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New forums are OK

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Skex Relbore
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2011-09-07 04:51:32 UTC
Si Omega wrote:
+1 CCP.

Integrates seamlessly with EveGate and works fine.

So are you a PR shill or just naive?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#22 - 2011-09-07 04:57:27 UTC
Si Omega wrote:
And what, for all that, the "missing functionality" is what
Lost settings and customisation options, lost editing ability, lost use of basic browser functionality, lost access to a vast array of content and other site functionality, lost usability in general… And that's just the broad strokes, without going into the nitty-gritty details.

The added functionality these forums offer is almost universally added through the wrong means and therefore breaks easily and offers no fallback. In addition it relies on scripting that obstructs the forum use in general, and turning off those annoyances also turns off the added functions.

As a result, much of the nice new features are not nice, nor are they features since heavy forum users will simply dike them out.
The lack of fluff is what get's my vote. It's a forum about Eve, not a gallery for bouncing cats and smoking gun type gfx.
And guess what? You had the option to see and use all of that; now you don't. As much as you want to gloss over that fact because it ruins your argument, it is a loss of functionality, and it is far from the only example.
Si Omega
#23 - 2011-09-07 04:59:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Si Omega
So are you a PR shill or just naive?

I am neither naive nor a PR shill. My views are mine and mine alone.

This is a new forum and I'd like to see it used by the MAJORITY of Eve players with something positive to add. I am seriously hopeful that saner and happier posts can prevail instead of the mindless abuse half you guys dish out.

Emo and self harm are >>> that way...
Sunshine and Lollipops
#24 - 2011-09-07 05:04:34 UTC
Si Omega wrote:
This is a new forum and I'd like to see it used by the MAJORITY of Eve players
…and guess what? As long as they don't offer a marked improvement over the old ones, that won't happen.

So why are you so against mindful and sane critique being offered?
Si Omega
#25 - 2011-09-07 05:08:13 UTC
In addition it relies on scripting that obstructs the forum use in general, and turning off those annoyances also turns off the added functions..

Hmmm. k.

I once wrote a fully integrated online store and we had over 1000 users with no problems.

Yet, we had a customer that complained and complained that he had to log on everytime he visited the store. He was reminded of cookies and proceeded to to scream loudly that he would get a virus and we'd steal his bank account details yadda yadda.

Sometimes ya just gotta trust the site man. Worse case scenario is inconvenience (any firewall user with regular backups will tell you that).
Skex Relbore
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2011-09-07 05:10:28 UTC
Si Omega wrote:
So are you a PR shill or just naive?

I am neither naive nor a PR shill. My views are mine and mine alone.

This is a new forum and I'd like to see it used by the MAJORITY of Eve players with something positive to add. I am seriously hopeful that saner and happier posts can prevail instead of the mindless abuse half you guys dish out.

Emo and self harm are >>> that way...

Ok, so naive it is then.

This is EVE after all, if we had saner and happier posts it would cease to be EVE. Much like the old saw about if you took all the fools out of Congress it would cease to be a representative body.
Tyrnaeg en Varche
#27 - 2011-09-07 05:12:37 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Lost settings and customisation options, lost editing ability, lost use of basic browser functionality, lost access to a vast array of content and other site functionality, lost usability in general… And that's just the broad strokes, without going into the nitty-gritty details.

I won't miss any of those. Less is more.

Si Omega
#28 - 2011-09-07 05:13:46 UTC
So why are you so against mindful and sane critique being offered?

Some of the posts thus far...

Oh and those forum suck.

Maybe we can get facebook to sue ccp to remove these stupid froums like buttons and other crap.
Instead of giving
Eve forums that no one requested and a space to walk around in that everyone disables, how about..

So are you a PR shill or just naive?

Mindful? Sane? As for other posts, quite happy to agree to disagree.
Si Omega
#29 - 2011-09-07 05:15:13 UTC
This is EVE after all, if we had saner and happier posts it would cease to be EVE

This is Eve forums. In Eve I will scam, rob, hunt, shoot and/or pod you, no questions asked.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#30 - 2011-09-07 05:19:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Si Omega wrote:
Hmmm. k.

I once wrote a fully integrated online store and we had over 1000 users with no problems.
Did that store throw up bloaty tooltips that obstructed the text people were actually looking for?
Did that store alter basic browser behaviour just 'cause?
Did that store rely on scripting where no scripting was needed and did it fail to supply graceful degradation?
Did the store break when used in conjunction with other services you provided?

