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Enterprise - ORE Strategic Industrial

Panopticon Engineering
#1 - 2013-04-01 07:03:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Felsusguy
The Enterprise is a Tech 3 Industrial developed by ORE.

  • +100% bonus to mining, gas cloud harvesting and ice harvesting yield.
  • 5,000m3 Cargohold

  • Industrial Subsystems

    Covert Reconfiguration
  • 100% Reduction in Cloaking Device CPU use.
  • Can use a Covert Ops Cloaking Device
  • Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds.
  • 5% Reduction to Miner duration per level.
  • +3 Turret Hardpoints
  • +3 High Slots
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Gaseous Extraction Manifold
  • 50% Reduction to gas cloud harvesting duration and Gas Harvester capacitor usage.
  • +1,000m3 gas hold capacity per level.
  • +2 Turret Hardpoints
  • +4 High Slots
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Ore Retrieval Platform
  • Can fit a Strip Miner or Ice Harvester.
  • 7% reduction to Strip Miner and Ice Harvester cycle time and capacitor usage per level.
  • +15,000m3 ore hold capacity.
  • +3 High Slots
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Mining Foreman Optimization
  • 100% bonus to tractor beam range and velocity.
  • 250% bonus to survey scanner range.
  • Can fit warfare links.
  • +30,000m3 ore hold capacity.
  • +4,000m3 ore hold capacity per level.
  • 2% bonus to effectiveness of mining foreman links per level.
  • +4 High Slots
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Electronics Subsystems

    Emergent Locus Analyzer
  • -99% Reduced CPU need for scan probe launchers.
  • +10% Increase to scan strength of probes per level.
  • 20% Bonus to Range and Velocity of tractor beams per level.
  • +3 Medium Slots
  • +1 Low Slot

  • CPU Efficiency Gate
  • 5% Bonus to CPU per level.
  • +3 Medium Slots
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Data Extension Sequencer
  • 10% Decrease to Codebreaker and Analyzer cycle time per level.
  • +20% Bonus to Codebreaker and Analyzer Access Difficulty Bonus per level.
  • +4 Medium Slots
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Composition Retrieval Processor
  • +20% Bonus to Salvager Access Difficulty Bonus per level.
  • +40% Bonus to Tractor Beam range and velocity per level.
  • +3 Medium Slots
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Engineering Subsystems

    Rapid Colonization Subroutines
  • 25% reduction to structure anchoring and onlining duration.
  • 5% reduction to structure anchoring and onlining duration per level.
  • +2,000m3 fuel storage bay.
  • +5,000m3 structure storage bay.
  • +2,000m3 command center storage bay.
  • +2,500m3 Cargohold Capacity
  • +2 Low Slots

  • Power Core Multiplier
  • +5% bonus to power output per level.
  • +2 Low Slots

  • Capacitor Regeneration Matrix
  • 5% reduction to capacitor recharge time per level.
  • +2 Low Slots

  • Bore Stream Multiplier
  • 100% bonus to Gas Harvester, Miner, Strip Miner and Ice Harvester optimal range.
  • 3% bonus to mining yield per level.
  • 3% reduction gas cloud harvesting and ice harvesting duration and capacitor usage per level.
  • +2 Low Slots

  • Defensive Subsystems

    Drone Synthesis Projector
  • 150m3 Drone Bay
  • 50mbit/s Drone Bandwidth
  • +10% bonus to drone damage, mining yield and hitpoints per level.
  • +1 Medium Slot
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Supplemental Screening
  • 50m3 Drone Bay
  • 25mbit/s Drone Bandwidth
  • +10% Shield Hitpoints per level.
  • +2 Medium Slots

  • Freight Shielding
  • 50m3 Drone Bay
  • 25mbit/s Drone Bandwidth
  • +300% Cargohold capacity.
  • +20% Cargohold capacity per level.
  • +2 Low Slots

  • Adaptive Shielding
  • 50m3 Drone Bay
  • 25mbit/s Drone Bandwidth
  • 7.5% bonus to all shield resistances per level.
  • +1 Medium Slot
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Propulsion Subsystems

    Gravitational Capacitor
  • 15% bonus to warp speed per level.
  • 15% reduction to capacitor need when initiating warp per level.
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Interdiction Nullifier
  • 5% bonus to agility per level.
  • Immune to non-targeted interdiction.
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Chassis Optimization
  • 10% bonus to max velocity per level.
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Intercalated Nanofibers
  • 10% bonus to agility per level.
  • +1 Low Slot

  • Note: The name is not inspired by any other cultural figure. Any attempts to say that it was will be ignored. I developed the name independently. Taken from a dictionary, an enterprise is: a project undertaken or to be undertaken, especially one that is important or difficult or that requires boldness or energy. This follows new ORE naming protocols, as can be seen in the Venture frigate.

