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Invulnerable mining ops (Pirate tear collection thread)

#21 - 2011-10-31 05:20:14 UTC
Just a note before I post anything else: I've never suicide ganked anyone in high sec, but all those miner tears are making me want to try it.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's mention something else - if anything like this was ever introduced it would be a perfect tools for griefers rather than miners. If you think current goon ice blockade is bad imagine what they would do if the just bubbled all the ice fields with those.

Even if your single pos can run 7 of those for a day, there's nothing stopping anyone putting up another pos in the system to run another 7, or run 14 of those bubbles and refuel them twice a day.

There would be no ice mining at all, unless you're part of the griefing corp.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#22 - 2011-10-31 06:23:37 UTC
I think its an interesting attempt to solve the miner's dilemma. I especially like its potential for low sec use.

Unfortunately, I don't think it has enough of a drawback.

What happens if you anchor this in the middle of space, light a cyno, and bring in your caps safely? This needs a balance, so I highly suggest that no ships can warp into or out of the "safety bubble" (except maybe interdiction nullified t3's). This will discourage its use in null, as the ships inside can be **** caged until the fuel runs out or its destroyed.

This should ONLY be anchorable in grav sites or asteroid belts... I have no idea how you can limit that though.

Second, I would make it just like a POS shield, in that only alliance members or people with the password can enter it. I'm actually very sketchy on allowing password entry, but I think its probably better if you do allow it. To allow anchoring in High sec, it should require high standings with the local faction, and its fuel should also consume starbase charters.

NPC's can be a moderate threat to a miner in null... how are NPC's affected by this?
You mentioned AOE effects being able to hit targets in the field. While you were refering to smarbombs, you also have to worry about ECM Bursts (up to 20 km) and Stealth Bomber Bombs (15 km explosion radius).

I will have to think this through, and really decide if its something that helps out the game or not.... I'm more leaning against it... but I'm still gonna sleep on it before I give my verdict..
Jack Tronic
#23 - 2011-10-31 07:23:36 UTC
People mentioning bots using this in null don't seem to remember the magic of mobile Large warp bubbles, they can't keep it fueled if they can't warp toit.... or warp out hahaha
Mary Mercer
#24 - 2011-10-31 16:49:39 UTC
Zi'Boo wrote:
Just a note before I post anything else: I've never suicide ganked anyone in high sec, but all those miner tears are making me want to try it.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's mention something else - if anything like this was ever introduced it would be a perfect tools for griefers rather than miners. If you think current goon ice blockade is bad imagine what they would do if the just bubbled all the ice fields with those.

Even if your single pos can run 7 of those for a day, there's nothing stopping anyone putting up another pos in the system to run another 7, or run 14 of those bubbles and refuel them twice a day.

There would be no ice mining at all, unless you're part of the griefing corp.

Finally good feedback. I thought of this yesterday when dealing with the troll but I am not sure of a solution to it. It does raise a problem. However with 7 to a poss how long could one justify doing that jut to grief? What if the number was lowered? One per pos, or even two per pos? The cost of fuel would get pretty ugly since you have to fuel the pos, plus the control unit don't you think?

I'm not saying someone stuborn wouldn't do it, but how long would it last? Also, whats a work around to that? Wardec's obviously could be used, but as in your example with goons, that would be a pretty rough war to fight, so what could you implement into the idea to avoid the problem to begin with?
Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#25 - 2011-10-31 17:00:24 UTC
Still can't support this. Apparently anyone who disagrees with the poster here is a troll, even when they offer sound advice on how to mitigate risk of being ganked.

This has too much of an easy button feel to it, and not enough of a drawback to it. Although it would be amusing to see a bunch of miners in their little bubble, thinking they're safe, when suddenly they're surrounded by Heavy Interdictors which all fire up their Warp Disruption Field Generators at the same time, thus creating 360 degrees of inescapable glory, and just waiting for the miner bubble to go "pop."

At which point, they'd all be doomed.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Mary Mercer
#26 - 2011-10-31 17:04:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Mary Mercer
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
I think its an interesting attempt to solve the miner's dilemma. I especially like its potential for low sec use.

Unfortunately, I don't think it has enough of a drawback.

What happens if you anchor this in the middle of space, light a cyno, and bring in your caps safely?

This needs a balance, so I highly suggest that no ships can warp into or out of the "safety bubble" (except maybe interdiction nullified t3's). This will discourage its use in null, as the ships inside can be **** caged until the fuel runs out or its destroyed.

