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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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45mil + SP PvP toon looking for Null sec lovin'

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-04-14 08:40:41 UTC
I am posting under my alt but will contact Corp's I'm interested in with my main I just don't want my current corp knowing I'm looking elsewhere, I'm not a fan of awoxing.


over 45 mil SPs

All Race Frig V
All Race Cruiseer V
All Sub Cap Weapons T2 (except cruise and smartbombs)
All Race BS IV
Logi IV
Recon IV
Have lived in Null Sec for 3 years (That did include a 14 month sabatical from eve)
Around 10-1 success ratio in PvP and that's taking account of the fact that I flew logis for nearly 2 years solid and have recently flown primarily dictors so I am not a KM whore, it's about the team's KB not mine

What I'm after is a null sec corp with it's own Sov ideally, but I would consider a renting corp.

What I need from you is Regular PvP and access to "Safe" ratting when not on Strategic Ops (I say "Safe" because I understand there's no true safe ratting on 0.0).

I need a flexible corp primarily EU based, I say flexible as I work nearly 60-70 hours a week and therefore can be a bit variable for game time commitment.

What I offer you is the guarantee that I wont run from a fight, I don't back down, and if needed will take the pod express home if it is strategically needed. I have never fallen short of sacrificing my own ship for the success of an op or to save a high value asset. I have mic and access to TS3, TS2 and mumble and I am over 30 years old, UK Based.

Must have re-reimbursement and a logistic connection to ensure access to ships in staging system.

A couple of last points, I don't do Caps, you can, and I will happily accompany in sub-cap support but I will not train for cap ships.

Lastly, I don't do Jabber, if I'm gonna play I'll be online, if I'm not online don't expect me to come running because there will be a reason why I aint there.

A spade's a spade, I am upfront, if I don't suit don't contact me
e X i l e
#2 - 2013-04-14 09:30:46 UTC
We're all pvp corp out in Catch region, part of the Initiative group. We have pretty decent space, and it's close proximity to Providence, immensea, curse, and stain gives us a ton of targets. We've been going pretty hard on the since the range buff and wer'e getting some juicy kills. Check out the boards:

The alliance (mostly Euro) fleet doctrines are: frogger BS, sniper nagas, fox cat , big fleets daily usually 100+ man fleets with capitals . Corp wise we're all about the Black ops, light skirmish (nagas), & Nano gang.

(Also alliance has ship reimbursement)

convo me, or join channel exile_pub.
Count Austheim
Redemption Denied
#3 - 2013-04-14 13:27:44 UTC

Not gonna make a long post about what we have, its the same as all other alliances. SOV PvP, SRP all that stuff.

What we are is a laid back corp filled with people with wifes, gf, kids, morgage and a soda machine. So we dont hound people about being online. you play when you can.

I think you can fit in and play as you wish. All the others do =)

Just give me or RisingFrost a call and we can have a chat.

If this ships a´rockin, then im strangling someone....

Hendrick Tallardar
#4 - 2013-04-14 14:22:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Hendrick Tallardar
You should look up Leessang, we're always looking for pilots.

We're in a sov holding alliance, and mostly run stealth bombers, though we also run other types of ships.
Anderron Shi
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-04-14 16:11:20 UTC
Check out 1st MC of Phobia. Alliance. We are based in NPC 0.0 Curse, and we run small to medium gang pvp on a daily basis. We have at least 2 FCs on at any given time in the EU and US timezones, and we generally like to just have a good time.

Here is our killboard:


Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2013-04-15 13:32:29 UTC
Thanks for all the offers so far guys, got a short list and am gonna pick one today, for those who offered my most honest gratitude.

Yaco Yukutava
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2013-04-15 15:10:28 UTC
Hello there VEXIL is very selective in its recruitment process, we only want pilots who we feel will blend in with our current structure. From your post its evident that we would be a great choice for you and you for us.
VEXIL is primarily a EU tz based corp, part of The Unthinkables alliance which holds its own sov in 3 different regions. For our size we certainly punch well above our weight by fighting smart and giving our pilots the tools and experience to make them a better pvper.
When not being threatened to be evicted from our space by cascade imminent, solar, RA etc we often find content by going on deployment across new eden, there is never a lack of targets, wars general pew pew with the Unthinkables.

Thats enough of us, we would like to know more about you, please feel free to join "VEXIL" public channel if interested.
Many thanks

Original Sinners
Pandemic Legion
#8 - 2013-04-15 19:43:33 UTC
Come check out SHUN!

and stop by our lounge in
Dependable Delinquents
#9 - 2013-04-20 13:26:22 UTC
Pelican is looking for active pvp'ers, We hold no sov atm, we're a small but very active Corp. We are based in immensea alongside the rest of the n3 Coalition, we aint pets or renters but full members of the coalition.

What we offer:
- Small gang PVP
- Med gang PVP
- Fleet fights
- Cap pew pew (slowcats)
- Close knit group/community
- Quality over quantity
- Reimbursement program
- TS3
- Killboard & Forum
- All Timezone

What we ask from you:
- Active
- Self sufficient
- A killboard with a record pvp
- No fees or any of that crap
- willing to pvp ALOT

We're a close knit group of players who don't take things too seriously..We fight smart, we dont fail fit our ships, and most importantly we play to have fun.

Contact one of us ingame to discuss more

PELICAN_PUB our ingame public channel

main recruiter: Brethana
euro recruiter: Wassar
US recruiter Evil Vile