I mean, it was just 1k users, so as a small project, I'd expect it to have those kind of flaws…
A forum based on a tried and tested open source project, provided with 72k manhours (now probably over 100k) and tons of testing? No, I expect far more for that. That these kinds of problems exist with this forum is just pitiful.
Yet, we had a customer that complained and complained that he had to log on everytime he visited the store. He was reminded of cookies and proceeded to to scream loudly that he would get a virus and we'd steal his bank account details yadda yadda.
So basically, you're arguing for the return of the old forums here…

Well, as mentioned, they were ok too, and that is the whole problem: there is no net improvement with these new forums, even after all that time, all that testing, all that feedback, and all the work other people have done to show how trivially easy some of the issues are to fix.
So why are you so against mindful and sane critique being offered?
Some of the posts thus far...
…so? The question remains, since your dismissive attitude is the same towards the other posts: what do you have against mindful and sane critique?
Skex Relbore
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2011-09-07 05:36:26 UTC
Si Omega wrote:
This is EVE after all, if we had saner and happier posts it would cease to be EVE

This is Eve forums. In Eve I will scam, rob, hunt, shoot and/or pod you, no questions asked.

Sure you will.

You're character is a little over 3 months old with no combat record, so you're either a sock puppet, a newbie or a shill.

I also think it's worth noting that many of the people who are currently irate about the current state of the game and the direction CCP seems to be taking were in fact quite the defenders of CCP in the past.

Tippia and I for example have locked horns repeatedly in the past over different issues yet we're on the same side in this discussion. Atika was one of the few voices trying to defend CCP's Micro.. err Macro-transactions yet here s/he is blasting CCP for the state of the new forums.

Being happy in the face of incompetence is not sanity. In fact I'd say that saner and happier posts on this board are oxymoronic . They can be happy or sane but not both given the current state of the game.

Considering the amount of time and energy CCP has claimed to have sunk into these forums the results are decidedly lackluster, Particularly once you consider the fact that this is just canned software they re-skinned.

And I'm one of the people who think WIS is a good idea and who can't wait for further integration of 'spacebook" into the game. Particularly the bit about being able to manage market orders through it. Which will be a beautiful thing to break the advantage those with more free time or more lax work environments have over the rest of us wage slaves.

Sane there is plenty of, but happy? forget about that.

I suppose that we should be happy that there haven't been any glaring security breaches found so far but that seems a little low of bar to clear.
Si Omega
#32 - 2011-09-07 05:50:33 UTC
Defense of my positive stance is getting up to 10 pages of quotes so I going to summarize a little.

What I am seeing from both you (skex) and Tippia is something is breaking for you when using the forums. The issues do not appear to be occuring for me and I suspect, by much of the positve feedback starting to be dropped is not occuring for others.

Me thinks looking a little further than CCP's offerings might be the answer. Browser conflicts and changeups have been going on ever since Mozilla days. I've been scripting and cutting HTML for many years and what works for some will not work for others.

FYI: Si Omega is deliberately an alt ( a cyno and POS gun alt for that matter). As I happen to have roughly 10b of BPO's ME'ing in a lo-sec POS with few chars to fight, my loud opinions might start a war that I can't fight atm. Some people see debate as a personal affront and bashing heads is their only defense. But no, no shill or noob here... :)

And Tippia. Sane and rational debate is welcomed and never ignored by me. However, being dismissive is a trait I have when I cannot SEE or UNDERSTAND your problem. I'm not experiencing the issues you elude to. What I am seeing is good, fast and as a forum should be. On that point, we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
#33 - 2011-09-07 05:53:58 UTC
Call me lazy for not looking in settings but have sigs been removed?

Post with your main™

#34 - 2011-09-07 05:54:26 UTC
also.. when the hell is eve-o forums gonna have post count??

Post with your main™

Sunshine and Lollipops
#35 - 2011-09-07 06:12:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Si Omega wrote:
What I am seeing from both you (skex) and Tippia is something is breaking for you when using the forums. The issues do not appear to be occuring for me and I suspect, by much of the positve feedback starting to be dropped is not occuring for others.
It appears for everyone, it's just that most people aren't familiar enough with the forums to notice it.

Here's a simple one: go back to the old forums and check your settings. Now come back here and do the same. Notice any differences?

Another one: go back to the old forums and resize your window — notice what happens. Now come back here and do the same. Notice a difference?

Or, for that matter, go back to the old forums and create a post. Now do the same here. Notice any differences?

More advanced: turn off javascript and try the two forums out. Notice any differences?

All of the things you dismiss as “fluff” is lost functionality because not only did the old forums offer the option to use that fluff — it offered the option to ignore it. Now you can't do either. They have removed all options. You have zero control over your browsing experience. Now, if you're going to use the “I don't like it so no-one should have it” line of reasoning, I will be forced to call you nasty things… Instead, look at the key word in the above description: options. They are gone. This is bad.
Me thinks looking a little further than CCP's offerings might be the answer. Browser conflicts and changeups have been going on ever since Mozilla days.
…but that's not what we're talking about here. Instead, we're talking about them needlessly and pointlessly adding event handlers to links (and other elements) to change how the browser behaves when clicking a link. This is bad coding. It is simply not done. Anyone who does this is, by any and all measures, incompetent. Doubly so if they provide no fallback for ifwhen the script breaks.

