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Kronos? isn't it about time it gets ungimped?

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-10-29 04:02:21 UTC
As many people have asked before, why isn't the Kronos getting back it's 125m3 drone bandwidth? the Vindicator is already a better pvp ship due to actually having sensor strength and a spare mid for eccm if you want one, and it deals more damage on top of it.

Even with the hybrid fix it's still the worst Marauder, giving it 125 bandwidth and a 150m3 drone bay would atleast make it on par with other Marauders.
STK Scientific
The Initiative.
#2 - 2011-10-29 05:13:57 UTC
The Knonos is a PvE ship, its not balanced for PvP.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2011-10-29 05:28:44 UTC
The reason I mentioned pvp is because it was nerfed due to pvp reasons, blaster dps + 5 heavy drones, Vindicator is a better ship in pvp and does more damage anyway, so it'd be nice if it was made on par in pve with the others, by allowing it to once again field 5 heavies or sentries
Azn Empire
#4 - 2011-10-29 08:25:26 UTC
The Kronos is a PvE ship, it's not balanced for PvP.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Atrament Inc.
#5 - 2011-10-29 19:40:53 UTC
I see what you mean. That surprised me too. It is the only version of the Megathron with such low bandwidth. Sadly, with hybrids getting a buff this winter, the drone bandwidth is all the less likely to be changed.

I hate to say it, but this is in-line with Marauders. Look at the Golem: no damage bonus at all. The Navy Raven has much higher DPS. The Machariel does more damage than the Vargur. Even the Nightmare has better tracking than the Paladin, and this is the worst example. The Kronos (with navy charges) does equal blaster damage to the Vindicator; only the drones really make a difference.

Also, back before the ship was released, my PvP friends were ogling it like crazy. It was tweaked for a reason.
#6 - 2011-10-29 21:55:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Goose99
LOL56 wrote:
The Knonos is a PvE ship, it should not be balanced for PvP.

Supported +1.

Kronos is a pve ship, it should not have been gimped for pvp balancing reasons, like it was. Reverse Kronos drone nerf.
Jenshae Chiroptera
#7 - 2011-10-30 04:45:11 UTC
Gallente are the major drone race though.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Atrament Inc.
#8 - 2011-10-30 07:48:24 UTC
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
Gallente are the major drone race though.
True, and this ship has the best drone bay of all the marauders. I would argue that it is the only one to really be able to use the full bandwidth.
Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#9 - 2011-10-30 12:33:40 UTC
Did we also forget that the Vindi would need a FULL RACK of EIGHT BLASTERS to push above a Kronos in turret damage with same set-up (skill, imps, mag stabs, etc). Yeah the Kronos has less dps from turrets, but as a Marauder it gets three free highs and the Vindi will have less dps from guns if you ever so much as consider dropping one gun.


Kronos (All V) w/ 4x Neutron Blaster Cannon II (Antimatter) and 3x Fed Navy Mag Stabs = 955 dps @ 4259 volley (+3 highs)
Vindi (All V) w/ 4x Neutron Blaster Cannon II (Antimatter) and 3x Fed Navy Mag Stabs = 525 dps @ 2343 volley (+4 highs)

Vindi (All V) w/ 7x Neutron Blaster Cannon II (Antimatter) and 3x Fed Navy Mag Stabs = 919 dps @ 4100 volley (+1 high)


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2011-10-30 13:38:53 UTC
Yeah, I forgot to mention the 3 spare hi's for utility etc, but with a lower damage bonus, worse agility, **** sensor strength, Vindi is still better.
David Xavier
The Capsuleers of Unconscious Thought
#11 - 2011-10-30 19:06:23 UTC  |  Edited by: David Xavier
LOL56 wrote:
The Knonos is a PvE ship, its not balanced for PvP.

The Megathron hull it is based on has125Mbit bandwidth, other marauder class ships get the drone bandwidth of the tech 1 hull they are based on.

The Vindicator would still has the advantage of a considerably bigger buffer and better sensor strength.

This "It is a PvE ship" one line reasoning is idiotic.

I don't suffer from insanity.. I enjoy it !

Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#12 - 2011-10-30 19:28:22 UTC
"This "It is a PvE ship" one line reasoning is idiotic."

So, they should make buffs to the ship just because you want to throw it in pvp, right? Why does everyone suddenly believe the Kronos should be any good in pvp again? I seem to be missing that.


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2011-10-30 19:28:48 UTC
For anyone misunderstanding, I'm not asking to get the Kronos buffed for pvp, it's a buff for PVE so it will be on par with the other Marauders, the whole point of this is that the kronos got NERFED BECAUSE OF PVP, which a Vindicator does better anyway.

CCP? any comments? any at all? you've sorta pissed on Marauders lately and Kronos especially is really lame.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2011-10-31 06:42:33 UTC
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2011-11-01 09:09:44 UTC
Fille Balle
Ballbreakers R us
#16 - 2011-11-01 09:50:06 UTC
I not only support the OP's reasoning, but I also feel that all the marauders could do with a rebalance. The fact is that pretty much all the marauders pale in comparison to pirate faction BS'.

I would argue that the paladin is fairly good as it does the same amount of damage as the nightmare. I haven't really noticed any situations where I would prefer a tracking bonus over the armour tank + salvage on the fly ability of the paladin. I mainly use my paladin against Sansha/Blood raiders, and for that I really feel an armour tank is better suited. So no real need to buff the paladin IMO. However, the Paladin is at least equal in isk making potential.

Golem is it's own chapter. Because it can easily fit torp launchers and gets good range with torps, it can be pretty awesome. In fact, this is the main reason I feel that other marauders could do with some tweaking. Even a blaster kronos can't keep up with a torp golem, and the torp golem has 40km range. Blaster kronos has about 20km.

Kronos does less damage than the vindicator. One could argue that the kronos can salvage on the fly, but then that doesn't always make up for it, income wise. One might actually be better off flying a vindicator, just pop all the rats, skip the salvage all together and end up with more isk/h.

Vargur is slower than the machariel and does less damage. In addition to this the mach has the ability to salvage on the go, all though one would either have to either forfeit some damage to a tractor beam, or fly close to the wrecks. The only advantage the vargur has is less ammo usage, but it pales in comparison to the increased damage potential to the mach.

The problem here being that each of the marauders are either matched or outdone by other ships for their primary task. Another advantage all the faction ships have is that they are less prone to ecm jamming, all though that is only an issue in certain missions.

T2 ships are supposed to be specialized, and they are supposed to be superior at the tasks which they were built for. It takes far more time to train for marauders, and that alone is reason enough for why they should excell at their given task.

Buff marauders!

Stop the spamming, not the scamming!

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2011-11-01 13:42:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Miriiah
Just wrote a long post as a reply to some peoples comments and I forgot to copy it before posting and it disappeared. yay!

So here's a TL;DR

Mach with faction ammo = expensive, in angel/blood/sansha space you'd want a Vargur anyway for salvaging as it'd make you more isk (Best is a combo of both for gated/travel missions) Vargur also has a tracking bonus

NM/Paladin, Paladin has certain advantages, one of them is being able to salvage on the run, and where you need tracking you can refit to Pulses and have a viable fit, gl with a Kronos and blaster range(not saying blasters are bad)

I run Bloodraider blockade in about 20 minutes from first shot to last rat is dead in a Paladin, including salvaging the BS wrecks I usually end up at 20-22minutes. (was down at 19min 30 soemthing secs on best go) depending on rng factors, usually done salvaging about 1 minute after the last rat is dead.

Golem, it's a torp ship and with a viable torp fit it's better than CNR on many missions 1182 dps out to 40km, 1317 out to 35km
926 to 61km(this is excluding drones), you need 2 ships if you want to run missions with a Golem, and that's a Tengu to do the long range rats ones/gated/travel missions.

If Marauders should get a buff I'd say they could use slightly better tractor range, and Kronos should get a 150m3 dronebay with 125m3 bandwidth and they'd all be fine ships
Fille Balle
Ballbreakers R us
#18 - 2011-11-01 14:43:09 UTC
Miriiah wrote:
Just wrote a long post as a reply to some peoples comments and I forgot to copy it before posting and it disappeared. yay!

