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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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73M SP US TZ Pilot Looking for New Home (Logi & Cmd ship specialist)

#1 - 2013-03-08 22:22:57 UTC
I have a variety of experience in most areas in EVE and am looking for something new to motivate continuing my subscription otherwise I'll move onto a different game.

My skills:

  • 73M SP Pilot
  • Logistics Chief Elite Certificate
  • Tactical Commander Elite Certificate (in 23 days)
  • Fleet Coordinator Elite Certificate (complete after the summer update comes through)
  • Can fly all T2 cruisers and T2 BC's with Level 4 level trained in every "medium" T2 weapon system
  • Improved Turret and Missile Control certs
  • Gall Frig V
  • Interdictor pilot
  • Tengu pilot (proteus on my alt)
  • Can shield and armor tank
  • Uber mining pilot (but I don't really like mining...)
  • If I continue my subscription in EVE, I'll be working towards a carrier.

My EVE experiences:

  • C5 WH's (5 months: stopped due to RL constraints)
  • Briefly in 0.0 sov warfare (2 months: stopped because the patronizing 15 yr old FC said EVE >> RL)
  • Incursions (as DPS and logi: stopped bc of incursion drama)
  • Solo 0.0 exploration sites in my Tengu for ISK
  • My alt: 1 week in RvB (stopped bc I wasn't allowed to fly T2 frigs in fleets and other policy related stupidity) and 1 week in FW (stopped bc I had little/no help from other FW peeps but am willing to try it again)
  • My alt: Did R&D/manufacturing for 1-1.5 yrs stopped bc making ISK was too easy and too routine
  • + the usual mixture of HS carebear stuff

Things I like:

  • Solo and Small/Medium gang PvP
  • I think the main appeal I have to EVE is that I enjoy theorizing about ship fits that rely on the synergy of the fleet members to improve the strength of the fleet and would like to fly with those of a like mind
  • Preferably PvP opportunities where you don't have to wait 1+hr to get in 30 seconds of PvP
  • Flying with intelligent, self sufficient people
  • 0.0 exploration, WH's, etc.
  • The small gang frig fleets common to FW

Things I require:

  • RL >> EVE (I can log in between 9pm-12midnight MST on the weekdays but I frequently have RL stuff that may only allow me to log in for <1 hr as well. Don't berrate me for that)
  • A good sense of community in the corp (i.e. a reason to come back each day)
  • NO corps known for their trolls or scams. I know local convos can get inflamed (esp in 0.0), but I don't want to be associated with such people. A simple "GF" is sufficient local talk for me rather than notifying someone who their mother is sleeping with. Similarly, scamming people out of money is of no interest to me.
  • A PvP challenge: I don't like the "our 200 person corp war decs 10 man noob corps and gets easy kills" killboard or the opportunistic LS pirates ganking haulers. I like fights in small gangs, being out numbered, and flying nice ships rather than the T1 "I-WIN" blobs celebrating taking down a small PvE fleet in 0.0. (this was one of the appeals for me in WHs)
  • A feeling that I'm putting my skills to good use (i.e. why did I train to fly T2 frigs if we only fly T1 frigs...)

I'm open to any ideas you may have. Please direct more personal message to me in game. Thanks,

Mortis Angelus
Kybernauts Clade
#2 - 2013-03-09 00:30:59 UTC  |  Edited by: gazthenailer
Hi m8

If you can consider being part of Morts, Thorn and HBC please let me know.

We have now introduced a reward payment program upon good results

150kills a month gives 250m Isk (Half a plex)
300kills a month gives a plex

We have other interesting features that might be of interest to you

if you want to know more please feel free to visit our ingame channel called Mortis info

take care

Mortis Angelus: 11 Years and still kicking, One family One Goal

Professor Sorrenson
Zervas Aeronautics
#3 - 2013-03-09 17:28:22 UTC
Here we can offer you the chance to bring your own unique experience to the table and become part of a team. Come to our public channel and we can talk. Get all of your questions answered.

Zervas Aeronautics

PUB: The Evil Genius Bar and Grill
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2013-03-09 18:54:44 UTC

We are a close knit corporation/alliance and we do a lot of fleet things together. Our newest thing is incursions after running C3-C5 WHs for a long time.

We also do small scale PVP althought that is not our primary focus at this point. We are growing rapidly and we are looking for experienced players to complement our capital and black ops ambitions.

Our thread is here:

Public channel: DEFP
Old videos of fleet carebearing:


Poison Ivvy
Happy Endings.
Good Sax
#5 - 2013-03-10 04:58:48 UTC
Hey man check us out think we might be what your looking for :)
Just fearless
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-03-10 08:17:03 UTC
Part of test alliance please ignore.
DTHI is 7 years old.
old guard still logs in and plays.
Solid leadership
this corp is based around what makes the game fun for you.(most fun i have ever had in eve)
Very active US tz 40ish+ active. But we do have members all over the world.
this is a game RL comes first.
thick skin is a must we are a very laid back family with lots of asshattery

More info about us.

