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[Odyssey] Tech 1 Battleships - Gallente

First post
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#581 - 2013-04-09 10:36:53 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
We are willing to consider many of the suggestions so far. Rolling another bonus into the rep bonus (like rep cap use) could be possible, changing the slot allocation, and adjusting fittings to give it more room are all on the table.

"+7.5% bonus to armour repair effectiveness and -n% reduction to armour repair capacitor use per level" might work.

Honestly, the reason active armour tanking is so much less popular than passive armour tanking is primarily because of concerns over scalability and sustainability. Active armour tanks do not scale very well when compared to a passive tank backed up by a logistics fleet. An active armour tank can only ever tank a flat amount of damage per second and its ability to be sustained by remote repair suffers due to its lack of buffer, and it can be shut off completely by capacitor warfare. You can't, of course, get rid of capacitor warfare without screwing over several other elements of the game (one of which, coincidentally, is making active tanking overpowered when used against smaller fleets). I've seen bonus-based solutions before such as "-7.5% to enemy energy vampire and energy neutraliser effectiveness" but that's an incredibly specialised bonus that isn't applicable in any situation where the enemy isn't using a nos or a neut.

The extra low-slot on the Hyperion is an improvement but isn't worth the cost of losing a mid-slot, especially if (but by no means solely because) we don't have some comensurate method of balancing our capacitor budget (as a side note, it will very likely make most perma-tanking missioning Hyperion fits stop working). Because most PvP Hyperion fits generally requires two cap injectors, it will have to give up either a web or a scram, or abandon a propulsion mod, which are sacrifices you can't afford to make in most of the situations in which PvP Hyperions are generally used.

As to the Megathron, losing a low is likely going to give it precisely the same problems as the Hyperion has now. The Megathron doesn't need that extra mid - it's nice, but it's survived for years without it and I don't doubt it will continue to do so. It cannot live without that extra low. I also seriously question the logic of giving a rate-of-fire bonus to a gun that requires capacitor to fire without giving it a comensurate increase in its innate cap regeneration or a bonus-based reduction in capacitor need to fire.

I see what you're trying to do with the Dominix but it needs more of that to maintain parity if it's no longer going to be a blaster platform. The drone MWD bonus the Algos has would be very useful, as would a drone armour/shield resistances bonus (as the Dominix will now have an even larger chunk of its DPS put in danger by smartbombs). What it most desperately needs, though, is a drone control radius bonus.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Seishi Maru
doMAL S.A.
#582 - 2013-04-09 10:37:12 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Honestly, CCP Rise, I'm kind of unimpressed with your attitude so far.

unimpressed is a massive understatement.

These changes serve no purpose than to force battleships in same model of cruisers, for no reason at all but some sort of compulsive mind disorder.
Dez Affinity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#583 - 2013-04-09 10:37:54 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
Askulf Joringer wrote:
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:

- Reduce the base armor from 8000 (base) down to ~5500

As usual prom has gone full ****** again.

Look at active tanked Maelstroms/Rokhs.
Their actual hitpoints are quite low. I don't really care how you reduce the base HP, but having 30-40k more on a ship with a greater tank isn't exactly in line with the whole tiericide thing. I'd much rather see a whole ton of hp come out of the shields, but I know CCP doesn't like to force a playstyle on the users (looking at you shield gankers)

Edited post to be a bit more realistic;
6500 shield, 7000 armor, 7500 hull

Maelstrom has 8k base shield . 7.5k armor 7k hull. It doesn't need a hit point reduction to be honest.
Luscius Uta
#584 - 2013-04-09 10:39:09 UTC
rate of fire bonus are more efficient because of the way the math works. Think about how a ship with 50% bonus to rate of fire would shoot twice as often, doing double damage. That would be the same as a 100% turret damage bonus

On the only weapon system that consumes both ammo and capacitor, rate of fire bonus is inferior to damage bonus, since it increases consumption of both. Leave the damage bonus FFS! Also new Megathron is gonna run into the same problem the old Hyperion had - with 5 mids and 6 lows you could neither armour nor shield tank it properly. Hyperion's changes looks slightly better, but 100 m^3 drone bay is still somewhat pathetic for a Gallente battleship. Changes on Dominix I like however - no-gun Domi PvP fits were common before and will be even more now.

Workarounds are not bugfixes.

Askulf Joringer
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#585 - 2013-04-09 10:42:03 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
Askulf Joringer wrote:
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:

- Reduce the base armor from 8000 (base) down to ~5500

As usual prom has gone full ****** again.

