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Missions from brand new. Can I plex on no more than 3 hours a night?

Rick Halcyon
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#21 - 2013-03-28 10:34:35 UTC
Update! I had 2 nights off due to university work.

I'm now in a Corax, and have trained some missile skills. Enough to use Light Missiles anyway. I'm now training missile supports and sighing loudly every time something doesn't fit because Engineering III isn't enough.

I'm half way through the SOE arc and have about 2 million ISK. But I did spend a pretty penny on my Corax. Total ISK earned so far probably around 4mil.
The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#22 - 2013-03-28 15:24:14 UTC
subscribed - keep up the good work

This one's a bit over the edge guys.

Locked for breaking... well, pretty much all the rules.

  • CCP Falcon
Daniel Plain
#23 - 2013-03-28 15:48:02 UTC
vyshnegradsky wrote:
subscribed - keep up the good work


I should buy an Ishtar.

Rick Halcyon
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#24 - 2013-03-31 06:02:48 UTC
OK! had a day or so with no updates, but here we go!

So, I'm space rich now! I'm sitting on about 11mil, almost enough to buy a Caracal. But my skills are average enough that I'd almost have to range tank it.

I've just killed the Battlecruiser in the SOE epic arc, and man was THAT annoying. I'm flying a Corax, and due to my rubbish fitting skills, I can only fit a single hardener. I tried orbitting him at 500m, but was neuted out and had hull damage by the time I could get out. I tried orbitting at 30km, since I figured that's about where Scorch optimal is, and he can't be using T2 ammo can he? Another trip back to the repair shop. So then I figured I'd orbit him at 40km, just inside my LML's max range.

It worked! It took for ever, but I got him down. It took one full set of missiles (40x7) plus another reload and I have 13 left (+27x7) for a total of 469 Kinetic Missiles.

I'm not going to bother with Dagan, because I know I can't kill him with my 62.7 DPS (fitting window). For those interested, I have trained the following skills since the last update:

Caldari Frigate to IV
Targetting to II
Rockets to II
Missile Supports all to III (projection is still II, GMP can't be injected yet)
Energy Grid Upgrades to II (PDUs are win!)
TSM to II for the hardeners
Caldari Cruiser to II
Social to III (Connections III is coming soon(tm))
Mechanics to III for rigs

I have the following in my queue:
Weapons Upgrades II and III
Warhead Upgrades II
Caldari Cruiser III

I think Once I have access to a Caracal, I'll fly my Corax until it explodes, then buy a Caracal or Drake, depending on which I can afford by then. I also REALLY want to get Electronics and Engineering IV... it hurts every time I see that empty mid slot. Weapons Upgrades V needs to happen soonish as well. Having to fit 2 PDUs just to fit launchers and an AB is painful.
Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2013-03-31 09:57:07 UTC
Ask for help with Dagan, lots of more experienced players will gladly lend you a hand.
Chainsaw Plankton
#26 - 2013-03-31 21:01:08 UTC
Railguns might not be the worst idea in the world. throw a MJD on the rokh, and snipe. can probably start on level 4s at pretty low sp. using a low sp alt in eft (most support skills at 4) I added bs 3 and hybrid turret 3, and got 472 dps at 61+55 with cn antimatter (meta4 guns, 3 magstabs, 1 te, 2 tc). apoc looks like it would be a pain to fit, mael doesn't look that bad but looks like the rohk beats it by a bit, mega/hype don't look good either. Raven is probably the best competition for the rokh, but I just don't like missile travel time.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Cage Man
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#27 - 2013-04-01 19:02:10 UTC
You mentioned at the start you were going caldari without missiles but you are heading towards a caracal? should you not be going for the moa?

Just curious about the change. Also asking for help in local will help on the tough missions and really isn't going to "break" your experiment as this is a MMO after all :)
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