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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Super Pilot looking for a new home.

Mista Yolo
#1 - 2013-04-08 23:55:36 UTC
I have a 83m sp super/dread/carrier character (17+m drones, captial hybrid V, Carrier V, Jump Skills V, etc)

+ a 60m sp character, almost at caps, finishing a few skills.

Looking for a null home, would like to get into capital fights and such, very low on isk so some pve space would be nice so I can afford these caps and other ships.

Please post offers here and what you are about and where you are, im not in a rush I would rather wait for the right corp instead of rushing into something.

Lately eve has bored me a lot and this is my last ditch effort to try and find something new and fun.

thanks Big smile
e X i l e
#2 - 2013-04-09 03:07:14 UTC
We're all pvp corp out in Catch region, part of the Initiative group. We have pretty decent space, and it's close proximity to Providence, immensea, curse, and stain gives us a ton of targets. We've been going pretty hard on the black ops since the range buff and wer'e getting some juicy kills. Check out the boards:

We have a fleets around 19:00 for euro primetime, and 02-03 for US guys (corp is 60% us timezone). The alliance (mostly Euro) fleet doctrines are: frogger BS, sniper nagas, fox cat , big fleets daily usually 100+ man fleets with capitals . Corp wise we're all about the Black ops, light skirmish (nagas), & Nano gang, but we need more capital pilots. Since we're only US timezone corp we're getting alot of pressure to field capitals during our timezone. So I need more capital pilots, especially supers. During Euro timezone you'll get to use your capitals alot.

(Also alliance has ship reimbursement)

convo me or bionetworks or join channel exile_pub. I'll convo you when I can
#3 - 2013-04-10 22:21:34 UTC
Hey you able to come online for a chat?

Shoot me a mail and can see if we can arrange something if not.
Morior Invictus.
#4 - 2013-04-11 14:33:40 UTC
Hey dude, if you are looking for FUN pvp then drop by for a chat! We offer the best PvP EvE has to offer. We have daily ops, great fcs, more than plenty to shoot, and we do it in a very laid back enviornment. No ctas, specific doctrine srp program, relaxed, fun folks to hang out with, and a very active group. Drop by Morior Invictus Public for a chat and I'll see you in fleet soon. Public channel also has kb link and other useful infos!
Mista Yolo
#5 - 2013-04-11 15:40:31 UTC
Thank you all for the offers, I am now considering them and researching all the allainces Big smile
Anderron Shi
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-04-11 16:01:14 UTC
Check out 1st MC of Phobia., you seem like someone who would fit in.

Here is our KB, as you can see we use caps a lot and kill them even more often:

Join '1stmc_pub' in-game or send me a private convo!


Rarnak Ki
Twilight Hour Industries
#7 - 2013-04-11 16:53:39 UTC
Hey man, you should check out Unforeseen Consequences.. We are executors of The Unthinkables. We are a purely pvp based corp/alliance. We run high end doctrines like Loki fleets and slowcat carrier fleets. You would get plenty of use out of your capitals and you would always get a lot of action.

Check out our killboard

Check us out on dotlan

We also provide tons of ratting/plexing space so you can earn an income inbetween ops.

Hit me up in game if you would like to talk more.
John McCreedy
Eve Defence Force
#8 - 2013-04-11 18:28:36 UTC  |  Edited by: John McCreedy
Hello mate, as part of the HBC we use Capitals and Super on a regular basis. As a Corporation we already have several Super Capitals ourselves and are in the midst of building up the fleet. We also have several Corporate-owned Dreads you can borrow for Ops, assuming you don't own one yourself or have lost yours in combat and have yet to replace it.

If you'd like to know more then please drop me a convo and I'll answer any questions you might have.

Bugger, I forgot to add that we live in Period Basis which has some very nice systems for ratting in so you can fatten up your wallet between ops easily enough.

13 years and counting. Eve Defence Force is recruiting.