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Largest problem with the EVE economy

snake pies
Dixon Cox Butte Preservation Society
#41 - 2013-03-12 22:19:38 UTC
cloaks Bear
State War Academy
Caldari State
#42 - 2013-03-13 05:12:37 UTC
like my maw maw dat had a stroke in 94 used to say after da stroke, DA TANG!

good points here, market info IS way easy to get
production traders that are more producers than traders make it difficult to turn a profit sometimes
and we do need more candy and coffee

i guess my 2 cents is that if CCP could make look more like it does on it's adverts and pictures, and really let us SEE all the work done on the models, in a epic way, and at the same time lower skill req and time to get into fun ships (summer exp), and make grouping for missions, FW (already improved upon), and Large Scale PVP easier (....), lowering the overall time spent in game to get into something fun and organized, then maybe we'd see a whole new generation of pilots who come out of the NPE (new player experience) ready to blow the crap out of everything and are motivated to find others to blow the crap out of everything with.

TL:DR version

War is profitable | too much supply in universe | kill more stuffs
Alex Grison
Grison Universal
#43 - 2013-03-13 16:09:54 UTC
Cooyaw wrote:
like my maw maw dat had a stroke in 94 used to say after da stroke, DA TANG!

good points here, market info IS way easy to get
production traders that are more producers than traders make it difficult to turn a profit sometimes
and we do need more candy and coffee

i guess my 2 cents is that if CCP could make look more like it does on it's adverts and pictures, and really let us SEE all the work done on the models, in a epic way, and at the same time lower skill req and time to get into fun ships (summer exp), and make grouping for missions, FW (already improved upon), and Large Scale PVP easier (....), lowering the overall time spent in game to get into something fun and organized, then maybe we'd see a whole new generation of pilots who come out of the NPE (new player experience) ready to blow the crap out of everything and are motivated to find others to blow the crap out of everything with.

TL:DR version

War is profitable | too much supply in universe | kill more stuffs

Travel to new and exotic space.

Meet interesting and culturally diverse people

Kill them.


Anva Dante
Bunch of Noobs Logistics
#44 - 2013-03-22 08:44:05 UTC
The .01 isk game where the winner is always the bots.
Bob Killan
Dzark Asylum
#45 - 2013-03-22 10:14:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Bob Killan
Candy Oshea wrote:
players with no patience.

builders that don't calculate there profits properly, when all they are doing really is flipping minerals using the product as a vehicle..

or people who cannot see past their own noses and think their approch is the only approch, an economy based on communism is no economy at all. There are plenty of genuine reasons why someone would be selling cheaper than you and most of these people will still be profiting even if they dont profit to the same levels you believe to be the correct way.
Further if an item is massivelly over stocked best to take a 5% hit today and put the money to use elsewhere for profits than sit on a pile of stuff you cannot sell yet.

Candy Oshea wrote:

builders that don't spread out there orders out and place 2300 of an item at the lowest price & update it regularly. (creating a un-intentional blocking order, which generally tumbles there own market)

or people who cannot see past their own noses. the reverse is also true people who dont show there whole hand in an attemp to artifically inflate prices (un)intentionally spiking the market, leading to a bigger depression when they realise the new price point cannot be supported. And just maybe its an intentional blocking order to create tears in the forum, looks like they rattled your cage with it so jobs a good 'un.
I recently listed 1 billion units of Trit im not fussed about 2300 units let them update there order will sell in second anyhow, btw this is to highlight relativity and to suggest that 2300 isnt alot of item in other market. Think outside the box, A loss to you is not alway a loss to someone else.
Holding a market at an unprofitable level can cause producers to look elsewhere and alot of the time your blocking order doesn't even sell because of the lemming effect and 0.01isk game. Once the produces move to greener fields supply is lowered and your blocking order can be moved back up to your uber profitable levels until the producers return, at which point you rince and repeat.

Candy Oshea wrote:
Centralization of the whole games economy around 1 system, 1 station.

This isnt true. there is trade happening all over the universe and trade hubs in many regions. There is one super hub your refering to but its far from the whole economy, infact there is alot to the eve economy that never touches the market let alone Jita 4-4. Traders/producers go where the money is. best to have 1 bill today at 3% profit that wait 3 months for 5% profit.

TD:LR these things that annoy you are essential for a healthy economy not a problem with the economy
Bob Killan
Dzark Asylum
#46 - 2013-03-22 10:19:20 UTC
Whang'Lo wrote:
No attention to detail on a working stock market.

I understand that a stock market system in a video game is subject to griefing/scamming/manipulation,
especially in this game. But it's totally doable, it just has to be well thought out and all the angles covered.

