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Functional, interesting, RELEVANT WiS

Purple Void Corporation
#1 - 2013-04-11 11:51:35 UTC
CCP, while I commend you for your shelving of WiS (walking in stations) and instead of going forward with it, choosing instead to fix Eve Online and the many problems it had, I hope you haven't thrown it away completely. Eve needed your about-face and your change of focus because, let's be honest, you were heading down the wrong path at the time. Eve was falling apart and you wanted to play house in space. I commend and praise you for the swallowing of your pride and the fact that you listened to your players and got back on track. You can see the results: 500k subs. Well done.

That said, I hope you haven't completely forgotten about WiS, and I think there is still a strong need for it in the game. The WiS I'm talking about isn't the RPing, look-how-cool-my-character-looks, let's-play-a-game-of-Pazaak walking in stations, although that would definitely be a part of it (I used Pazaak just as a reference to KOTOR). I'm talking about real, functional, INTERESTING walking in stations and I think incorporating it would be a boon to the game. First, hear me out.

Of course there would be the "lobby", similar to Dust's lobby, but on a much grander scale with player-owned bars and shops, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Incorporate WiS with missions, make entire missions instanced INSIDE the stations, complete with cutscenes and choices, similar to SWTOR (only don't screw it up like they did). All those trailers you released have to be for something, not just eye candy. Mission Arcs would be a perfect way to incorporate this into the story. You land in the station, make your way through the public area with all the other players and then move into the instanced part of it where it's just you and the NPCs. You get to your objective which could be anything from smuggling to assassination to simple delivery, with different ways to go about completing the mission. There could be traps laid for you, and you have to make it out of the station alive, for example. There could be different styles of gameplay, depending on the mission. It could be real-time movement or it could be completely choice-based with cutscenes to depict the outcome. There are many, many different ways of accomplishing this feat, and it would definitely be a feat.

While I wholeheartedly believe that Eve should be about ships that go pew, I think following through with this new dimension of gameplay would create an entirely new world. Let's be honest: missions are only there for brand new players to cut their teeth on the game and make enough money to go out on their own after the first couple of months, for bored players who want to kill time, and for people who need to get their sec status and/or faction rep up. Missions are one big grind and are simply a means to an end rather than being a legitimate form of gameplay. People only mission for money so they can go on to do better things later, and there are only so many missions you can do before casting them aside after you've memorized every single thing in every single mission.

I prefer PvP to PvE, but that doesn't mean that PvE has to be dull. Incorporating a truly functional, interesting, and relevant style of gameplay such as WiS I think could really improve upon the mission model. That said, don't neglect the most important thing about Eve: pew. However, I think we're at a good, healthy point now with all the balancing and inclusion of Dust that has happened in the last year or so. The game is much better than it when you released the awful Captain's Quarters expansion. I just don't want you to think those ideas that you had for WiS were somehow bad, because if done right, they could really be an amazing part of Eve instead of just grinding missions and sites.
#2 - 2013-04-11 12:23:01 UTC
Yes, needs to be looked at again.
John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#3 - 2013-04-11 12:24:45 UTC

Why do people insists on constantly posting these soporific diatribes?

OP no-one gives a toss about WIS. Just accept it and move on with your life. Go for a walk, go for a drive in your car or sit on your Sibian, but please - no more Cry

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Tyrendian Biohazard
The Bastards
#4 - 2013-04-11 12:30:11 UTC
While I don't think it is a priority, I do think there are some unmentioned benefits.

While I fairly new to Eve, I've tried quite a few times in the past to play, but never got hooked like I am now. After settling into the game I realized that in my past experiences, it was hard to connect to a character that showed up as an avatar while docked. The Captain's Quarters really seems to give a personal connection to a character that you didn't get before. The natural expansion on that would be for the characters to interact. While not high on the priority list, it would be a nice thing to have.

Though, the thought of WiS in Jita scares the ever living bajeebus out of me....

Twitch streamer and EVE NT tournament broadcaster.

Purple Void Corporation
#5 - 2013-04-11 12:32:19 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:

Why do people insists on constantly posting these soporific diatribes?

