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Crime & Punishment

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EROTICA 1 Strikes again , she love scams so look out !!!!

First post
Isabela Valentine
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#21 - 2013-04-12 23:18:10 UTC
Rex Aparte wrote:
As a result of this thread, I took it upon myself to get to the bottom of it all. As with any good detective work, I decided to begin at the beginning. Since isk doubling is a well known scam, someone making a legit business out of it seemed sketchy at best. How would one even attempt it? Delving into my target's bio, I found my answer: rules. It appeared on the outside that this was more than your average "send me some isk and I'll double it" scheme. I thought to myself, "self, can you follow some simple rules? If not we need to scrap this right now." Self said to me, "Let's do the damn thang." I transferred a cool 1 billion isk in from my main and the fun began. I logged in and began the process of decoding the intricate rules of this Most Dangerous Game. 50-500m isk get 2x back. 600m-1b get 3x back! 3-5b get 5x back! "WOW" I said, my lust for free isk overcoming me. But wait, what's that in the fine print... Each investment must be at least (this is important) 2x what you received just prior, 3 investments per player. Time to dance the dance. I mapped out my conquest, If my first donation is 100m I'd get 200m back. Okay, so 100m out, 200m in. Then I suppose jump to 600m, which is at least 2x 200m, get 1.8b back? So now I need to invest at least 2x 1.8b or 3.6b+. Hmm, seems I would be a little short on isk, but hey, that's what a main is for,correct? Another 1.3b later and I'm back in the game. 3.6b out, holy ****: 18 BILLION in! Remember, this is all in my head. Do I have the cajones to go through with this? Quadruple checking my work, I am sure I am playing by the rules. Here goes nothing...

100m out
200m in!
so far so good

jump it up to 600m
1.8b in!

now for the money maker
3.6 (gulp) billion out
18 billion in. Suddenly I was space rich.

Good Luck investors!!!

Erotica 1 alt detected.....

Remember everyone, trust the word of an NPC corp member. Honestly people. Just make the isk and stop falling for this garbage. It's really not worth it.

Sola Mercury
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2013-04-13 08:28:02 UTC
Rex Aparte wrote:

... Do I have the cajones to go through with this?

Suddenly I was space rich.

Good Luck investors!!!

It's because you have "cajones" instead of ... well
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#23 - 2013-04-13 10:26:14 UTC
Erotica 1 makes so much money from people that don't read that she can afford to pay out the people that do.

She does, and is one of the wealthiest players I associate with.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

#24 - 2013-04-15 07:17:01 UTC
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
OP obviously can't read. Erotica 1 is totally legit. I use her service all the time and ithas made me space rich!

Hmm... I thought her "game" limited you to three deposits and no alts? How do you use her service all the time? Cool
culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2013-04-15 07:28:34 UTC
rswfire wrote:
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
OP obviously can't read. Erotica 1 is totally legit. I use her service all the time and ithas made me space rich!

Hmm... I thought her "game" limited you to three deposits and no alts? How do you use her service all the time? Cool

I use that service all the time aswell, that's how i became space rich.

I've starting blogging 

Yeti Cave
#26 - 2013-04-15 12:02:45 UTC
I am not sure what is worse? Her for scamming you, or you for being that fricken dumb to even try it.

This really does so much in proving the stupidity of people, no wonder Lions eat the young sometimes.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#27 - 2013-04-15 23:24:57 UTC
Erotica 1 is legit if you follow the ABSOLUTE LETTER of her requirements. Like a patent lawyer.

And like a patent lawyer, if you make even one mistake, she'll take you to the cleaners.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

#28 - 2013-04-22 11:45:40 UTC
hi i thought i would post this to the forums

no idea if this makes her genuine or not

all i can do is post this and let you decide for yourselves

here is how i won it was online earlier today just restarting my PI and was siting in local... when this person


said something about the next person to type X in local wins a bhaalgorn

so i typed x as fast as i could .... and i was first

tbh i didnt expect what happened next

i got private convo from erotic 1

and she traded the ship to me

as you can see from the pic i was so happy and wanted to tell local that i really just got a free ship... in my excitement though i failed and was actually still typing in the private chat with erotica 1 Big smile

i still dont fully understand what happened all i can say is i got nice ship worth over 800 million from instant sell order or over 1.1 billion if i take the time to sell it on the market

after reading the chat in local after i got the ship

i posted this pic in local and people just assumed i was her alt

i wont even bother denying that there doesnt seem any point

all i will say is thanks once again erotica 1 you crazy crazy space rich lady

so maybe thats the scam give away free ships every so often to look good but if it is a scam i cant work out why you would use a 1 billion ship when the same effect could be achieved by a 100 million ship or a 500 million ship

i honestly have no idea

is it possible that there are just genuinely nice people in eve

#29 - 2013-04-22 12:41:04 UTC
scazel wrote:
is it possible that there are just genuinely nice people in eve

Yes, but I doubt "she" is one of them. She is fun though to listen to on the forums and in local!
Manny Moons
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2013-04-22 15:12:30 UTC
Why was this moved to Crime & Punishment? Isn't it about investing?
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#31 - 2013-04-22 19:53:03 UTC
rswfire wrote:
scazel wrote:
is it possible that there are just genuinely nice people in eve

Yes, but I doubt "she" is one of them. She is fun though to listen to on the forums and in local!

