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Add a warning: not a whine or complaint

silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#21 - 2013-04-15 13:56:05 UTC
mai Talie-Kuo wrote:
because eve is irrational.


OK, THAT made me laugh.

Well trolled - I salute you!

Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But scream it at them in Esperanto, because life is also terrifying and confusing.

Didn't vote? Then you voted for NulBloc

XS Tech
#22 - 2013-04-15 14:06:36 UTC
mai Talie-Kuo wrote:
more of a idea.

Eve you should do what age of wushu did. when you log in you get a warning saying this is a pvp oriented game. you have to accept such warning. and if you haven't played AoW it is kind of similar to eve. that you can be attack anywhere if you want to or not. and you can kidnap people and sell them to brothels but that's another thread.

but maybe if you ad such a warning people wont get the idea that there are "safe" zones and will be less butt hurt when they are killed by for the first time.

what do you all think of something like that.

This is a great idea - a popup warning of "Burn Jita" last year did wonders to alleviate the freighter losses.


(hint - it didn't)

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Selene Nask
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2013-04-15 14:09:17 UTC

As a new player I'd say the warning already existed. In spades. It was called "Rookie chat". That channel was full of warnings and explanations about pretty much everything 'bad' I as a newb might encounter. (also that link to the probing video....) o
Also pretty much every newbie guide had some sort of warning, or link to warnings or pictures of warnings.

Just googling EVE can lead to lots of links full of warnings.

As a new player I'm not sure how I could have failed to notice all the warning signs.

Honestly and I mean this as non-maliciously as possible if 90% of new player have the inability to clue into at least some of the warnings both in game and out around EVE then there is not much the game can do about it. It has nothing to do with the game.

I don't however think it's 90%. The majority of new players I've met in the game so far, know about it, have realized or have been capable of constructively learning from doing something dumb and playing the game. They are also well aware or very quickly become aware of what the game can do to them and for them.

Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2013-04-15 14:14:09 UTC
This is like the mandatory "Warning: Coffee is hot" label on coffee cups, because otherwise they'll get sued whenever someone spills their coffee and gets burnt.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#25 - 2013-04-15 14:22:26 UTC
silens vesica wrote:
To what purpose? This is EVE. Everyone knows EVE is harsh.
A pop-up warning on logging would be like telling people that water is wet.

And yet many people come to these forums and complain when they get wet lol.

I don't know if the OPs idea is necessary, but it would be nice. Even with that there will be those who dislike the reality of any given situation and will pretend it's otherwise, just like those people who relive high sec should be 100% safe and that "EVE should be for everyone".
Sharon Anne
Gorthaur Legion
Imperium Mordor
#26 - 2013-04-15 14:30:49 UTC
I'm sure some kind of funny CCP warning pop up would be fun to read for a first timer. It wouldn't be a big issue as I would just turn it off. Roll
Xen Solarus
Furious Destruction and Salvage
#27 - 2013-04-15 14:57:18 UTC
Posting in a stealth "EvE is a themepark / kittyonline" whine thread.

Post with your main, like a BOSS!

And no, i don't live in highsec.  As if that would make your opinion any less wrong.  

mai Talie-Kuo
#28 - 2013-04-15 15:35:23 UTC
Xen Solarus wrote:
Posting in a stealth "EvE is a themepark / kittyonline" whine thread.

negative sir. eve is a sandbox. the reason I felt like posting it is that I have seen 100 million. highsek should be safe post from people that got the impression that high sek is 100% safe. i just think eve should do a small thing to make it slightly more direct. **** gets blown up. if someone realy wants you dead they will do it. that is the allure in eve to me always watching your back.

but unfortunately without tons of research prior to playing. a large number of people don't realize this. there are many reasons this happens. and i have seen players with good potential. but lacking research skills quit and never come back because of this. i just think could do a little better at warning players that eve is a dark and nasty universe where you can be killed at any time and people will kill you.
Jess Maine
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#29 - 2013-04-15 15:41:58 UTC
I like OP's idea.

If it improves the new player experience it's fine.
Stegas Tyrano
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2013-04-15 15:44:36 UTC
Hmm..I don't remember ever being told in the newbie tutorials that you can get shot at in high-sec, the only way I found out was by locking and shooting a flashy red on a gate in high-sec and then getting concorded Lol

That was 6 years ago though so I don't know if noobs are warned in the tutorials nowadays. Are they? If they aren't than they should be.

Herping your derp since 19Potato - [url=][Proposal] - Ingame Visual Adverts[/url]

Solace Corp
#31 - 2013-04-15 15:56:25 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
silens vesica wrote:
To what purpose? This is EVE. Everyone knows EVE is harsh.
A pop-up warning on logging would be like telling people that water is wet.

And yet many people come to these forums and complain when they get wet lol.

I don't know if the OPs idea is necessary, but it would be nice. Even with that there will be those who dislike the reality of any given situation and will pretend it's otherwise, just like those people who relive high sec should be 100% safe and that "EVE should be for everyone".

Pretty much this.

These forums are an apt example of just how blind some people can be.

How many “whaaaa I got ganked and now I'm buthurt” threads do we see here every week?

Not that it will make any difference, if people haven’t worked out that EvE is about PVP by the time they finished the tutorial they most likely never will.