    The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

    T'Laar Bok
    #2 - 2013-04-01 07:37:15 UTC
    Holy Sh!t WANT WANT WANT

    Can I pre-order 8 please ?

    Oh and contact details for your drug dealer.

    Amphetimines are your friend.'Laar_Bok

    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #3 - 2013-04-01 08:00:22 UTC
    +1 for well thought out april fools day joke. I was amused.
    Omnathious Deninard
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #4 - 2013-04-01 08:23:45 UTC
    Why would any one use a exhumer if this is made? It makes them obsolete as well as the orca.

    If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

    Gerrick Palivorn
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #5 - 2013-04-01 08:27:58 UTC
    Covert system needs to allow for covops cloak to make for epic covert hotdrop mining!!!

    MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

    John Henke
    Decompression Services
    #6 - 2013-04-01 08:43:51 UTC
    Hell yeah, the idea of a T3 ORE is awesome. I really do like it. Perhaps we could join the odyssey with this ship.
    #7 - 2013-04-01 13:54:16 UTC
    Alx Warlord
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #8 - 2013-04-01 14:30:00 UTC
    Where is the tackling bonuses?! We can't let those Asteroids to warp away when they see this coming!
    Panopticon Engineering
    #9 - 2013-04-01 18:32:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Felsusguy
    Alx Warlord wrote:
    Where is the tackling bonuses?! We can't let those Asteroids to warp away when they see this coming!
    I never thought of that! Oh noes! Point and web the roids!

    Omnathious Deninard wrote:
    Why would any one use a exhumer if this is made? It makes them obsolete as well as the orca.
    Orca gets 3% bonus to Mining Foreman links per Industrial Command Ship level. Enterprise gets 2% bonus to Mining Foreman links per Industrial Subsystems level. The Enterprise also has less cargohold and less tractor beam range.

    The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

    Panopticon Engineering
    #10 - 2013-04-07 22:33:40 UTC
    Bump. For good measure.

    The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

    Drake Doe
    88Th Tax Haven
    #11 - 2013-04-07 23:08:54 UTC
    Omnathious Deninard wrote:
    Why would any one use a exhumer if this is made? It makes them obsolete as well as the orca.

    Well, take a look at Hacs and T3s

    "The homogenization of EVE began when Gallente and Caldari started sharing a weapon system."---Vermaak Doe-- "Ohh squabbles ohh I love my dust trolls like watching an episode of Maury with less " Is he my Dad " but more of " My Neighbor took a dump on my lawn " good episode! pops more corn" ---Evernub--

    Omnathious Deninard
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #12 - 2013-04-07 23:52:20 UTC
    Drake Doe wrote:
    Omnathious Deninard wrote:
    Why would any one use a exhumer if this is made? It makes them obsolete as well as the orca.

    Well, take a look at Hacs and T3s

    Yes I know, Hacs are almost useless compared to a properly fit t3. Why would you want to do that to exhumes also.

    If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

    Panopticon Engineering
    #13 - 2013-04-08 00:47:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Felsusguy
    Omnathious Deninard wrote:
    Drake Doe wrote:
    Omnathious Deninard wrote:
    Why would any one use a exhumer if this is made? It makes them obsolete as well as the orca.

    Well, take a look at Hacs and T3s

    Yes I know, Hacs are almost useless compared to a properly fit t3. Why would you want to do that to exhumes also.

    And an Officer-fitted Navy Megathron is better than a T2-fitted Megathron. Cost isn't a balancing factor! We must nerf Officer modules! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR.

    The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

    Omnathious Deninard
    University of Caille
    Gallente Federation
    #14 - 2013-04-08 01:02:34 UTC
    Felsusguy wrote:
    Omnathious Deninard wrote:
    Drake Doe wrote:
    Omnathious Deninard wrote:
    Why would any one use a exhumer if this is made? It makes them obsolete as well as the orca.

    Well, take a look at Hacs and T3s

    Yes I know, Hacs are almost useless compared to a properly fit t3. Why would you want to do that to exhumes also.

    And an Officer-fitted Navy Megathron is better than a T2-fitted Megathron. Cost isn't a balancing factor! We must nerf Officer modules! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR.

