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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Looking for Alliance (wall of text)

Serret Nevets
#1 - 2013-04-09 00:58:33 UTC
Hi All,

I'm a single man corp with 3 accounts and 9 characters. I play them all, as they all can do different things.

I've been playing off and on (mostly on) for almost 7 years. I'm probably not the best at it, but I can do and probably have done most everything in Eve.

What I'm looking for:
An alliance to play Eve with. I'm not looking -at this time- to leave my corp to join yours because of my account situation and the amount of characters I play. I like having a corp wallet shared between my characters along with the corp hanger so I'm not trading things constantly. That's a frick'n hassle.

Your alliance needs to be in low/null sec space. A sovereignty holding alliance is always a bonus, but not a necessity. Your alliance can be an active pirate alliance, I'm not concerned in the least about my sec status, it can always be regained (5 or 6 times now to -10), or if your alliance frowns on piracy/ganking, I can leave that alone too.

I'm looking for an alliance I can be apart of and contribute to, even if it's just blue status. I'm self sufficient and am very happy to contribute to the alliance both in offensive and defensive CTA situations along with alliance/group ops. I of course expect to pay some sort of alliance fee if my corp is asked to join your alliance.

I do not PVP roam 100% of the time, sorry, that's boring. I do like to roam, but I also like to camp -as in bubble or low sec fast lock/smartbomb camping.

Things I have done:
PVP - solo, small gang, gate camp, bubble camp (love this), med gang, large gang, blob, cap fights, hot drops, logi, scout, tackle, FC (small/med), leadership with implants, POS bash, rescue, black Ops, (Killboards tell the tale) POS Gunner

PVE - manufacture, invent, explore, mission (very lite on the missioning), sales, haul, JF, probe, mine, mining director, (even though I have the skills, please, I'm not a miner)

Pirate/Gank - lowsec roam, high sec hauler gank, gate smartbomber, can flipping/ore theft, ransom, gate camp, randomly pod for the laughs

I expect to use some form of comms and can use all I believe. I don't want to listen to 13 year old kids throwing racial slurs all over the place on comms thinking because they snuck in on that titan kill they're now the best pvp-er in the alliance.

I would be willing to take in temporary members while the alliance checks them out and I also don't mind helping with newbies.

Post to this, send me an Eve-mail, or open up a convo and thanks!
Serious Desire
#2 - 2013-04-09 13:11:18 UTC
any alliances out there...
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-04-09 14:23:12 UTC
I think your better off finding yourself a corporation to join. Most alliances are going to look at this point, see its rilly just a one guy corp stop at that line.