Look at active tanked Maelstroms/Rokhs.
Their actual hitpoints are quite low. I don't really care how you reduce the base HP, but having 30-40k more on a ship with a greater tank isn't exactly in line with the whole tiericide thing. I'd much rather see a whole ton of hp come out of the shields, but I know CCP doesn't like to force a playstyle on the users (looking at you shield gankers)

Edited post to be a bit more realistic;
6500 shield, 7000 armor, 7500 hull

No reason what so ever to nerf the armor hit points on the hyperion. The 7-5-7 slot layout with 125m/3 bandiwth is spot on however a sever nerf to the base stats of the hyperion are simply unfounded.

As for your comment about only seeing a Domi once fit with guns since 2006, you are either lying or again going full ******. Knowing you, I'm going to assume it's a combination of both, Id suggest going back to the fail heap forums and getting laughed at by the community there.

Seishi Maru
doMAL S.A.
#586 - 2013-04-09 10:44:31 UTC
Luscius Uta wrote:
rate of fire bonus are more efficient because of the way the math works. Think about how a ship with 50% bonus to rate of fire would shoot twice as often, doing double damage. That would be the same as a 100% turret damage bonus

On the only weapon system that consumes both ammo and capacitor, rate of fire bonus is inferior to damage bonus, since it increases consumption of both. Leave the damage bonus FFS! Also new Megathron is gonna run into the same problem the old Hyperion had - with 5 mids and 6 lows you could neither armour nor shield tank it properly. Hyperion's changes looks slightly better, but 100 m^3 drone bay is still somewhat pathetic for a Gallente battleship. Changes on Dominix I like however - no-gun Domi PvP fits were common before and will be even more now.

That is among the easiest things to solve. Just increase ship base capacitor by about 200 and its all green again.
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#587 - 2013-04-09 10:45:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
Dez Affinity wrote:
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
Askulf Joringer wrote:
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:

- Reduce the base armor from 8000 (base) down to ~5500

As usual prom has gone full ****** again.

Look at active tanked Maelstroms/Rokhs.
Their actual hitpoints are quite low. I don't really care how you reduce the base HP, but having 30-40k more on a ship with a greater tank isn't exactly in line with the whole tiericide thing. I'd much rather see a whole ton of hp come out of the shields, but I know CCP doesn't like to force a playstyle on the users (looking at you shield gankers)

Edited post to be a bit more realistic;
6500 shield, 7000 armor, 7500 hull

Maelstrom has 8k base shield . 7.5k armor 7k hull. It doesn't need a hit point reduction to be honest.

The Maelstrom also doesn't have the slots to field any resemblance of a decent buffer if you want a big tanks AND mobility AND tackle. And thanks to ASBs, the tank is also neut-proof*
It's basically fixed at that hp level, unless you want to start sacrificing things.

The Hyperion has all of those things, and with 5 mids you can triple rep (LAR/LAR/LAAR) which results in a bigger active tank AND more hp & dps than a Mael/Rokh.


Dez Affinity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#588 - 2013-04-09 10:47:23 UTC
Seishi Maru wrote:
Luscius Uta wrote:
rate of fire bonus are more efficient because of the way the math works. Think about how a ship with 50% bonus to rate of fire would shoot twice as often, doing double damage. That would be the same as a 100% turret damage bonus

On the only weapon system that consumes both ammo and capacitor, rate of fire bonus is inferior to damage bonus, since it increases consumption of both. Leave the damage bonus FFS! Also new Megathron is gonna run into the same problem the old Hyperion had - with 5 mids and 6 lows you could neither armour nor shield tank it properly. Hyperion's changes looks slightly better, but 100 m^3 drone bay is still somewhat pathetic for a Gallente battleship. Changes on Dominix I like however - no-gun Domi PvP fits were common before and will be even more now.

That is among the easiest things to solve. Just increase ship base capacitor by about 200 and its all green again.

