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CCP: RE: Monthlly Plexing Bittervets

Pesky LaRue
#21 - 2011-10-31 18:15:16 UTC
Thorn Galen wrote:
Sir HappyPants wrote:
Thorn, my using PLEX is in no way a real life cash flow problem in my part. I make good money both in game and in real life. So don't drag me into your completely wrong and flawed argument. I posted in the other thread as did others on how wrong you are, yet you still refuse to see it. You tell others to open their minds to your side of the argument, perhaps it is *you* who needs to open your mind.

PLEX = CCP got paid.
Monthly Sub = CCP got paid.


You may be happy and comfortable in that recession is not affecting your purchases. You cannot place everyone else in the same boat. I said that many people with ready cash are spending less. They'd rather buy food and fuel than a PLEX. Not everyone appears to be as well off as you make yourself out to be.

Completely wrong and flawed ? You and others still do not get the picture - that of reality affecting real-life and therefore decisions on what to do with real-life cash. You're just assuming that people will continue paying for PLEX with real money in sufficient amounts that will keep your version of the ingame accounts going.

Maybe you can, but not all and the real world economy is not improving, making people tighten their purses. So again, open your mind to the realities. I'm not trying to denegrate anyone, I'm stating real-life facts.
I'm not sure i see the difference between players not buying plex because they can't afford it and not subscribing because they can't afford it?

I think I get your point but the influence of real-world economics on players isn't really relevant to the argument of people thinking that paying for accounts with plex doesn't benefit CCP (the only point I personally am making).
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#22 - 2011-10-31 20:38:21 UTC
Pesky LaRue wrote:
nice summary - it's hard to believe people STILL don't get this and need to have it spoon fed to them. I have lost track of the number of threads along the lines of "well, I'll show CCP, I'll just let someone else pay them with real cash and then I can delude myself into thinking using plex will put them out of business!"

I'm not for a moment pretending that CCP aren't making more money month-by-month with people switching from long-term subscriptions to PLEX. I certainly don't entertain fanciful thoughts that I'm somehow depriving CCP of income by extending game time with PLEX.

The information I'm looking for from CCP is whether they prefer players subscribing long-term or month-by-month. I know, for example, that people who value job security will be most interested in long-term subscriptions: slightly less dollars per month for a known period of months is more "valuable" than more dollars each month with no guarantee of continuation from month to month.
Cat Casidy
Percussive Diplomacy
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#23 - 2011-10-31 20:46:56 UTC
Thorn please stop posting


The Apostle
#24 - 2011-10-31 20:57:35 UTC  |  Edited by: The Apostle
I used to buy PLEX online and sell them on the market to raise ISK. From memory I got about 280m each.

Many did. Less are.

Many no longer need to buy PLEX for ISK, they use ISK for PLEX instead.


It will get worse. There's too much ISK ingame and not enough new "I need ISK" subs..

[i]Take an aspirin. If pain persists consult your local priest. WTB: An Austrian kangaroo![/i]

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2011-10-31 21:05:05 UTC
The Apostle wrote:

It will get worse. There's too much ISK ingame and not enough new "I need ISK" subs..

this exactly
Large Collidable Object
#26 - 2011-10-31 22:00:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Large Collidable Object
In part, it's just inflation driving the prices up.

Despite talking about the need for more isk sinks in the game in past QENs, CCP keeps adding new isk faucets (incursions), making existing isk faucets more accessible (learning skill removal, agent access changes) and thinks about adding more (Soundwave talking about changing one of the few NPC types not spilling isk into eve's economy - i.e. drones - to bounty instead of alloy drops).

Plex still selling for 200 mill or whatever they used to be would be quite ridiculous when every one month old can make them in 2 hours of risk-free pve (highsec incursions).
You know... [morons.](
#27 - 2011-10-31 22:10:15 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Pesky LaRue wrote:
nice summary - it's hard to believe people STILL don't get this and need to have it spoon fed to them. I have lost track of the number of threads along the lines of "well, I'll show CCP, I'll just let someone else pay them with real cash and then I can delude myself into thinking using plex will put them out of business!"

I'm not for a moment pretending that CCP aren't making more money month-by-month with people switching from long-term subscriptions to PLEX. I certainly don't entertain fanciful thoughts that I'm somehow depriving CCP of income by extending game time with PLEX.

The information I'm looking for from CCP is whether they prefer players subscribing long-term or month-by-month. I know, for example, that people who value job security will be most interested in long-term subscriptions: slightly less dollars per month for a known period of months is more "valuable" than more dollars each month with no guarantee of continuation from month to month.

Do you know nothing about business???

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#28 - 2011-10-31 22:20:29 UTC
Put on the tinfoil

Sir HappyPants wrote:

Perhaps CCP might think about making some sort of expiration date on the PLEX. Say, sitting in a hanger of a subbed account for 90 days = poof? Unsubbed accounts could still keep a plex to resub and subbed accounts will be forced to sell/use the PLEX before the end of a quarter. (I know the idea has flaws, I'm just spit balling.)

Well it is not exactly what you said, but they already put a fix out there. They made it so the GTC's can be broken down into Plex which are destructable . If PLEX prices get too low a CCP alt, with the knowledge and time to make tons of isk, buys up a bunch of PLEX and gets them blown up by one of their alts Twisted


Jita Alt666
#29 - 2011-10-31 22:45:31 UTC
I am a player who changed from subscription to plex in the 2nd week of July. I did this because the state of the game at that time offered little for me to justify the investment of my own real life money. The additional bonus for me was that I was a 12 month subber. 6 accounts on a 12 month sub for a game I doubted I would play for another 2 months is a waste of real life money, enough of a waste to make me pause and think.
Large Collidable Object
#30 - 2011-10-31 22:59:00 UTC
Jita Alt666 wrote:
I am a player who changed from subscription to plex in the 2nd week of July. I did this because the state of the game at that time offered little for me to justify the investment of my own real life money. The additional bonus for me was that I was a 12 month subber. 6 accounts on a 12 month sub for a game I doubted I would play for another 2 months is a waste of real life money, enough of a waste to make me pause and think.

