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Should nullsec industry > hisec industry?

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Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#601 - 2013-03-08 19:52:41 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:

I think null-sec should be given all the industrial facilities they want, and then some.

We will be quite happy with equality with high sec.

I wish I could give it to you today. Not later.

Of course it'd have consequences on null mineral prices, so please accept instant null sec industry buff by signing up a disclaimer that you won't come whine in here about that 300 ISK pu Zydrine and 1k pu Megacyte. Twisted

Our nullsec mining backbone...

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#602 - 2013-03-08 19:56:42 UTC
Time to clean up this thread, I've spent too long learning Dota 2
Alavaria Fera
#603 - 2013-03-08 20:08:53 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:

I think null-sec should be given all the industrial facilities they want, and then some.

We will be quite happy with equality with high sec.

I wish I could give it to you today. Not later.

Of course it'd have consequences on null mineral prices, so please accept instant null sec industry buff by signing up a disclaimer that you won't come whine in here about that 300 ISK pu Zydrine and 1k pu Megacyte. Twisted

Our nullsec mining backbone...



Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#604 - 2013-03-08 20:31:10 UTC
Hey guys the 'tyrannis is a pvp expansion' guy thinks if we fix nullsec industry, it'll hurt the extremely lucrative world of high-end min mining so we shouldn't do it. Good stuff.

Anyways, back to real discussion, the solution is to rebalance industrial capacity of all regions (except for perhaps lowsec since they don't seem particularly interested in empire building) around their respective ship and good consumption levels.

LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#605 - 2013-03-08 20:47:02 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Hey guys the 'tyrannis is a pvp expansion' guy thinks if we fix nullsec industry, it'll hurt the extremely lucrative world of high-end min mining so we shouldn't do it. Good stuff.

Anyways, back to real discussion, the solution is to rebalance industrial capacity of all regions (except for perhaps lowsec since they don't seem particularly interested in empire building) around their respective ship and good consumption levels.

To have ANY chance of getting anything you want, you have to first accept that CCP is a business and exists to make a profit. This means appealing to a broad audience of both carebears and those looking for the "hostile exchange of ammo" people.

You need to start with the basic economic reality that high sec must be safe and profitable enough that carebears will not only play, but can generate enough ISK that they can buy PLEX from other players that would rather do other things than grind ISK, and are willing to fund other peoples' subscriptions to grind the ISK for them.

Now, with that harsh, and unpleasant economic reality as a baseline, any desire to make null pay even better, has to deal with the players interacting in the sandbox reality that null is largely controlled by mega coalitions that charge rent based on the potential profitability of the null system. Increasing the profitability of these null systems does no, in general, equate to an equivalent increase in the profits of the residents, just an increase in their corp takes to pay their rent. Increases in null profitability simply results in mass quantities of ISK flowing into the hands of those that control the coalitions that do the renting.

You find hat CCP is between a rock and hard place, where they can't nerf high sec without suffering a massive revenue hit, nor can they buff null, without resulting in massive wealth increases on the part of the few that control hull. CCP knows... they've tried in the past and have seen the results.

Any talk of rebalancing must be constructed within the confines of these two competing harsh and unpleasant realities.
Sariah Kion
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#606 - 2013-03-08 20:48:53 UTC
Null Sec residents, especially those in leadership positions within large alliances, need to take a long look in the mirror and accept the blame for the state null sec finds itself.

They point fingers at high sec, they point fingers at CCP but they never, never, never take responsibility for the way they made their sand castle in this sand box. It's cowardly .

Null Sec care bears: HTFU and change your space into what you want it to be.

Stop the crying.

[b]Librarian and Exotic Dancer Extraordinaire Champion of the Working Men and Women of Empire Space Anti-Null Sec Opium Den Movement President[/b] Not the woman high sec wants but the Woman high sec needs. [u]A modern girl for a modern world.[/u]

Alavaria Fera
#607 - 2013-03-08 20:50:45 UTC
Sariah Kion wrote:
Null Sec residents, especially those in leadership positions within large alliances, need to take a long look in the mirror and accept the blame for the state null sec finds itself.

They point fingers at high sec, they point fingers at CCP but they never, never, never take responsibility for the way they made their sand castle in this sand box. It's cowardly .

Null Sec care bears: HTFU and change your space into what you want it to be.