This should ONLY be anchorable in grav sites or asteroid belts... I have no idea how you can limit that though.

Should be easy enough code wise to keep cynos out of it just like they do with pos's.

Anchoring in grav site only was discussed in another post but I think got burried in the trolling. You're right. The grav site requirement is a must. The poster suggested having to have a rock in the bubble to anchor, but I think 100k from the warp in point of a grav site is a better coding restriction. Would that work?

Also remember in null sec it already has a huge draw back since you can bomb the hell out of it with stealth bombers. It would be almost pointless to use their even without the no warp issue. If you do a no warp inside the bubble issue you'd have to figure out a way to allow industrials to move out to haul I think. Unless you are thinking using a rorqual and jumping out but you can't cyno in the same system. Keeping hauling from happening would once again deter use in low sec and the whole idea might as well be scrapped. Need another solution here.

Second, I would make it just like a POS shield, in that only alliance members or people with the password can enter it. I'm actually very sketchy on allowing password entry, but I think its probably better if you do allow it. To allow anchoring in High sec, it should require high standings with the local faction, and its fuel should also consume starbase charters.

Agreed. ALl good ideas. I was not liking the password either because of fending off bots from using it. but I think just no access by players in NPC corps would help with that issues. Botters in Player corps can be wardeced. Also I really liked the counter intel part of it. If your password was to get compromised a few pilots could get inside the bubble and wipe out the whole mining op anyways.

NPC's can be a moderate threat to a miner in null... how are NPC's affected by this?
You mentioned AOE effects being able to hit targets in the field. While you were refering to smarbombs, you also have to worry about ECM Bursts (up to 20 km) and Stealth Bomber Bombs (15 km explosion radius).

Yep, I expect this unit to not be nearly as useful in null sec or wh space. I am ok with them putting them up but I really like the idea of being able to launch bombs and all that crap inside of it. This is why I don't agree this is a COMPLETE imbalance because there are still several ways to kill whats inside of it.

NPC's is a problem I didn't fully develop. In high sec, and even low sec they really aren't a threat anyways you'd just tank them with the miners so I figured heck with it, they can be unbothered by rats. But in Null sec they could pose a problem to a miner normally I guess so that might be considered an imbalance if we just say that NPC's can't shoot whats inside it. Though since you can stealth bomb the hell out of the bubble in null sec, maybe the protection from NPC rats would be the benefit to this unit in null sec?


I will have to think this through, and really decide if its something that helps out the game or not.... I'm more leaning against it... but I'm still gonna sleep on it before I give my verdict..

Let me know if you come up with anymore issues. I posted it to talk it out, not to get it put into the game tomorrow. I stated in my original post it need a lot more tweaking, balancing, and more people bouncing ideas off it.
Mary Mercer
#27 - 2011-10-31 17:19:02 UTC
Jack Carrigan wrote:
S Although it would be amusing to see a bunch of miners in their little bubble, thinking they're safe, when suddenly they're surrounded by Heavy Interdictors which all fire up their Warp Disruption Field Generators at the same time, thus creating 360 degrees of inescapable glory, and just waiting for the miner bubble to go "pop."

At which point, they'd all be doomed.

See now you're thinking. this isn't an "easy button" this is a "protection" button. it's a way to entice miners into low sec. give them a little more security, and make it more difficult for the lone rogue pvper or griefer whichever to capitalize on unprotected ships. This would put a system in place it took a little skill and patience on the pvpers part in order to secure the indi kills.

And no, not everyone that disagrees with me is a troll. There is a lot to be said about tone and approach. But the person I called a troll was trolling. Or at least seemed to be. Saying "This sucks. there are no safe spots in eve stop trying to make safe spots" is not adding jack to the thread.

In fairness I have responded to both posts that suggested other security measures and both failed to post but were long and I didn't want to retype. One of these days I'll learn to type in a word processor first.

To make it simple. We all know those options are currently in place. The reality is, they are not enough to encourage people to move into low sec. That is most of what this tries to address. I'm not trying to create an impossible to kill mining vessel with no risk involved. I realize there are balancing issues which is exactly what I stated and wanted to discuss. But the bottom line is, there is a LOT of space out there that industrial pilots are not willing to use. We need to do something to make it inticing to them.