OP no-one gives a toss about WIS. Just accept it and move on with your life. Go for a walk, go for a drive in your car or sit on your Sibian, but please - no more Cry

Maybe so, but I just wanted to see how the community would react to it. Obviously you're the spokesman for the entire Eve playerbase, but I'd like to put that to the test. Roll

Had you read it, you would've seen that it was more of an idea of how to do it rather than begging for them to bring it back.
Dave Stark
#6 - 2013-04-11 12:33:31 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:

Why do people insists on constantly posting these soporific diatribes?

OP no-one gives a toss about WIS. Just accept it and move on with your life. Go for a walk, go for a drive in your car or sit on your Sibian, but please - no more Cry

best reply i've seen in a long time, haha.
Stegas Tyrano
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2013-04-11 12:42:16 UTC
They have functionaing prototypes of playable WiS content but I don't see it being worked on for at least 3 years, at which point, people who play EVE for their sci-fi fix will move over to Star Citizen.

Herping your derp since 19Potato - [url=][Proposal] - Ingame Visual Adverts[/url]

Purple Void Corporation
#8 - 2013-04-11 12:45:51 UTC
Star Citizen will be a great game, imo, but I don't think it'll be as deep as Eve. It may be more complex in terms of piloting and such, but I don't see it being the size of Eve.

Still, I can't wait for it.
Rana Ash
Electus Matari
#9 - 2013-04-11 12:59:07 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:

Why do people insists on constantly posting these soporific diatribes?

OP no-one gives a toss about WIS. Just accept it and move on with your life. Go for a walk, go for a drive in your car or sit on your Sibian, but please - no more Cry

I care and OP has a some good ideas, he is going to get a like.
John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#10 - 2013-04-11 13:01:05 UTC  |  Edited by: John Ratcliffe
Astenion wrote:
Maybe so, but I just wanted to see how the community would react to it. Obviously you're the spokesman for the entire Eve playerbase, but I'd like to put that to the test. Roll

Had you read it, you would've seen that it was more of an idea of how to do it rather than begging for them to bring it back.

You do me a disservice. I did read it. All of it. Personally, I like the idea of WIS, but to do it justice would require a massive investment of time, energy and cash - I just don't see it ever happening. Particularly because, from my experience of this forum at least, there isn't much enthusiasm for it.

I'm just trying to be realistic; think about what would be required to implement WIS in a truly immersive, functional and beneficial way and you'll realise that it's just too big of an ask - it would almost require the creation of another game in itself.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#11 - 2013-04-11 13:07:50 UTC
Gosh, yet another WIS thread...

Your ideas are new and original, maybe you should post them where they belong since there's already a big WIS thread in GD.

--> Features & Ideas Discussion

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Purple Void Corporation
#12 - 2013-04-11 13:08:48 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:
Astenion wrote:
Maybe so, but I just wanted to see how the community would react to it. Obviously you're the spokesman for the entire Eve playerbase, but I'd like to put that to the test. Roll

Had you read it, you would've seen that it was more of an idea of how to do it rather than begging for them to bring it back.

You do me a disservice. I did read it. All of it. Personally, I like the idea of WIS, but to do it justice would require a massive investment of time, energy and cash - I just don't see it ever happening. Particularly because, from my experience of this forum at least, there isn't much enthusiasm for it.

I'm just trying to be realistic; think about what would be required to implement WIS in a truly immersive, functional and beneficial way and you'll realise that it's just too big of an ask - it would almost require the creation of another game in itself.

All true and valid points. However, I'm of the opinion that if it's truly something great (which you seem to think it is as well), then that massive investment of time, energy, and cash will be worth it. Like I said, however, it can't be done half-assed like they were planning on implementing it; it has to be truly great.

In short, I believe Eve can only go so far with fixes, revamps, and reskins. Sooner or later they're going to have to do something truly epic that changes the entire game for the better. It's true that WiS will almost require an entirely different game to run it, but if it's a good idea, why not do it?
Purple Void Corporation
#13 - 2013-04-11 13:11:38 UTC
Doc Fury wrote:
Gosh, yet another WIS thread...

Your ideas are new and original, maybe you should post them where they belong since there's already a big WIS thread in GD.