"It was the way she said it, Rimmer, to rhyme with scum"

mai Talie-Kuo
#32 - 2013-04-15 16:02:25 UTC
im gonna be honest when i first got into eve a few years ago. i created my first character. i had the understanding that eve was a dark universe. i took this as a "lore" darkness and i got the impression that eve highsec was 100% safe. but fortunately i came into the game wanting pvp. got into a corp pretty quickly and i learned the art of evefu. but even with creating a new toon recently i still find eve lacking in the people will kick your ass when they want and where they want depertment.
Fractal Muse
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2013-04-15 16:12:15 UTC
I don't think a 'warning' would make any difference to people posting about Highsec losses.

The crimewatch system and CONCORD are what lead to the highsec posts. The "law" system provides an impression (that is untrue) that Highsec is supposed to be 100% safe. With all of the buffs to crimewatch and buffs to things like mining barges players have had this impression reinforced.

I'd like to see something change in how CONCORD operates that isn't so absolute as the current system is. Perhaps a longer delay before CONCORD shows up but make it so that warp disruptors and scrams wouldn't operate for the first ten seconds of a fight or until CONCORD appears on grid or something - this way players who are attacked can escape (if they are at their keyboard and can withstand the initial volley) while making attacks in Highsec slightly more common.

The biggest reason for the belief that Highsec is -supposed- to be 100% safe is because attacks in Highsec are so extremely rare. When someone experiences a suicide gank for the first time it almost appears that the people participating in the suicide gank are exploiting or cheating somehow. Of course, they aren't, but it can feel that way to someone who thought (because of how Highsec is portrayed and how rare these events are) that Highsec was completely safe.
Matari Combat Research and Manufacture Inc.
#34 - 2013-04-15 16:15:09 UTC
Honestly I am amazed that people are/were so against something like this. I mean, if it were like a EULA that you had to scroll to the bottom to get past and the whole thing was just line after line of "This is a PVP oriented game, if you undock you can be shot at" with a check box at the bottom that said "Never show this again" and then an Ok (allowing you into the game) or Cancel (which shut down your client).

I don't see why that would be a bad thing, unless people wanted to lessen the potential knowledge of newbs to make them even easier ganks.
Ifly Uwalk
Caldari State
#35 - 2013-04-15 16:15:41 UTC
mai Talie-Kuo wrote:
im gonna be honest

Never mind your OP.

I look at your avatar and find myself really, really wanting some of whatever you been smoking.
mai Talie-Kuo
#36 - 2013-04-15 16:23:45 UTC
Ifly Uwalk wrote:
mai Talie-Kuo wrote:
im gonna be honest

Never mind your OP.

I look at your avatar and find myself really, really wanting some of whatever you been smoking.

she realy does look high lol. must be the gray eyes. but i dont smoke ****. mabee some boosters tho.
Corey Fumimasa
CFM Salvage
#37 - 2013-04-15 16:44:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Corey Fumimasa
mai Talie-Kuo wrote:
more of a idea.

Eve you should do what age of wushu did. when you log in you get a warning saying this is a pvp oriented game. you have to accept such warning. and if you haven't played AoW it is kind of similar to eve. that you can be attack anywhere if you want to or not. and you can kidnap people and sell them to brothels but that's another thread.

but maybe if you ad such a warning people wont get the idea that there are "safe" zones and will be less butt hurt when they are killed by for the first time.

what do you all think of something like that.

Eve needs warning klaxons and flashing red lights for at least 3 minutes before logging in, very loud klaxons! In between the red screen should be a white one with warnings in large block letters "WARNING" "DANGER" "YOU ARE IN DANGER"

After this goes on for a bit the screen should go black for some moments, then a small green dot which flickers then expands into the Eve login, sort of like a switch has been thrown applying power to the device that was once your computer.

The forum login should be the same.
Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#38 - 2013-04-15 16:46:13 UTC
mai Talie-Kuo wrote:
more of a idea.

Eve you should do what age of wushu did. when you log in you get a warning saying this is a pvp oriented game. you have to accept such warning. and if you haven't played AoW it is kind of similar to eve. that you can be attack anywhere if you want to or not. and you can kidnap people and sell them to brothels but that's another thread.

but maybe if you ad such a warning people wont get the idea that there are "safe" zones and will be less butt hurt when they are killed by for the first time.

what do you all think of something like that.

That would ruin the game for griefers....Shocked

Griefers depend on CCP's complete lack of real game information to scam and grief. If CCP actually laid out the way the game really works to new players, the screams and tears of the griefing, scamming kids might sink Iceland. Cool

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

mai Talie-Kuo
#39 - 2013-04-15 16:50:09 UTC
nah good griefers and scammers will always find a way to indulge in the art.
silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#40 - 2013-04-15 18:19:24 UTC
Corey Fumimasa wrote:

Eve needs warning klaxons and flashing red lights for at least 3 minutes before logging in, very loud klaxons! In between the red screen should be a white one with warnings in large block letters "WARNING" "DANGER" "YOU ARE IN DANGER"
If this, then I want to undock straight into the middle of a furball, every time, lasers pew-pew-pewing and autocannon blasting.

If not, then EVE wouldn't live up to the hype.

Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But scream it at them in Esperanto, because life is also terrifying and confusing.

Didn't vote? Then you voted for NulBloc

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