There's other things to consider with ROF bonuses than just cap use. You use more ammo, you may end up using more cap boosters, you also reload sooner and more often which might actually mean less applied DPS over the course of a fight.
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#589 - 2013-04-09 10:50:13 UTC
Dez Affinity wrote:
Seishi Maru wrote:
Luscius Uta wrote:
rate of fire bonus are more efficient because of the way the math works. Think about how a ship with 50% bonus to rate of fire would shoot twice as often, doing double damage. That would be the same as a 100% turret damage bonus

On the only weapon system that consumes both ammo and capacitor, rate of fire bonus is inferior to damage bonus, since it increases consumption of both. Leave the damage bonus FFS! Also new Megathron is gonna run into the same problem the old Hyperion had - with 5 mids and 6 lows you could neither armour nor shield tank it properly. Hyperion's changes looks slightly better, but 100 m^3 drone bay is still somewhat pathetic for a Gallente battleship. Changes on Dominix I like however - no-gun Domi PvP fits were common before and will be even more now.

That is among the easiest things to solve. Just increase ship base capacitor by about 200 and its all green again.

There's other things to consider with ROF bonuses than just cap use. You use more ammo, you may end up using more cap boosters, you also reload sooner and more often which might actually mean less applied DPS over the course of a fight.

Hybrids already reload in 5 seconds and take up far far less cargo than any other race.
Outside of large+extended fleet situations (ie: pos/cap bashing), how often would you say you have to reload guns mid-fight because you ran out of ammo?


Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#590 - 2013-04-09 10:52:56 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
Outside of large+extended fleet situations (ie: pos/cap bashing), how often would you say you have to reload guns mid-fight because you ran out of ammo?

Outside of when something was on fire, how often would you say you have to use a fire extinguisher?

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Dez Affinity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#591 - 2013-04-09 10:54:53 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:

The Maelstrom also doesn't have the slots to field any resemblance of a decent buffer if you want a big tanks AND mobility AND tackle. And thanks to ASBs, the tank is also neut-proof*
It's basically fixed at that hp level, unless you want to start sacrificing things.

The Hyperion has all of those things, and with 5 mids you can triple rep (LAR/LAR/LAAR) which results in a bigger active tank AND more hp & dps than a Mael/Rokh.

You shouldn't balance the Hyps raw hit points around the Maelstrom's ASB.

Nah Maelstrom get's more DPS and only slightly less EHP with current stats and an active tank. Hyp might tank a bit more now with the LAAR/LAR/LAR fit but it's EHP is still within a nice range.
Askulf Joringer
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#592 - 2013-04-09 10:54:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Askulf Joringer
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:

The Hyperion has all of those things, and with 5 mids you can triple rep (LAR/LAR/LAAR) which results in a bigger active tank AND more hp & dps than a Mael/Rokh.

Stop using eft as your end all be all of ship evaluation, tripple rep hyperion uses electron blasters, aka your damage application is actually far less than a maelstrom loaded with gyros and TE.

Dual xl asb Maelstrom also is more or less immune to cap, Hyperion is not. With the inevitable spam of OP Geddon Cheese in the near future, I don't see how a tripple rep Hyperion will be better than a maelstrom for almost anything.

In conclusion, go back to failheap prom, your badness is not wanted here.
Tiberu Stundrif
Nifty Idustries
Pandemic Horde
#593 - 2013-04-09 10:55:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiberu Stundrif
Rate-of-Fire bonus without a modification to capacitor base/recharge is a nerf, plain and simple.

I don't care how much damage it "does" in "EFT" when I run out of juice prematurely. Cool
Dez Affinity
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#594 - 2013-04-09 10:57:00 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:

Hybrids already reload in 5 seconds and take up far far less cargo than any other race.
Outside of large+extended fleet situations (ie: pos/cap bashing), how often would you say you have to reload guns mid-fight because you ran out of ammo?

Your question doesn't make sense. The more often you reload the less time you are firing, the less time you are firing means the less DPS over the course of the fight you are doing.

ROF bonuses mean you reload more often within x amount of time.

It's not about having to load a different ammo type, where did you get that from?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#595 - 2013-04-09 10:57:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Kenrailae
Prolly been said already, but.... 30 pages is Tl;dnr.

Mega is a great multi-role BS as it is. With current low sec mechanics, yes it's more used as a station game counter, or a quick ganker. But dropping it's armor amount and taking a low from it is gonna make it really rather fragile as far as a blaster based attack battleship would be.

I do love my Mega, don't get to fly it enough. I can't imagine, with current low sec mechanics and all, that I'll be able to fly it with any regularity as it will be. Can we drop the Random High and have our Low back?

An RoF bonus is pretty silly if we can't track.

