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Noob Fail. Embarassing experiences.

Mercantile and Stuff
#21 - 2011-10-31 22:50:43 UTC
Iosue wrote:

i did something like that once with the ECM Burst I had fitted on my blockade runner. Cry

won't make that mistake again.

I did it right outside the station in Aunia once.............................................once.

I am not Prencleeve Grothsmore.

Demon View
#22 - 2011-10-31 22:52:10 UTC
I decided to make a profit in this fashion:

1. Look on universal market statistics on an out-of-game website to find the lowest price for trit, and the highest buy order for trit.

2. The lowest price was deep in nullsec. No worries! In order to not lose a ship on the way, I flew out to the nullsec station in my pod,

3. And filled the provided rookie ship with trit,

4. And undocked into something dark and scary and drone-belching that I couldn't warp away from. Still don't know what that was..

Can't say that it would've been much of a profitable adventure even if it'd worked out for me, you know?
Caldari State
#23 - 2011-10-31 22:57:52 UTC
Nerdy Deadshot wrote:
Lol welcome to eve. Might want to look into joining a corp with older high sec members in it... No lvl 1 should take multiple people except maybe the SOE epic arc.

What's older high sec members? Does that mean people who are from high sec space?
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#24 - 2011-10-31 23:00:52 UTC
Vyvica wrote:
Nerdy Deadshot wrote:
Lol welcome to eve. Might want to look into joining a corp with older high sec members in it... No lvl 1 should take multiple people except maybe the SOE epic arc.

What's older high sec members? Does that mean people who are from high sec space?

All players start out in High sec space (it wouldn't be fair to start in null) but he means people who live in High sec space for a long time. This usually means they have good mission agents and also be able to help new players to find their way in EvE

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2011-10-31 23:01:10 UTC
Pity we don't have all these on video, then we could do a "eve is real - bloopers" page ...
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#26 - 2011-10-31 23:03:58 UTC
Gealla wrote:
Pity we don't have all these on video, then we could do a "eve is real - bloopers" page ...

I would gladly post the 4 things I mentioned before on youtube. Every time I think back to those days I laugh about how "stupid" I was. I also like to see that all newbs are making the same mistakes, which means I'm not that special (okay maybe the being ganked with a 2 PLEX in my hold was just plain stupidity)

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Karn Dulake
#27 - 2011-10-31 23:38:52 UTC
i forgot to turn on my shields in a mission once and i was reading for forums at the same time. when i realised what was happening i was at about 50% hull. The hull alone costs 1.1 billion isk

Noob central
I dont normally troll, but when i do i do it on General Discussion.
Sabola Atar
Dark Wormhole Industry
Silent Infinity
#28 - 2011-10-31 23:58:14 UTC
I didn't know you could turn the shield hardeners "ON" Roll
Paragon Renegade
Sebiestor Tribe
#29 - 2011-11-01 00:05:21 UTC


Grizzled vet in an Apocalypse, Two guys in Hurricanes & me in a Rifter against a Megathron, Myrmidon, Tengu, Burst & Cyclone

We murdered a few of them

ten minutes later, the same guys come back in new ships. I panick, and click the closest "Red square" and warp jam him & scram him....... it turns out to be the guy in the Apocalypse on my team.

Because of that, he can't escape, he dies, my other two friends are gutted by the Tengu, and I make off like a bandit.

Good times

The pie is a tautology

Daemeon Fyral
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#30 - 2011-11-01 00:09:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Daemeon Fyral
Shooting a can flipper when I'd just started playing... not the smartest of moves, but I learned my lesson.

spending every last isk I had on items and hauling them out to 0.0 to try and make a quick buck a couple weeks in... in a mammoth... completely untanked and alone, didn't make it far.

the one that I still do on a depressingly regular basis. fly 10+ jumps for a mission only to get there and realize I forgot too hit accept.

fitting out a new ship flying out to where I generally mission while forgetting about this little thing called ammo.

Getting greedy while mining and trying to push things as close as I can to server shutdown and ending up loosing half my haul because I ran out of time to reclaim it.

Getting drunk while mining, passing out in my hulk and waking up in a pod.

EDIT: during the riots was trying to get some footage of the ships shooting at the monument, intended to click on another ship that was orbiting so I could get a different angle and out of habit ended up targetting/autoshooting them... concordokened.
#31 - 2011-11-01 00:09:17 UTC
Spend 2 or 3 minths in 0.0 then finally fly back to Empire, somehow forgetting that all those freekin haulers circling the gate arent your candy.

Went to overheat an Inv at a crucial moment and somehow CLICKED IT FREEKING OFF instead...

Agressed at a gate in Low-Sec and MWAHAHAHA warped away! a moon with some jackasses hostile POS.

I'm sure there are others.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H.L. Mencken

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#32 - 2011-11-01 00:09:46 UTC
Best noob fail was 3' away from me. Ex's kid was playing with me - wanted to "duel" me like it was WOW or something. Concord blasted his ship right when I was saying "I don't think that would be a goo....".

Lost his Cyclone he just worked hard for and got.

He gets back to station, crying in local about it (while I try not to laugh) and someone gives him ISK to buy a new one.

So he buys one in station, and buys some modules that he needs to go pick up , not knowing about GCC....

Yes, it gets destroyed.

Later he's in his third Cyclone and is autopiloting through Amamake....

When that's over he's jumping up and down screaming "that's it! I'm not playing this game any more!!!!1!!!!!"

(I wonder if those Sniggwaffe boys know of this epic ragequit? - this was back in 2006)

My worst noob error is this, and it's epic:

I operated under the idea that any object for which there was no market demand for was therefore junk, so I either trashed or reprocessed them.
Lots of faction and deadspace modules got trashed. Now they put little icons on the corner of the symbols - great idea.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Tanya Powers
#33 - 2011-11-01 00:24:13 UTC
I joined some friend in his mission, when I jump in i just saw some cynabal shooting at him (player) and I was just like "wtf??,"

So I just opened fire on the Cyna... wtf this window in the middle of my screen get out of there !!! I'm helping my buddy !

1 Megathron for concord 0 rat or whatever for me and tons of lol for the ninja Lol
Eve Mione
Eve Industry Unlimited
#34 - 2011-11-01 02:36:32 UTC
Made a few mistakes in my early days. Stuff like neutral repping a random buddy in local just when he decides to flip a can besides the Luminaire Titan... found my salvage/RR Catty locked and blown up before I could even wonder why. This was roughly right after the so called neutral RR "fix".

My most costly mistake however came from one tired night mining a belt in a 1.0. Was just given a brand new hulk from my first Corp I joined and was fairly new. With the intention of becoming the head of a mining division at some later point. Got lazy and started jet can mining. Than comes a Rifter and totally flips it. Well I go dock up and stay docked for a little bit. He disappears in local I come back to the belt and finish mining the last roid. I still have cargo space left so I figure what can go wrong from grabbing the rest of it from the can?

Black ops and Stealth bomber said hi. Buddies from his Corp. Was the last time my Corp gave out Exhumers. Lesson learned and set their corp to red.

* "Note to self, use disposable hauler next time!'
Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#35 - 2011-11-01 02:39:04 UTC
Finding out that small arms are illegal in caldari.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

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