So here's a TL;DR

Mach with faction ammo = expensive, in angel/blood/sansha space you'd want a Vargur anyway for salvaging as it'd make you more isk (Best is a combo of both for gated/travel missions) Vargur also has a tracking bonus

NM/Paladin, Paladin has certain advantages, one of them is being able to salvage on the run, and where you need tracking you can refit to Pulses and have a viable fit, gl with a Kronos and blaster range(not saying blasters are bad)

I run Bloodraider blockade in about 20 minutes from first shot to last rat is dead in a Paladin, including salvaging the BS wrecks I usually end up at 20-22minutes. (was down at 19min 30 soemthing secs on best go) depending on rng factors, usually done salvaging about 1 minute after the last rat is dead.

Golem, it's a torp ship and with a viable torp fit it's better than CNR on many missions 1182 dps out to 40km, 1317 out to 35km
926 to 61km(this is excluding drones), you need 2 ships if you want to run missions with a Golem, and that's a Tengu to do the long range rats ones/gated/travel missions.

If Marauders should get a buff I'd say they could use slightly better tractor range, and Kronos should get a 150m3 dronebay with 125m3 bandwidth and they'd all be fine ships

I haven't actually flown the Vargur/Mach as I'm still training for them. From wha tI've heard and what I've seen by looking at stats, I'm fairly convinced the Mach is the better option. Imo angels salvage isn't what it used to be.

I've seen what a torp golem can do, and I don't feel it needs to do any better at what it does.

The reason I brought up blasters is because it's the only way a Kronos can do comparable damage to a Golem. Even though there are few missions where it's viable. Damsel in distress in an example of a mission where blasters perform admirably.

I think the main issue with the Kronos is hybrids. As for the drone bandwith/bay, I'd say leave the bay at 125m2, and buff the bandwitdth to 100. Hybrids are getting some love this patch, and even though I'm not convinced it will even things out (judging by the current proposed fix), there is still time, and I may yet need to eat my own words.

Regarding the Paladin and the Nightmare, actually, the Nightmare has two spare highslots. So in other words it can salvage on the fly. The only disadvantage being that it doesn't get bonuses and it gets one less salvager.

As for the whole tractor beam range thingy, well, I kind of feel that this takes away the role of salvaging ship from the Noctis. In fact, a part of me feels that marauders shouldn't be swiss army knife mission boats. I feel that they should be the kings of pve, but not particulary good at anything else.

The fact is that salvaging is in a way not really pve. This is backed up by the fact that salvage is free for all. All though I suppose a tractor range boost would at least make them slightly better at what they currently do.

Stop the spamming, not the scamming!

Jill Antaris
Jill's Open Incursion Corp
#19 - 2011-11-01 15:16:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Jill Antaris
Obsidiana wrote:
I see what you mean. That surprised me too. It is the only version of the Megathron with such low bandwidth. Sadly, with hybrids getting a buff this winter, the drone bandwidth is all the less likely to be changed.

I hate to say it, but this is in-line with Marauders. Look at the Golem: no damage bonus at all. The Navy Raven has much higher DPS. The Machariel does more damage than the Vargur. Even the Nightmare has better tracking than the Paladin, and this is the worst example. The Kronos (with navy charges) does equal blaster damage to the Vindicator; only the drones really make a difference.

Also, back before the ship was released, my PvP friends were ogling it like crazy. It was tweaked for a reason.

It is actually the worst marauder, by a big margin.

The golem got 8 effective launchers, like the raven. However by his bonuses and the slot layout it is far more effective with torpedoes. The navy raven is very hard(next to impossible) to fit with torps for effective pve(max dps with 2 painters to overcome the cycle time issues on painters) and still wouldn't outdo the golem for dps applied especially against sub BS sized targets. Even with the buff of 10% to rail dps it doesn't come close to other marauders in dps and needs this extra drones space to break even.

The vindicator does actually more dps by his higher damage bonus, giving the Kronos 10 and the Vindicator 11 effective turrets.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2011-11-02 07:49:20 UTC
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