--> Features & Ideas Discussion

I would have done so but I thought General Discussion would've been sufficient in order to get all the pros and cons from the players as well.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#14 - 2013-04-11 13:22:55 UTC
Astenion wrote:
CCP, while I commend you for your shelving of WiS (walking in stations) and instead of going forward with it, choosing instead to fix Eve Online and the many problems it had, I hope you haven't thrown it away completely. Eve needed your about-face and your change of focus because, let's be honest, you were heading down the wrong path at the time. Eve was falling apart and you wanted to play house in space. I commend and praise you for the swallowing of your pride and the fact that you listened to your players and got back on track. You can see the results: 500k subs. Well done.

That said, I hope you haven't completely forgotten about WiS, and I think there is still a strong need for it in the game. The WiS I'm talking about isn't the RPing, look-how-cool-my-character-looks, let's-play-a-game-of-Pazaak walking in stations, although that would definitely be a part of it (I used Pazaak just as a reference to KOTOR). I'm talking about real, functional, INTERESTING walking in stations and I think incorporating it would be a boon to the game. First, hear me out.

Of course there would be the "lobby", similar to Dust's lobby, but on a much grander scale with player-owned bars and shops, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Incorporate WiS with missions, make entire missions instanced INSIDE the stations, complete with cutscenes and choices, similar to SWTOR (only don't screw it up like they did). All those trailers you released have to be for something, not just eye candy. Mission Arcs would be a perfect way to incorporate this into the story. You land in the station, make your way through the public area with all the other players and then move into the instanced part of it where it's just you and the NPCs. You get to your objective which could be anything from smuggling to assassination to simple delivery, with different ways to go about completing the mission. There could be traps laid for you, and you have to make it out of the station alive, for example. There could be different styles of gameplay, depending on the mission. It could be real-time movement or it could be completely choice-based with cutscenes to depict the outcome. There are many, many different ways of accomplishing this feat, and it would definitely be a feat.

While I wholeheartedly believe that Eve should be about ships that go pew, I think following through with this new dimension of gameplay would create an entirely new world. Let's be honest: missions are only there for brand new players to cut their teeth on the game and make enough money to go out on their own after the first couple of months, for bored players who want to kill time, and for people who need to get their sec status and/or faction rep up. Missions are one big grind and are simply a means to an end rather than being a legitimate form of gameplay. People only mission for money so they can go on to do better things later, and there are only so many missions you can do before casting them aside after you've memorized every single thing in every single mission.

I prefer PvP to PvE, but that doesn't mean that PvE has to be dull. Incorporating a truly functional, interesting, and relevant style of gameplay such as WiS I think could really improve upon the mission model. That said, don't neglect the most important thing about Eve: pew. However, I think we're at a good, healthy point now with all the balancing and inclusion of Dust that has happened in the last year or so. The game is much better than it when you released the awful Captain's Quarters expansion. I just don't want you to think those ideas that you had for WiS were somehow bad, because if done right, they could really be an amazing part of Eve instead of just grinding missions and sites.

I beg to disagree, rather than theme park rides, what we need are the tools to build those rides ourselves -or whatver else we want. "Go there, do that, get this" already is present in EVE (mission agents) and doing the same on foot would be a waste of time and assets.

EVE Chronicles are full with all kind of stuff going on behind the scene. Being able to create that stuff by interacting with NPCs and players would be a wiser move. Rather than say "huh, someone stole a Ishukone Scorpion, big prize for the guy who reads first and finds it", why not spawn the NPC who knows the NPC who can blackmail the NPC who can steal the ship? Why not set up a "public" mission so capsuleers blow the defending Ishukone fleet? And then set up a contract to find the stolen ship? While other player sets up to have the thief killed and yet another plots to save the thief?

Why not let the players be "game masters" and "players" as in board RPGs, using NPCs and AI rules to generate content both for avatars and ships? Why not EFFING DARE rather than keep grinding the same old stuff?

It makes me ill. Such a big universe and it all is wasted shooting red crosses...
Pandemic Alpha
#15 - 2013-04-11 13:29:27 UTC
EVE & Mass Effect

I can roll with that Cool

Your about as much use as a condom dispenser in the Vatican.

Purple Void Corporation
#16 - 2013-04-11 13:44:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Astenion
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
I beg to disagree, rather than theme park rides, what we need are the tools to build those rides ourselves -or whatver else we want. "Go there, do that, get this" already is present in EVE (mission agents) and doing the same on foot would be a waste of time and assets.