Stop the crying.

Yes, I want to make the outpost have more sl- wait no.

I want to put up more outpo-- wait, one per system.

Filled up all the systems.


Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Sariah Kion
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#608 - 2013-03-08 20:55:06 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Sariah Kion wrote:
Null Sec residents, especially those in leadership positions within large alliances, need to take a long look in the mirror and accept the blame for the state null sec finds itself.

They point fingers at high sec, they point fingers at CCP but they never, never, never take responsibility for the way they made their sand castle in this sand box. It's cowardly .

Null Sec care bears: HTFU and change your space into what you want it to be.

Stop the crying.

Yes, I want to make the outpost have more sl- wait no.

I want to put up more outpo-- wait, one per system.

Filled up all the systems.


I dont expect any of you to own up to the problems at this point in time.

All the systems filled up.....Big smile

No one believes that. No one believes the ones that are up are upgraded completely. You're only concern is to mine goo. There is more isk in a few large alliances than all the rest of Eve yet there is "something wrong" with null economy.

Just stop with the BS. No one is buying anymore.

[b]Librarian and Exotic Dancer Extraordinaire Champion of the Working Men and Women of Empire Space Anti-Null Sec Opium Den Movement President[/b] Not the woman high sec wants but the Woman high sec needs. [u]A modern girl for a modern world.[/u]

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#609 - 2013-03-08 20:56:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolo da'Vicenza
LHA Tarawa wrote:

To have ANY chance of getting anything you want, you have to first accept that CCP is a business and exists to make a profit.
Correct, and that involves accepting that CCP's carebear catering, PvE expansions are considered failures while PvP iteration and emergent content encouraging expansions have put EVE's sub count back in the upswing. CCP's official statements lean towards heavily encouraging 2013 as a year for helping 'emergent content'. Putting a proportional amount of industry where majority of emergent content happens (nullsec) seems entirely within that framework.

You need to start with the basic economic reality that high sec must be safe and profitable enough that carebears will not only play, but can generate enough ISK that they can buy PLEX from other players that would rather do other things than grind ISK, and are willing to fund other peoples' subscriptions to grind the ISK for them.
The relevant party in this scenario are the players that actually buy PLEX - without their injection of cash into the game. What do people buy PLEX for? I imagine the heavy majority is to engage in PvP without PvE, as you say. So let's help EVE's financial status by ignoring isk farming non-entities and cater to the customers pouring cash into the game. Makes sense.

the profitability of these null systems does no, in general, equate to an equivalent increase in the profits of the residents, just an increase in their corp takes to pay their rent.
[citation needed]
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#610 - 2013-03-08 21:05:01 UTC
Sariah Kion wrote:

They point fingers at high sec, they point fingers at CCP but they never, never, never take responsibility for the way they made their sand castle in this sand box. It's cowardly .
Only children make moral judgements when considering proven best pratices within the limitations of game mechanics.
Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#611 - 2013-03-08 21:05:53 UTC
flakeys wrote:

And i just said that should be the case .Beter minerals , better ratting , plexes , building your titans and offcourse that o so precious technetium.Null reward should be bigger and that should be obvious.

So , that cleared up and keeping in mind what i said above that industry works as explained , why should null have bigger industry then empire?Or is it just simply the ' We wanna have it all on our side of the sandbox' mentality?Because as usuall that impression is pounding hard on the door at the moment.

Null's reward is bigger, substantially bigger than the rest of Eve. The rest of New Eden can't help it if you're giving all your moongoo profit to your alliance leaving your individual players with a pat on the back telling them "at'ta boy!"and sht in both hands.

If null was handed everything, the rest of New Eden laid waste, those alliances who you've handed the chains to the dog collars around your corps' necks would still want more from you and you'd still be left with figuring out how to improve null by taking more from an empty Hisec.

Don't ban me, bro!

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#612 - 2013-03-08 21:07:06 UTC
Null's reward is bigger, substantially bigger than the rest of Eve. The rest of New Eden can't help it if you're giving all your moongoo profit to-

Sariah Kion
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#613 - 2013-03-08 21:07:16 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
LHA Tarawa wrote:

To have ANY chance of getting anything you want, you have to first accept that CCP is a business and exists to make a profit.
Correct, and that involves accepting that CCP's carebear catering, PvE expansions are considered failures while PvP iteration and emergent content encouraging expansions have put EVE's sub count back in the upswing. CCP's official statements lean towards heavily encouraging 2013 as a year for helping 'emergent content'. Putting a proportional amount of industry where majority of emergent content happens (nullsec) seems entirely within that framework.

