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Recruiting Miners - Find a profitable home in nullsec with Renzler Industries

Caldari State
#1 - 2013-03-21 14:21:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Liandan
Null sec corp (Providence region)

CVA Friendly
Capitalist Corp

PvE and Industry Opportunites:

- we maintain a 0% tax rate
- members can invest in corp growth through the purchase of corporate stock
- interest is earned on stock via periodic dividend declarations
- stock shares are re-sellable back to the corp
- ore-buyback and ore-for-stock programs available
- weekly null sec corp / alliance mining op
- null sec mining, ratting, and other PVE content in sov upgraded systems
- corp funded militia program aka RDF ( Renzler Defense Force )
- RDF defense program specifically catered to the needs of miners
- all mineral types generally available for manufacturing needs
- efficient transport of pilot equipment to and from nullsec via jump freighter service
- highly organized management team

We frequently fleet up with TSOE Consortium and it's allies in defense of the 2V-CS5 pocket so there is plenty of PvP opportunity as well.

Contact Liandan via EVEmail in-game to apply
Outfit 418
Blue Loot Not Included
#2 - 2013-03-21 18:38:00 UTC
This is an amazing Corporation of Great guys!

I joined it and then left it for "Greener Pastures".
I have since learned that this was a Grave Mistake!

This corp has everything from Industry to Combat.
WE have a JF to jump your stuff from Empire to our space.
We have our own police force: Renzler Defense Force, that I am apart of and it is quite the fun experience!
We have ops of all kinds.

WE do PI, and Manufacturing.
We do Trading, and Ratting.
We do Mission Running and Mining.
We have Patrols with the RDF which are always fun!

We are a laid back Corporation of active members.

We live in Null Sec space in Providence.
We are in Sov'd space.

This is a REALLY good corp for players looking to make iskies in the ga
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-03-21 19:09:47 UTC
Just joined up yesterday..and already having more fun and learning more than I would have been able to on my own... Great bunch of people who are always willing to help. I highly recommend them. + being in null is f'in awesome for mining..More ore than you can shake a stick
Enki Marduk
#4 - 2013-03-21 19:25:34 UTC
Liandon I'm sorry I didn't take your offer. I'm willing to now. IF you'll have me.
D Sanches
51st Training Group
#5 - 2013-03-21 20:57:41 UTC
99% of our members would say that we have the best CEO in the entire Eve universe. 0 tax, forever changing and growing, this corp promises to be the most exciting thing that you can participate in with your clothes on.
Usually there is a fleet boost up for mining, leadership that always lends a helping hand and being able to make billions of isk monthly make Renzler Industries stand out as the best corporation to be in.

BTW we do have 1% of our membership that think that they could be a better CEO than anyone else in the game but are satisfied to just be in the best corp in Eve Online.
Apply today!
Rpgjake Ramses
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-03-21 21:38:07 UTC
Ore buyback is one of the best programs it has helped afford to buy whatever I want. Corp mining ops are also just as good for money millions of isks for mining in corp provided ships and all you have to do is be there and mine.

Also we have a Teamspeak server and I love it.

Liandan and Renzler are the best corp and CEO duo.
0% tax gotta love it.
Enki Marduk
#7 - 2013-03-22 00:38:49 UTC
Bump for good people.
Dracus Brutus
Drac Corp
#8 - 2013-03-22 00:44:56 UTC
Known the CEO for more than five years, since a previous character was part of his first corp. Good guy and excellent manager. Renzler has seen a lot of success in its short history. The corp is unusually free in choice of profession to say nothing of the 0% tax rate, which will never change. The gents in the corp are great too, most of whom are very active. Some new, some veteran. Lots of opportunit for mining/industry as well as PvP/PvE. Not too many obligations. There's also tonnes of support for new players. All you need is to be respectful, loyal, and follow CVA guidelines. Also, if you're American then that's great because this corp is filled with damn yankees.

Stable, enjoyable corp that asks little of its members and allows you to grow and prosper in Eve.
Outfit 418
Blue Loot Not Included
#9 - 2013-03-22 13:18:55 UTC
For great Corporation.
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-03-22 17:01:29 UTC
shameless bump
Jake Corb
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2013-03-22 17:19:40 UTC
do you sell barges in system or have a service to help move the barge out there?
Zeddicus Jaeger
Neuropa Industries
#12 - 2013-03-22 17:37:40 UTC
Pretty damn good corp if you ask me. Our CEO knows his ****, industrially and strategically, and there are plenty of opportunities for PVP, PVE, and industry.