    That is a stupid comparison, and FYI when ever I talk about balancing issues I never use anything but T2 mods, ever, no meta, no faction, no officer, nothing else but T2.

    If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

    Pandemic Alpha
    #15 - 2013-04-08 01:12:44 UTC
    Maybe give this a penalty to low and null sec only

    Your about as much use as a condom dispenser in the Vatican.

    Nexas Alduin
    Sebiestor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #16 - 2013-04-08 01:21:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Nexas Alduin
    Let's run some comparisons with solid numbers before we do any whining to see where the idea can be optimized instead of shutting it down.

    Ore Mining
    The most prolific form of mining, so we may as well start here.

    Enterprise - +100% Mining Yield
    -Ore Retrieval Platform: Strip Miner usage, +3 High Slots, 7.5-37.5% Reduction to Strip Miner cycle time
    -Any: +1 Low (for Mining Laser Upgrade)
    -Bore Stream Multiplier: +3-15% Mining Yield, +2 Low
    -Freight Shielding: +2 Low (assuming +cargohold does NOT improve Ore Hold)
    -Any: +1 Low

    This brings us to 3 Highs that push +115% Strip Miner yield with a -37.5% reduced cycle time (which is a roughly 60% increase itself). If one was normally pulling 100 ore per minute they would now be pulling 215 every 37.5 seconds, or 344 per minute and with 3 lasers that's 1032, over ten times the base. Let's also note that it has 6 low slots for MLUs, each a 9% increase themselves assuming T2 variants.

    Compare this to the Hulk, the current mining behemoth. With max skills it gets +30% Strip Miner yield, no reductions to cycle time. So using the same example above, one would go from 100 ore per minute to 130 ore per minute and with three lasers that's 390 total. The difference there is absolutely staggering, and that's not even factoring in the difference due to MLUs as the Hulk can only fit two to the Enterprise's six. And this does not take into account the difference of having a 19k ore hold to an 8.5k has, although that's worth muting since Hulks are typically utilized in fleet operations where their own ore hold doesn't matter much.

    Ice Mining
    The most dull form of mining, but the second most common from what I've seen.

    Enterprise - +100% Yield (or -50% cycle time, which is what it would likely be read as, but let's ignore that).
    -Ore Retrieval Platform: Ice Harvester usage, +3 High Slots, 37.5% Reduction to Ice Harvester cycle time
    -Any: +1 Low
    -Bore Stream Multiplier: -15% Cycle Time, +2 Low
    -Freight Shielding: +2 Low
    -Any: +1 Low

    With the same setup as before we have a total of -52.5% Cycle Time from ship bonuses with double the normal output. Compared to the Hulk, which has a total of -20% Cycle Time from ship bonuses with only base output and the difference is once again not even worth holding a candle to (the Enterprise is getting over 4x the production), especially once Ice Harvester Upgrades are taken into account.

    Gas Mining
    The least common form of mining.

    Enterprise - +100% Yield
    -Gaseous Extraction Manifold - -50% Cycle Time to Gas Harvesters, +2 Turret Hardpoints
    -Any: no change
    -Bore Stream Multiplier: -15% Cycle Time
    -Any: no change
    -Any: no change

    Here we have a total +100% yield and -65% cycle time. Going from 100 per minute again we wind up with 200 per 21 seconds or 571 per minute. 1,142 with both harvesters going.

    The only comparison is the Venture, which at max skills is +100% yield and -25% cycle time. So that's 200 per 45s or 266 per minute. With both going that's 532. Again, over double. Although this is compensated by the fact that the T3 ship is likely a cruiser-sized vessel and as such should be capable of more in terms of mining than a frigate.


    From what I observed the problem seems to be that you have the ship holding a powerful base bonus (+100% to virtually everything that matters in terms of yield) that starts to get ridiculous when complimented by the other bonuses that are available. I recommend you start by scrapping that altogether, which by itself brings a lot of the yields more in-line with the best-performing counterpart.

    I recommend dropping the Covert Reconfig. Make it the Salvager variant that allows the Enterprise to play as a Noctis. Massive high slots, decent mid slots, decrease to salvage cycle time. The Covert Reconfig isn't all that useful since it forces the Enterprise to drop Strip Miners/Ice Harvesters, forcing it into either a crappy ore miner, a cloaky gas miner (good in WH space I guess...), a cloaky Noctis (meh...), or a gag gunner. The only other noticeable advantage that was described before would be the permission to use covert cynos...