You likely know very well that I am known for helping new people out in local! I believe in paying it forward. I was welcomed to the game by a seemingly nice man offering nice goodies in a yellow can. I lost my beloved omen and all my assets that day.

Instead, I prefer to shower new people with isk and welcome them to the game properly.

If you have received isk from me, and you see me in local, feel free to give a shoutout!

I love you guys!

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Bethany Ring
Caldari State
#32 - 2013-04-22 22:14:53 UTC

Fail, your not in JITA Roll

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. [u]Albert Einstein[/u]

Vega Makutu
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2013-04-24 04:27:59 UTC
How do people lose ISK this way?

I don't...this isn't....

I don't understand. Is it the gambling thrill that hooks people or something?

Giving money to some random guy on the internet and expecting him to return twice the amount?
Why not just ask the guy for twice what you have and keep it in your wallet?
Raz ZY13
#34 - 2013-04-24 05:48:46 UTC
So everything, everyone said here so far about Erotica 1 being legit is pretty much a lie and they are all part (one way or another) of one of the biggest ongoing scams in EVE (that I know of). Bare with me for a bit, I will explain.

Couple of people, some even from this topic assured me that Erotica 1 is legit isk doubler, with a clever word game. You make sure you read rules and understand them, and you will get some money out of it, even 3 times. I did that, and on 1st try it worked, but 2nd and 3rd did not. I was scammed, by a no doubts really good scammer, hats off for that. Amount wasn't that great, ~ 1.6 bil but it's not about the money it's about sending the message.

To make sure this are not just empty words, enjoy this little album of mine, and see what happened.

As long as every 5th or even 10th player see this post, Erotica 1 will have less people to scam, and that's all I hoped to accomplish with this reply.

Thank you for reading.

PS Before you bash me how dumb I am, and stuff like that, I just risked some isk, and got burned, nothing new for this game.

RAZOR Alliance
#35 - 2013-04-24 21:13:22 UTC
You probably faild at reading and understanding the rules.

Erotica doubled my isk (on several chars) everytime like she annouces it in the rules.
As far as it concerns me she´s legit.
Intelligence Operation NetCorp
#36 - 2013-04-24 21:41:31 UTC
I have no doubt that he doubled your isk many times, all the people I talked to, said the same, only reason I tried whole thing is cause of that. I've read the rules and didn't fail following them, he simply decided to take my money, for what reason, I don't know. You can check screenshots with my wallet, and you tell me if I did anything wrong.

And I asked if I broke any rules,and if I did, fine, my bad but instead I got reply that you can also see in screenshots, so ye, he is NOT legit. Or at least he is legit to people he is afraid to scam, whichever it is, it is all in the past now. I'll do my best to spread story of my case in game, and maybe save few other people from getting scammed.
Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#37 - 2013-04-25 00:06:41 UTC
Razielkh wrote:
I have no doubt that he doubled your isk many times, all the people I talked to, said the same, only reason I tried whole thing is cause of that. I've read the rules and didn't fail following them, he simply decided to take my money, for what reason, I don't know. You can check screenshots with my wallet, and you tell me if I did anything wrong.

And I asked if I broke any rules,and if I did, fine, my bad but instead I got reply that you can also see in screenshots, so ye, he is NOT legit. Or at least he is legit to people he is afraid to scam, whichever it is, it is all in the past now. I'll do my best to spread story of my case in game, and maybe save few other people from getting scammed.

Those who continue to not read the game rules properly and derp, i can't believe still materialise on these forums claiming to be hard done by when they only have themselves to blame.

Seriously, read the rules, play smart, and prosper - whats hard to comprehend ?

Concord Approved Trader

Intelligence Operation NetCorp
#38 - 2013-04-25 00:21:40 UTC
Boom Boom Longtime wrote:
Seriously, read the rules, play smart, and prosper - whats hard to comprehend ?

What's hard to comprehend that even if you read the rules,and play smart by the rules, you can still get scammed? I know I was, you have screenshots, take a look at them before you say something. My best guess is, he scams on the new people by bending the rules to his own will, or in my case, he simply takes money just cause he can, and then blames you for trying to scam him, since I am sure he won't do that to someone who can cause him problems.
Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#39 - 2013-04-25 00:59:32 UTC
Razielkh wrote:
Boom Boom Longtime wrote:
Seriously, read the rules, play smart, and prosper - whats hard to comprehend ?

What's hard to comprehend that even if you read the rules,and play smart by the rules, you can still get scammed? I know I was, you have screenshots, take a look at them before you say something. My best guess is, he scams on the new people by bending the rules to his own will, or in my case, he simply takes money just cause he can, and then blames you for trying to scam him, since I am sure he won't do that to someone who can cause him problems.

My experience seems to differ from yours. I did due dilligence, you seem to not have done. Not to re-hash, but i took the time to read the rules and I played properly - and prospered. Quite frankly its sad you endeavour to put others off based on your own shortcomings. Things in this game never cease to amaze. :Sigh:

Concord Approved Trader

Markus Navarro
Osmon Integrated Robotics
#40 - 2013-04-25 03:01:08 UTC
God damn either some 1 has waaay too much alt on her hand, or some people like to feed on idiots tears. I'll assume the latter.

I sell drones and drones accessories.