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Ship Class and Overview

First post
Sundiata Arran
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-04-03 22:48:43 UTC
I'm having a tough time knowing which ships I should run away from when looking at the overview. I don't remember what the ship classes signify. Is there a way to make the overview identify the ship class group (frigate, destroyer, cruiser, etc.)?
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2 - 2013-04-03 22:52:16 UTC
Sundiata Arran wrote:
I'm having a tough time knowing which ships I should run away from when looking at the overview. I don't remember what the ship classes signify. Is there a way to make the overview identify the ship class group (frigate, destroyer, cruiser, etc.)?

Well...there is bracket size

Small brackets: Frigs and Destroyers
Medium brackets: Cruisers / BC
Big brackets: BS

But other then that...general knowledge gained by experience in fights.

As it also means that you should run from Frigate A and still fight Frigate B.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#3 - 2013-04-03 23:22:10 UTC
One option I have used is the column called size. You can use that to gauge what type the ship is... worked for me.
Sundiata Arran
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2013-04-04 00:31:47 UTC
Thanks. CCP should make the class an option. This is something that in my opinion would make one less thing for new players to memorize.
Ovv Topik
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2013-04-04 00:57:57 UTC
You should really be seeing them on Dscan before they get on grid.

Double click it (from Dscan not overview) if it's one you don't recognize.

"Nicknack, I'm in a shoe in space, on my computer, in my house, with a cup of coffee, in't that something." - Fly Safe PopPaddi. o7

Hessian Arcturus
#6 - 2013-04-04 11:48:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Hessian Arcturus
Have a play around with the overview settings. (Four little lines in the top left corner of the overview. Click "Open overview settings").

Create different tabs, (It's a bit of a pain to keep having to switch tabs (as its better to have one tab for all the PvP ships (in my opinion)), but you can have one tab for (example): frigs and dessies, one tab for BC's and BS's and one tab for anything bigger than a BS.

Just have a play around with the settings and figure out which is best for you.

My overview tab is set out like so:

PvP - All capsuleer ships (nothing else) (for when I'm in large fleet PvP).

PvP and Travel - All capsuleer ships + Stargates and Stations (for when I'm moving through systems).

Missions - Everything to do with mission running (NPC pirates etc) (this tab also has the stations and the stargates.

Looting - NPC pirates and wrecks/containers.

Everything - Self explanatory this one.

I do have other tabs saved (such as a mining tab with all the different ores on) but I don't have these loaded up on screen constantly.

Like I said, it's all about having a play around and setting the overview that works best for you...

It's human nature to want to explore. To find your line and go beyond it. The only limit, is the one you set yourself.

#7 - 2013-04-04 23:09:28 UTC
Sundiata Arran wrote:
Thanks. CCP should make the class an option. This is something that in my opinion would make one less thing for new players to memorize.

Why? That would just feed them more false information. Fits can change the dynamic of engagement to a really large degree, especially in the BC/Cruiser weightclass (Which between me and the new player: Are the most dangerous ships in the game). Ultimately you have to read about each ship to learn it's capabilities, and being able to spot at a glance if that hurricane is a glass cannon instacane, an armorcane or a shield brawler can be the difference between a good day and a bad one.
Vincent R'lyeh
Screaming Hayabusa
#8 - 2013-04-06 13:30:31 UTC
Hessian Arcturus wrote:
Have a play around with the overview settings. (Four little lines in the top left corner of the overview. Click "Open overview settings").

Create different tabs, (It's a bit of a pain to keep having to switch tabs (as its better to have one tab for all the PvP ships (in my opinion)), but you can have one tab for (example): frigs and dessies, one tab for BC's and BS's and one tab for anything bigger than a BS.

Just have a play around with the settings and figure out which is best for you.

My overview tab is set out like so:

PvP - All capsuleer ships (nothing else) (for when I'm in large fleet PvP).

PvP and Travel - All capsuleer ships + Stargates and Stations (for when I'm moving through systems).

Missions - Everything to do with mission running (NPC pirates etc) (this tab also has the stations and the stargates.

Looting - NPC pirates and wrecks/containers.

Everything - Self explanatory this one.

I do have other tabs saved (such as a mining tab with all the different ores on) but I don't have these loaded up on screen constantly.

Like I said, it's all about having a play around and setting the overview that works best for you...

You seem to be missing a 'Drones' tab there sir!

I have deliberately developed an air of cynicism that I originally intended to make me appear somewhat louche and caddish but actually comes across as irritable hostility combined with the unspoken threat of sudden violence.....

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#9 - 2013-04-06 13:36:19 UTC
Vincent R'lyeh wrote:
Hessian Arcturus wrote:
Have a play around with the overview settings. (Four little lines in the top left corner of the overview. Click "Open overview settings").

Create different tabs, (It's a bit of a pain to keep having to switch tabs (as its better to have one tab for all the PvP ships (in my opinion)), but you can have one tab for (example): frigs and dessies, one tab for BC's and BS's and one tab for anything bigger than a BS.

Just have a play around with the settings and figure out which is best for you.

My overview tab is set out like so:

PvP - All capsuleer ships (nothing else) (for when I'm in large fleet PvP).

PvP and Travel - All capsuleer ships + Stargates and Stations (for when I'm moving through systems).

Missions - Everything to do with mission running (NPC pirates etc) (this tab also has the stations and the stargates.

Looting - NPC pirates and wrecks/containers.

Everything - Self explanatory this one.

I do have other tabs saved (such as a mining tab with all the different ores on) but I don't have these loaded up on screen constantly.

Like I said, it's all about having a play around and setting the overview that works best for you...

You seem to be missing a 'Drones' tab there sir!

