone bay if it's damaged to structure, (maybe start at 50% + 10% per level of skill)

- New Drone options; examples

Suicide drones basically a heavy drone with a smart bomb
EW Camo Drones that project false images to scanners/probes/and target map but look the same to visual inspection
Defender Drones that act as AOE Missile denial (thus if you assign them to "assist" a target they defend it from missiles rather than the launcher)
Afterburner based drones rather than mwd

- New Drone Controls

The ability to assign priority targets to drones (in a broad way) such that certain ship sizes are targeted first

Individual recall hotkeys

An option to have damaged drones float to the bottom of the launch list (ever recall a drone and accidently send it right back out?)

- Ship options

Sub carrier fighters/bombers; I'm not advocating insanity, but the idea of a micro carrier has been rattling around in my brain ever since the orca showed up. Why wouldn't someone jury-rig a support bay for a fighter into the smallest possible spaces? For example a Firbolg is only 5000m^3 while a thorax is 62 times that size. To keep it balanced drop the highs to almost nothing, and rely entirely on its drones. Essentially converting from a drone boat, to a parasite carrier.

Stupid over the top ideas.....

Micro acceleration gate that "launches" drones to targets (normal recall of course)
Micro Barrier generating drones (requires 4 or more orbiting a target) that optionally generate a shield or negates warp
Scout Drones in line with the MicroAccel idea, Drones that you can launch toward celestial targets that burn out reaching their target, but send back a window of the target overview. (To ID gate camps)
Structure repair drones that work on self?

I guess to sum it up what I really want is a parasite ship.

I want a space ship that is worthless on its own; absolutely zero gank, not a single hardpoint, which instead has everything focused on drones and tank.
With a UI that allows a little better fine grained control over the drone A.I. (Target Priorities, Damage thresholds, working salvagers.)

+1 from me

Drone update suggestions:

Alaekessa's Mining and Arms Manufacture
#50 - 2013-02-16 16:56:53 UTC
Warp scrambler drones, lights each drone applies a -.25 to warp strength.

Really any stacking effects that require a minimum amount of drones would be cool
Major Hawke
Pixel Knights
Dead Pixels Inc
#51 - 2013-02-18 11:33:07 UTC
bump. C'mon ccp pweeeeease :)

Drone update suggestions:

Major Hawke
Pixel Knights
Dead Pixels Inc
#52 - 2013-02-18 21:24:05 UTC
Also can my my salvage drones "auto salvage" please?

Drone update suggestions:

Major Hawke
Pixel Knights
Dead Pixels Inc
#53 - 2013-03-05 17:19:34 UTC
Things that go BUMP in the night.

Drone update suggestions:

Counselor ForHire
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#54 - 2013-04-17 01:58:34 UTC
AUTO Salvage option

...agreed! This would be great.

bumping topicBig smile
Don't fly what you can't afford to lose ALSO includes drones!!!
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#55 - 2013-04-17 03:32:10 UTC
Better UI. Preferably somehow integrated with the existing module bar so it can be smoothly changed around. For instance, when you're flying a gun/missile boat you can move your guns about, link them into groups and have f1 fire one, f2 second.

What about grouping drones and assigning them to buttons on the UI? Drag and drop, push/press F1 and the assigned group is sent away.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

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