EVE Chronicles are full with all kind of stuff going on behind the scene. Being able to create that stuff by interacting with NPCs and players would be a wiser move. Rather than say "huh, someone stole a Ishukone Scorpion, big prize for the guy who reads first and finds it", why not spawn the NPC who knows the NPC who can blackmail the NPC who can steal the ship? Why not set up a "public" mission so capsuleers blow the defending Ishukone fleet? And then set up a contract to find the stolen ship? While other player sets up to have the thief killed and yet another plots to save the thief?

Why not let the players be "game masters" and "players" as in board RPGs, using NPCs and AI rules to generate content both for avatars and ships? Why not EFFING DARE rather than keep grinding the same old stuff?

It makes me ill. Such a big universe and it all is wasted shooting red crosses...

What I mentioned was just off the top of my head to explain the realm of possibilities, not the entire scope. I fully agree that a sandbox would be much better than a theme park, and I really like your idea. What I'm talking about is Eve meets Mass Effect, but Mass Effect filled with other players. Sure, there's a PvE element to it as far as the backstory goes, but that would be where it ends. Or why not both? There could be content for both PvE and PvP in completely different settings and on completely different scales. If you can do one, then you most certainly would be able to do the other.

There would have to be some sort of PvE element because players cannot generate combat in all secs of space without repercussions. Like you said, use the NPCs to generate the content and let us decide how to go forward with it.
Felicity Love
#17 - 2013-04-11 13:47:15 UTC
Thing is, with CCP being preoccupied with DUST, they might find themselves in a bit of a bind several years from now IF/WHEN other games come along and provide not just space-based PVP but also avatars running around stations blasting away at each other.

Alot of shiny spaceships will collect alot of (ahem) dust as folks go looking for actual player combat, in another game, if that turns out to be the case.

Devil's advocate, and so forth. Pirate

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2013-04-11 13:50:00 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#19 - 2013-04-11 14:04:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Astenion wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
I beg to disagree, rather than theme park rides, what we need are the tools to build those rides ourselves -or whatver else we want. "Go there, do that, get this" already is present in EVE (mission agents) and doing the same on foot would be a waste of time and assets.

EVE Chronicles are full with all kind of stuff going on behind the scene. Being able to create that stuff by interacting with NPCs and players would be a wiser move. Rather than say "huh, someone stole a Ishukone Scorpion, big prize for the guy who reads first and finds it", why not spawn the NPC who knows the NPC who can blackmail the NPC who can steal the ship? Why not set up a "public" mission so capsuleers blow the defending Ishukone fleet? And then set up a contract to find the stolen ship? While other player sets up to have the thief killed and yet another plots to save the thief?

Why not let the players be "game masters" and "players" as in board RPGs, using NPCs and AI rules to generate content both for avatars and ships? Why not EFFING DARE rather than keep grinding the same old stuff?

It makes me ill. Such a big universe and it all is wasted shooting red crosses...

What I mentioned was just off the top of my head to explain the realm of possibilities, not the entire scope. I fully agree that a sandbox would be much better than a theme park, and I really like your idea. What I'm talking about is Eve meets Mass Effect, but Mass Effect filled with other players. Sure, there's a PvE element to it as far as the backstory goes, but that would be where it ends. Or why not both? There could be content for both PvE and PvP in completely different settings and on completely different scales. If you can do one, then you most certainly would be able to do the other.

There would have to be some sort of PvE element because players cannot generate combat in all secs of space without repercussions. Like you said, use the NPCs to generate the content and let us decide how to go forward with it.

Well, a point to consider is that avatar real estate is very labor intensive and just creating places to go and stuff to happen is a race no developer can win against players actually using those assets and "been there, done that". So, either the developer hands development to players (as Bethesda does with modding and their Elder Scrolls franchise), or the developer provides a series of tools that can be used in a limited environment to create endless stories (as the old SWG did, to some extentt) both for avatar and space. A same asset (say, a "research room") could be used to spawn content (just a portrait and some stats to create a NPC) and the action could either happen in space or in some public areas (promenades, public establishments, or semi-randomyzed modular CQs/hotel rooms/private appartments).

By stressing on the abbiltiy to build the story itself, CCP could replay with WiS the same smart move they did with EVE FiS: hand out tools and mechanics rather than specialyzed assets. EVE as is could work without a single 3D asset, just with spreadsheets...
Hannah Flex
#20 - 2013-04-11 14:22:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Hannah Flex
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