You need to start with the basic economic reality that high sec must be safe and profitable enough that carebears will not only play, but can generate enough ISK that they can buy PLEX from other players that would rather do other things than grind ISK, and are willing to fund other peoples' subscriptions to grind the ISK for them.
The relevant party in this scenario are the players that actually buy PLEX - without their injection of cash into the game. What do people buy PLEX for? I imagine the heavy majority is to engage in PvP without PvE, as you say. So let's help EVE's financial status by ignoring isk farming non-entities and cater to the customers pouring cash into the game. Makes sense.

the profitability of these null systems does no, in general, equate to an equivalent increase in the profits of the residents, just an increase in their corp takes to pay their rent.
[citation needed]

CCP has slowly changed high sec and made it a place were one can live and play and make a living over the years. The game has grown exponentially over the years.

Correlation? Why yes, yes there is....

The null sec dinosaurs just refuse to see the plain and obvious writing on the wall.

[b]Librarian and Exotic Dancer Extraordinaire Champion of the Working Men and Women of Empire Space Anti-Null Sec Opium Den Movement President[/b] Not the woman high sec wants but the Woman high sec needs. [u]A modern girl for a modern world.[/u]

Sariah Kion
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#614 - 2013-03-08 21:07:53 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Sariah Kion wrote:

They point fingers at high sec, they point fingers at CCP but they never, never, never take responsibility for the way they made their sand castle in this sand box. It's cowardly .
Only children make moral judgements when considering proven best pratices within the limitations of game mechanics.

You really should look in the mirror then.

[b]Librarian and Exotic Dancer Extraordinaire Champion of the Working Men and Women of Empire Space Anti-Null Sec Opium Den Movement President[/b] Not the woman high sec wants but the Woman high sec needs. [u]A modern girl for a modern world.[/u]

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#615 - 2013-03-08 21:08:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolo da'Vicenza
Sariah Kion wrote:

CCP has slowly changed high sec and made it a place were one can live and play and make a living over the years. The game has grown exponentially over the years.

Correlation? Why yes, yes there is....
Actually all post-expansion growth can be tied into PvP-based expansions, against the ceasing in growth when high-sec catering expansions were put in place. EVE has continued to grow in spite of its weakening of emergent content, not because of it.
Sariah Kion wrote:
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Sariah Kion wrote:

They point fingers at high sec, they point fingers at CCP but they never, never, never take responsibility for the way they made their sand castle in this sand box. It's cowardly .
Only children make moral judgements when considering proven best pratices within the limitations of game mechanics.

You really should look in the mirror then.

Was this some sort of attempt at a comeback?
LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#616 - 2013-03-08 21:10:10 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Correct, and that involves accepting that CCP's carebear catering, PvE expansions are considered failures while PvP iteration and emergent content encouraging expansions have put EVE's sub count back in the upswing. CCP's official statements lean towards heavily encouraging 2013 as a year for helping 'emergent content'. Putting a proportional amount of industry where majority of emergent content happens (nullsec) seems entirely within that framework.

And who is asking for releases that focus on improving life for carebears. All I'm saying is that if a release focuses on making it easir to f' with carebears, subscriptions will plummet. If a nerf is made to high sec that makes it difficult or impossible for carebears to get enough ISK to fund ships, subscriptions will plummet.

I'm ALL for more null content, as long as it doesn't come as a result of high sec changes that result in me no longer playing the game (either because it is less fun, or I'm no longer able to easily get the ISK I need to buy PLEX).

Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
The relevant party in this scenario are the players that actually buy PLEX - without their injection of cash into the game. What do people buy PLEX for? I imagine the heavy majority is to engage in PvP without PvE, as you say. So let's help EVE's financial status by ignoring isk farming non-entities and cater to the customers pouring cash into the game. Makes sense.

BOTH parties are equally relevant in this synergistic relationship. If people that want to grind ISK to buy PLEX to fund their accounts, can't get that ISK, then there is no one for the PLEX seller (buyer with RW money) to sell to, and then he won't buy it with real in the first place.