Jake Corb wrote:
do you sell barges in system or have a service to help move the barge out there?

There's a jf service if you're qualified to fly with our defense program, but if you're not I'm more than willing to move your barge down with my cloaky Prowler.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-03-22 19:44:24 UTC
bumpity bump
Rpgjake Ramses
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2013-03-22 22:11:41 UTC
because its awesome
Chuk Ormand
Alternative Solutions Corporation
#15 - 2013-03-22 22:44:04 UTC
I have to brag about my corp!!

It is a miners and manufacturers paradise. Lots of mission running too. The people are great and everyone has been so helpful. I've never had a CEO that has cared so much for its members. Any activities I want to do are encouraged.

I am an indy guy who got rich here mining, researching, and manufacturing and they made me a director!! I was never interested in pve/pvp but the corp has this terrific RDF program that trained me to be a fighter. Now its another part of the game I love.

There is such a diverse group of players here all doing there own thing. We take pride in our corp and we excell at helping all our members succeed in whatever they want to do. There is such a good feeling among us and you can feel the loyalty whenever we have to defend ourselves or the corp.

If this sounds like a corp for you, please join us. It is certainly the corp for me!!!! -chuk
Rhett Chassy
51st Training Group
#16 - 2013-03-22 22:46:38 UTC
Renzler industries shipped most of my Eve ships and mods at no charge from Highsec to Providence where I currently mine. One week I had over 500 million isk paycheck from Renzler's ore buyback program. Now a Director in the Corp, I assist newer players learn the ins and outs of nullsec space. We have fleet leadership for corp ops, mining ops or even ratting and running PVE sites. Renzler Industries is the best corp in Eve, join us today!
Advent Millim
Margrave Technologies
#17 - 2013-03-23 03:24:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Advent Millim
Renzler is by the best corporation I have been apart of to date. Having joined right at the beginning of the corporation we have gone through learning processes, but each time we are presented with difficult we come out on top thanks to a wonderful group of core directors. In renzler we promote personal growth along with corporation growth. We strive to see every member that joins become sucessful in what they want to be doing, and in turn this helps to benefit our entire group over time. Each day we learn, we grow, and we become better. So join us and become what you want to in New Eden!
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#18 - 2013-03-23 03:55:57 UTC
I've been a player off and on since 2009... honestly though my experience with corps has been well... bland... every corp is super active and has a "Master Plan" and is so organized... but once you get in... well my experience with other corps had been you just make the corp isk... there are no real corp events... well no real corp at all... I spent a large part of my time in NPC corps because of this...

This corp is completely different: no corp tax that penalizes mission runners and plenty of active players and helpful long term ranking officers. This corp is a teaching corp, I ran in my first fleet op in null sec and was the coolest thing and has been a game changer for me. Heart pumping and team work are elements I've sorely missed in the Eve experience before RENZ. These members are active and encouraged and enthusiastic. You can't help but enjoy the game with them.

This corp is different. On the surface this corp is a mining corp, but it's so much bigger than that. We have an active CEO that has taken the bull by its horns on some serious issues and can really work with the officers to forge solutions to null sec problems and has political skills and relationships that will take us to the next playing field I firmly believe. Every corp will have its issues and growing pains and to me that is where we have seen Excellence in our leadership and have grown.

It has taken the carebear out of this miner and left a null sec profiteer ready to hold his own in PVP and protect his fellow corp mate. Surprisingly, this has been the most fun element for me... learning a whole world in this universe that I knew existed, but knew nothing about.

Thanks y'all, I've been in many corps, but this is a first on so many levels.
Orion Atiar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#19 - 2013-03-23 05:16:49 UTC
Renzler is the main reason I play this game.

Ore buyback is a great program. It helps miners/industrialests get going and keeps pvp'ers in ships without delaying your skill queue with extensive investment in refineing skills.

A better group of people will not be found in EVE.

The RDF defense initiative allows even the biggest carebear miner to meaningfully contribute to their own and the corp's safety.

Extremely proactive and helpful directors. These guys are class acts


You can't even mention needing a hand with something without a line forming to help you out.

0% tax rate.

This corp is built on the philosophy: "excellent pilots make an excellent corp". It does not step on its members to raise itself up, it invests in, teaches, and builds up its pilots because the corp leadership correctly realizes that the greastest asset a corp has is and will always be the people flying with you.

If you think EVE is boring or you're just not into the whole "corp" thing give RENZ one week. If you don't completely change your mind, I will personally give you 100mil isk.

These guys are the real deal.
Enki Marduk
#20 - 2013-03-23 14:31:41 UTC
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