Let me highlight something for you in his post...

See that.

Personal channel: Crazy Dutch Guy

Help channel: Help chat - Reloaded

Public roams channels: RvB Ganked / Redemption Road / Spectre Fleet / Bombers bar / The Content Club

Hessian Arcturus
#10 - 2013-04-06 14:38:13 UTC
J'Poll wrote:
Vincent R'lyeh wrote:
Hessian Arcturus wrote:
Have a play around with the overview settings. (Four little lines in the top left corner of the overview. Click "Open overview settings").

Create different tabs, (It's a bit of a pain to keep having to switch tabs (as its better to have one tab for all the PvP ships (in my opinion)), but you can have one tab for (example): frigs and dessies, one tab for BC's and BS's and one tab for anything bigger than a BS.

Just have a play around with the settings and figure out which is best for you.

My overview tab is set out like so:

PvP - All capsuleer ships (nothing else) (for when I'm in large fleet PvP).

PvP and Travel - All capsuleer ships + Stargates and Stations (for when I'm moving through systems).

Missions - Everything to do with mission running (NPC pirates etc) (this tab also has the stations and the stargates.

Looting - NPC pirates and wrecks/containers.

Everything - Self explanatory this one.

I do have other tabs saved (such as a mining tab with all the different ores on) but I don't have these loaded up on screen constantly.

Like I said, it's all about having a play around and setting the overview that works best for you...

You seem to be missing a 'Drones' tab there sir!

Let me highlight something for you in his post...

See that.

Yes ... this... Saved Tab 1a is PvP + Drones. But I rarely only use this unless I know im engaging a drone boat, otherwise it doesnt really matter.

Alternatively I can just switch to "missions" tab as that has PvP ships and drone in just incase a pilot warps into my mission.

It's human nature to want to explore. To find your line and go beyond it. The only limit, is the one you set yourself.

Senator Lennon
Blazing Sun
#11 - 2013-04-06 16:24:33 UTC
Right click the ship in your overview or on dscan, there should be n option to remove or add that ship type to the overview "i.e. "remove heavy interdictor/ attack battlecruiser/frigate from overview" and that should let you know, clicking show info will bring you up a screen on that particular ship.
ISD LackOfFaith
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#12 - 2013-04-06 22:16:46 UTC
You can also use out-of-game resources to help practice/learn what different ships are and what they do. Try searching the web for things like ship quizzes/flashcards (I found this via a quick search), guides for ships (even if you don't fly them), or player-made overviews of entire classes of ships you may face (such as Azual's Know Your Enemy series of blogs).

For example, if you regularly engage in frigate PvP, you would want to have at least some vague idea of what an opposing frigate can do to you, and what its weaknesses are, what an opposing destroyer/cruiser's weaknesses are, and if you even have a chance of exploiting them or if you should just run away, or if a ship is something you should be messing with at all (no point messing with a carrier, but a mining ship is easy pickings).

While you can turn Eve into a study-fest, most of this stuff comes naturally as you play. Every time you meet a ship that you don't know, simply look it up (or just ask here or in Ships & Modules). There are a ton of enthusiastic people who love to explain the nooks and crannies of every ship/fit. This is also where joining a player corp which has more seasoned players in it comes in handy, as you can get live answers from someone who (at least presumably) has your best interests in mind.

Good luck!

ISD LackOfFaith


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to Eve Mail or anything other than the forums.

Lost Greybeard
Drunken Yordles
#13 - 2013-04-07 07:50:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Lost Greybeard
J'Poll wrote:
Well...there is bracket size

Small brackets: Frigs and Destroyers
Medium brackets: Cruisers / BC
Big brackets: BS.

Additionally, like most RPGs, the name of generic NPCs will tell you outright what they are.

e.g. "Serpentis Guardian Spy":

Serpentis - Active Armor tanking, weak to Kinetic/Thermal
Guardian - More HP and defenses than usual
Spy - Electronic Warfare equipped in some cases

This is why the names can get kind of stupid or seemingly redundant sometimes, e.g. "Guardian Defender". But between the names of things and their bracket size, you're given more than enough information to judge the capabilities of an NPC without having to memorize the ship graphics or anything.

//EDIT: For PvP, you can add the ship type in a column iirc, though in that case memorizing the ship graphics is, in fact, preferable. Being able to recognize the main brawler and fast fighter types instantly is a life skill.
Carebears with Attitude
#14 - 2013-04-08 04:59:46 UTC
Sundiata Arran wrote:
I'm having a tough time knowing which ships I should run away from when looking at the overview. I don't remember what the ship classes signify. Is there a way to make the overview identify the ship class group (frigate, destroyer, cruiser, etc.)?

You can go by signature radius, although some shield tanking styles will cause sig to bloat up so that e.g. a cruiser will appear as large as a battleship. Also, some non-combat ships may be intimidatingly big. But it is better than nothing.
Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#15 - 2013-04-08 09:58:46 UTC
Sundiata Arran wrote:
I'm having a tough time knowing which ships I should run away from when looking at the overview. I don't remember what the ship classes signify. Is there a way to make the overview identify the ship class group (frigate, destroyer, cruiser, etc.)?

ultimately you will find that EVE, and especially PVP is something that needs to be studied. You will find that despite the fact ships class is once factor to consider many ships (even of the same class) bring very different things to the table, employ different mechanics and will have to be approached very differently.

The first thing i'd say you need to work on is looking beyond the classes, and learning the ships by name and knowing what each (or atleast the most common) are good at and weak against. Once you have built this knowledge you will be far better armed to make a good decision when it comes to engaging.

EVE is not a game that likes to hand hold you too much, but it does give you all the information you need to make informed decisions as well.