That is, of course, you really want to turn it into pay-to-win where you just buy ISK, instead of paying to fund the account of the person that will grind the ISK for you.

Next thing you know... who needs those miners and manufactures anyway. Just make it a micro-transaction to buy a ship from CCP, and poof, ship suddenly exists from nothing.

Frying Doom
#617 - 2013-03-08 21:10:28 UTC
Mr Kidd wrote:
flakeys wrote:

And i just said that should be the case .Beter minerals , better ratting , plexes , building your titans and offcourse that o so precious technetium.Null reward should be bigger and that should be obvious.

So , that cleared up and keeping in mind what i said above that industry works as explained , why should null have bigger industry then empire?Or is it just simply the ' We wanna have it all on our side of the sandbox' mentality?Because as usuall that impression is pounding hard on the door at the moment.

Null's reward is bigger, substantially bigger than the rest of Eve. The rest of New Eden can't help it if you're giving all your moongoo profit to your alliance leaving your individual players with a pat on the back telling them "at'ta boy!"and sht in both hands.

If null was handed everything, the rest of New Eden laid waste, those alliances who you've handed the chains to the dog collars around your corps' necks would still want more from you and you'd still be left with figuring out how to improve null by taking more from an empty Hisec.

If I didn't know any better and I just read that I would presume all of Null was just one alliance with all of the moongoo.

That is the problem in this discussion so many people are worried about the goons, what about people who are not in Goonswarm?

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Sariah Kion
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#618 - 2013-03-08 21:11:01 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Sariah Kion wrote:
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Sariah Kion wrote:

They point fingers at high sec, they point fingers at CCP but they never, never, never take responsibility for the way they made their sand castle in this sand box. It's cowardly .
Only children make moral judgements when considering proven best pratices within the limitations of game mechanics.

You really should look in the mirror then.

Was this some sort of attempt at a comeback?

That statement you made was a text book example of hypocrisy. You have personally passed moral judgement on high sec players playing within the limits of the mechanics for, well, for ever....

So that makes you a "child" and a "hypocrite".


[b]Librarian and Exotic Dancer Extraordinaire Champion of the Working Men and Women of Empire Space Anti-Null Sec Opium Den Movement President[/b] Not the woman high sec wants but the Woman high sec needs. [u]A modern girl for a modern world.[/u]

LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#619 - 2013-03-08 21:14:10 UTC  |  Edited by: LHA Tarawa
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
Sariah Kion wrote:

They point fingers at high sec, they point fingers at CCP but they never, never, never take responsibility for the way they made their sand castle in this sand box. It's cowardly .
Only children make moral judgements when considering proven best pratices within the limitations of game mechanics.

Proven best practices within game mechanics... have a gazillion friends with ubber powerful fleets to crush anyone. Control vast areas of sov null space... then charge rent for solar systems based on the potential profitability of the system.

When these rents cause null to be less profitable than high sec, come to the forums and blame it all on high sec. Then, put your support behind CSM candidates that will push for high sec nerfs... which will never happen since CCP's objectives are different from yours.
Alavaria Fera
#620 - 2013-03-08 21:14:24 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Mr Kidd wrote:
flakeys wrote:

And i just said that should be the case .Beter minerals , better ratting , plexes , building your titans and offcourse that o so precious technetium.Null reward should be bigger and that should be obvious.

So , that cleared up and keeping in mind what i said above that industry works as explained , why should null have bigger industry then empire?Or is it just simply the ' We wanna have it all on our side of the sandbox' mentality?Because as usuall that impression is pounding hard on the door at the moment.

Null's reward is bigger, substantially bigger than the rest of Eve. The rest of New Eden can't help it if you're giving all your moongoo profit to your alliance leaving your individual players with a pat on the back telling them "at'ta boy!"and sht in both hands.

If null was handed everything, the rest of New Eden laid waste, those alliances who you've handed the chains to the dog collars around your corps' necks would still want more from you and you'd still be left with figuring out how to improve null by taking more from an empty Hisec.

If I didn't know any better and I just read that I would presume all of Null was just one alliance with all of the moongoo.

That is the problem in this discussion so many people are worried about the goons, what about people who are not in Goonswarm?

Well, they better all gang up and take the tech from the goons then, why should CCP hand it to them?

They also have highsec. The NPCs will hand that to them.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?