This really, I changed from direct debit and credit card payments to plex because with the direction eve was heading, I figured I'd quit sooner or later due to lack of interesting content.

I can assure you, I have never posted in any 'I stomp my foot - there I unsub my accounts' thread with this char or any of my alts, nor did i switch to 'punish' CCP.

I simply did it because I was bored with the game due to lack of content and iteration, CCP was ruining it at the time and I had the isk to keep my accounts training just for the case they change their mind.

Why quit with billions of virtual currency belonging to CCP anyway on my wallet, if I can just burn it up to stick around for free - and can keep doing so for years, even with rising plex prices?
You know... [morons.](
Jita Alt666
#31 - 2011-10-31 23:03:08 UTC
Large Collidable Object wrote:
Jita Alt666 wrote:
I am a player who changed from subscription to plex in the 2nd week of July. I did this because the state of the game at that time offered little for me to justify the investment of my own real life money. The additional bonus for me was that I was a 12 month subber. 6 accounts on a 12 month sub for a game I doubted I would play for another 2 months is a waste of real life money, enough of a waste to make me pause and think.

This really, I changed from direct debit and credit card payments to plex because with the direction eve was heading, I figured I'd quit sooner or later due to lack of interesting content.

I can assure you, I have never posted in any 'I stomp my foot - there I unsub my accounts' thread with this char or any of my alts, nor did i switch to 'punish' CCP.

I simply did it because I was bored with the game due to lack of content and iteration, CCP was ruining it at the time and I had the isk to keep my accounts training just for the case they change their mind.

Why quit with billions of virtual currency belonging to CCP anyway on my wallet, if I can just burn it up to stick around for free - and can keep doing so for years, even with rising plex prices?

Stop quoting me then paraphrasing.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2011-10-31 23:16:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Gealla
Thorn Galen wrote:
Sir HappyPants wrote:
Thorn, my using PLEX is in no way a real life cash flow problem in my part. I make good money both in game and in real life. So don't drag me into your completely wrong and flawed argument. I posted in the other thread as did others on how wrong you are, yet you still refuse to see it. You tell others to open their minds to your side of the argument, perhaps it is *you* who needs to open your mind.

PLEX = CCP got paid.
Monthly Sub = CCP got paid.


You may be happy and comfortable in that recession is not affecting your purchases. You cannot place everyone else in the same boat. I said that many people with ready cash are spending less. They'd rather buy food and fuel than a PLEX. Not everyone appears to be as well off as you make yourself out to be.

Completely wrong and flawed ? You and others still do not get the picture - that of reality affecting real-life and therefore decisions on what to do with real-life cash. You're just assuming that people will continue paying for PLEX with real money in sufficient amounts that will keep your version of the ingame accounts going.

Maybe you can, but not all and the real world economy is not improving, making people tighten their purses. So again, open your mind to the realities. I'm not trying to denegrate anyone, I'm stating real-life facts.

You seem to be projecting your RL circumstances onto the game population as a whole. Even in America, where 20% of the population were affected by the recent global downturn, there were still 80% of the population who were doing "just fine thanks".

While I agree that there is probably less people buying plex for RL cash than before, I don't think it will drop to the point where it poses a problem for CCP, simply because those hardest hit by the economy have already cut back on things like online games.

Those that are still doing ok will still spend the money on hobbies/games etc....possibly more so
Large Collidable Object
#33 - 2011-10-31 23:21:06 UTC
Jita Alt666 wrote:

Stop quoting me then paraphrasing.

Bad Object *slaps itself*
You know... [morons.](
Zrygthn Azurlm Zharous
Pink Sockers
#34 - 2011-10-31 23:28:50 UTC
Price of plex has been going up and up since sanctum bot was released.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#35 - 2011-10-31 23:28:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Soldarius
I look at it this way: subs are money now for CCP. PLEX are like borrowing from the future. Every PLEX represents an amount of game time purchased that CCP has to redeem at some point. When subs start to slow, people will redeem more plex for game time rather than trade for isk. After all, its already money spent. Might as well use it rather than giving CCP a free ride. That's not policy, that's just economics. People don't like giving away money without getting something back.

Personally, I pay my sub 3 months at a time, and I trade PLEX for isk. To clarify, I don't buy PLEX with cash and sell them, I buy in-game with isk and then resell at higher price. Margins are still pretty good. But the price has gone up about 10% in the last couple weeks and they show no signs of slowing down.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2011-10-31 23:37:35 UTC
Soldarius wrote:
I look at it this way: subs are money now for CCP. PLEX are like borrowing from the future. Every PLEX represents an amount of game time purchased that CCP has to redeem at some point. When subs start to slow, people will redeem more plex for game time rather than trade for isk. After all, its already money spent. Might as well use it rather than giving CCP a free ride. That's not policy, that's just economics. People don't like giving away money without getting something back.

Personally, I pay my sub 3 months at a time, and I trade PLEX for isk. To clarify, I don't buy PLEX with cash and sell them, I buy in-game with isk and then resell at higher price. Margins are still pretty good. But the price has gone up about 10% in the last couple weeks and they show no signs of slowing down.

Good points. This could also be a result of the Goons current hisec hyjinx.....industrialists who would normally be mining, missioners who are nervous about undocking expensive ships could cause an increase in those playing the plex market.
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