    Next, look at your low slot layouts. ORE vessels are notorious for their low number of low slots. The Noctis and Mackinaw hold the most at 3. These are used to limit the utility of each vessel through their lowslot upgrades. Anything that increases the efficiency of the ship as an ore/ice/gas acquisition platform should leave the ship with 2 to counterbalance it. Likewise, while their high slots may vary, miners tend to be low while only the Noctis really has a full setup of 8. This helps to offset their overall yield.

    Lastly, numbers. 7.5% is okay, but 7.5% per level is not. While I wouldn't have a problem if it outstripped a Hulk when optimized only for yield it should not be doing so it shouldn't be doing the work of more than two Hulks with a bigger ore hold than two Hulks and a plethora of other roles it can fill besides.
    Panopticon Engineering
    #17 - 2013-04-08 01:22:55 UTC
    Omnathious Deninard wrote:
    Felsusguy wrote:
    Omnathious Deninard wrote:
    Drake Doe wrote:
    Omnathious Deninard wrote:
    Why would any one use a exhumer if this is made? It makes them obsolete as well as the orca.

    Well, take a look at Hacs and T3s

    Yes I know, Hacs are almost useless compared to a properly fit t3. Why would you want to do that to exhumes also.

    And an Officer-fitted Navy Megathron is better than a T2-fitted Megathron. Cost isn't a balancing factor! We must nerf Officer modules! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR.

    That is a stupid comparison, and FYI when ever I talk about balancing issues I never use anything but T2 mods, ever, no meta, no faction, no officer, nothing else but T2.

    Officer is better than Tech 2. Similarly, Tech 3 is better than Tech 2. It is hypocritical to want to nerf one but not the other.
    And trust me, versatility means jackshit in fleet PVP. And in solo PVP, all it means is that you might get out of a few circumstances that you might not have otherwise. Even then, making Strategic Cruisers weaker but more versatile will cause many more circumstances that end up badly than versatility can fix. You could just buy an HAC, a Recon and a Hictor easily for the same cost as a single Strategic Cruiser, and it's not too hard to put all three in a wormhole.

    The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

    Panopticon Engineering
    #18 - 2013-04-08 01:25:40 UTC
    Nexas Alduin wrote:
    Let's run some comparisons with solid numbers before we do any whining to see where the idea can be optimized instead of shutting it down.

    Ore Mining
    The most prolific form of mining, so we may as well start here.

    Enterprise - +100% Mining Yield
    -Ore Retrieval Platform: Strip Miner usage, +3 High Slots, 7.5-37.5% Reduction to Strip Miner cycle time
    -Any: +1 Low (for Mining Laser Upgrade)
    -Bore Stream Multiplier: +3-15% Mining Yield, +2 Low
    -Freight Shielding: +2 Low (assuming +cargohold does NOT improve Ore Hold)
    -Any: +1 Low

    This brings us to 3 Highs that push +115% Strip Miner yield with a -37.5% reduced cycle time (which is a roughly 60% increase itself). If one was normally pulling 100 ore per minute they would now be pulling 215 every 37.5 seconds, or 344 per minute and with 3 lasers that's 1032, over ten times the base. Let's also note that it has 6 low slots for MLUs, each a 9% increase themselves assuming T2 variants.

    Except, this ship can only fit one Strip Miner, something you conveniently forgot.

    The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

    Nexas Alduin
    Sebiestor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #19 - 2013-04-08 01:53:41 UTC
    Felsusguy wrote:
    Except, this ship can only fit one Strip Miner, something you conveniently forgot.

    If you knew how to actually word things then people wouldn't make such mistakes. But since all you do know how to do is reply to people in sarcastic fashion I'll instead just let the thread die. Too bad, really, since I actually liked the idea and was throwing in constructive criticisms.
    Panopticon Engineering
    #20 - 2013-04-08 01:59:03 UTC
    Nexas Alduin wrote:
    Felsusguy wrote:
    Except, this ship can only fit one Strip Miner, something you conveniently forgot.

    If you knew how to actually word things then people wouldn't make such mistakes. But since all you do know how to do is reply to people in sarcastic fashion I'll instead just let the thread die. Too bad, really, since I actually liked the idea and was throwing in constructive criticisms.

    Do you assume that the thread will die without your constant support?
    And how did I word it incorrectly? I said "can fit a strip miner or ice miner" not "can fit strip miners and ice miners".

    The Caldari put business before pleasure. The Gallente put business in pleasure.

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