CCP is a company and they want to make money. At some point they are going to have acknowledge that high sec is too full. They already do actually. THey want people into the low secs.. So we have two options. Discuss off the wall ideas like mine and others who come up with stuff to try to do that. Or start changing some low secs to high secs to make more room for players.

We still have empty high sec space atm. But the player count is growing and the empty space is dwindling. My main reason for trying to impliment this in high, low and null is I like things that work across the games areas not just in certain areas. I realize some things can't be used in all areas and if this ends up to be one of them fine, but thats where I started with it because that's what I like. It's all open to discussion and modification. I thought that was what the board was here for.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2011-10-31 18:50:28 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
I think its an interesting attempt to solve the miner's dilemma.

Having been a miner before I came out to nullsec, I'm curious to know...which delimma are you talking about? The plummeting price of minerals, the skyrocketing cost of T2 mining ships, or the mind-numbingly boring game play it involves?

De'Veldrin's Corollary (to Malcanis' Law): Any idea that seeks to limit the ability of a large nullsec bloc to do something in the name of allowing more small groups into sov null will inevitably make it that much harder for small groups to enter sov null.

killorbekilled TBE
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2011-10-31 19:14:00 UTC
Jack Carrigan wrote:
Rather than consistently suggesting such blatant faggotry and unbalancing of the game (and yes, it would be game breaking), as high security space is just that, it offers high security as there is a police presence (which immediately respond to unwarranted aggression), the following things should be accomplished:

- Pay attention to Local
- Pay attention to your Directional Scanner
- Passive Tank your Barge/Exhumer/Industrial
- Have Logistics Support (Basilisk/Scimitar/RR BS)
- Have an Orca provide mining boosts while having a Nighthawk providing shield boosts (Shield Harmonizing Link)
- Remain Aligned (and have one of your corp mates outfitted with a Stasis Webifier standing by to help you get into warp faster)
- Mine in Mission Sites (thus double the income) or Gravimetric Sites
- Know the usual people who are in your system, and be wary of new faces

High Security space is not meant to offer absolute security, nor should it ever. Mining is pretty much free ISK. But, as with any other activity in New Eden, there MUST be risk versus reward. There is no activity (except station trading) that leaves you absolute security from being ganked (but there is still the risk of being undercut or losing profits).

So with that said, what entitles miners to absolute security?

Absolutely nothing.

Because if they had absolute security, it would create a game breaking imbalance. EVE is a PvP game, and non-consensual PvP is an intended feature as the Developers have pointed out. Don't like it? Don't undock.

this should have ended this topic ^^


Thomas Turnpoint
#30 - 2011-10-31 20:42:53 UTC
Nice idea, but I would only vote for it if it was limited to low sec (0.4 - 0.1) use only, and required deactivation in order to get a ship in or out. For something like this to exist, there needs to be a way to get around it with some strategy.
Warp in to gank them and simply prowl at the edge. The risk to the ganker is whether or not the miners are waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

This also creates an issue in regards to how the mechanics of belt rats work. Will miners be safe from them as well?

Heck, make it password accessible, but limit the password to one digit, 0 through 9 with a half second delay between attempts.
Gives the miners a few seconds to start warping, but nothing more.

Even so, in the end I don't think this would work. It does encourage people to venture into low-sec, but it would need to be nerfed down a lot before it would work.
Mary Mercer
#31 - 2011-10-31 21:06:17 UTC
Thomas Turnpoint wrote:

Heck, make it password accessible, but limit the password to one digit, 0 through 9 with a half second delay between attempts.
Gives the miners a few seconds to start warping, but nothing more.

Ooo Interesting idea. Though not sure just a half second would be enough between them, but still a good concept.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2011-10-31 22:03:09 UTC
I think this is a terrible idea. I agree with others on here - there is no "safe" space in EVE.

A mining group should have protection, be ready to warp, and be tanked to avoid griefing. Mining in low/null? HAVE SUPPORT.

