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Why Can't I Make Money Manufacturing??

#21 - 2013-04-01 20:14:19 UTC
Because ships have tiny margins. Start with ammo.

Economic PVP

Beckie DeLey
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2013-04-01 20:31:47 UTC
Skorpynekomimi wrote:
Because ships have tiny margins. Start with ammo.

Frigates often offer way better margins than ammo. For a while, months before any rebalancing was even discussed, Blackbirds had ridiculous margins in Minmatar space. Dont generalise too much, instead research your market. Ammo is the low hanging fruit, everyone can do way better with just a little bit of effort.

My siren's name is Brick and she is the prettiest.

Haulie Berry
#23 - 2013-04-01 20:39:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Haulie Berry
Beckie DeLey wrote:
Fair enough. Where would you say this threshold lies where you start giving priority to Isk/h instead of margin? Because i would put that line somewhere in the vicinity of 3 to 5 billion ISK capital and i somehow dont think you would agree with that.

That's an overly simplistic question, but in general, the only time you might prefer margin over IPH is when your available funds are bottlenecking your production (thus lowering the realized IPH). The net effect of this, though, would ultimately have to be that the realized IPH of the margin-item exceeds the realized IPH of the IPH-item.

There are other considerations, though. Like I said earlier, I limit most of my T1 manufacturing activity to items where I can enjoy a sizable profit buying minerals from sell orders, and selling products to buy orders.

These items are almost certainly not the VERY BEST ISK Per Hour Per Manu Line values I could be enjoying, but the combination of instant turnover and minimal play time and effort (especially zero time spent managing market orders) required more than offsets that for my situation.
Madeline Amelana
Mixotroph Industry and Tech.
Invisible Exchequer
#24 - 2013-04-01 21:32:42 UTC
I use the app Isk Per Hour to figure out the profitability of items, and get hold of cheap BPCs until I can get a researched BPO.

Also, this thread was handy for me when starting out How to manufacture T1 with profit
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#25 - 2013-04-01 22:03:40 UTC
Beckie DeLey wrote:
Fair enough. Where would you say this threshold lies where you start giving priority to Isk/h instead of margin? Because i would put that line somewhere in the vicinity of 3 to 5 billion ISK capital and i somehow dont think you would agree with that.

When you can employ all your slots, without needing to care about the isk you're putting into materials.

If it's T1 or ships, it's substantially higher than, say, T2.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

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