If you want to have a talk then drop me a mail
Seer Moirai
Shadow State
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2013-03-10 11:11:12 UTC
Check out L0KI hit us up in our channel ingame or just check our forum post search for

===L0KI Is Now Recruiting===
Kainos Kerensky
The Forsakened Few
We Forsakened Few
#8 - 2013-03-17 11:47:21 UTC

My name is Kainos Kerensky from SOTR. I just unmothballed my old corp and we are prepping for our move into our alliance. As a rebuilding corp we are starting small of course, but this isnt my first rodeo. I can offer you any style of pvp you like, no mandatory ops, structured but relaxed leadership/corp, and of course, anything 0.0 has to offer. Ill contact you in game, hopefully we can chat. Good luck.


Kainos Kerensky "Prepare for teh Vandersex!"

Sae Rhylani
What's ur sig holding
#9 - 2013-03-17 23:41:54 UTC

We operate in FW with small gang warfare! Think we could be a great home for you
surf vaquero
Ex Lex
#10 - 2013-03-18 01:54:49 UTC
So what are we? And what can we offer?
null sec corp: We live, breathe and die in nullsec!

Now taking on all volunteers for the ride of their lives.

You a miner? Perfect
You like PI? Perfect
You like Building (and Lego)? Perfect
You like ratting? Perfect?
You like pew pew? Perfect
You like pirating? GET THE F*** OFF MY PROPERTY

All SP levels are welcome. Preferably no trail accounts

We at Red anomaly inc believe that a game is only a game as long as you enjoy it yourself. That's why we uphold a RL first policy and operate under a casual and non-dictatorial atmosphere. We don't care what you do (as long as you're not pirating) as long as you enjoy doing it. Nobody is on 23/7 with us and we don't expect you to be either. The last thing anyone wants is a second job which they have to pay to perform.

It doesn't mean that there aren't any rules. Just not that many.

So here's what's on offer for those of you interested

* Noob Friendly
* Relaxed mature members (though when the booze gets flowing I can't garantuee the mature part)
* Low Tax
* TS3 Server
* Experienced nullsec leadership
* Corp Public Channel: Redi. Recruitment

Here's what we desire of you

* Booze
* Working TS3 installed
* To be self sufficient in you money making ways
* Join in on fleets (if able and in the same area)
* Have fun at all times

Contact: surf vaquero or calkura

*no hamsters were harmed in the Proces of making this post
Lex Arson
Psychotic Tendencies.
#11 - 2013-03-18 04:36:36 UTC
o7 have a look at Adversity, we do the small/med gang pvp thing in Syndicate & surrounding regions

There's no use crying after every mistake, you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake.

Karl Hepta
Customs and Excise
#12 - 2013-03-18 08:04:48 UTC
Hey bud,

If you have the time, check us out. I will try and private message you to give a more personable impression of our corp (or you can hop on our TS3).

So far all of your recommendations and what you require are stunningly similar to how we operate: we like to maintain a tight-knit group, we PvP regularly in small gangs (I don't like to throw around killboards, but it is an indicator of activity), and we engage in wormhole and null/low exploration.

Cheers and Regards,
Carrelle Rouppon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-03-18 09:10:10 UTC

Lets have a chat.

Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.

Caldari State
#14 - 2013-03-18 14:52:54 UTC

Our corp has about 60 members and we are somewhat new to EVE. We exist in our current for for a few months now and there is a lot you could contribute with with you set of skills.

I'd love to have a chat with you before you make up your mind which corp you choose.

In the meanwhile here is our recruit thread with some links to KB and vids:


Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#15 - 2013-03-18 17:15:59 UTC
Black Lance is an old established Sov holding PvP corp that's been around since the beginning of Eve Online. We are currently living up in the Branch region. We are actively seeking new and old players to come have fun in our Internet spaceship adventure. Have a look at our recruitment post for more specific information.

Recruitment Post
Caldari State
#16 - 2013-03-18 18:10:53 UTC
Have a look here friend.
Top quality pvp corp, our kb, podcast, member vids proves nothing less.
Follow the link to our main site to fill out an application or simply mail/convo me.
Dependable Delinquents
#17 - 2013-03-23 11:48:43 UTC
Pelican is looking for active pvp'ers, We hold no sov atm, we're a small but very active Corp. We are based in immensea alongside the rest of the n3 Coalition, we aint pets or renters but full members of the coalition.

What we offer:
- Small gang PVP
- Med gang PVP
- Fleet fights
- Cap pew pew (slowcats)
- Close knit group/community
- Quality over quantity
- Reimbursement program
- TS3
- Killboard & Forum
- All Timezone

What we ask from you:
- Active
- Self sufficient
- A killboard with a record pvp
- No fees or any of that crap
- willing to pvp ALOT

We're a close knit group of players who don't take things too seriously..We fight smart, we dont fail fit our ships, and most importantly we play to have fun.

Contact one of us ingame to discuss more

PELICAN_PUB our ingame public channel

Main recruiter: Brethana