I'm sorry, but this would give way too much power/control to one group in a belt. All the good belts would be perma-bubbled and reserved. Ice mining and goons on a much larger scale.
Skunk Gracklaw
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#33 - 2011-10-31 22:40:22 UTC
Mary Mercer wrote:
And no, not everyone that disagrees with me is a troll. There is a lot to be said about tone and approach. But the person I called a troll was trolling. Or at least seemed to be. Saying "This sucks. there are no safe spots in eve stop trying to make safe spots" is not adding jack to the thread

So you expected thoughtful feedback on your game-breaking idea? How amusing.
Mariu Ramius
Caldari State
#34 - 2011-10-31 22:50:28 UTC
1 Thought and maybe u will kill it if this is a mod made by ore why not make it an Orca high slot module and make that u need to store fuel on the orca also it only protects ships made by ore (only ships made by ore i think are exhumers mining barges and the 2 capitals orca and rorqual) also this could scramble the first shot making it useless and calling concord so they take care of the enemies u ussually get 1 shot max 2 on high sec if u are going to gank, but in low sec after the first shot or 2 of every ship gets scrambled they can fight u normally and kill u yes its going to give u a couple of seconds of extra live in low sec but it wont save u. In a History mode i see it like after 1 or 2 shots the ships sensor adapted to the distortion of the Ore field projector, this would mean ganks come and try to kill u in high sec and u have an orca with this module the first shot or the first 2 shots will go astray and then concord will answer to the alert of unwarranted attack and that way no problem with mining in high sec in low sec and null sec ull have a couple of seconds to do something but thats all. of course if it only last 1 or 2 shots u could make it for every type of ship and not exclusive for ore construction, depends on how u try to resolve the issue, but i say miners are too exposed even on high sec and the insurance dont pay platinum insurance is 53 million and the ship cost 180 so really miners are exposed.
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#35 - 2011-10-31 22:58:24 UTC
De'Veldrin wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
I think its an interesting attempt to solve the miner's dilemma.

Having been a miner before I came out to nullsec, I'm curious to know...which delimma are you talking about? The plummeting price of minerals, the skyrocketing cost of T2 mining ships, or the mind-numbingly boring game play it involves?

In my mind, the miners dilemma is this:

Mining, as an eve activity, caters to the semi-afk, "I'm not really paying much attention to my Monitor" style game play. Unfortunately, they also make tasty targets, and avoiding death by another player (anywhere) requires a lot more attention than the profession warrants. This would allow an organized group of players to return to there preferred style.

IMO, it would probably lead to a lowering of mineral prices, a lowering to t2 mining ship costs, and a return to the min-numbingly boring game play it involves.

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#36 - 2011-10-31 23:21:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Gizznitt Malikite
Mary Mercer wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
I think its an interesting attempt to solve the miner's dilemma. I especially like its potential for low sec use.

Unfortunately, I don't think it has enough of a drawback.

What happens if you anchor this in the middle of space, light a cyno, and bring in your caps safely?

This needs a balance, so I highly suggest that no ships can warp into or out of the "safety bubble" (except maybe interdiction nullified t3's). This will discourage its use in null, as the ships inside can be **** caged until the fuel runs out or its destroyed.

This should ONLY be anchorable in grav sites or asteroid belts... I have no idea how you can limit that though.

Should be easy enough code wise to keep cynos out of it just like they do with pos's.

Anchoring in grav site only was discussed in another post but I think got burried in the trolling. You're right. The grav site requirement is a must. The poster suggested having to have a rock in the bubble to anchor, but I think 100k from the warp in point of a grav site is a better coding restriction. Would that work?

Also remember in null sec it already has a huge draw back since you can bomb the hell out of it with stealth bombers. It would be almost pointless to use their even without the no warp issue. If you do a no warp inside the bubble issue you'd have to figure out a way to allow industrials to move out to haul I think. Unless you are thinking using a rorqual and jumping out but you can't cyno in the same system. Keeping hauling from happening would once again deter use in low sec and the whole idea might as well be scrapped. Need another solution here.

I was specifically imagining any ships that wants to come and go from the bubble have to FLY their ship in and out of the bubble before warping off. They can warp to/from the outside (1-3 km) edge, just like you land on the edge of a POS Shields when you warp to a tower you don't have permission to enter. A prop mod would probably be beneficial, but the idea is that mining barges don't get to fly off to freedom when hostiles are on grid. Instead, they can be aggressed by AOE weapons, and are in serious danger of getting ganked unless they can find some defense force to drive off the hostiles.

Truthfully, this wont fly unless it causes as much difficulties to the miners as it does to the gankers. Meaning that the only way I see you getting your "safe" space, is by postponing your risk, not negating it. In hisec, when gankers land on field, it allows you to bring in some friends in an Orca to tank up your ship, and some logies to provide reps while you attempt to escape. In lowsec, it allows your mining corp to bring in their military wing to fend off the pirates. I.E. Your barges wont be instantly ganked, and miners get a little time to react to an incoming force.
Mary Mercer
#37 - 2011-11-01 03:54:47 UTC
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
Mary Mercer wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:
I think its an interesting attempt to solve the miner's dilemma. I especially like its potential for low sec use.