EDIT: Tracking statement is based on losing a utility low which usually carries a magstab or TE to apply the mega's full DPS potential

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Tiberu Stundrif
Nifty Idustries
Pandemic Horde
#596 - 2013-04-09 11:00:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiberu Stundrif
Dez Affinity wrote:
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:

Hybrids already reload in 5 seconds and take up far far less cargo than any other race.
Outside of large+extended fleet situations (ie: pos/cap bashing), how often would you say you have to reload guns mid-fight because you ran out of ammo?

Your question doesn't make sense. The more often you reload the less time you are firing, the less time you are firing means the less DPS over the course of the fight you are doing.

ROF bonuses mean you reload more often within x amount of time.

It's not about having to load a different ammo type, where did you get that from?

Let's be honest, when was the last time PL used hybrid boats in a fight that lasted longer than 5 minutes. Lol

All kidding aside, you're right. The RoF change is a nerf to DPS over time.
Bouh Revetoile
In Wreck we thrust
#597 - 2013-04-09 11:08:40 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
What I want to see is Gallente having a viable option for fleets. It would have to be either the Megathron or Hyperion, as drones to not mesh well with fleets. As the Megathron is far, far closer to this niche currently and has a history of fleet usage, it is my preference for the role. The Hyperion is already the "you could turn this into a shield tanked glass cannon if you really wanted to" ship.

The Hyperion, as proposed, have all it neet to be a fleet platform. Just forget the armor rep bonus if you are in fleet. This bonus is only a bonus for smaller scale things. 8 guns + 7 lows make it good for fleet, and that's what it lacked before, and what people complained about. The Megathron can't take this job, because it lack the 8th turret.

People always moaned about the armor rep bonus being useless, and now everyone cry about the 5 mid being mandatory for armor rep setup... Go figure....

As for this fifth mid, I'm pretty sure it's not necessary anyway for one or two rep setups. Cap stability is only useful when heavy neutralized, but I'm sure 5 minutes of cap should be enough for most other uses. And if you need this second cap booster that much, the new Megathron can take this role anyway.

People are so narrow minded, it's depressing.

Looking at the whole picture, these changes offer everything gallente can need :
- long range high utility armor fleet : dominix
- long range armor gun fleet : hyperion
- guerilla : megathron
- heavy brawling with some support : hyperion
- solo whatever : any of them
- high utility/support : dominix
- gank : megathron

What they don't do is turning gallente ships into caldari/amarr ones.
Sinzor Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#598 - 2013-04-09 11:11:01 UTC
Akirei Scytale wrote:
What I want to see is Gallente having a viable option for fleets. It would have to be either the Megathron or Hyperion, as drones to not mesh well with fleets.

Drones do mesh excellent with fleets. Your alliance has a program to help them field as many slowcats as possible. You better learn that really quick, or Daddy PL would punish you!
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#599 - 2013-04-09 11:11:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
Tiberu Stundrif wrote:
Dez Affinity wrote:
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:

Hybrids already reload in 5 seconds and take up far far less cargo than any other race.
Outside of large+extended fleet situations (ie: pos/cap bashing), how often would you say you have to reload guns mid-fight because you ran out of ammo?

Your question doesn't make sense. The more often you reload the less time you are firing, the less time you are firing means the less DPS over the course of the fight you are doing.

ROF bonuses mean you reload more often within x amount of time.

It's not about having to load a different ammo type, where did you get that from?

Let's be honest, when was the last time PL used hybrid boats in a fight that lasted longer than 5 minutes. Lol

All kidding aside, you're right. The RoF change is a nerf to DPS over time.

It would take ~7 minutes of constant fire to exhaust the ammo out of an Ion blaster with the change.
Currently, it would take 9-10 minutes.

You're telling me that you are getting in so many long fights that in the span of 7-10 minutes you don't have a 5 second window to reload? Aside from shooting POSs & Capitals, I see this a very very minor problem. Especially since the Mega is now doing more damage, and has never really had severe cap problems (and it wouldn't now)


Askulf Joringer
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#600 - 2013-04-09 11:12:03 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:

EDIT: Tracking statement is based on losing a utility low which usually carries a magstab or TE to apply the mega's full DPS potential

Not saying I totally disagree with you however the counter point would be that the mega can now (by now I mean proposed changes) easily fit 2x Webs, which would allow for a significant improvement in tracking compared to a 7 low mega that has an extra TE.

Overall I'd much rather see an 8-4-7 mega which swaps the dmg bonus for a rof bonus in exchange for loosing 25m3 drone bandwidth.