This is no different to real life?

markets get manipulated and people scammed all the time, some people get caught and go to prison most dont if they played properly, but the goverments can inject billions to manipulate markets and thats ok cos QE Shocked lol
Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2013-03-22 12:01:37 UTC
shar'ra matcevsovski wrote:
aww I already prepared for a another T2 BPO-hate thread :( bummer
T2 BPOs are horrible nasty things. I am saving up ISK to buy one. Blink
Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2013-03-22 12:31:23 UTC
Anva Dante wrote:
The .01 isk game where the winner is always the bots.
When I first started trading I hated this .01 ISK game, but now I have come to appreciate it. My competitors and I will .01 ISK an item to see who gets to sell first and maybe more often, but we all end up selling at a very good price. Price drop is virtually non-nothing.

For awhile, I disliked the people that came in and under cut the market hard. All that lead to was a lot of others cutting their prices to follow... with the market price dropping dramatically.

Recently, I have come to like that also. They drive the market down to ridiculously low levels... then I buy them out, reset the market to a much high level, and resell.

Anva Dante
Bunch of Noobs Logistics
#49 - 2013-03-22 12:52:50 UTC
Bi-Mi Lansatha wrote:
Anva Dante wrote:
The .01 isk game where the winner is always the bots.
When I first started trading I hated this .01 ISK game, but now I have come to appreciate it. My competitors and I will .01 ISK an item to see who gets to sell first and maybe more often, but we all end up selling at a very good price. Price drop is virtually non-nothing.

For awhile, I disliked the people that came in and under cut the market hard. All that lead to was a lot of others cutting their prices to follow... with the market price dropping dramatically.

Recently, I have come to like that also. They drive the market down to ridiculously low levels... then I buy them out, reset the market to a much high level, and resell.

Funnily enough I've been doing this. Still doesn't change that someone is botting the changes instead of being as bored as I am with changing the price ;)

p.s. got to love the mouse wheel on amending trades.
Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2013-03-22 16:06:24 UTC
Anva Dante wrote:

Funnily enough I've been doing this. Still doesn't change that someone is botting the changes instead of being as bored as I am with changing the price ;)

p.s. got to love the mouse wheel on amending trades.
Big smile

I keeping looking for Bots, but am probably to ignorant to recognize one if I saw it.
The Scope
#51 - 2013-03-23 00:36:02 UTC
Too much of a isk faucet. Not enough sinks.

A contract system that is to skeleton and needs to be functional.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#52 - 2013-03-24 23:57:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghost-Recon
The largest problem I see is too much independence among goods makers.

Its too easy to buy 2-4 accounts. Run them simultaneously, and never have to rely on anyone else or any in-game business relationships. Its too easy to be a one-man shop.

That being said, its *really* hard to form business relationships in the game as betrayal and lack of consequences is far to. rampant for any formal business relationships to be more than a joke.

Therefore traders/industrialist continue to plod along solo... both because they don't need, and can't afford, to trust anyone else...

... kindof ironic for a multiplayer game.

What I would like CCP to do is shift focus on balancing and improving the combat section of the game and start paying attention on how to promote interaction, cooperation, and interdependence to the business/economic section of the game.... which IMHO is the more interesting part of Eve.

my 2 isk.
Brewlar Kuvakei
Adeptio Gloriae
#53 - 2013-03-25 15:13:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Brewlar Kuvakei
Markets biggest problem is the lack of security on it's transactions and API. The market should not be accesible to 3rd party programs instead forcing market traders to do the leg work themself instead of botting or macroing. Having market data so easily avalible has just flattened the market making it a pardise for programs and not humans.

EVE EULA needs an update banning all macro's and all multi client programs. Sadly the only fair way to implement this would be after a full server restart to remove all the macro and bot isk/materials that exist currently. This is not going to happen and CCP is happy to allow botting and macro as lon g as you follow the sacred CCP bot rules.

Rules for macro and botting.

2. Don't take the **** and destroy or flood a market or bust trillions of isk (blinging a few titans or supers is kosher but not 20 of them).
3. Don't upset other players (if people moan about your bot you'll get a warning then a time ban if you continue)
4. NO RMT-INSTA BAN IF CAUGHT (needs to be said twice)

T2BPO needs to be mentioned as well. CCP giving out blueprints to it's bestest buddies so they can produce without competition runied T2 and the invention system.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#54 - 2013-03-25 20:36:15 UTC
Ace 22 wrote:
In your opinion, what is the largest problem with the eve online economy?

Shiptoasting without giving any suggestions of your own.

Largest problem with the Eve economy? I don't believe there is any significant problem with the eve economy. Your thread falsely assumes there is one. There are many problems in eve, in retards to industry, sov, pos mechanics, pre-scripted live events, crash to desktop problems, etc. These are not the economy. They play a part in affecting the economy, but are not the economy itself, and so I say, no, there isn't a large problem with it.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#55 - 2013-03-25 20:40:25 UTC
Brewlar Kuvakei wrote:

T2BPO needs to be mentioned as well. CCP giving out blueprints to it's bestest buddies so they can produce without competition runied T2 and the invention system.

Did you SERIOUSLY just say that T2 BPOS ruined the invention system?

