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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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PvP pilot looking for something different.

Caldari State
#1 - 2013-03-12 22:20:06 UTC  |  Edited by: GoodNDead
  • Looking for a serious PvP corp of a decent size.
  • Must be large enough with good activity level around 15:00 to 05:00 Eve time
  • Doesn't take itself too seriously and loves to PvP
  • No Sov 0.0 warfare (ever)
  • No 0.0 blob warfare (ever)
  • No gate camping (As the main source of PvP)
  • No sea of blue with long roams to get good fights (basically all power block alliances)
  • Not based out of a wormhole unless PvP is the main reason for the location and some SRP is available.
  • Needs to provide me with some group activities that border on fun or offer some level of risk if no PvP is available.
  • PvP options should not be limited and should shift style, region, and/or fleet concept often enough to keep from being stale. Don’t mind moving or retraining often if it means keeping things interesting.

  • I don’t mind playing with pilots significantly lower SP or experience, faction war, npc null sec, or wormholes as long as all the above mentioned are included.

    Playing since 07’ and have four accounts each with mains from 37-70M SP. 2,387 lifetime kills 389 Billion killed and 90% efficiency across those accounts. I can fly most ships in the game between the four. Will be looking to go inactive on 2 of those accounts. Which ones will depend on the corps game play style, ship requirements, and needs. Have mic and can install any voice com you need. Prefer a voice chat and interview to one done over eve chat. I am also happy to give out full API on those 4 accounts.
    Valkyrie Consortium
    No Visual.
    #2 - 2013-03-13 23:29:46 UTC
    I want YOU for the Armamentarium! You sound like you would be a great fit for us. We are a PVP group based in the low/null area around hek. Come check out or corp ad or out channel: Vrtra Recruitment
    Sae Rhylani
    What's ur sig holding
    #3 - 2013-03-14 01:00:26 UTC
    We might not meet your size requirement but we are growing and planning to exactly what u are looking for.
    Levi Hunter
    School of Applied Knowledge
    Caldari State
    #4 - 2013-03-14 03:01:35 UTC
    Join the in game channel Daktak