It is not a browser issue. It's a “CCP fails a coding standings” issue. They're making the most embarrassing newbie mistakes, and they've been told this for half a year, and even been given ready-made solutions, but have failed to address these issues.
What I am seeing is good, fast and as a forum should be.
It is fast, but so was the old forum. In addition, these forums severely lack optimisations that could speed them up even further. It is not particularly good either since it has lost so much functionality and since the replacement functionality hinges on scripting without graceful degradation. Net result: two one and a half actual improvements since the old forums — longer posts and no session issues — and I never really experienced the latter of those so that's why it only counts as a half.
valerydarcy wrote:
Call me lazy for not looking in settings but have sigs been removed?
No. They are, in fact, enforced now. You can change how yours look but they have removed the settings for how others' are displayed.
Si Omega
#36 - 2011-09-07 06:27:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Si Omega
Aww c'mon Tippia.

Here's a simple one: go back to the old forums and check your settings. Now come back here and do the same. Notice any differences?

Don't need 'em, don't use 'em. It's a forum, not an operating system. I type and prefer to read in Vanilla.

Another one: go back to the old forums and resize your window — notice what happens. Now come back here and do the same. Notice a difference?

I run dual screen at 1024 x 768, as might many others. Works fine and doesn't obstruct nor reduce content clarity. As you might well know, fixed width screens render and work better. They are also easier to repair in the mishmash they call CSS.

Or, for that matter, go back to the old forums and create a post. Now do the same here. Notice any differences?

Yes I do I do. It's faster and easier. I never color my text, put in pretty pictures and format anyway. It's a forum, not a graphics package. Again, I type and prefer to read in Vanilla.

More advanced: turn off javascript and try the two forums out. Notice any differences?

Why would I? JS has been and still is embedded into sites and will be for many years. I made a comment earlier about trusting sites (my cookie man analogy). Turn JS on, trust the site and deal with it. That's what I was hinting at.

Don't make it so hard for yourself. It's a forum.

PS: There is a position for Web QA at Reyjavik.
Stormhammer Investments
#37 - 2011-09-07 06:29:43 UTC
Preview button does not appear to work for New Topics. Using Internet Explorer 9 fully up to date
Si Omega
#38 - 2011-09-07 06:37:20 UTC
Preview button does not appear to work for New Topics. Using Internet Explorer 9 fully up to date

Just tested it, works fine. You got JS working?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#39 - 2011-09-07 06:48:55 UTC
Si Omega wrote:
Aww c'mon Tippia.
No, you come on. If you are going to argue that nothing is wrong, then you need to explain why the problems aren't problems. You're just making excuses which boil down to “I don't do it so I can't imagine why anyone else would want to”. For the lack of a better term, that is ignorance of the highest order.
Don't need 'em, don't use 'em. […] I never color my text, put in pretty pictures and format anyway. […] Why would I?
So you have no point of reference and can't really comment. Then don't dismiss the issues as “fluff” because you have no clue about them.

As for the javascript: because a lot of people do. It's something you have to account for when you code your site, or you're making a very silly newbie mistake. Again: if you do not provide graceful degradation, you have failed. No if, no buts, just pure failure.

If you do it when there is no need for it, it's even worse — you are making things not work for no good reason, and you're just complicating things by adding functionality that already exist, with the one difference being that now you've made it possible for it to not work. Not providing degradation options is one thing. Breaking things that already work is just pure incompetence.
I run dual screen at 1024 x 768, as might many others.
That's a very unusual size for computers these days and the bare minimum of what you should design for. You should most definitely make sure it looks good on far larger displays.
As you might well know, fixed width screens render and work better.
No. Fixed width simply makes the job easier for the designer, assuming they want to incorporate a lot of non-resizeable content (eg non-repeating images). That does not make them “better”. Moreover, providing both a fixed, a dynamic, and a settings-dependent layout is trivially easy using CSS. There is simply no reason not to.
Yes I do I do. It's fater and easier.
LMAO No. Try again. It is actually slower (due to the editor being continuously polled by scripts, and due ot the abundance of scripts used to even get to the point where you can post), and it's harder (because they editor does not support the same kind of input). And since you didn't spot the actual difference: you are locked out of using a wide array of very useful mark-ups and styles. You cannot collate posts to the same degree. You

I don't make it hard for myself — CCP does. For no good reason. Yes, it's a forum — it's a place for the users to create content. So don't ruin their “working environment” by cluttering it up with useless nonsense and by removing the options they have to customise it.
Enheduanni Foundation
#40 - 2011-09-07 06:52:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Pottsey
Si Omega wrote:
general forum populations opinions?

As I said, and I'll say again, the SAME whiners and moaners whine and moan REGARDLESS of what CCP do. That's their role in life.

But yet again, the same whiners and moaners jump on to refute MY opinion with repeats of everything they have whined about everywhere else already. Over and over and over......

Show a little fortitude and move on a bit further than gutter sniping every goddam post.


What about all the genuine problems. Like those of us who have the fourms take up less ten 50% of the screen? Have a 1400x1400black border. Just because the forums look great on your smaller screen which few people use anymore it doesn't mean the forums are ok. Along with all the other problems posted.
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