Put down your drink. Put down your food, your cigarette, your cellphone. Put your feet on the floor firmly, and make sure your chair can't flip backward, because I'm about to blow your mind here. Like, absolute Findmuck you. You're never going to get over this one.

T2 Bpos came before invention.

Let it sink in.

A little longer.

A little longer.

I'll say it again, just so you really can come to grips with it: T2 BPOs came before invention. Now do you see why what you said looks so incredibly stupid?

Not to mention that MOST t2 bpos were given out through the lottery system. Only a small portion were gifted by CCP employees into the back pockets of their friends.
Ersahi Kir
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#56 - 2013-03-25 20:57:41 UTC
Arronicus wrote:
Brewlar Kuvakei wrote:

T2BPO needs to be mentioned as well. CCP giving out blueprints to it's bestest buddies so they can produce without competition runied T2 and the invention system.

Did you SERIOUSLY just say that T2 BPOS ruined the invention system?

Put down your drink. Put down your food, your cigarette, your cellphone. Put your feet on the floor firmly, and make sure your chair can't flip backward, because I'm about to blow your mind here. Like, absolute Findmuck you. You're never going to get over this one.

T2 Bpos came before invention.

Let it sink in.

A little longer.

A little longer.

I'll say it again, just so you really can come to grips with it: T2 BPOs came before invention. Now do you see why what you said looks so incredibly stupid?

Not to mention that MOST t2 bpos were given out through the lottery system. Only a small portion were gifted by CCP employees into the back pockets of their friends.

Win the RNG and you have isk you can print on command for the rest of your life. Don't win the RNG and you just wasted everything you put into it. The entire BPO to buddies was just a sidenote of how ******** the process was in the first place.

But the real problem is that no one values industrialists, scientists, or traders because it's nothing but alt work. If there was a more active component to these roles that would put active players above login/logoff alts then I think it would be better for everyone.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#57 - 2013-03-25 21:53:13 UTC
I, for one, agree with the idea of marking the markets more realistic.

But to those who say market data is too easy to get, I disagree. There is far less available than in most real markets. Price history has very little data. Charts suck, only go back a year, very few technicals. Oh, and CCP massages the data. Back when I questioned Plex prices around last summer/fall, they made it clear that they selectively scrub "out of range" trades. There were hundreds of trades that got deleted from market history in jita that occurred within a 1 hour time period, from many different players. If anything, you will see that it makes it harder to identify tops and bottoms when this crap is going on. I saw it in many markets regularly before reporting the "bug" only to be told everything is working as intended...

Bots? They annoy me too, but yet again, there are bots in real life trading. If anything, maybe CCP should allow bots, but charge some sort of fee. Model it after NASDAQ- if someone wants to use a bot, allow them, but treat them as market makers, with extra rules/fees/responsibilities. make it cheaper to add liquidity (put up a nonmarketable order) by rebating fees, and charge extra to remove liquidity (market order.) And for God's sake, get the terminology right. I pity all the brokers who have to deal with Eve players whose only market experience is Eve.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Lt Jablonski
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#58 - 2013-03-26 10:41:37 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:

Bots? They annoy me too, but yet again, there are bots in real life trading. If anything, maybe CCP should allow bots, but charge some sort of fee. Model it after NASDAQ- if someone wants to use a bot, allow them, but treat them as market makers, with extra rules/fees/responsibilities. make it cheaper to add liquidity (put up a nonmarketable order) by rebating fees, and charge extra to remove liquidity (market order.) And for God's sake, get the terminology right. I pity all the brokers who have to deal with Eve players whose only market experience is Eve.

Running an auto-quoting MM setup is different from all the crazy HFT algo trading stuff though and given that it's just a game it would be a bit hard to seperate the two. Also, I doubt CCPs servers are set up to handle the craziness that would ensue.

Removing fees from stuff that's off touch to encourage liquidity sounds like a nice idea in theory, but it seems a little easy to game.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#59 - 2013-03-26 11:09:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Erotica 1 wrote:
I, for one, agree with the idea of marking the markets more realistic.

But to those who say market data is too easy to get, I disagree. There is far less available than in most real markets. Price history has very little data. Charts suck, only go back a year, very few technicals. Oh, and CCP massages the data. Back when I questioned Plex prices around last summer/fall, they made it clear that they selectively scrub "out of range" trades. There were hundreds of trades that got deleted from market history in jita that occurred within a 1 hour time period, from many different players. If anything, you will see that it makes it harder to identify tops and bottoms when this crap is going on.

This is a professional, candlestick weekly chart about PLEX. All made with exclusively free tools I gave away on this forum, to everyone.
It starts somewhere in 2009, which is just 1 year history less than what you can get from most brokers on important securities like Bund Futures.

It's as clear as it gets, it could be traded with the eyes closed if only it was available in RL.

I am actually going to post a full fledged analysis about it in my RL <=> EvE analysis thread later.
White Wolf Industry
#60 - 2013-03-26 12:02:38 UTC
Oh boy, this thread again.
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