Unfortunately, I don't think it has enough of a drawback.

What happens if you anchor this in the middle of space, light a cyno, and bring in your caps safely?

This needs a balance, so I highly suggest that no ships can warp into or out of the "safety bubble" (except maybe interdiction nullified t3's). This will discourage its use in null, as the ships inside can be **** caged until the fuel runs out or its destroyed.

This should ONLY be anchorable in grav sites or asteroid belts... I have no idea how you can limit that though.

Should be easy enough code wise to keep cynos out of it just like they do with pos's.

Anchoring in grav site only was discussed in another post but I think got burried in the trolling. You're right. The grav site requirement is a must. The poster suggested having to have a rock in the bubble to anchor, but I think 100k from the warp in point of a grav site is a better coding restriction. Would that work?

Also remember in null sec it already has a huge draw back since you can bomb the hell out of it with stealth bombers. It would be almost pointless to use their even without the no warp issue. If you do a no warp inside the bubble issue you'd have to figure out a way to allow industrials to move out to haul I think. Unless you are thinking using a rorqual and jumping out but you can't cyno in the same system. Keeping hauling from happening would once again deter use in low sec and the whole idea might as well be scrapped. Need another solution here.

I was specifically imagining any ships that wants to come and go from the bubble have to FLY their ship in and out of the bubble before warping off. They can warp to/from the outside (1-3 km) edge, just like you land on the edge of a POS Shields when you warp to a tower you don't have permission to enter. A prop mod would probably be beneficial, but the idea is that mining barges don't get to fly off to freedom when hostiles are on grid. Instead, they can be aggressed by AOE weapons, and are in serious danger of getting ganked unless they can find some defense force to drive off the hostiles.

Truthfully, this wont fly unless it causes as much difficulties to the miners as it does to the gankers. Meaning that the only way I see you getting your "safe" space, is by postponing your risk, not negating it. In hisec, when gankers land on field, it allows you to bring in some friends in an Orca to tank up your ship, and some logies to provide reps while you attempt to escape. In lowsec, it allows your mining corp to bring in their military wing to fend off the pirates. I.E. Your barges wont be instantly ganked, and miners get a little time to react to an incoming force.

I see. that makes sense. still no solo edge, but gives you a chance to get your backup in place to move you to a new location or get you out.

This would also allow you to swap to pvp ships from the orca/rorqual. Interesting interesting.
Mary Mercer
#38 - 2011-11-01 04:15:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Mary Mercer
Skunk Gracklaw wrote:

So you expected thoughtful feedback on your game-breaking idea? How amusing.

Yes actually in this area I did. I also expected the education level of Eve players to be high enough to be able to find, read, and comprehend the rules of an area on a message board.

Here, let me help you with that part:

CCP Spitfire wrote:
Thus a couple ground rules:
1) This is a breeding ground for ideas. If someone has an idea, listen to it. If you don't like it, think about why. Constructive feedback is good. Posting "That's an awful idea," is not constructive.

I also thought we had a brighter crowd in so far as they had some sort of concept of what a think tank might be like.

My bad on both counts.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2011-11-01 08:43:06 UTC
I love the idea of having an invulnerability field for invading forces in nullsec to rest and repair in hostile territory, and a place for lowsec gatecampers to sit where nothing can touch them until they see a juicy target. +1
Mr Pimms
Tactical Narcotics Team
#40 - 2011-11-01 09:55:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Pimms
Add the following feature(s):

The module(s) can only be placed on t2 industrial command ships or something similar. Airgo, add an Orca variant designed specifically for this role. This is going to make this capability a very expensive luxury to have.

Ships can target and attack this bubble, but it will be equivilent to attacking a POS. So you'l need a very big blob to take it down. Pirate corps will have to use the wardecing feature in hisec to enable them to gank miners using this bubble, or risk agressing a POS shield with no wardec while getting mowed down by Concord.

As long as these bubbles are only placeable in hisec and low, with a sufficient onlining/offlining time to allow for ganking inbetween, then I will gladly support it.

0.0 doesn't need safe mining. Goonswarm can go interdict their own ice fields


██ (ಠ_ృ) yes, quite

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