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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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71mil SP Lookign for Low/Null PVP home (UK/EU)

HC - gizmos Gizco
#1 - 2013-04-02 15:45:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Kashmyta
As per title.

I am looking for a relaxed corp who don't mind a bit of inactivity. Due to RL I cannot log in that much. I have had some kind offers from friends but unfortunately they all require a lot of activity which i cannot offer.

Would be nice to be able to log in, and undock and PVP, would also be nice if there was a high UK/EU presence.

71mill SP are all PVP focused and are all Gaylente with a little Minmatar.

The past few months have been focused on CAP skills, Carrier V, Dread V etc etc. I can also pilot a Nyx.

So if there are any UK/EU lowsec corps around who are willing to take me, bearing in mind that I will not be on every night please let me know :)
Karl Hepta
Customs and Excise
#2 - 2013-04-02 16:52:20 UTC
Sae Rhylani
What's ur sig holding
#3 - 2013-04-02 20:53:28 UTC
We are a great fit we are on all hours of night and day and there are usually a few of us around to fly with and no issue come and go as you please RL>EvE

Love to chat Further come see me in FUKS PUB
Hegg Master
Violence is the Answer
#4 - 2013-04-02 21:06:11 UTC

DBAM is currently recruiting. We're a low-sec EU corp looking for decent skilled pvp pilots.

We're going back to small gang pvp in the Metropolis region, lots of fun to be had :)

If you're interested, send me or Sergeant Clangers an in-game mail :)

- Hegg
Eve Faction Trade Exchange
#5 - 2013-04-02 22:48:53 UTC
Hey we're a FW corp, fight for the Amarr. Great for casual PVP, war targets are everywhere, so pvp to be had right on the doorstep. Limited cap opportunities though just to be clear.

Drop by for a chat if FW is something that might interest you.

Good luck, Taka.

Yes, we're going to die, but you're coming with us!

Quentin Decker
SRBI Holding
#6 - 2013-04-03 03:42:56 UTC
Kainos Kerensky
The Forsakened Few
We Forsakened Few
#7 - 2013-04-03 07:28:21 UTC
Ill be brief so as not to leave a wall of text or make you read my recruiting thread...

1) Small tight nit corp
2) Large 0.0 sov holding alliance (Li3 Federation)
3) Huge coaltion
4) Combined, offer all pvp from solo, small gang, to blob fest.
5) No mandatory ops / logged participation
6) Effective and chill leadership
7) Very relaxed and humerous group to fly with (alliance is also very helpful)

I'll shoot you an eve mail too, I hope to hear from you soon.

Kainos Kerensky

Kainos Kerensky "Prepare for teh Vandersex!"

HC - gizmos Gizco
#8 - 2013-04-03 07:44:01 UTC
bump :)
Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-04-03 08:08:21 UTC

UK Corporation.

Need I say more?

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

HC - gizmos Gizco
#10 - 2013-06-21 13:24:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Kashmyta

I also have a long standing 100mill + SP friend looking for the same as me.
Francine Diderot
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2013-06-21 13:36:55 UTC
Would you consider an upstart? We're tiny but I think we're getting there. Here's my recruitment post about it. If any of that sounds interesting, drop by in our in-game chat "Autarky Pub". We're quite a few people in there in the EU/UK evenings. Maybe not so many at other time zones. :)
Proposition Joan
Knights of the Posing Meat
#12 - 2013-06-21 23:21:57 UTC
Hello there Kashmyta, I'd like to offer you the chance to become a member of [FETID].

You're RL issues are not a problem as nothing is mandatory, all we ask is that you attend ops whenever you can.
95% of our members are in the UK/EU TZ.

What we can offer you:

• EU Timezone
• Small PvP Corp
• Based in GW (Great Wildlands 0.0)
• We operate a NRDS policy (But there are still plenty of targets to shoot)
• We fly armor t1 cruiser, strategic cruiser, t3 BCs and capital ships.
• Small to large scale 0.0 and lowsec PvP.
• Membership within a well established and stable alliance.
• Alliance ship replacement program.
• Excellent Fleet Commanders.
• Alliance TS3 and forum.
• Brilliant fights and lots of fun.

Corporation killboard:

A cheeky peek at what's to come:

For more information on what we do or what we are looking for, please don't hesitate to send me a mail in-game.

Thanks for your time, I look forward to hearing from you; I hope that we're what you're looking for.
Thor Skylar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2013-06-22 10:12:45 UTC
Kashmyta wrote:
As per title.

I am looking for a relaxed corp who don't mind a bit of inactivity. Due to RL I cannot log in that much. I have had some kind offers from friends but unfortunately they all require a lot of activity which i cannot offer.

Would be nice to be able to log in, and undock and PVP, would also be nice if there was a high UK/EU presence.

71mill SP are all PVP focused and are all Gaylente with a little Minmatar.

The past few months have been focused on CAP skills, Carrier V, Dread V etc etc. I can also pilot a Nyx.

So if there are any UK/EU lowsec corps around who are willing to take me, bearing in mind that I will not be on every night please let me know :)

Hey Kash - please see our full recruitment post details

You'll fit right in, we have several EU/UK/US/AU pilots.

We are a top line corporation operating out of nullsec. If you take a look at you'll see we are active and have a long history :)

Idea We also have carrier and dread programs to assist members into those capital ships they have always wanted.

We are primarily a bunch of UK/EU pilots with several USTZ members all in our 20 to 40-somethings out for a good laugh and pvp goodness

For further information, join our in game channel NSBG.Public

Some key points about NS-BG
Arrow PVP Corp - See BattleClinic
Arrow Nullsec Corporation located in Tribute Region
Arrow Capital Programs
Arrow Ship replacement programs
Arrow Implant replacement programs
Arrow Ore buyback programs
Arrow Mining 24/7
Arrow PvE

Thor Skylar
Chief Executive Officer
Founding Member of NS-BG
Von Seth
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2013-06-22 11:11:33 UTC
Give us a look!!

Join ingame Dark-Rising channel and get to know us, or look up our website:

We're a long standing corp with experience and history, and quite a unique way of corp management